The untwinked level 99 progress thread [by kestegs]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
Originally posted by kestegs on October 12, 2011. This competition is closed.

The untwinked level 99 progress thread

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I've been mulling over a go at a level 99 character for quite some time now , but could never feel like I was properly motivated. The idea of doing a completely untwinked level 99 really got my interest going. I like the idea of having her drops be meaningful and having motivation to keep running. I also think it will be fun to see what she can accumulate over her journey.

~No twinking! So no trading or using any items that your other characters have found.
~Muling is allowed and you can save any item she wants to use later.
~No MP games except to reset a map in normal.
~Version 1.13+

pretty simple really ;)

And now for her first update!

May I first introduce you to....Ohms_Law! The title pays homage to my occupation as an electrician, and also to the fact that she may some day become a lightning sorceress :nod:

She now resides at the start of act 2, she has run the countess for some basic runes and made her self a leaf staff in a +2 Fireball base. She will start her life as a Blizzballer. This is a build I've not yet tried, but always looked fun. I've gotten my first set/uniques arctic furs and the gnasher.

I will be keeping track of a couple things as I go:

Current time: 2h

If there's anything else you think would be fun to keep track of then feel free to suggest it.

From what I can tell I am now 1/5th of the way to 99, so expect her to be finished in a few days ;)
Last edited:
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

This sounds like a very cool project. I wish you the best of luck!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I want to do this!!! gl.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Cool idea! But you're not going to make it.. ;)

You should definitely keep track of all the S/U's you find. But since she's untwinked I suppose you are already putting her stuff in an seperate stash.

And and and.. Delete character -> remake in HC.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

cool statistics ?
I keep screenshots of everytime I've met boss named GoreSkull the Impaler.
He scares me no matter what form he's in, so I gotta keep track of those encounters.

other than that, no idea :p
Thanks everyone but FoE ;)

Your disbelief will only fuel me on :D

And by all means, if anyone wants to join in and give me a bit of competition, feel free :)

I could keep every s/u, that would be funny. See if that green BP really takes the cake :p
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice name and idea.

I'd love to join but i've got too little time as it is. So unless you can manage to put more hours in a day i'll have to say no.

Something to keep track off: how much of a grail you'd get with her and number of Baalkills (assuming you're gonna run him).

And if disbelief fuels you, you may make it in a few days. I think the entire SPF doubts you'll make it :p. GL and i hope you prove me wrong.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I think I'm going to lay off the mf'ing and take part in something like this.

I like the idea of making a char and doing a self-found char, and self-found grail.

I haven't decided what kind of char I want to do but I'm pretty sure that it will not be a sorc since that is basically all I have ever played.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Sounds like a fun project, though it will take some time. You NEED good gear to do Baal Runs in hell. At least at anything more than /players 1. So I think you need to spend a lot of time farming before you can start exping at a somewhat good pace.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm leaning towards a zon, probably starting out as a strafeazon.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Sounds old school. I like it.
Maybe you should track the number of unique items or something. Maybe you should even list them.

Will follow progress.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

summon necro no one ?
easiest untwinked dude ever :)
or trapsin, but she's darn slow untwinked.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm probably going to keep a stash of everything cause hoarding is fun and it doesn't make my house unlivable like that tv show.

I'll probably keep the run counter going at all times at least through the questing / farming phases for an overall time. Then when it's down to the nitty gritty and time to run baal, i'll keep track of the runs/run time and add it all up at the end.

Pretty darn excited about all this.

Maybe we should just start a tournament instead of invading kestegs thread.
I will definitely be doing some farm runs to get up some good gear before I get heavy in to Baal. Which is fine, as you can still get good experience before 95ish on other targets.

I expected to get some doubters, its a tough task. And welcome Josh, a javazon could do very well with some decent gear.

Edit. I had considered making it a tournament but didn't really expect to get any serious interest. I can always get the thread title changed it just start a new one, lets see if there's any more interest.

My goal for now is to punch through to hell as fast as I can so I can start running some good targets. And get an insight of course....
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yeah I also plan on farming/mf a lot till I get a nice setup. I realize that this is a daunting task but I'm in!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Spice it up a bit more, play Vanilla :pancake:
And I might kick in for fun too 👍
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Vanilla = classic?
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

no, d2lod without any mods (no bnet rw's).
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Kegs: a flavie report of the total findings for an untwinked 99er would indeed be awesome!
Vanilla would really suck :p I'm not that crazy!

I plan to do a flavie for sure.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
Vanilla would really suck :p I'm not that crazy!

I am (sadly). I think that bnet uberimba overpowered RW's would ruin the fun for me, instead of increasing it.
So I grind silently, in Vanilla.

but GL with quest for 99, I wish you all the best!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Maybe a tournament, you know like 'get the highest level you can in a specified time-period untwinked'. Sounds great, I'd participate. We can keep it really simple with very few additional rules, if any. Also, a cool table.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Fyourics said:
Maybe a tournament, you know like 'get the highest level you can in a specified time-period untwinked'. Sounds great, I'd participate. We can keep it really simple with very few additional rules, if any. Also, a cool table.

One of the things I'm excited about at least with the way I am going to approach it is that I'm not going to play it like "omg im racing to 99" I want to farm the hell out of one char to make him uber, then level him.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Madness. Glorious madness. I hope you make it...
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

All my characters have been untwinked as i dont play online. Although in this day and age my broadband is plenty fast enough to cope so i could play online again if i wished too, i just prefer not to.

Highest one is my freezealot at level 80, which due to the untwinked nature is currently struggling around Kurast areas against them darn cold resistant thrashers. Hit and run tactics work if you get one or two of the pack following you only.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Adding one more *you will fail* comment to give you satisfactory way to bash it in my face if you manage to pull it out 😉

Jokes aside, you will realize what it means to reach level 99 - only when you get to level 98 first. Everything else is complete joke.

Good luck :)
I'm starting rolf make a list of names :D

Nice idea on that tournament, I think it had been talked about before. But this is a goal of lvl 99, anything else is failure :p
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
I could keep every s/u, that would be funny. See if that green BP really takes the cake :p

Best of luck with an impressive quest. Though Cathan's Seal will definitely kick the breast plate's butt!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Good luck. I would guess anywhere from 6 months to a year (or more) until you're done depending on how much you play. Now prove me wrong and do it in a month.

Not that it matters, you're not going to make it......
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Good luck with your project... 👍

Ill join in with a barbarian... hopefully Ill got some nice rune in trav :whistling:

Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Dodgydave said:
Best of luck with an impressive quest. Though Cathan's Seal will definitely kick the breast plate's butt!

I thought it was just me that has found 927(Fine, I counted up to 17 before even finishing NM then I got tired of it) set breast plates, but it appears others know of this.. Hmm.. What conspiracy is this.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Dodgydave said:
Best of luck with an impressive quest. Though Cathan's Seal will definitely kick the breast plate's butt!

I compulsively keep everything I've ever found and according to my Flavie from a few months ago, I have 430 Isenhart's Cases and 413 Cathan's Seals.

Not really a butt kicking either way.
Good luck though. I really think you need teleport to do this in a reasonable time so any non-sorc character will probably need to spend some time at Trav or LK.

This is just crazy enough that I might want to try it.

Will you allow for respecs?
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ohomemgrande said:
I compulsively keep everything I've ever found and according to my Flavie from a few months ago, I have 430 Isenhart's Cases and 413 Cathan's Seals.

Not really a butt kicking either way.

That's interesting, I also keep everything so need to go and do a count now (Flavie wont work with my stashes so I'm going to have to do this manually...)

Edit: 158 Cathans and 156 Isenharts, much closer than I thought. I stand corrected!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ok I will bite, I don't think I will ever finish this, but atleast it is a nice challenge. I will try with a trapsin.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I just beat andy and got some weird crash. Now I can't get to act 2, the game crashes every time. Even when I talk to warriv... It also says andy quest done.


Also Zon is not being much fun yet, I'm being patient until I get strafe though.
Turn the sound back on, silly :p

Can't use the -ns when ending an act.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
Turn the sound back on, silly :p

Can't use the -ns when ending an act.

phew thanks
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I wish you luck and lots of spare time 👍

I think this kind of quest would end the 'what am I going to do next and with what char' thoughts I'm getting once in a while.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Thanks for all, guys :)

Welcome to all the people who are foolish enough to join me as well! I'll get a table put up and try top get the thread title changed here, so that its more coherent to people joining.

Made it through acts 2 and 3. Things are really speeding up with blizzard now. Found a few nice things but am in a rush, I'll give a proper update next time!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

GL kestegs!

I was reading this thread and thinking that I should go for it, or at least try... but I don't want to start another sorc (a bit tired of going through normal, NM and Hell with sorcs) or zon. And for now they are only classes that I would love to get a 99er with, or close.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Anybody have a good idea to go w/ my zon for leveling/questing?

I figure I have 3 respecs so I'm trying to figure out specs which will make my life easier.


1 - leveling / questing spec - 80 ish
2 - mf spec
3 - baal running spec

That being said I'm not sure what is the easiest untwinked questing spec. Any ideas? I had to bail on andy p8 b/c it just was not working. Even trash mobs are taking me way too long on p8. Granted I have little in the way of gear and skills.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Very nice idea.

I think I'll have a go at this too. But with a more realistic target at first, lvl90.

Started a plague javelin & charged strike zon (there's probably some cool name for this build but I can't remember it), which I probably respec to fishyzon or something after normal.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

p8 + untwinked + 99????

Just for the record, as far as I know, no one has made 99 when they started out by adding additional restrictions. But questing is temporary, very temporary in the long term.

As far as respecs, again, questing is temporary. Save them, or at least one of them. Before respecs, we would remake chars even as late as 95-96 if they weren't just right for the long run because the last few levels were really that long. Even with all these crazy restrictions, if you make it, more than half the time you spend playing this char will be at level 98 so again, I would save respecs.

Considering that, I would go with a solid MF'ing build for questing and if you insist on p8, just grind through it. That means most points in lightning skills plus 10 or so (17 after +skills ideally) in valk.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
Anybody have a good idea to go w/ my zon for leveling/questing?

I figure I have 3 respecs so I'm trying to figure out specs which will make my life easier.


1 - leveling / questing spec - 80 ish
2 - mf spec
3 - baal running spec

That being said I'm not sure what is the easiest untwinked questing spec. Any ideas? I had to bail on andy p8 b/c it just was not working. Even trash mobs are taking me way too long on p8. Granted I have little in the way of gear and skills.

The key to this quest is to level quickly so it's probably in your best interest to play through the game on P1 and level at the usual suspects: (Normal Baal, NM Baal, etc).

If I attempt this, I will probably go for a lightning sorc but I would consider playing the game through up into hell as a blizzard sorc before respecing at the end.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yeah I"ll go through on p1. It makes a lot more sense to get to the MF'ing stage of my plan as quickly as possible.

I thought a lot about a sorc just because of how easy teleport makes it. But in all the years I've palyed diablo the only thing I've really ever played past normal is a sorc. So I wanted to go with something different.

99 is definitely a goal but I also want to do a lot of mf/farm and self-find a lot of cool stuff and runewords etc. I want to get to 99 w/ a badass self-found gear, in addition to 99. I'll sacrifice the extra time that it will take.

to be cheesey: Doing a marathon not a race.

I'm not sure exactly kestegs plans. He might just be going for 99 asap.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

My goal is to finish as quickly as possible. That does not mean that I will start doing hell baals at level 75 or as soon as I get to Hell act 5, I am going to build up reasonable gear before I even attempt that.

Act 4 was also finished. Diablo was a pain in the rear at /p3 due to a couple of mix ups between teleport and blizzard :crazyeyes: and I only had 15 light resist. But he didn't get me, so I remain untarnished by death :) Looking forward to some nice EXP in act 5 and hoping to move on to NM to find spirit and insight bases.

I found this in late act 2:

Fortuitous Amulet of Fortune 
Required Level: 12 
Fingerprint: 0x22f2c764 
Item Level: 19 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
38% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Kegsy did you want to create a table for progress, given that we have some people trying this ridiculous challenge :). For headings you probably want

Forum Name / Character Name / Character Class / # of deaths / # of Hell Ball Runs / # of S/Us.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

JoshK | Gambit | Amazon | 1

First death at the hands of fang something in claw viper temple level 2. Got knock back locked up.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

As I tend to read half on sentences that run onto the next line: I thought you said this

kestegs said:
May I first introduce you to....Ohms_Law! The title pays homage to my occupation as an electrician, and also to the fact that I hope to some day become a lightning sorceress :nod:

Thought: Now that's keggers for ya! Oh, wait, there's more to this sentence!
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice Coju, I love reading sentences out of context.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

We can change level to exp once it gets higher up, no reason for it now. If we want more columns just ask me and I can add them.

