The Untwinked Level 99 Progress Thread, The Saviours of Sanctuary Rise Anew


Active member
Guide Author
Mar 14, 2020
Hi All

Welcome to the new site!

I will continue to update this thread as I transfer things over and have discussed links etc with Maxicek. Please let me know what you think of the name and we can change it if there is some agreement on something else, this thread has been such a community within itself at times and I'd like you all to be involved in our latest iteration :)

My coming back coincided with our move (yey serendipity!) so it has worked out well!

~No twinking! So no trading or using any items that your other characters have found.
~Muling is allowed and you can save any item she wants to use later.
~No MP games except to reset a map in normal.
~Version 1.13+

Everybody is welcome to take part and can do so as many times as they wish.
Hi All

Welcome to the new site!

I will continue to update this thread as I transfer things over and have discussed links etc with Maxicek. Please let me know what you think of the name and we can change it if there is some agreement on something else, this thread has been such a community within itself at times and I'd like you all to be involved in our latest iteration :)

My coming back coincided with our move (yey serendipity!) so it has worked out well!

~No twinking! So no trading or using any items that your other characters have found.
~Muling is allowed and you can save any item she wants to use later.
~No MP games except to reset a map in normal.
~Version 1.13+

Everybody is welcome to take part and can do so as many times as they wish.
I guess it will be time for me to start a new runner...Will think about the class soon, will start him/her after/during RFL.

This is Me2nik from the previous site - let me know if there's anything I can do to help!
I vote move our fun to this thread and get some content in it :) @Vildecor @ResTTe @Babyhell.
Psh. Amazon best class. At least sorc and barb can tele somewhere before growing old :p.

I was not planning on rejoining this thread anytime soon. And still may not, but somehow a new thread tempts me more...
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Reactions: Vildecor
Feels kinda sad restarting my Amazon after hitting 98 right before 2020 hit, but then I guess I was only about halfway to the goal line anyway!
@Arctodus lol I sincerely hope i never 99 a druid :p
@Kinkara gynli is the bowa guy. Iirc vildecor had recently(ish) found his griffs and was trucking nicely with a java.
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Reactions: Kinkara
I hadn't joined yet on the old thread, but I've been working on a few possibilities. Hoping to get them all near 90 before I commit. So far I'm looking at windy, hammerdin, trapsin, or pnecro. I like the flavor of the windy best... Just not sure if I can get into the Zen state necessary to actually know where his tornados might actually go. Even pindle runs seem to be mostly guesswork.
Welcome to my new UT99eresses twins Athena and Minerva!


Minerva is for now the most advanced... just has stopped running for Tal Eth, following the poison java path


Only lacking the Sacred armor... more or less #TirRalEl #Drop

Athena on her side seems to be the luckiest of the twins: two steps out, a minute of killing, and she is already grabbing yellow stuff!


They will more or less follow themselves while questing/leveling, who knows what it will give in the end...

(By the way, shall we restart a fresh table that each player arriving here updates with his/her current runners?)
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Reactions: Neck Romancer
Posting my last update on 99er Barb here (with minor edits) to transfer the status tables and make it easier for updates to happen here. When 99er write ups are transferred, I will do an update with current tables and update those links to this site.

* * *

Death is half-way to 97. Over the last ~450 Baal runs, he managed to avoid any deaths, but also managed to avoid finding anything much of use to him. Only Pul+ rune was an Um. He also picked up a 15/15 SoE, which is waiting for a Lem to be up’ed.

As to be expected from the number of runs (Baal runs though they may be), he got some decent drops that aren’t useful to him:
Baal (Double Elite U drop).jpg
Baal (Stormlash).jpg
He also got trolled with a Green Sacred Armor (wrong kind), and picked up a Stormspire from a random in CS boss on p1 while gathering a couple essences for respecs.

Mana burn Lister remains a frustration, especially when he rolls three times in a row as seemed to happen more often than it should. He can complete the runs without getting stuck in the pack most of the time, but I’ve had to bail more than I thought should be needed. I’ve done lots of trial and error, but haven’t figured it out, so any tips on how to whirl relative to that pack to manage mana burn would be much appreciated :)(Thanks everyone who provided tips on mana burn Lister!)
* * *

