too many damn skills lol


New member
Oct 27, 2004
too many damn skills lol

heres a list of the skills i use/would like to use but am finding it troubling to find a shortcut for them:

battle comand
battle orders
bone armor
clay golem
skele raise
skele mage raise
bone spirit
corpse explosion
wear bear
lower resist
iron maiden
life tap
bone wall
charges of heart of wolverine and oak

i was thinking of having curses in a section, summoning in a section and putting them in different places, any recommendations?
Here let me see,

I assign the hot key from 1 to V so if I am as rich as you are on this then

Left key Bone Spirit

1 teleport
2 bone wall
3 bone armour
4 Revive
q decap
w CE
e BO
r BC
a Magi
s AMp
d heart
f LR
z were bear
x IM
c oak
v Life tap

I skiped skelly and clay coz skelly last for ages you would not really need to recast them that often, aslo clay will last forever if you max mast.

for me, I have "c" as conditional curse something DV sometime Terror and sometime Confuse, depend on the situation.

the point is that all the panic key are on the side (1-4)(Q,A,Z,X,C,V), those can wait are more in the middle.
The QWERTASDFGZXCVB way might be the most sensible method for you. Need any more, just put them in the f1-fx or sumthin..
Dazuni said:
I skiped skelly and clay coz skelly last for ages you would not really need to recast them that often, aslo clay will last forever if you max mast.

Lol... since I don't have teleport it doesn't appear on my hotkeys at all, but clay... 99% of the clay recasts happen because it's more useful in other place then where he currently is. So it's repositioning, not recasting.

I don't have enough skillpoints to afford maxing golem mastery, so sometimes he does die when bosses like Lister spawn with ugly mods.
It quite funny how that specific usage of "clay" has been mentioned more recently and now "everyone" says they always been doing it :lol:
I use F1-F12, Backspace, \, ], and =, so I know how you feel.

I know that many think the "Fs" are a waste but I had been doing it for years before I experimented/found out about any other way, and I actually found that way easier after so much practice :lol:.

I've been working on a hardcore classic skellimancer, I can tell you, only having 8 hotkeys is a complete pain!!!
Necrochild313 said:
I use F1-F12, Backspace, \, ], and =, so I know how you feel.

I hadn't thought of a few of those, so I'll give backspace, =, and / a try. Also gonna check to see if you can bind a skill to ~, the second most annoying key on the keyboard (next to the windows thing.)

The problem I have with the qwertyuiop setup is that those keys have other functions. Its not that there is not another way to open the party screen or merc inventory, but I am used to it, and I have a hard enough time remembering where the 14 skills on the RMB alone for my skelemancer are located. I would never remember that quest isn't q anymore, its g, chosen because it looks like a backwards q with a crook in it.
Sorry, meant to post my setup, for information or criticism.
F1 Raise Skele
F2 Raise Mage (could probably reassign)
F4 Decrep
F5 Amp
F6 Dim
F7 Attract
F8 Confuse
F10 Rev
F11 Lower Resist
F12 Town Portal
G Iron Golem
L Life Tap (which is never used)

List is from memory, so I may have forgotten something seldom used. I also use a staff with tele charges on switch, so that saves me a hotkey, although I lost a +1 necro circlet with nice resists and telecharges while transferring. I would gladley trade a hotkey to get it back!
Estimated market value