Traps and hit recovery on pvp

John Garrano

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Traps and hit recovery on pvp


I want to know how does hit recovery works with traps, since my WoF or LS don't seem to send anything or anyone to HR.

Do i need damage or a low level trap will work just the same?
John Garrano said:

I want to know how does hit recovery works with traps, since my WoF or LS don't seem to send anything or anyone to HR.

Do i need damage or a low level trap will work just the same?

There's a damage cut-off for triggering FHR animation. I've never cared personally about the number because I only use WoF in conjunction with MB, which when activated auto triggers FHR with any damage inflicted.
lightning sentry works just as good as wof too, only reason i use it is cause it's free :p (+3 on claw)
Elwood said:
lightning sentry works just as good as wof too, only reason i use it is cause it's free :p (+3 on claw)

Actually, wake will give you a somewhat better stunning potential due to it's large area of effect and the speed at which it fires. This is why 1.09 fire trappers were such a terror.
well **** me sideways. i never knew that. i'm gonna give it a try, thanks for the tip.
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