Hall of Fame
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
zticazzy         Perkele          SC     Barb   99     3.52  2016-07-12  No      -      -       -      -
Pb_pal           Eleanor          SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2016-11-09  No   3068    437       5      -
NanoMist         Izuna            SC     Sin    99     3.52  2016-12-25  No   5109    470       4    360
PhineasB         Mercy            SC     Sin    99     3.52  2017-05-23  Yes     -    475      11      -
PhineasB         Hiatus           SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2017-12-25  Yes     -    471      21      -
ffs              HelpYourself     SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-04-29  Yes     -    447       -      -
Neksja           Aura             SC     Pala   99     3.52  2018-08-08  Yes     -    481       -      -
Yng              Sophie           SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-08-26  Yes     -      -      10   <300
T72on1           Neverland        SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-10-21  Yes  lots    483      13    350+
Bewitch          itssoftcore      SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-11-07  Yes     -      -       -      -
PhineasB         Phaedrus         SC     Pala   99     3.52  2018-11-12  Yes     -    401      13      -
ffs              Ric              SC     Necro  99     3.52  2018-12-26  Yes     -    463       -      -
Bewitch          Mayhem           SC     Barb   99     3.52  2019-07-07  Yes     -      -       -      -
PhineasB         Pestilence       SC     Necro  99     3.52  2019-07-29  Yes     -      -       -      -
Pb_pal           Klaus            HC     Druid  99     3.52  2019-10-07  Yes     -    433      NA      -
ResTTe           ResTTe           SC     Barb   99     3.52  2019-12-14  Yes     -    465    many   ~320
ffs              Lucid            SC     Pala   99     3.52  2019-12-23  Yes     -    457       -   <250
PhineasB         Quinta           SC     Ama    99     3.52  2019-12-27  Yes     -    413       4      -
Luhkoh           Arkana           SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2020-03-01  Yes     -      -       -      -
Questing Heroes
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
Gynli            Amazon           SC     Ama    98     3.22  2019-11-11  Yes     -      -       -      -
Kinkara          Bobo             SC     Barb   97     3.09  2020-03-05  Yes     -      -       -      -
Bewitch          Necronomicon     SC     Necro  97     3.07  2019-07-09  Yes     -      -       -      -
Vildecor         Trina            SC     Ama    97     3.05  2019-12-18  Yes     -    443      17      -
PhineasB         Death            SC     Barb   96.5   2.84  2020-03-15  No      -      -       2      -
drmalawi         TheCanMan        SC     Pala   96     2.76  2020-01-19  Yes     -      -     Yes      -
Pb_pal           Stevesy          HC     Barb   96     2.71  2020-02-19  Yes     -      -      NA      -
Bewitch          Mindcrime        HC     Pala   95     2.68  2019-11-19  Yes     -      -       -      -
D30D0R3          Fragile          HC     Sorc   94     2.46  2020-01-18  No      -      -       -     109
Arctodus         Lubotor          SC     Barb   94     2.28  2020-02-16  Yes     -      -      16      -
Trapin'          ceegee           SC     Pala   93     2.17  2020-01-01  No      -      -       -      -
T72on1           TooMuchEnergy    SC     Sorc   93     2.10  2019-07-19  Yes   267    181      12     47.5
LongingForDeath  VelvetSky        SC     Sorc   93     2.10  2019-12-19  Yes     -    396      12      -
art_vandelay     tragic_misstep   SC     Sorc   93     2.09  2019-08-12  Yes     -      -       -      -
Smittyphi        TheLongRun       SC     Sorc   93     2.09  2019-11-06  Yes    30      -     Yes      -
jjscud           Ragnarok         SC     Pala   92     1.97  2019-12-28   No     -      -      36     lots
PhineasB         Septimus         SC     Druid  92     1.92  2020-02-15  Yes     -      -       0      -
jonnyphive       Shaltara         SC     Sorc   91     ??    2020-03-13  Yes     -      -     Yes      -
Zarfen           Stamina          SC     Sorc   90      ??   2019-12-08  Yes     -      -     Yes      -
Gynli            Assassin         SC     Assa   89     1.50  2019-11-11  Yes     -      -       -      -
art_vandelay     snow_dog         SC     Nec    89     1.48  2019-07-19  Yes     -      -       -      -
TwentyMuleTeam   Chore            SC     Sin    **     ?.??  2020-01-02  Yes     -      -       -      -
kstuart          Nena             SC     Sorc   85     1.11  2020-01-01  Yes     -      -       -      -
Vildecor         Ivar             SC     Pala   84     1.02  2019-09-02  Yes     -    307       3      -
MizzouFTW        NoDeathNoGlory   SC     Sorc   77     0.00  2019-12-12  Yes     -      -       -      -
TwentyMuleTeam   Knope            SC     Sorc   76     0.00  2020-01-02  Yes     -      -       -      -
Pax1990          Anger            SC     Barb   78     0.00  2019-12-03   -      -      -       -      -
Lord Molybdenum  Ilucuthen        SC     Sin    13     0.??  2019-09-14  No      -      -       -      -
dkn              Morgoth          SC     Barb   01     0.00  2019-10-04  Yes     -      -       0      0
FireNice         Isern            SC     Zon    12     0     2019-12-04  Yes     0      -       -      -
Resting Heroes
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
Buckcrazy        Zic              HC     Sorc   98.5   3.38  2019-07-22  Yes     -      -      NA   lots
hasuprotoss      Reina            SC     Sorc   97     2.96  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes  1751    384       -      -
