Tournament IDEA: One of Everything


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Tournament IDEA: One of Everything

This is just an idea and I'm open to discussion. Tell me if you are interrested.

HC or SC to first dead, extended stash and other FAM are ok. No skill or stat restrictions and run how much you like. BUT:

There are twelve types of items and twelve equipment slots on the character. The twelve item types are:

1. Low quality
2. Normal quality (this includes ammo and throwing potions)
3. Superior quality
4. Socketed low quality
5. Socketed normal quality
6. Socketed superior quality
7. Magical
8. Rare
9. Crafted
10. Set
11. Unique
12. Ethereal

I put ethereal as separate so that it could be any ethereal. Good luck finding indestructible or replenishing ethereal, but as ethereal items break once in a while you have the luxury of using any one ethereal at a time.

You can change your arrangement, but at no time two same type item is allowed (barring that ethereal rare dosn't count as rare but as ethereal. I think I've made this clear). At start you must discard items so that you have only one normal item. From that point on you can and must equip the most different type of equipment.

Belt, inventory and (extended) stash can contain whatever you want. Sockets can be left empty or filled which ever way. Magical, rare, crafted, set, unique and ethereal can be socketed and filled.

Toughts and interrests?

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Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

This sounds a lot better (and less complicated) than the everything-in-pairs idea. Any way to expand this to stats (no 2 stats the same) and skills? BTW what is grafted?
Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

This sounds a lot better (and less complicated) than the everything-in-pairs idea. Any way to expand this to stats (no 2 stats the same) and skills? BTW what is grafted?

I think he meant Crafted. Personally i like the idea, although i think the item restrictions are enough without restricting stats and skill point allocation as well. Just my 2 cents. What about the 3 merc slots? (or 4 if you use an Act 3 merc)

Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

[OT]@UberStarx: ummm. . . "he"? Ummm. . . Ulla is one of the esteemed Elite Uniques around here, fyi. [/OT]

No tourney comments. . . I'm not currently playing much, and when/if I do, I'll stick to the sept project anyway.
Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

I forgot the merc totally.

Let they go free. I'm sure that having six plain items(1) on the character is handicap enough.

(1) I know that three can have runewords, two can be hidden on switch and one can have staffmods for use, but the finding those items is part of this tourney.

No tourney comments. . . I'm not currently playing much, and when/if I do, I'll stick to the sept project anyway.

I actually thought up this tourney idea so that it can be incorporated with the septavariate. Caharacter in this tourney is not in violation of septavariate tourney and IMHO not too restrictive so that everybody could join.


P.S. Thanks guys to show that typo. As most of the mathematicians I know I'm little bit of dyslexic. Then when we combine that with the fact that I'm writing foreing language it's not a surprise that about half of my posts has editing reason: typo.


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Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

[OT]@UberStarx: ummm. . . "he"? Ummm. . . Ulla is one of the esteemed Elite Uniques around here, fyi. [/OT]

Ahhh, i'll take that to mean that UllaV is actually a female, sorry UllaV i had no idea. :worship::girly: :whistling:

Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

Ahhh, i'll take that to mean that UllaV is actually a female, sorry UllaV i had no idea. :worship::girly: :whistling:

Not at all, as they are so few of us here the mistake is easy to make.

I make it the other way. I always think that a poster with female character as an avatar is female, but it seems that there are many crossdressers here. ;)


Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

I like the idea! I would remove "socketed low quality" (I don't think they exist) and add "runeword." A "gemmed" category (includes gems, jewels, and runes that aren't runewords) would add another item type. That leaves us with:
  • Low Quality (this includes Crude, Cracked, etc.)
  • Regular
  • Superior
  • Socketed normal*
  • Socketed superior*
  • Gemmed*
  • Runeword
  • Magical
  • Rare
  • Set
  • Unique
  • Crafted
  • Ethereal (this is a bit of a "wildcard," allowing you to use two of a type (for example, uniques.) However, its a wildcard that cannot be shopped or gambled and usually runs out. I like that! Very elegant.)

*A socketed normal item without gems is the same as an unsocketed normal item, and the same goes for socketed superiors/unsocketed superiors. Therefore, I would remove these categories and consider a non-gemmed socketed superior item to be "superior."

Also, I would recommend allowing people to use one grand charm, one large, and one small. No more charms allowed. (Hooray for inventory space! :D)

I think mercenaries should also be restricted, else the tournament is too easy. A well-equipped merc can beat the entire game with help from a naked character. There are 11 item types if we remove the two socketed categories from the above list, and there are 10 character slots. Therefore, I would recommend making the mercs and characters considered separately. If you have a unique on your character that doesn't mean you can't use a unique on your merc, but if your merc has a unique he can't equip another.