Found a sanders paragon in act 5 0.o Never found one of those in all my years :)
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

sounds fun :)
my highest char has only been lvl 91. and sc at that. so im deciding to make a hc javazon self found, vanilla, and no muling. count me in :

PipeLine has just been rolled. (no im not a pipelayer, its the Kona Porter beer that ive been enjoying all night)
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I cannot get this to look right for the life of me.

I might have to run andy for a bit. I don't think there is any way I can kill duriel right now.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Quite tricky but I think I got this codestuff right.

Played normal with P8. All quests done except Nihlathak (and few rewards waiting). Few useful drops. Including a 28mf/75ar Nagelring. Also made the Ancient's Pledge RW for the first time.

Died once because I got cornered by Frozenstein & his gang.

Maybe some baalruns now.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Went /p8 in act 1. Andariel went down easy. Found hotspurs and a crushflange. Ran countess for a bit for the stealth runes.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm going to give this a try, may not be the fastest one there but it'll be fun either way. Necro fishymancer, havn't played with one in a while, ArmyofDarkness
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hmm do i list my current fishymancer or perhaps my Freezealot. Problem would be i dont know how many deaths or S/U's i have had. Fishymancer deaths is Zero actually come to think of it, Freezealot quite a few, mostly in Hell.

Could happily start a new character, fancied a wind druid one for some time so one of them i guess would be good.
Re: My untwinked level 99 progress thread

I made it to Baal at level 30 but he just wasn't going down fast enough for my taste and I don't feel like working on him for an hour so gonna call it for the night.

I was shocked to see unique "chain boots" drop in the arreat underground place I forget the exact name. Etheral Treads... was a little disappointed to see that they were ethereal though. Already at 6/9 durability.

I've been pumping charged strike and it has been pretty easy ever since I started doing that. I'm going through mana pots like crazy so that first sol rune + 4 os wep will make for a nice insight. I think sol can drop in Normal but it's pretty rare. Will probably try to farm some NM countess when I get there.

Deaths 3 and 4 hmm... death 3 was infector and his group, they pretty much insta got me. Death 4 was diablo's red death ray thing.

Lister and his group were a pita. I think I ressed my merc 10-15 times before I finally got it down to just him. The problem is the stun/knockback so I have to cs once, then back off, cs again etc, and tbh I'm really not very good at this game anyways. I'm used to just standing around casting chain lightning.

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Realised it was 1am and i needed to be up early this morning so stopped before doing the crypt having done blood raven and the mauseleum. Sole S/U was Arctic Furs with a 288 roll :( Still it will do the job for now and is actually the first arctic gear i have found in ages where as in the past it was pretty common to find arctic gear stuff.

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     42        1         20           7
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      35             0            18        6
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         30             4            8        N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2         2
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    16             0            0        N/A
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          10             0            1        N/A
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I think my last update I had just finished Diablo, now I am halfway through act 2 NM. Once blizzard got rolling things sped up a lot. I've run everything on p8 except for andariel in NM. Still haven't found a 4os pole or sword, but I have lots of runes to use if I ever do...

A pack of CE/LE goats got the best of me in the jail, that's what happens when you have no FCR/FRW I guess!

Welcome to all the new people :) Apparently there are more crazies out there than I expected!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I definitely need something to do until D3 comes out so I think this will make for a very rewarding project. I'm going to make a non-conventional selection and go WW Barb.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Any chance someone can help me with chart? not sure how to edit. illlook into that today.

hew, PipeLine, amazon , lvl 18 , deaths -0(hc duh) s/u- 0, n/a.

ran andy about 5 times, only green to drop so far is hsarus belt and no uniques :( . ive had a gambling addiction so far every time i return to town lol. since i am playing vanilla and no runewords im seeing this is going to be much harder than i originally thought. but i welcome the challenge. lot of stuff going on this weekend, but will have lots of weekday time to put in.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Took out Baal finally. Hoping to start running NM countess asap and get some rhyme and insight going. Well I guess I need a base for insight. I'm willing to use any 4os atm and just find something better later.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Pushed on up to NM act 4. Still have yet to find a single 4os pole, but with warmth it isn't too bad. found a 4os longsword and a tals belt late in act 2 :)

Found my first skiller too....a Fire skiller! :cloud9:

Not sure if I'll press on through to hell or stop and farm NM meph a bit :scratchchin:

HEW: Just quote the last person with the table and then remove the quote tags to edit the table. And doing this vanilla with no runewords/HC is insane...just so you know ;)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
Pushed on up to NM act 4. Still have yet to find a single 4os pole, but with warmth it isn't too bad. found a 4os longsword and a tals belt late in act 2 :)

Found my first skiller too....a Fire skiller! :cloud9:

Not sure if I'll press on through to hell or stop and farm NM meph a bit :scratchchin:

Press on to Hell Meph! You're high enough level that you can probably make it there in under an hour and the drops are better.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I just got an amazingly lucky drop I believe.

Vipermagi in NM act 1!!!!

Huge upgrade also, I was using some random yellow chain mail w/ 96def

Ohomemgrande said:
Press on to Hell Meph! You're high enough level that you can probably make it there in under an hour and the drops are better.
Yea, I bet I will do that. I may level at pindle a bit and then head out. I'll need to get an insight first though and maybe some more fcr gear.

Nice find Josh! Was it a good roll?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Kestegs it was 25% resist =\

Whats the best way to find our insight base asap?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I've also decided to make an attempt at this. As I've mentioned before, I will have the end goal be a lightning sorc but I will be leveling up as a Blizzard sorc.

I started the other day and put in a bit of time to make it through A1 Normal which I finished at level 14-15.

I am not going to focus on MF at all until I get to Hell probably. My priorities are FCR and mana.

The game plan is to zip through A1-A4 on P1 with the following places to level if needed:
Izual is good to increase from level 20-24 quickly if needed but I think I'll probably be around L22 when I get there.
Eldritch from L25-L30 (Blizzard really takes off once you have Cold Mastery.
Normal Baal to about L42-43 (That's when experience starts to slow down)
NM Baal for L50-65
Hell Meph for some gear (depending on level, I may need to go back to NM Baal)
Pindleskin P8 to level up to 90-91 I think.
Hell Baal for the final push.

I think the interesting part of this quest is trying to figure out what equipment you need and what you can live without. Then, going off to find it. You could spend a month at Hell Mephisto and pretty much get everything he can drop but will that be enough?

If I want Infinity for my merc, it's probably best to NOT run Baal until I can put that together I think. So, maybe it's better to run LK or Travincal prior to running Pindle and maybe even Hell Meph.

What do you guys think of the order of how to attempt this project?
That sucks >< but I'd still take it!

Taking off all your mf is the best bet. I will probably run NM cows if I haven't found something suitable by then. You could always try to roll one in the cube if you find a nice base. I'm not desperate for it so I'm just waiting and not getting to worried about it, but I'm sure its a lot tougher for a non-sorc.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ok, I'll also give it a try, nice idea Kestegs by the way. :)

I already died twice, that LE Raikanishu was ***. I'm starting with Charged Bolt and Static and see how far I can get without respec.
Welcome :)

I think that's a pretty good plan, ohm. I think I may spend some time at Meph then maybe AT/pindle. If I don't find the runes I need when I'm done with those, I will likely run lk to get them. It's tough to decide where to quit on the gear, just have to play it by ear.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
Kestegs it was 25% resist =\

Whats the best way to find our insight base asap?

Give Larzuk a Voulge or Bill and have him socket it since they can get max of 4 sockets. But, you need to make sure the ilvl is 26 or higher.

Alternatively, any polearm with an ilvl between 26 and 40 will get a maximum of 4 sockets.

Use this to your advantage.

The socket recipe for normal weapons is: Ral, Amn, PAmethyst normal weapon

The game rolls 1-6 and that's how many sockets you get so, if you want 4 sockets for Insight, your best bet is to find any normal polearm (aside from Bardiche) with an ilvl between 26 and 41 and do the cube recipe. You'll get 4 sockets on a roll of 4, 5, or 6 so 50% chance.

Where do you find items with that ilvl?

The best bet is early Act 1 NM where the area levels are in the 36-39 range for the outdoor areas prior to the outer cloister.
That is a good plan on the rolling. I wouldn't use a larzuk quest though. I can imagine wanting to save those for your end game gear.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So this is pretty much the most awesome idea ever. GLHF :D
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I started a project like this before the summer with precisely the same goal, but haven't touched my character since. I won't join the table because I do not expect to make progress any time soon, but my sorceress is currently level 89, switching back and forth between Pindle and the Ancient Tunnels (due to boredom) with 253% MF. other words, I did a regular Mat and haven't progressed any further. :p
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
That is a good plan on the rolling. I wouldn't use a larzuk quest though. I can imagine wanting to save those for your end game gear.

I agree with you on Larzuk quest but if you have no patience...:whistling:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ohomemgrande said:
I agree with you on Larzuk quest but if you have no patience...:whistling:

If you have no patience I would think taking an untwinked character to 99 isn't for you!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Dodgydave said:
If you have no patience I would think taking an untwinked character to 99 isn't for you!

My hero <3


Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      62             1            44        13
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     42        1         20           7
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         32             4            14        13
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2         2
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    16             0            0        N/A
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          10             0            1        N/A
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian       1             0            0        N/A     
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         18             0            0        N/A
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      15             2            0         1
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished with Nightmare. Maybe some more baalruns before venturing further into Hell. But first a short break. Still haven't respecced to Fishyzon yet.

Had a bad luck in finding a decent bodyarmor. Played thru the NM with ringmail that had a sapphire, a flawed sapphire and a tir rune.

Found 4 socketed Partizan in Act 1 NM and made an Insight. Luckily I got something useful from Hellforge too. Hopefully I'm able to find some decent base for Treachery. Also found Fal rune in WSK. Other notable finds: Que-Hegan's and Dwarf Star.

New deaths:
2: Decided that I could take on Treehead Woodfist head on.
3: Got swarmed by those small fetishdudes in Kurast Jungles.
4: Decided to ignore those dolls in Durance lvl 2. :badteeth:

Most common S/U items so far:
1. Tancred's Skull (4)
2. Civerb's Ward (3) & Vidala's Barb (3)

Total MF: 174
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Pretty exhausted, played pretty much all day. I just finished anya quest in NM. Did a decent amount of mf / leveling runs also but didn't really find anything too exciting.

Anya was tough it took me countless resets until I found one that wasn't all glooms. Charged strike is awesome.

Hoping to start running pit tomorrow.

Oh yeah and my NM hellforge was a Pul.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Playing P8 through everything so far, just finished Andy will probably push though A2 on P1 though, I hate A2, then kick it up again in A3. Realising that I really don't have as much time to play as most here anymore....can't wait until the kids are old enough to MP with...
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Fixing, david missed my update.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Starting from scratch has a nice ring to it. I havn't played since well before 1.13 came out, so I'm going to delete all of my old stashes and start clean. It's not the most challenging option out there... but I'm going to enter with a trapper 👍
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Meh no new sets or Uniques yet :( Well unless some of the bows were failures but i dont bother looking at that. Countess dropped a Tal though which is way better than normal for me.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So far nothing special besides that xxxHAMMERTIMExxx is too long as character name...
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

what is s/u in the tables?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Now that's going to take a while :) Good luck everyone
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Killed Normal Baal. Huh, Fire Wall is a good skill after all. I found +3 FW 2 os staff and made Leaf in it.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Made it all the way up to the start of act 2 Hell. No new deaths and nothing exciting has dropped. I got a PUL from forge, which is very nice! currently level 72. Skipping a good portion of undesirable monsters for now, just looking to get through hell and then respec to full blizzard. Had at least 5 NDE's in act 1 hell, I have less than 900 life, but all my resists are positive at least!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I just finished off the Ancients and I'm ready to make a few Baal runs to level. No NDE's to date as you would expect for a barb in normal. The most interesting happening was that I went and did my lunch dishes while my merc killed Izual. My damage was so low at that point that it wasn't worth my time. Fortunately, I shopped a mechanic's great sword of the wraith so I can now use WW without chugging too many blues.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Was getting disappointed i'd not had a set or unique item for ages when i got first Rixot's Keen (currentkly using due to the 25% CB) and then a failed unique jawbone cap.

Have switched to P1 to finish off Act 1 and will do the catacombs and Andy tomorrow evening most likely. Did just do Bone Ash after hitting the inner cloister waypoint on the off chance something decent dropped but alas nothing useful.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Are there any protests to me joining in with my level ** sorceress, Cecilia?

I just posted the Mat thread. She is completely untwinked and I have not traded for any items to equip with her.

This would give me a nice goal and something to do for a long while, too.