darkstarhub      Neptune          SC     Sorc   97     2.96  2018-07-23  Yes     -    470       -      -
Ashenshugar      Natur            SC     Druid  97     2.96  2018-11-20  Yes  2529      -       -      -
Me2Nik           Fugu             HC     Ama    96     2.72  2019-02-03  Yes  Lots      -       -      -
Tarantella       Tarasha          HC     Sorc   96     2.72  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Grim             Furious_Blonde   SC     Ama    96     2.72  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
teddeeboy        Atheyanore       SC     Sorc   95     2.52  2019-02-03  Yes  300+      -       8   many
Chaostar         Prairie          SC     Sorc   95     2.49  2019-06-15  Yes     -    384      25      -
CrustyRusty      Space_Oddity     SC     Ama    95     2.49  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
XyleneCyanol     Fishie           HC     Sorc   95     2.49  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -      -
Quinneczech      Blackwell        HC     Barb   95     2.49  2019-04-01  -       -      -      NA      -
Hutton           Terrahork        HC     Barb   95     0.00  2019-04-24  Yes     -      -      NA      -
ThomasJohnsen    xInTheBuffx      HC     Sorc   95     2.49  2017-03-31  Yes     -      -       -      -
NamelessPenguin  Rockatansky      SC     Barb   95     2.49  2017-12-14  Yes     -      -       -      -
Dezrok           Salome           SC     Sorc   95     2.49  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes   792    318       -      -
sanguillen       GordonChen-UT    HC     Necro  93     2.14  2019-02-27  Yes     -      -      NA      -
Reyz             Qty              SC     Sorc   93     2.10  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -      -
Zenigma          Ayura            SC     Barb   93     2.12  2018-09-08  No      -      -       -      -
Potent           Challenge(CL)    SC     Sorc   92     1.96  2018-07-30  no      -      -       -      -
liquid_mage      zDadColdSorc     SC     Sorc   91     1.89  2019-02-04  Yes     -    223       -      -
Tatterson        Titaani          SC     Barb   91     1.84  2018-11-27  Yes     -      -       -      -
Zenigma          Gnosis           SC     Druid  91     1.79  2018-04-26  No      -      -       -      -
OldSoldier       Battleforge      HC     Pala   91     1.76  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -    236       -      -
kyndig           DrearyAura       HC     Sorc   91     1.76  2018-02-20  Yes     -      -       -      -
tokerdin         tokeress         SC     Sorc   91     1.76  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
sir_cyclops      devi             SC     Sin    91     ?.??  2019-02-27  Yes     -      -       -      -
Neksja           Aurora           SC     Sorc   90     1.70  2018-09-08  Yes     -    215       -      -
AlexTheNextOne   Orion            SC     Pala   90     1.62  2018-07-22  Yes     -      -       -      -
Southpaw         Njord            SC     Druid  90     1.62  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Qwernt           CanbeOnlyBlizz   SC     Sorc   90     1.62  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       ?      ?
MercMan          Este             SC     Ama    90     1.62  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes  1212    278       2      ?
Lynchgrinch      Tattersail       SC     Sorc   89     1.48  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -    321       ?      ?
Jocular          BareBear_Where   HC     Druid  **     1.47  2019-05-20  ???     -      -      NA      -
LiquidClear      Sally            SC     Sin    **     1.36  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes   225      -       1      -
MizzouFTW        Mariah           SC     Sin    **     1.36  2019-01-28  Yes     -     -        -      -
BasicBhoy        Belgarath        HC     Druid  **     1.36  2019-01-29  Yes     -      -       -      -
Neksja           Turirao          SC     Druid  87     1.25  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes   191    124       5      -
T72on1           Grapelike        SC     Barb   87     1.25  2019-01-24  Yes    98     82      13     37
Gladstone        Socrates         HC     Druid  86     1.15  YYYY-MM-DD  -       -      -       -      -
klonki           Dualizt_Ann      SC     Sorc   86     1.14  2019-05-26  Yes     -     37       1     15+
Burgomaster3     Hastur           SC     Druid  86     1.14  2018-07-02  Yes     -      -       -      -
sanguillen       DirkStruan-UT    HC     Pala   85     1.10  2018-12-19  Yes     -      -      NA      -
nMEKn            Summon           SC     Nec    85     1.07  2019-05-17  Yes     -      -       4      -
hackedagainanda  Hugo             HC     Necro  85     1.05  2017-12-17  Yes     -      -       -      -
Bobbo            Barbamel         HC     Barb   84     1.01  2019-01-11  Yes     -      -      NA      -
nepeta           finistere        SC     Sin    84     1.14  2019-01-04  ?       -      -       1      4
DaveW            Long_Term        SC     Sorc   84     0.97  2018-05-02  Yes Heaps      -    Lots     30+
Naturallog       Athos            HC     Barb   84     0.96  YYYY-MM-DD  No    159    105       0      -
Kitteh           Gwynt            HC     Druid  83           2018-10-28  Yes     -      -      NA      -
art_vandelay     predatory_wasp   SC     Sin    81     0.76  2019-05-25  Yes     -      -       -      -
Xul's Gull       Xul              HC     Necro  81     0.74  2018-03-26  No      -      -      NA      -
