Thinking of what char to build... (PVP ~L50)


New member
Jun 22, 2003
Thinking of what char to build... (PVP ~L50)

Alright, so, now that I have my MF sorc up and running (just need to level that darn merc), I'm ready to do some hardcore PvPing. I've already got a level 16 charger in the works as a disposadin.

Now, I want to make a level ~50 or so kicksin or werewolf bear, or anything really except a necro/charger, because those are too obvious. I can afford pretty much anything (100 meph runs in 2 days should speak for itself) within the ranges of Ist runes. Entire equip could be worth 3-4 Gul runes (EHCL).

Now, I want a character that will be able to take out those arses in NM baals. Yeah, those. I'd also like him to have quite a substantial amount of life and max block. So, I'm leaning towards a fury druid. I'm not sure about this, so I'm postin'!

What do you guys recommend? Telezerker? Been there, done that. Quite obvious if you ask me, too. If we do go with the druid / sin, what kind of skill placement do you recommend, and gear? A hell rush of course.

Gogo help :]
Oxy said:
Alright, so, now that I have my MF sorc up and running (just need to level that darn merc), I'm ready to do some hardcore PvPing. I've already got a level 16 charger in the works as a disposadin.

Now, I want to make a level ~50 or so kicksin or werewolf bear, or anything really except a necro/charger, because those are too obvious. I can afford pretty much anything (100 meph runs in 2 days should speak for itself) within the ranges of Ist runes. Entire equip could be worth 3-4 Gul runes (EHCL).

Now, I want a character that will be able to take out those arses in NM baals. Yeah, those. I'd also like him to have quite a substantial amount of life and max block. So, I'm leaning towards a fury druid. I'm not sure about this, so I'm postin'!

What do you guys recommend? Telezerker? Been there, done that. Quite obvious if you ask me, too. If we do go with the druid / sin, what kind of skill placement do you recommend, and gear? A hell rush of course.

Gogo help :]

If you want to make a fury druid not too difficult, but forget max block. Find yourself an exceptional 2 hand wpn and go with that...Druids can afford a little block donation for some big whopping dmg.
the cookie-cutter druid dueler is the eth up'ed ribcracker wolf. Dont expect to hold your own against GOOD melee duelers (i.e. barbs) but you should be able to take out most any caster since you will have massive life and damage. Make sure to get lots of FHR ( i dont know the exact BP's) and some faster run/walk for chasing casters.

its also very possible to make an asn....melee? not likely vs other 50ish melee classes. But 5x trappers are very doable.
You mentionned an assassin, it just so happens:
lvl 45 Wyrmhide Boots 65-100 Kick Damage
lvl 48 Scarabshell Boots 60-110 Kick Damage

Those can pack an amazing amount of damage.. vs anything really.

As for the druid, hmm

Upped ColdSteel Eye?

I don't know many other options other than upped Ribcracker
I think the kicker idea looks good. With some CB it will own tons of things. Dual tucs, some claw block. You can even try doing a max ts, max dragon flight build.
Mage killer - 47 Assassin - Ripping high level sorcs and necro's a new one.

Rock Stopper
Wyrm hide boots
20% ias gloves (I believe they're required to hit some sort of bp)
t.gods (Life/str/lightabsorb...for some reason)
Dual tucs (sheal one)
Sacrens chance (unless vs fire)

Sorc by sorc basis gear- Negating anything they could possibly hit you with. :

FireSorc :
4 Ral armour
Noko Relic

Cold :
4 Thul armour (duh)
Dual ravens.

Lightning : never really met one.

The idea is that you dragonflight over to them then kick the hell out of their faces. Clawblock will cover you from 50% of the attacks anyway, but if you do manage to get hit you're most likely going to tank it anyway.

Str/dext at 79 means you have alot to spend in life. Maxing out DF as well as D.talon would probably be the ideal. Throwing excess points into shadowmaster also is pretty good, as they hit pretty hard. With fade and your gear, ele attacks should do pretty much squat.

Basically you look like a noob with 2 tucs, as such they'll duel'll stomp them..etc. Seeing as most sorcs don't have very much life in the 1st place, you can probably put them away rather easily. If you and your master poke them at the same time, it may actually drop an ear.
I thought I remembered hearing (from SiP?) that Boneweave Boots were the ones with crazy damage (lvl 55? 57?).

Anyway, I always thought a lvl 55 Jabberzon with eth upped Titans would be pretty fun.
make that a cs zon with decked out skills gear and java charms instead of jabber and you'll get more ears.will kill alot of chickeners faster, unless they have massive res/absorb which most dont.also a decked out lvl 50 or so light sentry trapper is also good, can get around 4k dmg with good gear at that lvl.
NightShade said:
Mage killer - 47 Assassin - Ripping high level sorcs and necro's a new one.

Quoting the whole thing is useless, so I won't.

As a basic armor (assuming you have no idea what you're going after), Lionheart is a personal favorite armor for this build. Will give you a substantial amount of damage, AR, life, and that so precious energy, along with a wee bit of resists. That, or you could use a Smoke.

You won't need to stack much res vs. Fire sorcs, but you'll want quite a bit for Cold sorcs. Consider trying to get 11%~ CR SCs and 40% GCs. You'll end up needing like 125 over 75 or something. I forget.

You'll want a level 1 Shadow Warrior. Yes, Warrior. This will let you have it use Talon while you use Talon, for that extra blocklock fun. Also, having a Might Merc with a decent Pole will help you a boatload.

Some useful advice for this build when dueling. If they have a Merc, kill it first. It's much more dangerous to you than the sorc itself since your resists will be insane.

Edit- Bone necs might as well just give you their ear. You may potentially have some trouble with a REALLY good Summoner, but it's unlikely you'll ever find one that low.

You can duel sorcs in their 80s easily with this build.
also a decked out lvl 50 or so light sentry trapper is also good, can get around 4k dmg with good gear at that lvl.

Wow, 4 k damage really? I thought my assassin was decently equipped and she does around 4k damage at level *cough* 74 *cough* Do you mean decked out with Skillers or something?
my 53 trapper on non ladder does 3.7k with only +3 claw/helm/ammy 2x soj's vipermagi rest is life gear. No skill charms to speak of nm pa'd. Anything that tries to pk you by going down a wp/staircase with you in wait should either die fast/chicken/ or be 1 pimped out build. With exceptional gear (2x+3 claws,+3 helm/ammy, few skill charms) you should push 5k with around 3 skill charms + mindblast keeps them in place. For a kicker I'd say find a nice 2 socket greater claw with +talon/block use that on primary claw for extra crushing blow bartuc on other claw, guilliams, lionheart, saracens, dual ravens, +3 ma 20% ias gloves, resist/life belt or string, rare boots with most dmg at that lvl, 20 pts into talon 1 into warrior 1 into dflight, rest into fade, make sure to have warrior/merc vs bone necs, tele on them they can't hit you with stack bug.

Otherbuilds to consider: Holyshock zealot (huge dmg fast attack), tele wind druid (basically tele let loose tornados watch ears fall), werebear/summoner (invest 1 pt into werebear/shockwave let grizzly kill), tele summon nec, blizz sorc, fireballer, psn nova nec could kick butt but kill no chickeners :(. Well thats a pretty big list of choices for ya hope one floats your boat.
Estimated market value