She is about a week and a half old. If there are any objections, I"ll just start a new character.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Slick said:
Now that's going to take a while :) Good luck everyone

im hoping to complete this before release of d4 :whistling:

sweet, home now after a loooong weekend , time to put some serious time in :) some of you guys are so damn fast!
time to roll !!!!! thundercats hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I've made it to A5 normal and have leveled up to 30. Things should go pretty quickly now through the rest of Normal and Nightmare as I finally have a useful attack. I had one sloppy death when I tried to be impatient with Diablo. I tried to static him while standing next to him and took the pink lightning hose of death head on. Oh well.

Current build:
Blizzard sorc
Blizzard - 7
Cold Mastery - 1
Blizzard synergies - 3

Most interesting piece of equipment:
Wyrm's Ring of Brilliance
Required Level: 22
Fingerprint: 0x2d746d5
Item Level: 32
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+8 to Energy
+48 to Mana

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     75        4         77           20
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      62             1            44        13
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         66             12           32        25
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian      41             0            13        N/A
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      40             4            7         7  
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress      30             1            ~5        4.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    20             0            2        N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2         2
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          18             0            3        N/A   
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         18             0            0        N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin        14             0         0         1
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin        0             0            0         0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hey, nice thread !!
I join you with my first wind druid ever.
My plan for his is to play untwinked, and reach (some day...) perfection without dying.
I can't play often, so he'll grow up slowly.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I don't mind if anyone joins with a previous charcter as long as they are following the rules in my first post.

I made it through to act 3 Hell :)

Many more NDE's ensued.... but none of them stuck :p

I'll do a full update when I make it through hell.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yeah I haven't done too much exciting but I feel so happy b/c a mob on Andy's level dropped me a titans! How lucky is that haha, a class specific item that I can use on an untwink char. I found a gheeds in the pit. Those are the two notables, both bad rolls.

Pretty much been spending all my time in the pits.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Added Cecilia to the go.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Added myself to the table

Notable find :

Shimmering Large Charm of Balance
Large Charm
Required Level: 14
Fingerprint: 0x275cc563
Item Level: 36
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+8% Faster Hit Recovery
All Resistances +5

Hellforge drop :

1 Perfect Topaz
1 Flawless Topaz
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Pretty nice small charm.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Got act 3 hell done as well. Actually went really smoothly. Only took me about an hour, as I got lucky on finding the spider cavern and the flayer dungeon pretty easily. Most of the act was teleported through, and I only killed the things I really had to. Found a lightsaber and a "ward" shield. I could have picked some better things to turn unique...

I also found a sc that I am rather in love with :cloud9: of course this was quite a while ago.

Shimmering Small Charm of Strength
Small Charm
Required Level: 25
Fingerprint: 0x674f8fe2
Item Level: 48
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Strength
All Resistances +5
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm stuck in NM ActV and now I'm running Meph for some gear and thinking how should I use a respec.
Some of items worth mentioning:
Battle Staff 
Two Hand Damage: 6 - 13 
Durability: 40 of 40 
Required Level: 19 
Fingerprint: 0xde147fd7 
Item Level: 27 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+3 to Fire Skills 
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage 
+3 to Fire Wall (Sorceress Only) 
+3 to Fire Bolt (Sorceress Only) 
+3 to Warmth (Sorceress Only) 
+3 to Inferno (Sorceress Only) 
+114 Defense (Based on Character Level) 
Cold Resist +33% 
+2 to Mana after each Kill 2 Sockets (2 used) 
Socketed: Tir Rune 
Socketed: Ral Rune 
Tir Rune 
Required Level: 13 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +2 to Mana after each Kill Armor: +2 to Mana after each Kill Shields: +2 to Mana after each Kill  
Ral Rune 
Required Level: 19 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage Armor: Fire Resist +30% Shields: Fire Resist +35% 

Havoc Mask 
Defense: 54 
Durability: 50 of 50 
Required Level: 18 
Required Strength: 55 
Fingerprint: 0x517c8e51 
Item Level: 59 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+18% Enhanced Defense 
+5 to Life 
Lightning Resist +29% 
Poison Length Reduced by 25% 
24% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds 1 Sockets (1 used) 
Socketed: Perfect Topaz 
Perfect Topaz 
Required Level: 18 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Adds 1 - 40 Lightning Damage Armor: 24% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Shields: Lightning Resist +40% 

Required Level: 7 
Fingerprint: 0x9de5420c 
Item Level: 49 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+52 to Attack Rating 
Magic Damage Reduced by 3 
Attacker Takes Damage of 3 
28% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Required Level: 7 
Fingerprint: 0xd7714f11 
Item Level: 43 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+52 to Attack Rating 
Magic Damage Reduced by 3 
Attacker Takes Damage of 3 
29% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Wraith Greaves 
Chain Boots 
Defense: 8 
Durability: 9 of 16 
Required Level: 38 
Required Strength: 30 
Fingerprint: 0x214dbc3b 
Item Level: 59 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+7 to Dexterity 
+18 to Mana 
Lightning Resist +16% 
Poison Length Reduced by 25% 
20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Light Gauntlets 
Defense: 24 
Durability: 13 of 18 
Required Level: 23 
Required Strength: 45 
Fingerprint: 0xa9a76d5 
Item Level: 59 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to Fire Skills 
+20% Faster Cast Rate 
Adds 1 - 6 Fire Damage 
+22% Enhanced Defense 
+10 Defense 
Regenerate Mana 25% 

Stone Winding 
Demonhide Sash 
Defense: 31 
Durability: 6 of 12 
Required Level: 24 
Required Strength: 20 
Fingerprint: 0x24943a52 
Item Level: 39 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+24% Faster Hit Recovery 
Replenish Life +5 
+5 to Mana 
Fire Resist +17%

Btw nice charms guys, I'd kill for those. :p
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

zgpmf said:
Btw nice charms guys, I'd kill for those. :p

Ill watch my back

I looked for this kind of charm since the release of the game just to get a few of them
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I have rescued Anya in hell :cloud9:

Lots of NDE in act 5, very dangerous just teleporting around at the 37% breakpoint!

Here's the bad part: I have a gorgeous LK map! 2 fires, circular, probably the best map I've ever had. I would much rather run meph though. So sadly I think I will have to give it up and find a new one later :(
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

i double posted. cos i'm special.

decided to throw in my 12 labours barb defendor.
finally pushed him into hell on p3 where he gained another level and rescued cain. debating doing pits/countess till 80 or just pushing on
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

This is actually kind of an embarrassing update. Can't believe I've already spent 40 hours on this. Feels like I've been playing non-stop.

I've finally made it to act 5. I've died more times than I care to count anymore. I've spent a lot of time just farming for gold to res my merc lol. I was extremely lucky to find a Gul rune for my hell forge drop.

I also was lucky to find a titans (155% ed 8ll) from a mob in Andy's pond room.

Does d2 stop taking screenshots at a certain #? I swear I was hitting print screen on a lot of things including these but the SS seemed to have stopped at # 51.

So anyways yeah. I've been basically brute forcing my way through hell. I've been running the pits occasionally also. A full clear takes me about 12 minutes.

Thankfully fishyzon is such a good build to make up for my awfulness lol.

Best drops so far:

2x Shadow Killer both etheral?
Natalya's Shadow
The redeemer
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

tooting along at a good pace for me, A3 was all P8, Meph was easier than I figured he'd be, maybe I'll run him a couple times see if I can get some better gear. no deaths, one NDE though when the batteries in the mouse died.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Not had much spare time so as i said before dropped to P1 to sped up the rest of Act 1 then have just spent 5-10 mins on P1 in act 2 rushing to the cube so i can clear space cubing up my many gems. Will resume back on P8 and go after Radament for my extra skill point.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
2x Shadow Killer both etheral?

Shadow Killers are always ethereal!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Played thru Hell Act 1-3. Haven't found an elite base for Treachery and I think that fade wouldn't trigger that much because I get one shotted from outside the screen. Could be useful on the merc tho. Finally respecced to FA/LF/CS (Fishyzon).

Ran NM meph in hopes of better items after I lost almost all of my gold and exp in Hell Act3. 50 runs and found duriel shell, skin of the vipermagi (28res) and kelpie snare. Hopefully with these I can survive Act4.

Death count skyrocketed due to the gloams and -60 lightning resist.

Edit: Hell HF: Hel. Luckily I found Ist in the Chaos Sanctuary later.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Have taken down Radament and claimed my skill point and a level up yet still not had any more Sets or Uniques :(

I also have learnt that when Charsi'ing a item with class specific skills like the alpha helm i used you may well get a nice item with extra stuff but it also rerolls the darn skills :( So bye bye +1 cyclone armour and hello +3 fissure :( It will do until i find something better which being i dont use fissure can even include a non druid pelt.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Reached Hell HF (Io) and leveled a bit in the AT, two magic Lacquered plates dropped, shame. But on the bright side I got Vex in my 3rd LK run after 20 minute search for a good map. Furthermore, before, when leveling in AT I got 4os Flail, I think a HoTo is possible in near future.:cloud9:

This was a present from Ormus:
Raven Grip 
Required Level: 41 
Fingerprint: 0x1101657f 
Item Level: 75 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+10% Faster Cast Rate 
+95 to Attack Rating 
Replenish Life +6 
+87 to Mana 
All Resistances +6
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Wow, That's a sick ring!

Been running meph like crazy, he's not dropped much of use yet though. He did drop a Gheed's, but it is a perfectly crappy roll at 20% MF! at least it has 15% vendor reduction I guess.

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      83             20+          N/A        20  
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         82             ~~           97        40
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     80        ~10        123           29
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      80             1            235       23
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian      78             0            97        ~              
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian      45             0            21        14
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian      41             0            13        N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress      30             1            ~5        4.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    28             0            4        N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2         2
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          20             0            3        N/A   
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         18             0            0        N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin        14             0         0         1
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin        0             0            0         0
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid          30             0            4        N/A
MizzouFTW    Cecilia          Sorceress     **        0         0           N/A
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

pawned daiblo at lvl 26, wow that was easy with CS, my zon only needed one red pot, and a handful of blues. best find so far was twitchthroe in plains of despair, very excited about that! also found a magical kite shield of deflecting with an open socket and 14%dtm! threw an ort in there and my twitch on and all of a sudden i have max block and 73 lite res :) diablo was soooo easy ... was really worried with only being lvl 26. hopefully can get to baal tonight. vanilla and selffound is tough for sure, more i think about it im very worried about hell lol! already using decoy as my scout, can't wait for valk!
cant get damn table to post!!!! ggrrrrr....
hew Pipleline zon, lvl 26, 0 deaths, 8 s/u
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Sorc is 89. I switched from running pindle to mephisto. Meph dropped me a nice vipermagi 31 res all and 10 or so runs later meph dropped a spider web sash. Once a stormshield and shako drop, I'll start running nm council and nm cows for charms. I'm lacking in the resist department.

I also switched out my sanctuary kite shield for a spirit monarch. It took me forever to find a white monarch.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Sorry for the double post, but I just found this!

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

MizzouFTW said:
Sorry for the double post, but I just found this!


nice boneshield!! kidding, ive yet to find a jah in sp 👍
That's very cool!

Not to be a Debbie downer, but you realize its virtually useless for her...right? :/
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
That's very cool!

Not to be a Debbie downer, but you realize its virtually useless for her...right? :/

Negatory. The merc see's a dream in his future.
That would make a decent merc helm, especially if he's wielding an infinity. Just need to get him some armor with leech. I would have much rather seen a ber though!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Forgot how freggin hard Normal Diablo was with a summonmancer, finally took him down, choked on some fire/lightning twice though. just finished the frozen river quest thingy, running pindle on p8 to get some more skellies running around, and hopefully some more nice items...
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

pipeline, zon, lvl 42 ! ran pindle from 36 to 39, did a few baals.

shopped a nice circlet on my 3rd try tonight ,had to share:

lvl29 circlet
35 life
15 all res
dmg red by 2

open sockets would have been so sweet.

coming along nicely....few cows and baals tomorrow and will start nm :D
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
That would make a decent merc helm, especially if he's wielding an infinity. Just need to get him some armor with leech. I would have much rather seen a ber though!

You mean like this?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

zgpmf said:
You mean like this?

Congrats! Santa must be coming a little early this year.
What the heck! This was my idea, I'm supposed to get all the good drops! :rant:

I did get a vipermagi from Meph finally.... 20@ :unimpressed:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Got anya quest done (was not enjoyable) and have since been running pindle. Pindle seems the fastest and safest runs for me atm.

I'm sure I could take down ancients and baal atm with a lot of effort but I'm still wanting to mf so not gonna rush it. Got a kiras yesterday which I'm using in place of my Lore helm I made.