Qwernt           AmaAgainstAll    SC     Sorc   81     0.74  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Gambit           Mallenroh        SC     Sorc   81     0.74  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     0      0       0      0
aarrgus          Acala            SC     Barb   80     0.68  2017-12-30  Yes     -      -       5      -
ioupainmax       Durnik           SC     Pala   79     0.63  2018-06-28  Yes   177    111       0      -
Jean Avila       SpeedAdict       SC     Ama    77     0.52  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -     50
logoutzero       Digimon          HC     Necro  76     0.48  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes    85     65       0      -
Gripphon         Ryu              SC     Sorc   76     0.48  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       ?     13
Darke Rahl       Bells            HC     Ama    74     0.40  YYYY-MM-DD  No     19      -       0      -
Smittyphi        SliceNDice       SC     Sin    70     0.30  2018-03-27  Yes    15      -       6      -
Irenicus_Mfs     Morgana          HC     Sorc   69     0.26  2018-12-09  Yes     -      -      NA     14+
Xul's Gull       Araphel          HC     Necro  60     0.12  2017-12-21  No      -      -       -      -
Burton Roberts   Arizona          SC     Ama    56     0.08  2018-06-12  No      -      -      15     38
Sleepybear123    Rob_theBarb      HC     Barb   50     0.05  2018-01-06  Yes     -      -       -     10
RIP              Sucell           HC     Druid  47     0.03  2018-12-08  Yes     -     20       -      -
Pijus            AGoodBoy         HC     Druid  45     0.00  2018-05-29  Yes     -      -      NA      -
Grape            Coke             SC     Barb   42     0.00  2018-12-06   ?     14     14       0      -
Izzak            Bones            SC     Necro  42     0.**  2019-01-10   -      -      -       1      -
TrU              Henryk           SC     Barb   41     0.02  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -      22     12
Gambit           Colossus         SC     Pala   39     0.02  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     0      0       0      0
Smancer          Smancer          SC     Necro  26     0.00  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     1      -       -      -
RIP              Espada           HC     Necro  24     0.00  2018-06-01  Yes     -     13       -      -
BKC              FearsomeFreddie  SC     Necro  23     0.00  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Ergroilnin       Erilinda         HC     Sorc   20     0.00  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -      -
DaveHutt         Alice            SC     Ama    13     0.00  2018-05-18  Yes     -      -       1      -
MizzouFTW        Hocus            HC     Sorc   01     0.00  2018-10-28  Yes     -      -      NA      -
The Fallen
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
1have2much3time  Vagabond         HC     Necro  95     2.66  2019-06-22  Yes     -      -       1      -
RIP              Kaira_II         HC     Sin    95     2.55  2018-09-06  Yes     -    399       -      -
T72on1           ShouldBeEasy     HC     Pala   95     2.52  2019-01-04  Yes  lots    320      NA    103
Babyhell         IpBanPrevales    SC     Sin    95.5   2.60  2019-09-22  Yes     -      -       9      -
Babyhell         BabyNinetyNiner  SC     Pala   91     ?.??  2019-08-02  Yes     -      -       3      -
Lord Molybdenum  Verisimilitude   SC     Ama    91     1.62  2018-06-02  No     98     77       3      -
Shuffleblast     Translocator     HC     Sorc   89     1.48  2019-11-23  Yes     -      -       1      -
Lord Molybdenum  Cruise_Control   SC     Necro  **     1.??  2018-06-02  No    128    101      22      -
Kitteh           Gwynt            HC     Druid  87     XXXX  2018-11-07  Yes     -      -       -      -
Bewitch          itsreal          HC     Sorc   87     1.xx  2018-04-24  No      -      -       -      -
MizzouFTW        Pure             HC     Necro  86     1.15  2018-01-10  Yes     -      -       1      -
Vildecor         Celia            HC     Ama    84     0.99  2018-05-30  Yes   125     97       1      -
Lord Molybdenum  Essa             SC     Sorc   84     0.??  2018-06-02  No     20     19       5      -
Lord Molybdenum  But_Why          SC     Sin    81     0.74  YYYY-MM-DD  No     55     51      53      -
coju             NintyNine_orRiP  HC     Sorc   81     0.74  2016-04-07  Yes     -      -       1      -
RIP              Attila           HC     Barb   78     0.59  2018-09-26  Yes     -     73      no      -
TwentyMuleTeam   Valus            HC     Barb   76     0.48  2016-10-27  Yes     -      -       1      -
Pb_pal           Stevesy          HC     Pala   76     0.48  2017-06-19  Yes     -      -       1      -
Shuffleblast     Translocator     HC     Sorc   67     0.00  2019-11-03  Yes     -      -       1      -
weezaard         Cypher           SC     Druid  66     0.00  2018-02-21  Yes     -      -      20+     -
Tenecabo         OldShatterhand   HC     Druid  49     0.04  2016-06-16  Yes     -      0       1      -
Pijus            Pyrestarter      HC     Druid  36     0.00  2018-05-21  Yes     -      -       1      -
coju             fB               HC     Sorc   29     0.00  2016-04-09  Yes     1      1       1      2
Kitteh           Verallus         HC     Druid  26     0.00  2016-03-25  No      -      -       1      -
logoutzero       Rolex            HC     Barb   21     0.00  2016-03-26  Yes     0      0       1      1
  • Like
Reactions: Pb_pal and Arctodus
Moving my zon Trina and paladin Ivar to the fallen, lost with the rest of my team when I had to reset my PC. Trina did hit 98 before the new year as I was hoping. I'll be rebuilding her (possibly in HC) sometime during the coming weeks.

