To this forums braintrust: question on damage calculation.
I asked this in the statistics forum: Not one response.
I asked in the Amazon forum: One vague partial response.
So I come here. Lets test Jules accusation about this forum, shall we?:
Witchwild String Bow (WWS) fires level 20 Magic Arrows. How do we calculate the physical damage, and the 20% Magic Damage converted by the Magic Arrow when numerous damage enhancement mods are in effect?
Let us assume:
- Upgraded WWS with 100 average damage, due to 170% ED on the bow itself
- Dexterity = 200 (should yield +200% damage)
- High level Heart of the Wolvering (+ 200% damage, same on ranged?)
- High level Might aura (+200% damage, same on ranged?)
- Frequent Deadly Strike in effect (double damage)
- Occasional Amp Damage in effect (double damage)
OK, first off, how is the basic physical damage calculated. Like this?:
Enhancement percentages that are not intrensic to the weapon are added together then applied to base bow damage, i.e
+200% ED (dex)
+200% ED (HoW)
+200% ED (Might) =
+600% to base damage =
700 average damage, then modified by DS (1400) and Amp (2800)
But where does the Magic Arrows +20 to physical damage fit in?
At the beginning as base damage? after the dex? at the very end of the equation but before DS and Amp?
And what if you had equipment modifiers like + damage to demons (e.g. LOH +350% damage to demons?)
Once someone enlightens me on the base physical damage question, we turn to the conversion question: Is it 20% of the final physical damage value (including DS and Amp) that is converted to magic damage by MA? or does it convert some lesser number, like only the base bow or dex enhanced damage value?
So to recap my questions:
1) Did I get the damage enhancment mods forumula correct?
2) Where does the +20 straight damage from the lvl 20 MA fit in?
3) Are the + damage %'s from HoW and Might the same for ranged weps?
4) How would + damage % to demons/undead fit in?
5) Which number is used for the Magic Arrow 20% conversion to magic damage?
Any help appreciated.
I asked this in the statistics forum: Not one response.
I asked in the Amazon forum: One vague partial response.
So I come here. Lets test Jules accusation about this forum, shall we?:
Witchwild String Bow (WWS) fires level 20 Magic Arrows. How do we calculate the physical damage, and the 20% Magic Damage converted by the Magic Arrow when numerous damage enhancement mods are in effect?
Let us assume:
- Upgraded WWS with 100 average damage, due to 170% ED on the bow itself
- Dexterity = 200 (should yield +200% damage)
- High level Heart of the Wolvering (+ 200% damage, same on ranged?)
- High level Might aura (+200% damage, same on ranged?)
- Frequent Deadly Strike in effect (double damage)
- Occasional Amp Damage in effect (double damage)
OK, first off, how is the basic physical damage calculated. Like this?:
Enhancement percentages that are not intrensic to the weapon are added together then applied to base bow damage, i.e
+200% ED (dex)
+200% ED (HoW)
+200% ED (Might) =
+600% to base damage =
700 average damage, then modified by DS (1400) and Amp (2800)
But where does the Magic Arrows +20 to physical damage fit in?
At the beginning as base damage? after the dex? at the very end of the equation but before DS and Amp?
And what if you had equipment modifiers like + damage to demons (e.g. LOH +350% damage to demons?)
Once someone enlightens me on the base physical damage question, we turn to the conversion question: Is it 20% of the final physical damage value (including DS and Amp) that is converted to magic damage by MA? or does it convert some lesser number, like only the base bow or dex enhanced damage value?
So to recap my questions:
1) Did I get the damage enhancment mods forumula correct?
2) Where does the +20 straight damage from the lvl 20 MA fit in?
3) Are the + damage %'s from HoW and Might the same for ranged weps?
4) How would + damage % to demons/undead fit in?
5) Which number is used for the Magic Arrow 20% conversion to magic damage?
Any help appreciated.