Two Handed Beserker Weapon


New member
Feb 25, 2004
Two Handed Beserker Weapon

I am making my first Beserker I have been playing D2 for a LONG time as I know alot of you have, and Barb is my fav class by far, but I have nvr made a Berserker before and thought I would try one.
My question is I am going to use a two handed weapon I was thinking about using Etheral Edge Axe just b/c it has good damage and no one ever uses it so I want to use it for that reason also. So my question is should I go with This axe or like a GF or a different weapon? was also thinking about a Polebarb I have a Titan Polebarb that uses a Eth Robopike but not sure I want to use Pole again...

Just let me know what you all think....
I would go for upgraded ribcracker, that weapons simply owns: it's fast, nice damage, crushing blow :xears:

Cool, new smilies :xmad:
basically, search for any fast weapons with a lotta dmg.......cruel, cruel of quickness, or eth, lotsa ed, and self repairing would all be great on the weapons listed below. remember to ID all rares, because you can up a good normal or exceptional rare.


balrog blade 0
legend sword -15
highland blade -5
champion sword -10
feral axe -15
champion axe -10
silver-edged axe 0
giant thresher -10
mancatcher -20
thx, I was looking for a unique weapon but did not expect it to be a staff. When I think of staff, barb is not the first class to come to mind. Anyway, if you choose staff as your weapon of choice, which weapon mastery will benefit you?
I am on NL, and i recently traded for a 299 upp'd ribcracker and it prawns, both on a barb and also for a druid - well worth trading for one, or even better making one if you are on ladder :)
i almost got a eth upped zod 29X ribcracker.
DAMN ME for being so cheap :cheesy:

-jordy :king:
i have no idea as to how much it will go for........but the fact that upping to elite is ladder only.........only first season ladder players will have a chance of having an upped ribcracker.........and many people decided to up witchwilds, headstrikers, etc. like i said, i have no idea what it's worth, but you will have a VERY hard time just finding one. it's like finding a needle in a haystack the size of your house.
Estimated market value