Hall of Fame
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
zticazzy         Perkele          SC     Barb   99     3.52  2016-07-12  No      -      -       -      -
Pb_pal           Eleanor          SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2016-11-09  No   3068    437       5      -
NanoMist         Izuna            SC     Sin    99     3.52  2016-12-25  No   5109    470       4    360
PhineasB         Mercy            SC     Sin    99     3.52  2017-05-23  Yes     -    475      11      -
PhineasB         Hiatus           SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2017-12-25  Yes     -    471      21      -
ffs              HelpYourself     SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-04-29  Yes     -    447       -      -
Neksja           Aura             SC     Pala   99     3.52  2018-08-08  Yes     -    481       -      -
Yng              Sophie           SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-08-26  Yes     -      -      10   <300
T72on1           Neverland        SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-10-21  Yes  lots    483      13    350+
Bewitch          itssoftcore      SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2018-11-07  Yes     -      -       -      -
PhineasB         Phaedrus         SC     Pala   99     3.52  2018-11-12  Yes     -    401      13      -
ffs              Ric              SC     Necro  99     3.52  2018-12-26  Yes     -    463       -      -
Bewitch          Mayhem           SC     Barb   99     3.52  2019-07-07  Yes     -      -       -      -
PhineasB         Pestilence       SC     Necro  99     3.52  2019-07-29  Yes     -      -       -      -
Pb_pal           Klaus            HC     Druid  99     3.52  2019-10-07  Yes     -    433      NA      -
ResTTe           ResTTe           SC     Barb   99     3.52  2019-12-14  Yes     -    465    many   ~320
ffs              Lucid            SC     Pala   99     3.52  2019-12-23  Yes     -    457       -   <250
PhineasB         Quinta           SC     Ama    99     3.52  2019-12-27  Yes     -    413       4      -
Luhkoh           Arkana           SC     Sorc   99     3.52  2020-03-01  Yes     -      -       -      -
Questing Heroes
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
Gynli            Amazon           SC     Ama    98     3.22  2019-11-11  Yes     -      -       -      -
Kinkara          Bobo             SC     Barb   97     3.09  2020-03-05  Yes     -      -       -      -
Bewitch          Necronomicon     SC     Necro  97     3.07  2019-07-09  Yes     -      -       -      -
PhineasB         Death            SC     Barb   96.5   2.84  2020-03-15  No      -      -       2      -
drmalawi         TheCanMan        SC     Pala   96     2.76  2020-01-19  Yes     -      -     Yes      -
Pb_pal           Stevesy          HC     Barb   96     2.71  2020-02-19  Yes     -      -      NA      -
Bewitch          Mindcrime        HC     Pala   95     2.68  2019-11-19  Yes     -      -       -      -
D30D0R3          Fragile          HC     Sorc   94     2.46  2020-01-18  No      -      -       -     109
Arctodus         Lubotor          SC     Barb   94     2.28  2020-02-16  Yes     -      -      16      -
Trapin'          ceegee           SC     Pala   93     2.17  2020-01-01  No      -      -       -      -
T72on1           TooMuchEnergy    SC     Sorc   93     2.10  2019-07-19  Yes   267    181      12     47.5
LongingForDeath  VelvetSky        SC     Sorc   93     2.10  2019-12-19  Yes     -    396      12      -
art_vandelay     tragic_misstep   SC     Sorc   93     2.09  2019-08-12  Yes     -      -       -      -
Smittyphi        TheLongRun       SC     Sorc   93     2.09  2019-11-06  Yes    30      -     Yes      -
jjscud           Ragnarok         SC     Pala   92     1.97  2019-12-28   No     -      -      36     lots
PhineasB         Septimus         SC     Druid  92     1.92  2020-02-15  Yes     -      -       0      -
jonnyphive       Shaltara         SC     Sorc   91     ??    2020-03-13  Yes     -      -     Yes      -
Zarfen           Stamina          SC     Sorc   90      ??   2019-12-08  Yes     -      -     Yes      -
Gynli            Assassin         SC     Assa   89     1.50  2019-11-11  Yes     -      -       -      -