How are you guys going to make the decision of when to go into straight baal running mode?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
How are you guys going to make the decision of when to go into straight baal running mode?

I was thinking maybe to level to 96 or even more in AT/Nihly and then proceed to Ancients quest because there was one thread by Kestegs saying that might be a good solution. But, I have a lot of LK runs to do before I decide.

IMO running Meph isn't worth it, I did couple of dozens of runs and got nothing. I currently run LK for runes and jewelery and then I'll hit AT again.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

You can also try to get a Ber and make Enigma for the Sorc. Massive str, skills, frw and MF (and one -or two - more skill points to spend for dmg), great to get stuff for untwinked sorc :whistling:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

nulio said:
You can also try to get a Ber and make Enigma for the Sorc. Massive str, skills, frw and MF (and one -or two - more skill points to spend for dmg), great to get stuff for untwinked sorc :whistling:

That ber from Enigma would be better spent on a Chains of Honor. +2 skills, fhr, res, mf. Can't complain.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Bit more progress tonight, Coldworm now dead and one more failed set item (due to no set item Falchions). Probably not bother with the next part of the quest tonight as i'm feeling a little tired.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

nm player5 going smooth. see if i can get thru act2 tonight :scratchchin:
still doesnt look right i give up lol
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread


Just press "quote" on the last persons post.

Delete the tags quote and /quote and what they wrote and put in your own stuf
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished A5 all on P8, I think I'm going to run baal for a while, it's been about .75-1 level per run with a baal kill, when it gets to .5 I'll move on to NM. I know I'm missing out on the better items in running higher difficulties but I can't help run the areas where I can level easier.

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         86             ~~           198       50
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      83             20+          N/A        20  
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     80        ~10        123           29
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      80             1            235       23
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian      78             0            97        ~              
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian      45             0            21        14
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian      41             0            13        N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress      30             1            ~5        4.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    49             2            15        N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2         2
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          23             0            4        N/A   
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         26             0            8        N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin        14             0         0         1
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin        0             0            0         0
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid          30             0            4        N/A
MizzouFTW    Cecilia          Sorceress     **        0         0           N/A
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finally got some time in again and finished Act 1 Normal.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Made through Act 4 and first half of Act 5. Ran Eldritch to gain some levels and full rejus before saving Anya. After Anya was saved started running Pindleskin.

Nothing spectacular found so far.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ancients are down!!! Woohooo... It was a long struggle to reset them a bunch of times where it was even manageable. I went through an entire inventory of full juvs too.

But yeah!!!! Pretty pumped. WSK / Baal here we go!

edit: baal down, gonna try to run some cows to gear up a bit and I need charms/socketables.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Completed Claw Viper Temple and Fangskin tried to drop me a set Cestus lol.

Suitable point to quit for a while before doing the palace on the way to the arcane sanctuary waypoint.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

p1 baal so hard... how the hell am i going to get gear to do p8....

ready to give up on the untwink already =\
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

What gear do you use?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

My freezealot is loitering near Kurast region in Hell on P1 untwinked. Have recently (as in 45 mins ago) changed from prayer merc to might merc and will rely on my life leech to regenerate life plus potions.

Hopefully the extra physical boost will help me kill the darn cold immunes faster.

Slightly off topic and definatly probably twinked.

Never used Atma much before, basically use it to look at what characters got what as its quicker than opening them up in game, so am i right in thinking its possible to transfer items from one character to another?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

jevgeni said:
What gear do you use?

fishyzon w/ decoy no valk

Gheed's Fortune
Grand Charm
Required Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0x2c26c4c9
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
135% Extra Gold from Monsters
Reduces all Vendor Prices 13%
22% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x94341a97
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Lizard's Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 17
Fingerprint: 0x653b193b
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+14 to Life
+5 to Mana

Ocher Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0x5324dcc9
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +7%

Garnet Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 20
Fingerprint: 0xc4db5579
Item Level: 84
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +9%

Fingerprint: 0xa70fcda4
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+

Kira's Guardian
Defense: 147
Durability: 25 of 25
Required Level: 77
Fingerprint: 0x3aa1c996
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+106 Defense
All Resistances +69
Cannot Be Frozen

Havoc Clasp
Required Level: 31
Fingerprint: 0x25bb1fc4
Item Level: 90
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Amazon Skill Levels
+3 to Minimum Damage
+5 to Dexterity
All Resistances +19
Lightning Resist +21%

Naj's Light Plate
Hellforge Plate
Defense: 768
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 32
Fingerprint: 0xc511bad1
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+300 Defense
+65 to Life
All Resistances +25
45% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Requirements -60%

Dwarf Star
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xc3ccd26d
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40 to Life
+40 Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
Fire Absorb 15%
Magic Damage Reduced by 12
100% Extra Gold from Monsters

Carrion Wind
Required Level: 60
Fingerprint: 0xa7124ef6
Item Level: 94
Version: Expansion 1.10+
10% Chance to cast level 10 Poison Nova when struck
8% Chance to cast level 13 Twister on striking
9% Life stolen per hit
+132 Defense vs. Missile
Poison Resist +55%
10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
Level 21 Poison Creeper (15/15 Charges)

String of Ears
Demonhide Sash
Defense: 106
Durability: 22 of 22
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 20
Fingerprint: 0xe4f4bb01
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Life stolen per hit
+162% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
Damage Reduced by 15%
Magic Damage Reduced by 13
+10 Maximum Durability

Natalya's Soul
Mesh Boots
Defense: 121
Durability: 66 of 116
Required Level: 25
Required Strength: 65
Fingerprint: 0x23a5044d
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40% Faster Run/Walk
+84 Defense
Heal Stamina Plus (Based on Character Level) +21%
Cold Resist +19%
Lightning Resist +20%
+50 Maximum Durability

Archer's Gauntlets of Alacrity
Defense: 12
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 60
Fingerprint: 0x9883c772
Item Level: 92
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed

Storm Quill
Ceremonial Bow
Two Hand Damage: 43 - 93
Durability: 46 of 55
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 110
Fingerprint: 0xb8b9909c
Item Level: 83
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
128% Enhanced Damage
+207 to Attack Rating
Adds 1 - 20 Lightning Damage
+7 to Dexterity

Titan's Revenge
Ceremonial Javelin
Throw Damage: 70 - 187
One Hand Damage: 70 - 138
Quantity: 129
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 109
Fingerprint: 0xd3deb83f
Item Level: 76
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
+30% Faster Run/Walk
154% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25 - 50 Damage
8% Life stolen per hit
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
Increased Stack Size
Replenishes quantity

Bone Shield
Defense: 24
Chance to Block: 40
Durability: 40 of 40
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 25
Fingerprint: 0x2a3aedae
Item Level: 20
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
Regenerate Mana 15%
All Resistances +25
Cannot Be Frozen
50% Extra Gold from Monsters
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
2 Sockets (2 used)
Socketed: Shael Rune
Socketed: Eth Rune


Name:       Leharas
Race:       Desert Mercenary
Type:       Def-Normal
Experience: 73280936
Level:      87
Dead?:      false

Strength:   194/199
Dexterity:  157/162
HP:         1910/1970
Defense:    1402/2095
AR:         2000/450000

Fire:       154/114/54
Cold:       167/127/67
Lightning:  154/114/54
Poison:    154/114/54

Blood Veil
Defense: 54
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Level: 9
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0xccb1f94a
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+19% Enhanced Defense
+5 to Mana
Cold Resist +13%
Poison Length Reduced by 25%
Repairs 1 Durability in 33 Seconds

Mesh Armor
Defense: 639
Durability: 41 of 45
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 92
Fingerprint: 0x79a81151
Item Level: 59
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+199% Enhanced Defense
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+60 to Life
Damage Reduced by 30%

Two Hand Damage: 35 - 65
Durability: 38 of 65
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 41
Required Dexterity: 41
Fingerprint: 0x4cfd513c
Item Level: 39
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Level 17 Meditation Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
226% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
224% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
+4 to Critical Strike
All Stats +5
+2 to Mana after each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Sol Rune
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
fishyzon w/ decoy no valk
I use similar build. Went maxblock because I found Whitstan's quite early on.

Garnet Grand Charm of Dexterity
Grand Charm
Required Level: 15
Fingerprint: 0x926059ca
Item Level: 73
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+6 to Dexterity
Fire Resist +21%

Amber Large Charm of Greed
Large Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0xd095fae1
Item Level: 55
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +13%
12% Extra Gold from Monsters

Lucky Large Charm of Sustenance
Large Charm
Required Level: 34
Fingerprint: 0xb620cbea
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+24 to Life
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Iron Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 53
Fingerprint: 0xd89bafe2
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+73 to Attack Rating
+33 to Life

Stalwart Large Charm of Sustenance
Large Charm
Required Level: 34
Fingerprint: 0xbf68c045
Item Level: 64
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+32 Defense
+22 to Life

Steel Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x99185077
Item Level: 74
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+36 to Attack Rating

Ocher Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 10
Fingerprint: 0x7cfcddac
Item Level: 25
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +7%

Cobalt Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 20
Fingerprint: 0x8de7a8af
Item Level: 69
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+12 to Life
Cold Resist +8%

Large Charm of Vita
Large Charm
Required Level: 50
Fingerprint: 0xf0b29e08
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+26 to Life

Small Charm of Vita
Small Charm
Required Level: 39
Fingerprint: 0x678a82dd
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+19 to Life

Small Charm of Vita
Small Charm
Required Level: 39
Fingerprint: 0x6f55abdd
Item Level: 69
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+18 to Life

Stout Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x5835acbe
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 Defense
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Cobalt Small Charm of Dexterity
Small Charm
Required Level: 20
Fingerprint: 0x232c5f40
Item Level: 43
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +9%

Sensei's Amulet of Luck
Required Level: 30
Fingerprint: 0x51225cf2
Item Level: 84
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Skin of the Vipermagi
Serpentskin Armor
Defense: 279
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 43
Fingerprint: 0x31c69f4f
Item Level: 59
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+120% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +28
Magic Damage Reduced by 12

Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xd5f7368c
Item Level: **
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+224 to Attack Rating
Adds 15 - 45 Cold Damage Over 4 Secs (100 Frames)
+15 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
Cold Absorb 20%
Cannot Be Frozen

Required Level: 7
Fingerprint: 0x138c65b8
Item Level: 10
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+75 to Attack Rating
Magic Damage Reduced by 3
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
28% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
Mesh Belt
Defense: 39
Durability: 16 of 16
Required Level: 53
Required Strength: 38
Fingerprint: 0x93df588
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20 to Dexterity
+30 to Mana
37% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
11% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Requirements -20%
Set (2 items): +60 Defense
Set (3 items): +10% Faster Cast Rate

Plague Tread
Chain Boots
Defense: 12
Durability: 16 of 16
Required Level: 18
Required Strength: 30
Fingerprint: 0xae58ddd2
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+29% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +40%
Fire Resist +35%
Repairs 1 Durability in 20 Seconds

Ghoul Clutches
Heavy Gloves
Defense: 11
Durability: 14 of 14
Required Level: 35
Fingerprint: 0xbafa737b
Item Level: 71
Version: Expansion 1.10+
12% Chance to cast level 4 Charged Bolt when struck
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+67% Enhanced Defense
+9 Maximum Stamina

Large Charm of Vita
Large Charm
Required Level: 50
Fingerprint: 0xd35694c2
Item Level: 65
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+28 to Life

Matriarchal Javelin of Replenishing
Matriarchal Javelin
Throw Damage: 35 - 66
One Hand Damage: 30 - 54
Quantity: 47
Required Level: 48
Required Strength: 107
Required Dexterity: 151
Fingerprint: 0xae608123
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
Replenishes quantity

Whitstan's Guard
Round Shield
Defense: 154
Chance to Block: 67
Durability: 64 of 64
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 53
Fingerprint: 0x5a978721
Item Level: 59
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40% Faster Block Rate
55% Increased Chance of Blocking
+175% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration
+5 to Light Radius

Matriarchal Bow of Flame
Matriarchal Bow
Two Hand Damage: 20 - 47
Durability: 46 of 48
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
Fingerprint: 0xa71438dc
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
Adds 1 - 4 Fire Damage

Sazabi's Mental Sheath
Defense: 182
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 82
Fingerprint: 0xe1838508
Item Level: 59
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+100 Defense
Lightning Resist +17%
Fire Resist +18%


Name:       Mizan
Race:       Desert Mercenary
Type:       Off-Normal
Experience: 74549440
Level:      87
Dead?:      false

Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Death Mask
Defense: 111
Durability: 19 of 20
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 55
Fingerprint: 0xc926ef4d
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
10% Mana stolen per hit
10% Life stolen per hit
+45 Defense
+60 to Life
+30 to Mana
All Resistances +15

Dusk Shroud
Defense: 444
Durability: 12 of 20
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 77
Fingerprint: 0xebb0b4f2
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 15 Fade when struck
25% Chance to cast level 15 Venom on striking
+2 to Assassin Skill Levels
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +30%
50% Extra Gold from Monsters
3 Sockets (3 used)
Socketed: Shael Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Socketed: Lem Rune

Shael Rune
Required Level: 29
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +20% Increased Attack Speed
Armor: +20% Faster Hit Recovery
Shields: +20% Faster Block Rate

Thul Rune
Required Level: 23
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
Armor: Cold Resist +30%
Shields: Cold Resist +35%

Lem Rune
Required Level: 43
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 75% Extra Gold from Monsters
Armor: 50% Extra Gold from Monsters
Shields: 50% Extra Gold from Monsters

Two Hand Damage: 114 - 233
Durability: 44 of 65
Required Level: 27
Required Strength: 113
Required Dexterity: 67
Fingerprint: 0x31de0fca
Item Level: 38
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Level 16 Meditation Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
211% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
220% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
+6 to Critical Strike
All Stats +5
+2 to Mana after each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Sol Rune

Ral Rune
Required Level: 19
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Armor: Fire Resist +30%
Shields: Fire Resist +35%

Tir Rune
Required Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +2 to Mana after each Kill
Armor: +2 to Mana after each Kill
Shields: +2 to Mana after each Kill

Tal Rune
Required Level: 17
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
Armor: Poison Resist +30%
Shields: Poison Resist +35%

Sol Rune
Required Level: 27
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: +9 to Minimum Damage
Armor: Damage Reduced by 7
Shields: Damage Reduced by 7
When pindlerunning I swap my armor and helmet for ptopazed stuff.

