Uber-Smiter: What Skills Should I Add My Leftover Points in? der=0


New member
Dec 4, 2006
Uber-Smiter: What Skills Should I Add My Leftover Points in?

I have...
Max Defiance
Max Fanaticism
Max Holy Shield
1pt in Smite

I'm level 86 with 29 extra skill points.
zeal and sacrafice i hear is good...but id suggest waiting to hear what everyone else has to say
Depends on what your trying to do. If you're building for Ubers then I agree that 1 pt in Zeal and 20 into Sacrifice is a good way to go. You use Zeal to clean up the minions after you kill each Uber.
with +skills you should get to a 5 hit zeal with just 1 pt.

Sacrifice synergizes with Zeal and adds 12% damage per hard point added.

Additional hard points in Zeal only add 6% damage per hard point added.
Lol, max smite, you'll kill much faster when you're doing lots more dmg. And it's godly in duels. after that, do the remaining in zeal I guess.
Lol, max smite, you'll kill much faster when you're doing lots more dmg. And it's godly in duels. after that, do the remaining in zeal I guess.

Second that motion. You also might want to put 1 point into Vigor, Meditation, Redemption and salvation

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