art_vandelay     snow_dog         SC     Nec    89     1.48  2019-07-19  Yes     -      -       -      -
TwentyMuleTeam   Chore            SC     Sin    **     ?.??  2020-01-02  Yes     -      -       -      -
kstuart          Nena             SC     Sorc   85     1.11  2020-01-01  Yes     -      -       -      -
MizzouFTW        NoDeathNoGlory   SC     Sorc   77     0.00  2019-12-12  Yes     -      -       -      -
TwentyMuleTeam   Knope            SC     Sorc   76     0.00  2020-01-02  Yes     -      -       -      -
Pax1990          Anger            SC     Barb   78     0.00  2019-12-03   -      -      -       -      -
Lord Molybdenum  Ilucuthen        SC     Sin    13     0.??  2019-09-14  No      -      -       -      -
dkn              Morgoth          SC     Barb   01     0.00  2019-10-04  Yes     -      -       0      0
FireNice         Isern            SC     Zon    12     0     2019-12-04  Yes     0      -       -      -
Resting Heroes
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
Buckcrazy        Zic              HC     Sorc   98.5   3.38  2019-07-22  Yes     -      -      NA   lots
hasuprotoss      Reina            SC     Sorc   97     2.96  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes  1751    384       -      -
darkstarhub      Neptune          SC     Sorc   97     2.96  2018-07-23  Yes     -    470       -      -
Ashenshugar      Natur            SC     Druid  97     2.96  2018-11-20  Yes  2529      -       -      -
Me2Nik           Fugu             HC     Ama    96     2.72  2019-02-03  Yes  Lots      -       -      -
Tarantella       Tarasha          HC     Sorc   96     2.72  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Grim             Furious_Blonde   SC     Ama    96     2.72  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
teddeeboy        Atheyanore       SC     Sorc   95     2.52  2019-02-03  Yes  300+      -       8   many
Chaostar         Prairie          SC     Sorc   95     2.49  2019-06-15  Yes     -    384      25      -
CrustyRusty      Space_Oddity     SC     Ama    95     2.49  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
XyleneCyanol     Fishie           HC     Sorc   95     2.49  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -      -
Quinneczech      Blackwell        HC     Barb   95     2.49  2019-04-01  -       -      -      NA      -
Hutton           Terrahork        HC     Barb   95     0.00  2019-04-24  Yes     -      -      NA      -
ThomasJohnsen    xInTheBuffx      HC     Sorc   95     2.49  2017-03-31  Yes     -      -       -      -
NamelessPenguin  Rockatansky      SC     Barb   95     2.49  2017-12-14  Yes     -      -       -      -
Dezrok           Salome           SC     Sorc   95     2.49  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes   792    318       -      -
sanguillen       GordonChen-UT    HC     Necro  93     2.14  2019-02-27  Yes     -      -      NA      -
Reyz             Qty              SC     Sorc   93     2.10  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -      -
Zenigma          Ayura            SC     Barb   93     2.12  2018-09-08  No      -      -       -      -
Potent           Challenge(CL)    SC     Sorc   92     1.96  2018-07-30  no      -      -       -      -
liquid_mage      zDadColdSorc     SC     Sorc   91     1.89  2019-02-04  Yes     -    223       -      -
Tatterson        Titaani          SC     Barb   91     1.84  2018-11-27  Yes     -      -       -      -
Zenigma          Gnosis           SC     Druid  91     1.79  2018-04-26  No      -      -       -      -
OldSoldier       Battleforge      HC     Pala   91     1.76  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -    236       -      -
kyndig           DrearyAura       HC     Sorc   91     1.76  2018-02-20  Yes     -      -       -      -
tokerdin         tokeress         SC     Sorc   91     1.76  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
sir_cyclops      devi             SC     Sin    91     ?.??  2019-02-27  Yes     -      -       -      -
Neksja           Aurora           SC     Sorc   90     1.70  2018-09-08  Yes     -    215       -      -
AlexTheNextOne   Orion            SC     Pala   90     1.62  2018-07-22  Yes     -      -       -      -