Don't give up yet. Let's show them that zon is the proper way to do this. 👍
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
p1 baal so hard... how the hell am i going to get gear to do p8...
ready to give up on the untwink already =\

Your gear seems decent enough, esp. the amulet is very nice. Get something for your merc too, don't tell me you haven't found a better helm yet. The best way would be to pass him the Kira's, once you find dShell (or hopefully Ravenfrost) to maintain CBF on the bow switch.

The only real hindrance opposed to twinked chars are imo charms, which take long time to collect. You are more likely to reroll a skiller than actually finding one in the WSK.

Your troubles are with WSK, waves, or Baal himself?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

CS and Diablo were piece of cake.:) I reached Pindle and leveled until **. Here are some nice items I got/made in last ~10 hours of gameplay:

Colossus Voulge 
Two Hand Damage: 86 - 763 
Durability: 26 of 26 
Required Level: 48 
Required Strength: 200 
Required Dexterity: 45 
Fingerprint: 0x71298815 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Level 14 Meditation Aura When Equipped 
+35% Faster Cast Rate 
209% Enhanced Damage 
+9 to Minimum Damage 
215% Bonus to Attack Rating 
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage 
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames) 
+6 to Critical Strike 
All Stats +5 
+2 to Mana after each Kill 
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ethereal 
4 Sockets (4 used) 
Socketed: Ral Rune 
Socketed: Tir Rune 
Socketed: Tal Rune 
Socketed: Sol Rune 
Ral Rune 
Required Level: 19 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage Armor: Fire Resist +30% Shields: Fire Resist +35%  
Tir Rune 
Required Level: 13 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +2 to Mana after each Kill Armor: +2 to Mana after each Kill Shields: +2 to Mana after each Kill  
Tal Rune 
Required Level: 17 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames) Armor: Poison Resist +30% Shields: Poison Resist +35%  
Sol Rune 
Required Level: 27 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +9 to Minimum Damage Armor: Damage Reduced by 7 Shields: Damage Reduced by 7 

Corpse Crest 
Defense: 47 
Durability: 21 of 25 
Required Level: 67 
Fingerprint: 0xf685d2d3 
Item Level: 86 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels 
+4 to Dexterity 
Cold Resist +18% 
16% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Heart of the Oak 
One Hand Damage: 1 - 24 
Durability: 30 of 30 
Required Level: 55 
Required Strength: 41 
Required Dexterity: 35 
Fingerprint: 0xdcb44bda 
Item Level: ** 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+3 to All Skills 
+40% Faster Cast Rate 
+75% Damage to Demons 
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons 
+150% Damage to Undead 
Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames) 
7% Mana stolen per hit 
+10 to Dexterity 
Replenish Life +20 
Increase Maximum Mana 15% 
All Resistances +36 
Level 14 Raven (60/60 Charges) 
Level 4 Oak Sage (25/25 Charges) 4 Sockets (4 used) 
Socketed: Ko Rune 
Socketed: Vex Rune 
Socketed: Pul Rune 
Socketed: Thul Rune 
Ko Rune 
Required Level: 39 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +10 to Dexterity Armor: +10 to Dexterity Shields: +10 to Dexterity  
Vex Rune 
Required Level: 55 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: 7% Mana stolen per hit Armor: +5% to Maximum Fire Resist Shields: +5% to Maximum Fire Resist  
Pul Rune 
Required Level: 45 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +75% Damage to Demons 
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons Armor: +30% Enhanced Defense Shields: +30% Enhanced Defense  
Thul Rune 
Required Level: 23 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames) Armor: Cold Resist +30% Shields: Cold Resist +35% 

Great Wyrm's Amulet of Luck 
Required Level: 29 
Fingerprint: 0x8a1738e6 
Item Level: 62 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+74 to Mana 
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Short War Bow 
Two Hand Damage: 28 - 55 
Durability: 42 of 48 
Required Level: 39 
Required Strength: 35 
Required Dexterity: 55 
Fingerprint: 0x1856a8c0 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Level 10 Vigor Aura When Equipped 
233% Enhanced Damage 
+9 to Minimum Damage 
+9 to Maximum Damage 
Adds 55 - 160 Fire Damage 
Adds 55 - 160 Lightning Damage 
Adds 55 - 160 Cold Damage Over 6 Secs (150 Frames) 
+6 to Valkyrie 
+10 to Dexterity 
Regenerate Mana 20% 
+2 to Mana after each Kill 
+2 to Light Radius 
Level 20 Revive (25/25 Charges) 4 Sockets (4 used) 
Socketed: Tir Rune 
Socketed: Ith Rune 
Socketed: Sol Rune 
Socketed: Ko Rune 
Tir Rune 
Required Level: 13 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +2 to Mana after each Kill Armor: +2 to Mana after each Kill Shields: +2 to Mana after each Kill  
Ith Rune 
Required Level: 15 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +9 to Maximum Damage Armor: 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana Shields: 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana  
Sol Rune 
Required Level: 27 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +9 to Minimum Damage Armor: Damage Reduced by 7 Shields: Damage Reduced by 7  
Ko Rune 
Required Level: 39 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +10 to Dexterity Armor: +10 to Dexterity Shields: +10 to Dexterity 

Gul Rune 
Required Level: 53 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: 20% Bonus to Attack Rating Armor: +5% to Maximum Poison Resist Shields: +5% to Maximum Poison Resist
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

WSK can be a pita depending on what mobs spawn but I think that is true for everybody.

What I'm more worried about is just the time from starting a run, to actually finishing lister and / or baal. It takes so long already on p1. Bartuc takes quite awhile and lister and his group arn't exactly quick. Baal obviously takes a bit himself.

It seems like to even have any bit of reasonable chance at this I'm going to need to hit 5:00-6:00 p8 times right?

Yeah I didn't realize how bad the helm was on my merc until I did the printout.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

JOSHK said:
p1 baal so hard... how the hell am i going to get gear to do p8....

ready to give up on the untwink already =\

P8 is great for the minions but an overflow bug limits the experience baal gives, there's no point killing him on anything higher than p3.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Been running meph a lot, found a viper magi and a Occy. Decided to move on to pindle. He has dropped anything useful except for a OHM :)

Died once trying to find an LK map, then the run after I found the OHM, I think I was a bit too excited :p
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

That's interesting that you said that. I found an OHM this morning as well. I was running NM baal out of boredom and poof! There lies an Ohm rune. I'm about to make a CTA. I have an Ist and Mal already. I just need to find a 5os flail or crystal sword.
Nice! I don't have the ist or mal yet, second highest is my NM forge (pul)

Hell forge was a fal.

I did have a ko and made a harmony for faster running. That was nice.

I still haven't found an elite 4os pole :unimpressed:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm in NM Travincal now!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread


You guys know what really surprises me? I have found two high runes since I started this sorc. A Jah and an Ohm. But I can't seem to find a shako for the life of me. They just will not drop. I don't even see white ones drop.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

My highest rune so far has been an ist (besides forge which was a gul). Pindle gave me an SoJ this morning though so that is a pretty huge upgrade.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

rushed through NM A1, I get too bored with that one in Nm and hell. Andy dropped diddle. working my way to NM meph, and start running him until I get some better gear, +4 to skills right now through wand (+2) shield (+1) and a nice ammy that I found running normal baal, +1 & 75 live. highest rune so far is Sol, cubbed from Amns. have everything for an insight, or Lore. found a 4os pike then realized it was a spear and not a polearm... so close to insight, CE hurts the blue bulb righ now..

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     **        ~20         162       48,5
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      **             20+          N/A        30
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         87             ~~           216      58
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      **             3            470       30
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian      78             0            97        ~              
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian      45             0            21        14
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian      41             0            13        N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress      30             1            ~5        4.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    53             2            22        N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2         2
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          24             0            5        N/A   
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         26             0            8        N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin        18             0         0         2
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin        0             0            0         0
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid          30             0            4        N/A
MizzouFTW    Cecilia          Sorceress     **        0         0           N/A
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

quick update: just knocked over the big A in hell and into the start of act 2. picked up some uniques, nothing useful. and another lvl.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Made it up to 89 or /p8 pindle. Another couple deaths along the way. One was just an errant charge that one shotted me. The other was a time when I did 4 teleports instead of 3 :p Insta-death there!

Found a few TC87s S/U but nothing useful has dropped since the OHM in my last update. Maybe I'll upload a flavie after I hit 90.

Good job to everyone running, keep at it!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Leveled from 85 to 89 on p1 pindleruns. That took way too many runs. Stopped counting successful runs after run 1065. Notable finds Gheeds (32mf), kira's (69res) and ko rune (finally been able to made Melody).

Also tried to find Ko rune by running Countess for awhile but I couldn't find it.

Also tried several times to roll 4os elite polearm but no such luck. I have few CVs but it would take ages before my merc could use those without switching his other gear to worse.

kestegs: Could you tell what kind of gear you use?

Now that I have Kira's and Melody I'll probably try some Chaos Sanctuary runs for a change.
Edit: even slower leveling than pindleruns. takes about 15min for full clear
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Sure, here's the gear:

3x Ptopaz hat
Rhyme shield
tal's belt
chance guards
rare boots: 3o FRW/20 MF
rare ammy: 9MF/10 FCR/ a bit more
10% fcr ring
27% nagel

She total's 405 MF and has 50% FCR

Harmony on switch.

I have 3-4 5% mf scs and 1 7% mf SC a 25% gheeds (my 3rd and best :p )
Some other mana and life charms

resits are all around -10 to +10

Iron pelt
crown of thieves
Insight bec-de-corbin

Still no better bases for insight.

I just found my first white/grey monarch and it had 4os! That's very nice although I don't have the str to use it yet.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

p8 Pindle-running, nothing remotely useful dropped.
Nice gear Kest, seems like Meph-running payed of after all. 👍
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm now lvl 80 but have gone back to running NM meph hoping to pick up the IK gloves and boots and just some general gear improvements for the merc.

Got gullimanes face and the ik belt but i need those 2 slots as they are to get my mf. picked up the staff in the maggot lair. wasn't as bad as i thought but the viper temple was killing me with their silly charge attacks.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just finished Meph in NM, all NM has been P8 so far, had a couple NDE's lvl 2 before Meph; mental note, don't get too far ahead of army, F me, block lock really need some FHR... nothing good as far as items dropped so far, had a nice rune run or two through UK and LK though, was hitting about one every 30 seconds for a bit there. I'm going to run Meph for a couple lvls (5-6) before moving on, hoping for something to improve either my gear or the merc's. My goal is to not leave NM before Lvl 80, I find it more enjoyable to grind through the game getting lvls than to hit the end, then do run after run to lvl up. currently +5 to skills, finally found a second war hat to make Lore in. I suppose I could try and find a 3-4os armor and put Ptopaz in for the MF on Meph.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

This dropped few secs ago.
I don't have much time these days, but I'll squeeze in 1 hour of play, maybe 2.

Funny thing, I tried to hork Pindle with a Sorc couple of times.:D
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

More Hrs

At least it's half of a useful rune.

