Tuesday's gone, with the....wait a second


New member
Sep 5, 2003
Tuesday's gone, with the....wait a second

Tuesday is upon us. My massive project is due in approximately 9 hours from this post, and I'm 95% done with it. I'll be so relieved when that is done and out of my hands.

Have a great day!

Hey there pals! I've been quite off the forume lately, RL caught up last days. My dad went through surgery last Friday, and he is already recovering. Must be out of hospital this morning, hopefully.

D2wise, haven't played since Marael got mat'd last Thursday, and my barb galore project is postponed to the elusive "when I have more time" day.

Nice Tuesday you all, and may your drops be jigworthy! :jig:
I wish your dad a quick and healthy recovery, ric! :)

Monday I decided to take my Sorc back from the Pit/Countess running into NM Meph running so that I can find some better MF gear. After getting a decent Durance 2 map, I was able to get him to cough up a Baba, which at clvl 85 will help a LOT! :D Also a Goldwrap, but with three parts of Tal's set, it's not really worthwhile for me to de-equip the belt to put it on, because then I'd lose the 12% benefit from the belt along with the 65% from the set, so I'll just put ol' Goldy in my stash for a rainy day. :) Still waiting for some Chancies and maybe a decent Nagel or two (don't have any Nagels in 1.10 -- only rings that have dropped thus far during questing were a Manald, Dwarf Star, and SoJ). Once I get a little better MF gear I'll probably head back to the Pit and try it all out. But that's a ways away. :)

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Unfortunately, I haven't played much D2 lately, due to lack of time *sigh*. And I really want to, specially now that I have my new comp. However, I did succeed at something; my bf is willing to give D2 a try! Finally!

Have a great day all!
Sidhe said:
; my bf is willing to give D2 a try! Finally!

so when are you going to bring him here????? so we can scare him off

played some d2 today. got my meleemancer to lvl 26. hes going strong so far. i ran countess enough to get nadir, steel, stealth and cubed runes up to make ancients pledge. hes at the start of act 3 atm.

planning out a char to do baal runs too, going for a werebear cos they are cool
corax said:
so when are you going to bring him here????? so we can scare him off

Well, after he has tried to play... Once he's hooked i'll bring him here ;) But why scare him off?
sidhe said:
But why scare him off?

so we can keep you to ourselves :thumbsup:
ric - hope your dad gets better really soon. Can you give him a rare ring with LL and Replenish life +50!

My barb rescued Anya and got to the Frozen Tundra WP and got 3 more levels for his efforts. I'm still struggling with the WW spell. My aim is off, but the one point in Concentrate is great. If I ever do another Barb, Concentrate may be the way to go (then there is the leaper!).

After playing my barb, I figured I'd do 10 pindle runs with my Sorc. I forgot that I was still playing on players 8 from my barb and everytime I run pindle on players 8, she dies. So two deaths later I kill pindle and retrieve my bodies. 9 more runs later I still haven't see a green or gold drop. So I continue to run him until 1 green or gold drops. After 30 minutes of running pindle at about 30 seconds a run (after the first run, which took 5 minutes!), I finally get a gold to drop. A Cryptic Sword! Another TC 84 and my second TC 84 in 2 days. I haven't gotten a TC 87 to drop at the right color, but I already have 3-4 TC 84's and I only have about 58% of the grail. Not bad, eh?

Tuesday's gone with the wind - great song by Lynard Skynard. Long live Southern Rock!
Yea, real life is catching up with me, annoyingly because of final exams for college. ~_~ Anyway, I spent a while running Meph yesterday evening, and not only got my first Shako and first Skullder's ever, I got a lot of other good stuff and roughly 40+ items for my grail. ^_^ My Sorceress is now level 88, which I think is the highest I've ever had a SP character to get. So I'm proud. :lol:
Just got back from college, and i think ive finally finsihed my ICT coursework that has been scaring me for a while, so now ive got major commitments (other than usual homework, which i can generally got out of doing) so more D2! hoping to do some fartarian today, and ive got to plan my naked fishy, which i might start soon.
I came home from school and logged into icq. My friend asked me to play lod, so I agreed, because he doesn't play as much as me. However, I created a server and he just wanted me to kill the enemies he can't kill. He died to a fana monster pack while I was still typing something. I would have rescued him a few seconds later, but he just complained "DOH, I care a **** about your issues! Now kill those bastards!"... He is such a kid. He wants me to be his bimbo, but I don't interest him a ****... He doesn't understand it and he's angry now. Shall he. I don't care a **** about it. :)

Have a nice day everybody!
great song, CRG. gotta love Skynyrd! :yep:

anyway, i'm back in lab after a break over t-day. it was cool having my family come out to visit me for a change. this was the first time that's ever happened. it sucked that my parents were on tennessee time and i'm in california though... they woke up at 6AM every day and wanted me to start showing them around. i need a vacation from my vacation!

no D2 for a while. hopefully i'll get around eventually to finishing my barb.
Reborn your friend sounds rather unfriendly. hehe

I played a LOT over the holiday. Matted my SC sorc. Played a little D1, too.

This week is going to be all school work, as I'm 3 weeks behind. lol
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