Southpaw         Njord            SC     Druid  90     1.62  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Qwernt           CanbeOnlyBlizz   SC     Sorc   90     1.62  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       ?      ?
MercMan          Este             SC     Ama    90     1.62  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes  1212    278       2      ?
Lynchgrinch      Tattersail       SC     Sorc   89     1.48  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -    321       ?      ?
Jocular          BareBear_Where   HC     Druid  **     1.47  2019-05-20  ???     -      -      NA      -
LiquidClear      Sally            SC     Sin    **     1.36  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes   225      -       1      -
MizzouFTW        Mariah           SC     Sin    **     1.36  2019-01-28  Yes     -     -        -      -
BasicBhoy        Belgarath        HC     Druid  **     1.36  2019-01-29  Yes     -      -       -      -
Neksja           Turirao          SC     Druid  87     1.25  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes   191    124       5      -
T72on1           Grapelike        SC     Barb   87     1.25  2019-01-24  Yes    98     82      13     37
Gladstone        Socrates         HC     Druid  86     1.15  YYYY-MM-DD  -       -      -       -      -
klonki           Dualizt_Ann      SC     Sorc   86     1.14  2019-05-26  Yes     -     37       1     15+
Burgomaster3     Hastur           SC     Druid  86     1.14  2018-07-02  Yes     -      -       -      -
sanguillen       DirkStruan-UT    HC     Pala   85     1.10  2018-12-19  Yes     -      -      NA      -
nMEKn            Summon           SC     Nec    85     1.07  2019-05-17  Yes     -      -       4      -
hackedagainanda  Hugo             HC     Necro  85     1.05  2017-12-17  Yes     -      -       -      -
Bobbo            Barbamel         HC     Barb   84     1.01  2019-01-11  Yes     -      -      NA      -
nepeta           finistere        SC     Sin    84     1.14  2019-01-04  ?       -      -       1      4
DaveW            Long_Term        SC     Sorc   84     0.97  2018-05-02  Yes Heaps      -    Lots     30+
Naturallog       Athos            HC     Barb   84     0.96  YYYY-MM-DD  No    159    105       0      -
Kitteh           Gwynt            HC     Druid  83           2018-10-28  Yes     -      -      NA      -
art_vandelay     predatory_wasp   SC     Sin    81     0.76  2019-05-25  Yes     -      -       -      -
Xul's Gull       Xul              HC     Necro  81     0.74  2018-03-26  No      -      -      NA      -
Qwernt           AmaAgainstAll    SC     Sorc   81     0.74  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Gambit           Mallenroh        SC     Sorc   81     0.74  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     0      0       0      0
aarrgus          Acala            SC     Barb   80     0.68  2017-12-30  Yes     -      -       5      -
ioupainmax       Durnik           SC     Pala   79     0.63  2018-06-28  Yes   177    111       0      -
Jean Avila       SpeedAdict       SC     Ama    77     0.52  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -     50
logoutzero       Digimon          HC     Necro  76     0.48  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes    85     65       0      -
Gripphon         Ryu              SC     Sorc   76     0.48  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       ?     13
Darke Rahl       Bells            HC     Ama    74     0.40  YYYY-MM-DD  No     19      -       0      -
Smittyphi        SliceNDice       SC     Sin    70     0.30  2018-03-27  Yes    15      -       6      -
Irenicus_Mfs     Morgana          HC     Sorc   69     0.26  2018-12-09  Yes     -      -      NA     14+
Xul's Gull       Araphel          HC     Necro  60     0.12  2017-12-21  No      -      -       -      -
Burton Roberts   Arizona          SC     Ama    56     0.08  2018-06-12  No      -      -      15     38
Sleepybear123    Rob_theBarb      HC     Barb   50     0.05  2018-01-06  Yes     -      -       -     10
RIP              Sucell           HC     Druid  47     0.03  2018-12-08  Yes     -     20       -      -
Pijus            AGoodBoy         HC     Druid  45     0.00  2018-05-29  Yes     -      -      NA      -