Eldritch gives quite good exp and is so much easier to run for me than pindle.
Edit: or did give until i gained another lvl
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I got a set of Trang Oul's gloves from NM Baal. Those are excellent sources of FCR for those of you looking for that sort of thing.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Arrived in Act 5 Normal.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Had enough time to fight my way thru the Arcane Sanctuary (fecking 4th choice again grrrr) and into the canyon of the magi. A suitable spot to stop for now. Summoner failed to drop Milebrega's Orb somehow too, would have liked that for the MF.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hit 92 and one of Pindle's minions was kind enough to drop these:
War Traveler 
Battle Boots 
Defense: 128 
Durability: 13 of 48 
Required Level: 42 
Required Strength: 95 
Fingerprint: 0x44ec2038 
Item Level: 86 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+25% Faster Run/Walk 
Adds 15 - 25 Damage 
+168% Enhanced Defense 
+10 to Strength 
+10 to Vitality 
40% Slower Stamina Drain 
Attacker Takes Damage of 7 
47% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 
+30 Maximum Durability
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I've made it to Lower Kurast so it's now time to start running for runes!

Current build:
Blizzard: 20 (1853-1955 damage)
Cold Mastery: 20 (-130% cold resistance)
Ice Blast: 20
Glacial Spike: 10
with +3 skills from Lore/orb
FCR: 40 (20 from gloves/20 from orb)

Resists: 40/36/38/-25 so they're pretty decent.

Lore Circlet
Prismatic Amulet (+20%)
rare orb with +2 cold skills/20%FCR/+19 energy/+38 mana
Rhyme shield
3 soc BP with sapphires for +72 mana
Trang-Oul's gloves (+20%FCR)
Infernostride boots
rings/belts are pretty weak but have some resists and mana
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ran mr Rectifier from lvl 89 to lvl 92. Notable finds include that Sur rune I posted earlier, ruby jewel of fervor (33ed/15ias), eth Reaper's and a lot of charms that I have rerolled to give me some resists.

Now could be the time to do the Ancients quest. What do you think? How long are you gonna wait before start baalrunning?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

jevgeni said:
Now could be the time to do the Ancients quest. What do you think? How long are you gonna wait before start baalrunning?

Personally I plan to do some MF-League rounds with her such as AT and Council so I won't do the Ancients quest before that. Also, I need Griffon's and other Light-Sorc stuff before I start serious baalrunning.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread


Crescent Moon
Champion Sword
One-Hand Damage: 71 to 159
Two-Hand Damage: 210 to 245
Durability: 26 of 40
Required Dexterity: 103
Required Strength: 163
Required Level: 57
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x26f01b64
+196% Enhanced Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
Ignore Target Defense
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
+10 Magic Absorb
10% Chance to cast Level 17 Chain Lightning on striking
7% Chance to cast Level 13 Static Field on striking
Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30/30 Charges)
-35% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
Socketed (3: 3 used)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished Act 2 having had 2 failed set items drop in the canyon of the magi before Duriel dropped 1 set item and a failed set item for me.

Need more Uniques :(
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished Normal. Found a 29 res targe for a possible first spirit Shield. :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hell yea I'm up for this!
Bowazon I think. HC obviously. I am only half the noob that Kestegs is *cute eyes*

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      92             20+          N/A        40
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     92        ~40         222        78
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      89             5            491        33
MizzouFTW    Cecilia          Sorceress     **        0         0             N/A
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         87             ~~           216        58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian      82             0            97         N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress      70             lots         20         10.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    62             2            32         N/A
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian      45             0            21         14
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian      41             0            13         N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin        43             0         11           6
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid          30             0            4          N/A
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          26             0           10          N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         26             0            8          N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2           2
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin        0             0            0           0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Welcome Virgi, and nice progress to everyone else :nod:

Got to 91 on p8 pindle, not much useful dropped except for a 4os thresher. Made an insight in it, shame it wasn't eth :p

Death #6 came at the hands of a CE council member's death. I always thought that the zealot monsters would lee from you after you smashed the compelling orb, but that's wrong. You have to complete the kill the council quest for them to leave you alone. I didn't do that the first time because of a CE/FE member, so I had to go back to make LK easier.

Started LK runs, found a nice map that I like a lot. Gul + pul found so far, I'll upload the screens later.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Correcting my minor table aligning balls up from last night.

Been lazy and rampaging around Nightmare from Countess (got a Io on first run but a Ith this time :() then thru Tamoe and Smith right thru Jail levels.

Shame its untwinked as found both a rare barb helm (moved onto Barb character via Charsi) and a Druid Antlers each with triple 25-30% resists :(.

Also found my first ever IK set item (avenger guard) which will move from my mule onto the barb once he hits the right level.

Seems skellimancing with 9 skelies and 70% MF is the way forward ;) Just gotta remember to switch armour with the merc when i first start as he has Iceblink which is good despite the shattered bodies. Not really bothering with CE see and am putting skill points into Poison Nova. Having a +1 PN +2 necro skill wand helps.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Here's my current flavie, still hanging out in LK, but it hasn't been overly kind to me this morning besides a MAL.

Isenheart's parry is the leader @11, then case and berserker's hatchet @10
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

OT: Flavie?? where do i get that from?
You can make flavie reports through Gomule.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So I've been traveling for work for the last 10 days and I'm finally back home. I got Khal Drogo to NM Act 5 and ran Meph along the way to improve my gear. Meph was actually quite generous. He gave me a Skullder's and a Shaftstop for my Merc. He even dropeed a 33res Vipemagi that's just sitting in my stash along with lots of other goodies. NM Hellfoge was a Fal. Still no NDE's. I'm sure at some point I'll get lazy and manage to kill my toon. But hey, it's SC.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Tagged on another. as tanked as i am its pretty impressive. the crescent moon has sped up the pit substantially. going to run it till 85 at least
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Dropping out of this. Too many projects going on at once to keep up with this. Besides, I haven't touched my SC sorc in a while. I'm slowly transitioning back to HC again.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread


Griffon's Eye
Defense: 216
Durability: 14 of 20
Required Level: 76
Fingerprint: 0xc0fec79e
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+25% Faster Cast Rate
-15% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+15% to Lightning Skill Damage
+160 Defense
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Oh wow

Congrats on griffons!


Some news about Madness' progress:
Killed hell Baal, ran him few times, found nothing.

I reached my own goal of actually making it to over lvl90 with an untwinked char. This was my first properly untwinked char. It was quite an adventure. I think she will be taking another break. I hope I find some motivation to finish this at some point.

Reason for the note (or why not just disappear for a few days/weeks/months):
I didn't want to suddenly stop updating without informing people who are also trying to accomplish this or just following.

Some interesting things from the flavie report so far.
Most common set item(s): Cathan's Seal (10), Tancred's Crowbill (10)
Most common unique item(s): Ravenfrost (4) and many more that have been equally common but not as interesting.

I would upload flavie report if I knew where.


Taking a break from this.

Good luck to other people who are giving this a go. 👍
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

@Kstuart, are you a druid or a necro?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hi everyone,

I progress really slow with my wind-druid, but I'm still in the race, plan to reach lvl 99 in 2024 :smug:

I just finished Normal game and reached lvl 45, everything in /p8, and it's really piece of cake for the moment, with this character. Baal took me a few minutes to beat, he's the last who resist me a little (with Lister and his friends).

Baal's drop was really cool :


I'll wear Goldwrap and the Ward from now.

The only boring thing is the mana potions I have to drink so often. I'm looking for a gear to make Insight.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

On this i'm a druid but all my charcters have been untwinked including me fishymancer

i have only recently used Atma to move things around and not for either the druid or my fishymancer.

Not done anything recently as been busy with work and also as its november NaNoWriMo too

looking to do more on this over the weekend, may even learn how to get the darn tornadoes to go where i want them too......
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I found a mal and then a ber on back-to-back runs in LK. I may just skip Insight and go straight to Infinity.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished Act 2 Radament quest now and I made a Spirit sword.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I made it up to level 92, killed ancients and baal and am now going to run cows in the MFL 👍
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread
kstuart said:
On this i'm a druid but all my charcters have been untwinked including me fishymancer

i have only recently used Atma to move things around and not for either the druid or my fishymancer.

Not done anything recently as been busy with work and also as its november NaNoWriMo too

looking to do more on this over the weekend, may even learn how to get the darn tornadoes to go where i want them too......

Ahhh, that makes more sense. Cheers.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'd love to give this a go, but I've already got one 99 project running. Attempting to get 2 characters to 99 simultaneously is commitable.

Ah, what the heck. Here I go with a bog-standard Summoner.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Long time lurker here, and i've been itching to try to get a 99 for years now, so i figure i'll throw my hat in the ring here to see if this gives me the incentive to finish.

Will go barb, No idea on the final build should be amusing.

BTW, love this forum, even when playing other games, this one of my daily stops to lurk.

G'luck and loots to all.

Forum name      Character Name    Class          Level/exp      #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress      93             20+          N/A        50
jevgeni        Madness          Amazon     92        ~40         222        78
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress      92             8            540        45
MizzouFTW    Cecilia          Sorceress     **        0         0             N/A
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon         87             ~~           216        58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian      83             0            97         N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress      70             lots         20         10.5
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian      66             0            198        N/A
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer    62             2            32         N/A
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian      45             0            21         14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid          45             0            17         N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin        51             0         n/a           n/a
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid          26             0            10         N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon         26             0            8          N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon         19             1            2           2
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin        0             0            0           0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Welcome Chemo!

*kicks shins*

Good luck with getting to 99.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ehhhhh, might as well join also, going 99 was something I always wanted to try. Not playing a lot everyday so probably be more of a longgggggggg term project... 😉 always wanted to do a Nova Sorc so should be a lot of fun. In actII, just got my cube, but mana is an issue... need to find a 4os polearm quick!...
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished Act 1. Cruisy as ever for a Fishymancer. Only 1 Unique thus far - a Gull! :cloud9:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

After taking a pitstop at NM Meph to get some Hell worthy gear, I just finished the NM Anya quest.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Welcome to the newcomers :)

I've been running cows for the MF league, not a whole lot to update, experience is pretty non-existent, I hope to hit 93 soon though as I am in dire need of a new amulet and I have lots of crafting sets ready to go.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

A whole lotta progress. My computer was dead for a week, so forgive me for still being in the 70's. Killed duriel in hell. (funny incident, I had to kill him twice because I accidentally quit after killing him the first time. Also, another d'oh moment occured when I reached the Orifice, and realised I had muled the horadric staff off. Good times.)

I made treachery in a mage plate. I have to say, treachery is godlike. Currently packing 143 mf. Merc has honor partizan, tal rasha's crest and rockfleece. Decent durability. Currently running hell mephisto for some gear as it's atrocious playing with my current gear.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So I finally had a bit of time to play and got Khal Drogo up to lvl85 running the Pit. Playing untwinked reminded me just how critical a good weapon is for a WW barb. Once I picked up an IK Maul, it was smooth sailing. I was pretty impressed by how big a difference LOH made too. Now it's LK time so I can get my dual Grief PBs up and running.

Notable finds along the way:

Sur Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: Hit Blinds Target +1
Helms: Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Armor: Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Shields: +50 to Mana

Required Level: 61
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Fungal Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xf6619b09
+36 to Life
+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)

Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x75ee1d18
+20 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
+250 to Attack Rating
Adds 15-45 cold damage over 4 seconds
20% Cold Absorb
Cannot Be Frozen

Ruby Small Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 39
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 66
Fingerprint: 0x7cd7a8de
+19 to Life
Fire Resist +11%

The Fungal GC of Vita makes me wish we could trade self found items in this challenge. I could easily get enough for the charm to outfit Khal Drogo, less Enigma. Of course, I would just end up trading the GC to myself anyway.


I just had a sick run of good luck in LK. Results are below.

Lo Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: 20% Deadly Strike
Helms: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Armor: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Shields: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

Required Level: 59
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Ohm Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: +50% Enhanced Damage
Helms: +5% to Maximum Cold Resist
Armor: +5% to Maximum Cold Resist
Shields: +5% to Maximum Cold Resist

Required Level: 57
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Phase Blade
One-Hand Damage: 31 to 35
Required Dexterity: 136
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 59
Sword Class - Fastest Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: **
Fingerprint: 0x7e843d53
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+12 Life after each Kill
31% Increased Attack Speed
Adds +352 Damage
Ignore Target Defense
-25% Target Defense
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
20% Deadly Strike
35% Chance to cast Level 15 Venom on striking
1% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
-22% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Socketed (5: 5 used)

Ugly roll, but I'm not complaining.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

This thread caught my imagination so much i decided to register after just reading for the last 6 months. i first started playing 10 years ago but only online abut 6 years ago. got fed up with the online lark and would probably have jacked it until i discovered Gomule and RWM here.