Another thing to consider is weapon switching. I would recommend making people conform to the rules at all times. If I switch over to my 'Black' Flail, then I had better remove my 'Lionheart' armor! This means if I am clearing Nihlathak's lair, I will have to go armorless to switch back and forth to explode corpses. The other option would be to use the same item types on my switch as I do on my main character. Both limit the player in different ways.

Whatcha think?
Re: Tournament IDEA: One of everything

Of course the Crafted is a slot that will have to be empty until well into act 2, maybe 3... Not that I object to that.
Re: Tournament IDEA: One of Everything

In general I find this Tournament idea very interesting. What might make me pause before entering though is the huge amount of items you'd have to stash away to remain flexible.
Finding just one great unique could necessitate a complete reshuffle of the equipment. It would be a great advantage (maybe even necessary on Hell) if you had a decent item of every quality for every slot stashed.

Most people probably won't mind, but I like to keep the muling overhead small. Just my 2 cents...
Re: Tournament IDEA: One of Everything

Let's see. Nice ideas and I have to rethink the merc.

As I see it the lowest number of slots (with merc) is 13 (two twohanded melee weapons + merc) and the high is 16. If I create 16 item categories then people have possibility of not using three of the hardest getting items. So I think I have to have 13 categories and a rule how to fill the 3 if used.

I'm sure there can be socketed low quality items (Can you figure it out? Solution given later). The question is how to have them. My orginal list was (changed normal to regular):

1. Low quality
2. Regular quality (this includes ammo and throwing potions)
3. Superior quality
4. Socketed low quality
5. Socketed regular quality
6. Socketed superior quality
7. Magical
8. Rare
9. Crafted
10. Set
11. Unique
12. Ethereal

With the idea that you can socket the socketable with whatever you want and that ethereal is a wild card in a sense that any ethereal even unique is allowed. Here is my first new version which has 16 item types:

1. Low quality
2. Regular quality (this includes ammo and throwing potions)
3. Superior quality
4. Ethereal (can be magical, rare or even unique as long as it's ethereal)
5. Magical
6. Rare
7. Set
8. Unique
9. Crafted
10. Socketed regular quality, socketed with gems
11. Socketed superior quality, socketed with gems
12. Socketed regular quality, socketed with jewels
13. Socketed superior quality, socketed with jewels
14. Socketed regular quality, socketed with runes (runewords allowed)
15. Socketed superior quality, socketed with runes (runewords allowed)
16. Socketed low quality, free socketing

(4.-9. can have sockets and you are free to fill them anyway you like.)
(10.-16. must have their sockets filled before they are usable.)
(4. cannot be on merc.)
(The socketed pairs (10&11, 12&13 and 14&15) must be distributed so that the other is on character and the other on merc ie. 10. on characer and 11. on merc or vice versa.)

The last five can only be used if the slots exist(1). This will probably mean that people will use 3 slot merc and no two-handed melee weapons. But if you want to blow Larzuks reward on a low quality item you can have third runeword.

How about that?

@rubikoen: That tourney left merc free and as have been pointed out merc only can win the game.

Skunkbellies tourney penalized item independent builds and skill based teleport. I think I leave those be, but as this would be for bragging rights what's bragging there is it if one makes fishymancer with these rules.

EDIT: (1)This means that if you go mercless and use two handed melee weapons you can only have the number 10. nothing further. But if you have merc and use single hand weapons you can have runeworded items even though you haven't found any uniques. So in the start you only have 12 slots so you can make two socketed items, one with gems and the other with jewels, one of your slots will be open if you don't use merc.

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Re: Tournament IDEA: One of Everything

Here's some more rules on items I thought might be suitable for "One of Everything":

- All gems used must be different, so only seven gems at a time.
- All jewels used must have different graphics, so only six jewels at a time.
- All runes must be different (so no Bone, Infinity, Last Wish, Phoenix nor Sanctuary ;)).
- All charms must have different graphics, so three of each only,

I'm gonna lift that fully socketed rule, but the item must have one socket filled before it can be used.

Re: Tournament IDEA: One of Everything

I'll put this on hold for a while, but here is the last change of rules:

The rule of only seven different gems, six different graphics jewels and all runes different will extend to the non-grey & ethereal socketed items. So all in all only one of each allowed. The exception to this rule is: A personalized item can have duplicates in it's sockets and in that item same socketable can be used. So personalized item can be for example: Sanctuary, Four perfect topazed armor or double Isted Ali Baba.

If I have no changes I'll probably start this tourney in January. I'll write the rules as a whole in the invitation.

Estimated market value