ric - hope your dad gets better really soon. Can you give him a rare ring with LL and Replenish life +50!
My barb rescued Anya and got to the Frozen Tundra WP and got 3 more levels for his efforts. I'm still struggling with the WW spell. My aim is off, but the one point in Concentrate is great. If I ever do another Barb, Concentrate may be the way to go (then there is the leaper!).
After playing my barb, I figured I'd do 10 pindle runs with my Sorc. I forgot that I was still playing on players 8 from my barb and everytime I run pindle on players 8, she dies. So two deaths later I kill pindle and retrieve my bodies. 9 more runs later I still haven't see a green or gold drop. So I continue to run him until 1 green or gold drops. After 30 minutes of running pindle at about 30 seconds a run (after the first run, which took 5 minutes!), I finally get a gold to drop. A Cryptic Sword! Another TC 84 and my second TC 84 in 2 days. I haven't gotten a TC 87 to drop at the right color, but I already have 3-4 TC 84's and I only have about 58% of the grail. Not bad, eh?
Tuesday's gone with the wind - great song by Lynard Skynard. Long live Southern Rock!