I have made a necromancer and the plan is to go pure skellies based on a build i saw somewhere maxing mages and bone wall and using a fire rogue. i accept i may have to respec to fishy or bonemancer later but we'll see.

Presently level 12 but don't know how to put myself onto the dinky little table. Any help appreciated.

Great idea Kestegs!
Welcome! Glad you registered and joined the fun.

Just quote the last person to post the table, then remove the quote tags and insert yourself in the table.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just died with my lvl 85 untwinked HC assasin... :-( (Guess I wasn't ready for hell ancients after all). So I might join the fun here with a SC assasin. I'm surprised so few play assy's when playing untwinked, I find her by far (next to fishymancer) the easiest to do untwinked (and the only character that I've actually finished the game with in SP...) So I guess I'll give it a go here. Just one question: What is S/U? Sets/Uniques?
Sorry to hear that, tough loss.

That's right, sets/uniques.

I considered an assassin, they could do very well I think. GL with your new entry!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm still running LK in search of the elusive HR's for Infinity. I've now found a Lo so there are multiple paths to success.

1 Lo + 1 Sur
2 Sur
1 Ber

I'll also need an Ist and a base but I figure the Ist will be relatively easy compared to the 2nd Ber I need.

Speaking of Infinity, what's a good base to use?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished Act 2 Hell. Found the hardest part of a CtA just before entering Duriel's Tomb. :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Gambled 15mf./15fres/15pres/2/dex/psn length reduced gloves at level 13 :D

Only problem is, I can't open her in GoMule. Very strange.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
Sorry to hear that, tough loss.

That's right, sets/uniques.

I considered an assassin, they could do very well I think. GL with your new entry!

Thanks. At least I managed, after an hour of searching through backups, to find my Gul rune that I lost in a backup f...up. (the thread about it got closed so just wanted to point it out). Would have been a sad week with both losses... Oh well - time to start!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hope this has worked. As usual for summonancer normal is proving about as difficult as putting on a hat. Maggot lair as boring as always.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Had to change mine due to GoMule issues.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Promising drops in A1 - Acrtic furs and belt = 40% MF, nagelring from Andariel = 19 more. Should help getting better drops along the way :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I will play if I can play .09b with an amazon :p

edit, sad: Just read the 'rules' .13 = psh

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         93          20+         N/A          50
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            92         ~40          222          78
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         92           8          540          45
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A         N/A
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216          58
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         85           1          760         N/A
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97         N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65         ~24 
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20         10.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       62           2           32         N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           78           0          n/a         n/a
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21          14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17         N/A
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10         N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8         N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4           2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1           4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0         N/A
Virgait         Durzo             Paladin            9           HC                       0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0           0
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       24           0            0           ?
coju said:
I will play if I can play .09b with an amazon :p

edit, sad: Just read the 'rules' .13 = psh
Yes, you fail, nice try though ;)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Maniachiavelli said:
Promising drops in A1 - Acrtic furs and belt = 40% MF, nagelring from Andariel = 19 more. Should help getting better drops along the way :)

3 sox ring mail + 2 sox helm with chipped topazes = 45mf
Gamble boots and leather gloves from level 12 onward.

Actually, here.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I decided to try the same thing about a week ago, then found this thread lol.
I'm playing vanilla too so no bnet rw's :(

Have a lvl 86 javazon- GoDieInAFire

Got some awesome drops just while questing (I didnt do any real MF or rune runs until I was finished questing, although I did run NM baal for a while for exp, I didnt get anything from him):
Bonehew for merc (merc also has darksight helm and either Goldskin or rattlecage armor)
Grand Crown of Thieves
Mara's Kaleidoscope (literally on the steps of Chaos Sanctuary)
2 Ko runes (found a Mal and blade barrier shortly after I finished questing and got 3 sockets on first try with cube recipe)
Natalyas Soul
The Ward (found it pretty early, good to level with)

Currently wearing:
Lionheart (HelLumFal) Duskshroud
Grand Crown of Thieves
Santuary (KoKoMal) Blade Barrier
Natalyas Soul
some crappy rare gloves with 20 IAS 5%FR 10% PR 9MF
rare ring with strength and poison resist
Mara's <3
crappy rare matriarchal javelin, only +1 to jav skills 8%life steal and 6strength :(
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Virgait said:
3 sox ring mail + 2 sox helm with chipped topazes = 45mf
Gamble boots and leather gloves from level 12 onward.

Actually, here.

Thanks! Nicelink. I do have gloves and boots with mf though, but not finding many topazes...
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

-70 fire resist in HELL is going to be.... HELL!! Finished A1 on to A2, respected to full Summonmancer, no CE. much safer but slower, took some getting used to with bone wall, but usefull once mastered. little iffy on A3 comming up with gloams, only at -50 Lit res......need to get some SC or LC fo lit res!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hello! Just getting back in to D2 after a year away ("Why can't I quit you?") and quickly got tired of the amount of bots and hackers on ("Now I remember why I quit.").

As such, I found myself starting an untwinked Amazon and subsequently found myself on this thread.

Peridot - Lv23 Amazon reporting in!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So I'm grinding away in Hell A3, splitting time between between Mephisto and the Council. Both groups are being reasonably generous, except for runes, but I can't seem to pick up a GA, Kira's, Reaper's, or Arreat's. So basically, I am stuck grinding away until I get the gear I need to start seriously running other targets.

Interesting drops are below.

Sur Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: Hit Blinds Target +1
Helms: Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Armor: Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Shields: +50 to Mana

Required Level: 61
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Schaefer's Hammer
Legendary Mallet
One-Hand Damage: 100 to 122
Required Strength: 189
Required Level: 79
Mace Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x94043171
+50 to Life
+101% Enhanced Damage
Lightning Resist +75%
Adds 50-200 lightning damage
+1 to Light Radius
20% Increased Attack Speed
150% Damage to Undead
20% Chance to cast Level 10 Static Field on striking
+2 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
+8 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)

Death Cleaver
Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: 81 to 239
Durability: 14 of 26
Required Dexterity: 59
Required Strength: 138
Required Level: 70
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x2dcb6bcb
+238% Enhanced Damage
+9 Life after each Kill
40% Increased Attack Speed
-33% Target Defense
66% Deadly Strike
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

After a couple of Hell Meph runs I got all the Sets/Uniques I wanted. I hoped for a Mara's, but I'll settle for a Seraph's.

Skin of the Vipermagi
Serpentskin Armor
Defense: 279
Durability: 14 of 24
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 43
Fingerprint: 0x550858b4
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+120% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +34
Magic Damage Reduced by 9

Seraph's Hymn
Required Level: 65
Fingerprint: 0xf2112db8
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+1 to Defensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
+26% Damage to Demons
+217 to Attack Rating against Demons
+28% Damage to Undead
+231 to Attack Rating against Undead
+2 to Light Radius

Herald of Zakarum
Gilded Shield
Defense: 479
Chance to Block: 52
Durability: 42 of 50
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 89
Fingerprint: 0x1ef198ce
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
+30% Faster Block Rate
30% Increased Chance of Blocking
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+184% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
+20 to Vitality
All Resistances +50

Harlequin Crest
Defense: 122
Durability: 8 of 12
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x7a5f2300
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +2
+124 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+124 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Damage Reduced by 10%
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Arachnid Mesh
Spiderweb Sash
Defense: 134
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x62a13931
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Slows Target by 10%
+114% Enhanced Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Level 3 Venom (11/11 Charges)
Other notable find from Meph was a Gul. This makes HotO Achievable from Countess runs, which I wanted to do to complete my CtA anyway.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Wow, Very nice finds! I really want to find an arach, I may go back and revisit meph after I'm done running cows.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

LK was starting to seem too slow so I went back to NM to find some gear for Insight, Harmony and a Spirit sword. After several rerolls to get the right sockets, I'm geared up and back at LK.

My map also improved to one of the best LK maps I've ever rolled.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ohomemgrande said:
LK was starting to seem too slow so I went back to NM to find some gear for Insight, Harmony and a Spirit sword. After several rerolls to get the right sockets, I'm geared up and back at LK.

My map also improved to one of the best LK maps I've ever rolled.

HR count is now:

2 Mal
1 Gul
1 Ohm
1 Lo
1 Ber

I'll probably collect my HF rune shortly to see if that gives me an Ist (which would be the most useful for Infinity)

On the other hand, if I also make a CTA, I'll need 2 Ists. :scratchchin:

Anyway, there will be no further progress on this character until Infinity shows up so I need another Ber.

I think I'm nearing 1k runs and seem to be averaging 1 HR/150 runs or so.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

That's pretty nice runes that you've got there!

I did find a nice 4os eth thresher in my cow runs. I also found some nice runes, but not the ones I need for infinity, so I too am pounding LK, I may hit up pindle again if I get too bored with LK, but I'm not going anywhere else until I get those 2 Bers either!

I'm not disclosing the runes I found yet, but should be soon.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I've been following this thread since its start and I still think its borderline stupid, 99 is such an insane target that adding hindrances to is crazy.


I had more arguments but as time goes on and other games I'm interested in keep drifting further away, I seem to have forgotten them all.

I'm in.

I'll post the char tonight but it'll likely be something that isn't totally gear dependent, probably another LF zon.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

ATM I'm running LK for Ohm and then I'll have to hit Meph for Eschuta's and Arach. Any idea for light/fire Pit-running Sorc, I was thinking Nova/FB or Hydra.

6 Pul
4 Um
2 Mal
4 Ist
1 Gul
1 Vex
0 Ohm
1 Lo
1 Sur
3 Ber
1 Jah

I'll wait for an Eth 4os Thresher to drop before I make an Infinity.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Welcome, jjscud! Yes, it is a bit crazy, yet strangely appealing :badteeth:

Nice finds, zgpmf!

I found
jah, 2x ist, and Ohm in the cows. That gives me enough to make 2x CTA if I need which is nice.

Just need those 2x Ber now!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Any special-is gold for hardcore? Or y'all reckon I should do this in SC?

I may join, have some 'sort of goal'

Amazon. LF! :D

edit: Believe I have a Necro already untwinked and leveled some.... He was going to be a boner, but I'm respecting to fishy.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finished the first 100 Baalruns with Madness the amazon.

Not quite the fastest baalrunner around but fun to play. Found wisp's projector which made the runs a lot safer. I sadly haven't found any runes higher than fal during these runs.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ridiculously low for a 99 attempt but there she is.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So I finally have Khal Drogo well equipped and happily whirling his was thru the game. LK yielded enough runes for a MP Engima, 2x Grief PB, and one HOTO. Once I get the second Hoto and improve my rings (crafting scheduled for later tonight), I will be ready to go. The wierd thing is that I can't find the gear I need for my merc. He's still sporting Tal's Mask, Shaftstop, and a Kelpie Snare. Not terrible gear, but the WSK will eat him alive. So..... I guess it's back to Meph for a GA and Kiras. I hope this doesn't take forever becaue I want to start grinding to 99 soon.

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         94          20+         N/A          70
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            92         ~40          222          78
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         92           8          540          45
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         90           2         2068         N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A         N/A
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216          58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97         N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65         ~24 
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20         10.5
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50         N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           83           0          n/a         n/a
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21          14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17         N/A
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10         N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8         N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2         N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4           2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1           4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0         N/A
Virgait         Durzo             Paladin            9           HC                       0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0           0
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       24           0            0           ?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice progress mercman! Very nice finds! I am struggling to find the runes that I need to make infinity. LK has yielded nothing useful in about 500ish runs. decided to level up to 93 on pindle though. Went pretty easy and she has nearly 600 MF, but nothing is dropping there either. I should go back to LK but it's frustrating to not get anything over LEM in 500 runs :p
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Been putting a bit of time in when real life allows! a1 nm nearly done.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

MercMan said:
So I finally have Khal Drogo well equipped and happily whirling his way...
:tear: my moon and stars died :( he didn't even get to see my dragons.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Doing CS runs on p8 slowly but comfortably now.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I decided to come and get myself a 99er. So why not try it this way, as I don't have much wealth to speak of anyway... The plan is to go pure lightning (OK, 1 point in warmth, and 1 in an armor), and as soon as hell LK is hit, do a metric ton of running, to make Infinity. (And probably a Fortitude for the merc along the way, as well as a CtA, HoTo, which are all easier to make than Infty) As long as an elite poleaxe is found. Also, I suppose some pit running, and Hell Andy aren't out of the question either. Then, roflstomp to Baal, Baal, more Baal, meh... (And shove in some other targets for lulz, Pindle, Area clears for variety, ...) Updates will be slow. HC + real life makes progress slow. :p

EDIT: Update on progress. Inner Cloister, level 18. Lightning at level 5 + 7 in Charged Bolt is overkill, even at /p8 ! I love mana pots... ;)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Oh, can I join in this late in this chart? I've already found plenty of things, and leveling not badly, but I am too, aiming for 99.
Sure, it's not like anyone is remotely close to 99 or anything :p

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Started him out about 2 weeks ago, I play too much, my studies suffer.
I must ask, thought... what are S/U?
Abreviations are the bane of (re)new forum-goers.
Sets/ uniques

But don't bother with any category you don't feel like (except level :p )
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ah, glad I din't throw anything, then, minus a few cathans rings (It's amazing how much of them you find...)
Updated that.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So I ran Meph looking for GA and Kira's until I hit lvl 92. No luck on these items, but I am at grail -100. It's pretty silly that the only two items I really want have eluded me while I have actually had some nice finds.

