Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Even if you don't celebrate, happy holidays SPF! Have a turkey leg in the EMB on Durf's tab. :wink:

RL: Thanks to the holiday, I just finished my last night of work for the week. Considering that our department is in turmoil, everyone seems in an eerily cheery mood. Must be the three-day weekend.

I'm not doing anything for Thanksgiving, but I will be headed to the GF's tonight. Both her girls will be with their fathers; that means we'll have a night to ourselves for the first time in forever! You know what that means! :wink2: ...By 9 o'clock she'll be deep into a bottle of wine, fall asleep on the couch while cuddling, and then I'm left awake with no space to move and my arm will be completely asleep. Good times.

And on a complete whim, I did some browsing for a gaming computer. I need some opinions on a topic. I'll make an OT thread in the very near future.

D2: Not yesterday, and very unlikely today.

OVG: The SDA tournament game for the last official week is okay, but I'm not feeling it. Maybe more Streets of Rage Remake. I think I'll try to unlock the second secret character.
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it. For the other 80%, all apologies if the Earth tips slightly on its axis due to the vast intake of food going on over here today. :D

RL: woke up early in this motel. I'm the only person staying in the whole place, so it was unsettlingly quiet last night. I'm going to try to NaNo for a bit, and then get the celebration started. I expect to be drunk and asleep by about 3pm. Woo.

D2: What's that?
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving (whether you celebrate it or not--suck it up and be happy :p ). I also wanted to say I'm thankful for all the great people in this forum. :)
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Have a turkey leg in the EMB on Durf's tab.

Somehow I can just picture Less Nessman (sp?) dropping turkeys out of a helicopter onto the bar. + Points for anyone who gets the reference.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

RL: Don't have to cook anything so it's all good. Relax and eat.

D2: Probably not, although I want to. Got the sorc to act 4 norm so it's starting to get interesting again.

Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Happy Thanksgiving folks.

RL: Food and Football, avoid the family like the plague.

D2: Undecided

OVG: TL most likely if any.
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Happy Thanksgiving! At times like this, I'm thankful for nothing more than health and happiness of all immediate family and friends.

RL: Lots of food, some football, probably sleep as well. :p.

D2: Maybe MP if any, else doubtful.
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Hello everyone!

I usually don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and if I did, I would probably celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving (which as a month ago). But yesterday I helped my friend de-bone a huge turkey, a duck, a chicken, and two Cornish game hen. I'm incredibly excited for turducken tonight!!
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

RL: No celebration, really. Went on a road trip from my home in TN to Chicago with some friends, so I'll be walking around the city all day. Went to the top of the Sears Tower a bit earlier... I'm terribly afraid of heights, and one of my friends decided to throw me out over the Sky Ledge (which has a clear floor, you can see all the way down). I shat bricks, but I think I got over my fear.

D2: No

OVG: May as well not exsist.
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

RL: WORK. WORK. WORK. Because of the holiday, restaurant will be very busy. No school though... so YAY! at least half a day of break.

D2: Did some mf runs here and there. Don't really have any motivation. Might try some MP later tonight.
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

Happy holidays to those who celebrate it.

RL: Popped over to see my dentist. Now my teeth hurt. I'm debating vodka v painkillers. I should probably do a poll.

D2: Sort of. I'm wondering where the Beast is. My pally will need it.

OVG: Tanksgiving! No that's not a typo it's an event in CoH. One AT is a Tank. (Sort of like a barbarian). So there's eight of us in a team and we're ... tanksgiving. There's entire channels filled with poor punning like that. Awesome, eh?
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

What? diablo.incgamers.....? I want diii back, what heck, let's give me back! Yeah, I know that old addresses work, but like my urls to remain the same :wink:

RL: Well, it's going so well, I don't have much time for D2 or forums. It's been a long time since I played last time.

D2: Nope

OVG: Wii Sports occasionally, I'd love to buy Sports Resort (and Motion Plusses) so it'd be a lot more fun!
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

@TRM - haha, classic! How many times has that happend though? It is one of the most awkward things ever - and you reeeaaally don't want to wake her up.. Haha, I laughed so much when I read that!

@Thy - vodka.

RL: I am swedish, but I just hosted a thanksgiving dinner in switzerland (everyone still with me?), we had 2 turkeys, mash potatoes, green beans, pumkin pie, cranberry sauce, gravy, squash pie etc etc.. Surely I should be getting that green card any day now? :)

D2: not today, exam tomorrow

OVG: got 91pts in fantasy premier league this week, Clint Dempsey for captain! *woop* *woop* :)
Re: Thursdaily (Thanksgiving!)

What's a Thanksgiving?

RL: Hello. Not much today. Neck is very sore from MA. Had a night-time driving lesson which was very strange.

D2: Back into it, mainly private MP with forumites. Also, having major trouble with Hell Duriel in 1.09b.

OVG: Modern Warfare 2 and Half-Life: Source.
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