Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!


New member
Jul 19, 2006
Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: Was looking forward to doing a Midnight-8am shift at work, but that has been cancelled due to poor sales. Anyhoo, I settled on a breakfast shift.

D2: Nah, pc is still out of action until I can get the rest of my watercooling gear ordered, and fabricate the custom shroud required for my radiator. (My radiator came out of an old McDonald's drinks machine :smug:. It's huge.)

Have a good one!
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

Thursdaily ?!

I think you're trying to get a head start on Christmas Eve good sir !


I'll edit this and add in the necessary bits:

RL: Currently at work, and will be for the next 5.5ish hours. Ontario weather is holding up for the most part, so we've only suffered one treacherous commute so far (unless of course, you're far north of Toronto.) Doing the family thing on Christmas Eve, but otherwise will be bumming around and//or spending a few days with friends. Need a haircut like yesterday, especially before I start looking like one of those scene kids with arm lacerations.

D2: Hopefully finish Nightmare with my softcore non-tournament paladin tomorrow. Will be putting in some time up until the start of the holidays, and then periodically throughout. Might end up starting a sorceress now that I have the grailing bug, but not unless things come to a stand still with old Slayer Fellows.

OVG: Thinking of installing NFS Underground 2, and maybe Carbon. Might look at picking up NFS SHIFT over the holidays, as EA seems to have finally gotten their multiplayer shiet together.
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Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

Uhm, Thursdaily???

/End OT

RL: Dentist appointment. Joy. Work. Even more joy. Oh well, two more workdays until holiday. At least the snow shovelling is done. Hard to say how much I ended up with because there is two feet on one side of my house, and grass on the other.

D2: Yes, I won't play on holiday, so I need to finish up something before I go.

Have a good one.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

I'm thinkinh today is tuesday?

RL: Had a weird dream. It had some sort of alien tentacle monster. Looked abit like the queen from Alien4, only with tentalces, and she was putting herself together from pieces. Sirpoopsalot PM'ed me in a dream about some trade thing and I got scared I'll get banned for 2 days too.

Oh, and yesterday I watched the 70 minute star wars episode one review. Anyone wanna link to that? It's quite funny.

D2: My untwinked HC spear whirler. He's got whirlwind, but low mana and damage. He's level 32. I hope I get some good weapons, or this'll get boring.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: Sleep now, pack for a trip later. Need to do some cleaning around the house, but odds are I won't actually get around to it. Official semester grades come out later too, but whatever. :p.

D2: Day 1 of PvP week was just a massive rage/whinefest on my part, so hopefully day 2 is better. Got a new character to test as well, but she's probably not any stronger than my usual garbage. Also need to take care of new requests for Christmas stash, of course.

Have a nice Tuesday all.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

I also have a bit of a sore throat today. It sucks.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: Quite ill today. My sneezes are giving me whiplash my body is so weak and lame. Spent last night at my friend's 'alternative' Christmas film screening. We watched Gremlins, Bad Santa and Die Hard. It was so much fun, as I haven't actually seen him in seven years, but I found him on Facebook about a year ago. Woke up very late, and I'm going food shopping with the girlfriend. I'm making her three new dishes I've never made before which is a little scary, and she's stocking up as she's cooking her family Xmas dinner.

D2: Nope, all day round her house.

OVG: As above.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL : Working, and going last minute xmas shopping later on. THen dinner with my wife and my mother, and then home to finaly play some

D2 : Leveled my new frenzy pala and my next hf rushee in normal baal runs to lvl 40. Then started my jourey trough nightmare with my rushees, but got distracted as soon as act 2 and that was it for yesterday ^^

Btw still looking for a 1.07 eth balrog blade or colossus sword. If you happen to have one for trade, drop by in my trade thread :D

Ovg : not much.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: Just crawled out of bed. I picked up Borderlands yesterday and played that quite a bit last night. So far I'm enjoying it even though I'm only doing Single Player. I don't have any friends that have it for Xbox and playing with random people online is a nightmare.

D2: Probably continue the 1.07 guys with Ashmer.

OVG: Borderlands and Madden.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: This is Tuesday, yes? Good. I thought so. Woke up, made coffee, shave/shower, job hunt.

Upcoming: coffee drinking, check with neighbors to see if they're available to eat some of my delicious but not quite as good as any of the mom&pop places around tacos later (which will determine the rest of the day), maybe grocery shopping and cleaning in preparation for aforementioned meh tacos, maybe some various sorts of computer and job-related work, maybe just lounging around on my butt. We'll see.

D2: If no mediocre tacos with the neighbors, yes.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: ****ty. Sneezing, coughing, sore head and throat. I have a feeling that this will be another "amazing" Christmas spent in bed drinking tea and cough medicine (granted it's not the new flu, things might become even more complicated then).

D2: Don't have any motivation to play it, which is another sign of illness I guess

OVG: Maybe some poker online if I can keep my concentration up.
Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: Dentist appointment.
Me too. Dentist said I might have caries on one tooth, made an x-ray and said after looking at the picture: "Well, guess I was wrong." I think he did that for money :p
Got my final Christmas shopping done and visited my mum in hospital (nothing serious, just surgery on one toe - I hope she will be discharged at Thursday, though!)

D2: Some action with my Obsession tournament Necromancer! Level 18 CE at level 23 is nice, but mana intensive...but I have no choice but to max it first before I put points into another skill according to the tournament rules...

RL: Had a weird dream. It had some sort of alien tentacle monster. Looked abit like the queen from Alien4, only with tentalces, and she was putting herself together from pieces. Sirpoopsalot PM'ed me in a dream about some trade thing and I got scared I'll get banned for 2 days too.
Yay for tentacle monsters!!! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Wait...could it be...sirpoopsalot...the Great Cthulhu himself??? *shudders*

EDIT: Forums = teh slownezz today?

Re: Thursdaily - With 20% more daily!

RL: Still expletive'ing ill.

I did consider a trying to call a doctor the other day (which if anyone knows me, shows HOW ill because I detest those idiots). But what's the point of going out in the cold, to sit in a waiting room of ill people to be told take ibruprofen, Benilyn, fluids and rest. Assuming there'd be an appointment before I either got better or died. So I didn't bother.

D2: If that computer can stay active for more than 30seconds I might try Beast on my Pally. It's so freaking frustrating. I wanted to MP Borderlands with a friend the other night but I couldn't get the machine to not crash.

Anyone tried the online bit of Borderlands? If you go the TCP/IP option is that like D2 LAN? IE not using their servers?

Hamachi: Anyone found a way of using Hamachi without it allowing access to all your shared directories? (I'm sure I used to be able to turn that off.) It's bloody insecure in my opinion. Total deal breaker if any random numbnut on the network can go ferretting through your personal files. THIS is why I'd rather work my ports properly. Just stupid plan to have your shared directories open to everyone.

CoX: The winter event is on. I'd like the ski'ing badges but I have no hope. I suck at that ski run even when I'm well.

Might watch a DVD.

Yeah I've been ill for nearly two weeks and I'm in a sucky mood.
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