Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity


New member
Jul 5, 2007
Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity

So I want to try yet another avenger. This time though, I decided that I want to use Infinity runeword. I want to max fanaticism and run conviction through the infinity.

The reasoning behind it is pretty clear:

1) By going fanat myself and conviction pole on myself as well, I get safer merc options (Holy Freeze/Reaper's come to mind) instead of having to rely on a rogue merc to get fanat aura

2) By having the two auras on myself, if my merc dies I don't really give a damn, as opposed to "oh crap, merc died, gotta go back to town NOW or I'll be so slow and I'll die very fast.

3) IAS breakpoints are easily acheivable. Assuming a level 27 Fanaticism (+7 all skills is not really unheard of on avengers, even shieldless ones) I'll need 20/35/54% Ias depending if the base polearm speed is -10/0/10. Of course that affects gear choices, but I could go with say a giant tresher and equip a Laying of Hands and have every single other piece of equipment dedicated to life/fhr/resists, since IAS will be taken care of. That allows me to use for example, Kira's for the massive resists and cbf. or I can shoot for more damage and go with a cryptic axe and wear Loh/Andariel's (fervor jewel). anyways, I should have absolutely no problems hitting 10-frame attacks, which is pretty good for a 2-hander.

4) Infinity have insane mods that an avenger can absolutely take advantage of, such as the amazing crushing blow, frw (always nice to be able to run away quicker, especially playing fragile characters), bonuses to vitality, huge %ed and even cyclone armor for the lols ;)

The only downsides I see are: low level conviction aura, low level conviction aura, low level conviction aura and low level conviction aura. Did I mention that the conviction's aura level will be low?

Thing is, due to the low level aura, most immunities won't be broken (the only ones I can count on being broken are the lightning immunes). So that is the purpose of the thread: how should I spend my skill points?

i'm thinking that I obviously want to max fanat, max vengeance, and max resist lightning. from there on, what next? salvation? or it would be worth it to spend points in resist fire/cold even though it will be pointless most of the time? let me know what y'all think.

thanks in advance.
Re: Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity

The thing I don't like about going 2handed with a paladin is how difficult maxing your resistances becomes, the char tends to become a sort of glass cannon without block and so-so defense and resis.

That being said, have you considered getting some points into Charge as a backup skill, if none of the synergies seem too useful? I find it suits 2handed weapons quite well, being a high damage attack that doesn't require you to actually tank the monsters, and it would add a little variety. I'm afraid I don't have the needed experience with a 2h Avenger to answer your question about which synergies would prove more useful, hope someone else can help you out with that.
Re: Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity

The thing is, even if you broke a monster's immunity, you'd still do next to no damage unless you are packing some -Res gear. That's why the lower Conviction will only mean less damage to initially non-immune monsters, and you shall not worry about non-broken immunities.

Since Infy has 45-55 -ELR, by all means make Lightning your priority. After that, it's a matter of what places you want to visit more often (e.g. if you're going to run Throne, max Res Cold since Lister pack is fire immune).
Re: Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity

Thanks for the suggestions so far. I have considered another option: making a two-handed axe "beast" runeword (champion axe, perhaps?) and maxing conviction myself. How does that sound? I figure the IAS should be pretty much taken care of (Champion Axe Beast requires NO extra IAS to reach 10-frame breakpoint), and there's not a huge difference between damage considering a infinity tresher (low to mid damage roll) and a champion axe beast. Thoughts on that?
Re: Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity

TBH, I think you'd be much better off getting a hard-hitting weapon such as an eBotD of some sort (GT, Champion Axe...) and not bother with Fana at all. You'd need 39 additional IAS to reach 10 fpa bp. You'll use Highlord's anyway, so that's only 19 IAS to go.

Auras look pretty, but on melee chars a big beating stick is usually much more effective than stacking those.
Re: Two-handed Fanatic Avenger wielding Infinity

Read me.

While this "guide" centre's on a one handed weapon build, the info is also applicable to two handed weapons.
Fanatism, vengeance and a reapers polearm merc is nasty enough, tossing infinity into the pot as well would be insane. Enjoy.

Edit. While I'm at it. Here is the character associated with the above guide.
Estimated market value