Grape            Coke             SC     Barb   42     0.00  2018-12-06   ?     14     14       0      -
Izzak            Bones            SC     Necro  42     0.**  2019-01-10   -      -      -       1      -
TrU              Henryk           SC     Barb   41     0.02  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -      22     12
Gambit           Colossus         SC     Pala   39     0.02  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     0      0       0      0
Smancer          Smancer          SC     Necro  26     0.00  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     1      -       -      -
RIP              Espada           HC     Necro  24     0.00  2018-06-01  Yes     -     13       -      -
BKC              FearsomeFreddie  SC     Necro  23     0.00  YYYY-MM-DD  Yes     -      -       -      -
Ergroilnin       Erilinda         HC     Sorc   20     0.00  YYYY-MM-DD  No      -      -       -      -
DaveHutt         Alice            SC     Ama    13     0.00  2018-05-18  Yes     -      -       1      -
MizzouFTW        Hocus            HC     Sorc   01     0.00  2018-10-28  Yes     -      -      NA      -
The Fallen
Rich (BB code):
Forumite         Character        SC/HC  Class  Level  Exp   Date        E/S  S/U   Grail  Deaths  Hours
---------------  ---------------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----------  ---  ----  -----  ------  -----
Vildecor         Trina            SC     Ama    98     3.22  2020-03-20  Yes     -    443      17      -
1have2much3time  Vagabond         HC     Necro  95     2.66  2019-06-22  Yes     -      -       1      -
RIP              Kaira_II         HC     Sin    95     2.55  2018-09-06  Yes     -    399       -      -
T72on1           ShouldBeEasy     HC     Pala   95     2.52  2019-01-04  Yes  lots    320      NA    103
Babyhell         IpBanPrevales    SC     Sin    95.5   2.60  2019-09-22  Yes     -      -       9      -
Babyhell         BabyNinetyNiner  SC     Pala   91     ?.??  2019-08-02  Yes     -      -       3      -
Lord Molybdenum  Verisimilitude   SC     Ama    91     1.62  2018-06-02  No     98     77       3      -
Shuffleblast     Translocator     HC     Sorc   89     1.48  2019-11-23  Yes     -      -       1      -
Lord Molybdenum  Cruise_Control   SC     Necro  **     1.??  2018-06-02  No    128    101      22      -
Kitteh           Gwynt            HC     Druid  87     XXXX  2018-11-07  Yes     -      -       -      -
Bewitch          itsreal          HC     Sorc   87     1.xx  2018-04-24  No      -      -       -      -
MizzouFTW        Pure             HC     Necro  86     1.15  2018-01-10  Yes     -      -       1      -
Vildecor         Ivar             SC     Pala   84     1.02  2019-09-02  Yes     -    307       3      -
Vildecor         Celia            HC     Ama    84     0.99  2018-05-30  Yes   125     97       1      -
Lord Molybdenum  Essa             SC     Sorc   84     0.??  2018-06-02  No     20     19       5      -
Lord Molybdenum  But_Why          SC     Sin    81     0.74  YYYY-MM-DD  No     55     51      53      -
coju             NintyNine_orRiP  HC     Sorc   81     0.74  2016-04-07  Yes     -      -       1      -
RIP              Attila           HC     Barb   78     0.59  2018-09-26  Yes     -     73      no      -
TwentyMuleTeam   Valus            HC     Barb   76     0.48  2016-10-27  Yes     -      -       1      -
Pb_pal           Stevesy          HC     Pala   76     0.48  2017-06-19  Yes     -      -       1      -
Shuffleblast     Translocator     HC     Sorc   67     0.00  2019-11-03  Yes     -      -       1      -
weezaard         Cypher           SC     Druid  66     0.00  2018-02-21  Yes     -      -      20+     -
Tenecabo         OldShatterhand   HC     Druid  49     0.04  2016-06-16  Yes     -      0       1      -
Pijus            Pyrestarter      HC     Druid  36     0.00  2018-05-21  Yes     -      -       1      -
coju             fB               HC     Sorc   29     0.00  2016-04-09  Yes     1      1       1      2
Kitteh           Verallus         HC     Druid  26     0.00  2016-03-25  No      -      -       1      -
logoutzero       Rolex            HC     Barb   21     0.00  2016-03-26  Yes     0      0       1      1
Estimated market value