This got me thinking that I might go away from my typical Reapers, GA, Kiras merc setup and try something different. I prefer not to use a Forti because I don't like the chance to shatter corpses so I'm thinking going Treachery / Delirium. Has anyone done significant testing on merc gear for Baal runs with a duals Grief PB / Enigma WW Barb? If you have, I'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks.

Lastly, I'm considering adding a single character self found grail to this challenge. This way I can "justify" taking a break from Ball runs to hunt TC3 items. I don't know why, but Ball runs bore me to tears.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I did some Baalrunning with WW barb. Even tho mine had Grief/Beast BAs I think your Grief/Grief will have higher dmg output in the end. Problem comes from amp dolls that will kill you just like that and also nasty lister spawn. If you don't go with high life, they can kill you in middle of WW. So I went BA route and used Doom vs wave 5. That way, I was pretty sure they can't hurt me at all.

Avg time, 3.5 min, gear would be your cookie cutter travincal barb.

Also good luck everyone, once again :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

frozzzen said:
I did some Baalrunning with WW barb. Even tho mine had Grief/Beast BAs I think your Grief/Grief will have higher dmg output in the end. Problem comes from amp dolls that will kill you just like that and also nasty lister spawn. If you don't go with high life, they can kill you in middle of WW. So I went BA route and used Doom vs wave 5. That way, I was pretty sure they can't hurt me at all.

Avg time, 3.5 min, gear would be your cookie cutter travincal barb.

Also good luck everyone, once again :)

Thanks. When I respec to start my Baal runs I am going to go with a heavy vita build. The dolls are still my biggest concern but all you can do is be careful and hope you don't get unlucky.

With my inability to find GA and Kira's, what do you think about Treachery / Deirium to keep the merc alive? I'm not too worried about him killing anything, I just want to keep him alive for the aura and curses he can provide.

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Path to 99 is long one. If you don't find desired merc gear (eth reaper's, fort and Cham'd Andy visage or such stuff) until 99 I'd be very surprised. Kira's and GA seem impossible not to find imo :)

Trech is always awesome, but I don't like delirum helm myself. Leaves merc fragile, it's not consistent and decrep > other curses. Gaze or Andy work much better imo.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

200 wsk- & baalruns done so far. ( P1 because I'm still too weak to run P8 effectively )
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice progress guys :)

Grail -100 is very impressive for sure, and I'm surprised you haven't found those two items, I think I have 2 of each.

Pindle runs up to level 94 for me. Time to head back to LK in search of those elusive runes. 2 more deaths late in my trek to 94. Pindle seems to have some sort of bug when he is LE/CE/FE, never experienced it outside of my Singer barb, but maybe Glacial spike has the same effect since it freezes. :unimpressed:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
... I'm surprised you haven't found those two items, I think I have 2 of each.

Can I get you another jar of salt to pour into my wound? JK.

I'm amazed too knowing how many Meph runs I have completed. Statistically, it's highly improbable. Oh well. I think I'll go Treachery for the armor instead. It might be better anyway. For the helm, we'll have to see.

And BTW, awesome challenge. This is the most fun I've had playing in a long time.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

MercMan said:
Can I get you another jar of salt to pour into my wound? JK.

I'm amazed too knowing how many Meph runs I have completed. Statistically, it's highly improbable. Oh well. I think I'll go Treachery for the armor instead. It might be better anyway. For the helm, we'll have to see.

And BTW, awesome challenge. This is the most fun I've had playing in a long time.

:D sorry about that :p Actually I checked and only have 1 of each.

Yea, I'm having fun too :nod:

Just did a bunch of crafting, about 100 amulets and a few belts. Nothing very exciting but got me good enough to now reach the 200 FCR breakpoint for LK, which should help a bit.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

This is such a cool project. Particular kudos to anyone who will not be using Infinity.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

jevgeni said:
200 wsk- & baalruns done so far. ( P1 because I'm still too weak to run P8 effectively )

Keep in mind, these aren't MF runs we're talking about here. Losing a little time is not a problem when you up the player setting. To be exact, you can go 4.5 times slower at p8 (but p3 for baal, maxes his exp) and still be as effective. Generally, your most effective will be the highest you can survive.

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         94          20+         N/A          70
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         94          10          910          75
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808         N/A
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         92           2         3450         N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A         N/A
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216          58
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           86           0          n/a         n/a
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97         N/A
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           81           ~20         75         N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65         ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50         N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20         10.5
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0           ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21          14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17         N/A
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10         N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8         N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2         N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4           2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1           4
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         18           HC           0           3
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0         N/A
Virgait         Durzo             Paladin            9           HC                       0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0           0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just got to LK. Normal. Level 29, CB7, Lightning13, CL5, Tele1, Static1, TK1, Warmth1, FrozenArmor1. Eagerly waiting for level 30, to get LM ! She sports 158 MF, having found her first two unique rings. Nagel Rings ! 30 and 27 respectively ! That's great ! Found a nice circlet too :
+1 barb skills, 20FCR, +2min dmg, 23 AR, 7 psn dmg (3sec), 54 mana
Ok, no MF, but I guess 158 is already quite enough, and lighning costs 13 mana to cast. So going from roughly 100 to rougly 150 is quite the difference ! :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

can you put me in the list ? I have a legit barb level 52 (see my progess in the barb section)

Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm in. Ladder got old pretty fast.

Gonna start a paladin, zealer to begin with then hammers later on.

brb in 5 hours when I finally pick a name..

A little late joining, but it's all fair game until someone's actually about to hit 99 :scratchchin:

This is my first time doing anything in SP, usually I'm in the East Ladder forums trading. Should be fun!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

im not in the run to hit 99 but ill hit 95 (i have a level 97 us east necro and I know it will be near impossible) lol
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just finished no-lifing normal, it was actually pretty tough for an untwinked zealer. Didn't get a source of life leech until act 4 chaos. I've never been happier to see a unique quilted armor :p

Baal was kind enough to drop me a decent weapon to start NM with :)

Sureshrill Frost
Flanged Mace
One Hand Damage: 44 - 69
Durability: 51 of 60
Required Level: 39
Required Strength: 61
Fingerprint: 0xe1aa3dc7
Item Level: 60
Version: Expansion 1.10+
160% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5 - 10 Damage
+150% Damage to Undead
Adds 63 - 112 Cold Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
Freezes target +3
Cannot Be Frozen
Level 9 Frozen Orb (9/50 Charges)

Edit: First drop in NM, 4os Crystal sword! Already have a decent Insight from act 5 norm, now I just need a pally shield and I'm ready to start hammering.

Just found an eth 4os poleaxe in the den, nice!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Welcome reddude and pirape!

hit quote on the last person to have the table, then add yourself in and delete the
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just hit 86 by doing like, 300 eldrich runs at p8. I also did a TON of lk runs last night (over 200) and got nothing. Then I killed a single monster and he dropped a lum.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I can feel that in my next few LK runs I'll find the last bit of stuff I need for my Infinity runes. I also have enough for a CTA and a Crescent Moon I think so I'm in a good spot.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Thanks, Added!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

P8 Pit runs got the Khal to lvl93 pretty darn efficiently. It's so easy that I'm almost sorry for all the little pixels I'm slaying......almost. I'm planning to keep running the Pits to lvl94 and then off to the WSK. I have found some nice items along the way (see below). As crazy as it sounds, both of the jewels are better for my WW Barb than a RJOF. Go figure. Now I just need to decide which one to socket into my Arreat's. I'm thinking RJoT.

BTW, Grail -97.

Sparking Grand Charm of Vita 
Grand Charm 
Required Level: 69 
Fingerprint: 0x63e0ae69 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only) 
+38 to Life

Schaefer's Hammer 
Legendary Mallet 
One Hand Damage: 100 - 272 
Required Level: 79 
Required Strength: 189 
Fingerprint: 0x94043171 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
20% Chance to cast level 10 Static Field on striking 
+20% Increased Attack Speed 
101% Enhanced Damage 
+150 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) 
+600 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level) 
+150% Damage to Undead 
Adds 50 - 200 Lightning Damage 
+50 to Life 
Lightning Resist +75% 
+1 to Light Radius 

Death Cleaver 
Berserker Axe 
One Hand Damage: 81 - 239 
Durability: 14 of 26 
Required Level: 70 
Required Strength: 138 
Required Dexterity: 59 
Fingerprint: 0x2dcb6bcb 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+40% Increased Attack Speed 
238% Enhanced Damage 
-33% Target Defense 
66% Deadly Strike 
+9 Life after each Kill 

Ruby Jewel of Truth 
Required Level: 58 
Fingerprint: 0x3862d57d 
Item Level: 80 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+7% Faster Hit Recovery 
38% Enhanced Damage

Scintillating Jewel of Truth 
Required Level: 36 
Fingerprint: 0x4d7e362b 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+7% Faster Hit Recovery 
Cold Resist +14% 
Lightning Resist +14% 
Fire Resist +14% 
Poison Resist +14%
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Cleared Nightmare today finishing at level 66. No drops that stood out really, except for a Lem. I did make a few runewords (Spirit sword/shield, Stealth, Lore) that should give me a boost. Respecced over to a Hammerdin finally, zeal just wasn't cutting it :(

Hopefully meph will be nice and give me a vmagi soon, then I'm hellbound!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

The Khal made it to lvl 94 without anything interesting happening along the way. Best drops were a Vex, Wisp, and Mara's. His Grail is down to -89. I'm thinking I'll Pat him and then move on to Baal runs. Oh what fun.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Bumped to **. Slowly progressing p8 CS runs.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm having one hell of a time in the maggot lair. The tight corners and passages make positioning my hammers almost impossible :(

I thought my prayers had been answered when a white CA dropped, but it only got 3os when i cubed it :( Oh well, I'll clear my way through eventually.

Edit: Horrible typo. Meant to say " prayers had been answered" but typed "prayers had been angered"
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice progress everyone! Maggot lair does suck for a hammer, merc should be able to handle most of it with a bit of patience though.

I'm still running LK, I'm at about 1 ber + 1/8th ber if I cube up from Ohm. And that would leave me 1 OHM to try to get a good CTA. I'll probably roll a CTA once I get a bit closer to see how many OHM runes I need.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I made it through! No thanks to my idiot merc, had to use tp scrolls to get him where I wanted every couple groups. Now I just need to convince the Countess to drop me a fal so i can make an Obediance.

After cubing 1 Cryptic axe and 3 Threshers today, finally got one with 4os and made this:

Two Hand Damage: 48 - 468
Durability: 51 of 65
Required Level: 53
Required Strength: 152
Required Dexterity: 118
Fingerprint: 0x6d9ad985
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Level 15 Meditation Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Cast Rate
232% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
180% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
Adds 75 Poison Damage Over 5 Secs (125 Frames)
+4 to Critical Strike
All Stats +5
+2 to Mana after each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)

My merc can do some damage now :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I've been wanting to join this for a while, but my LoD cd-keys were at my friends house for the longest time >.<

So I'm finally here! Going steady with a Pstrike sin, and it's really quite easy so far (as expected, I'm only in act 1 nm).

I'll probably hangout with Andy until I'm level 57 or so, hoping to snag some cool rares or uniques (none yet). The fact that assassin claws only get staffmods on some exceptional claws, and all elite ones, is a real pain. I only have +4 to Pstrike right now D:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Jocular said:
I've been wanting to join this for a while, but my LoD cd-keys were at my friends house for the longest time >.<

So I'm finally here! Going steady with a Pstrike sin, and it's really quite easy so far (as expected, I'm only in act 1 nm).

I'll probably hangout with Andy until I'm level 57 or so, hoping to snag some cool rares or uniques (none yet). The fact that assassin claws only get staffmods on some exceptional claws, and all elite ones, is a real pain. I only have +4 to Pstrike right now D:

I think once you hit act 5 nm you can shop claws with skills from anya.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yeahh, it seems to me that hand scythes and onwards will be able to get staffmods, as I found a rare from Andy with +2LS/+2DF, and I can't wait to waste hours upon hours running Anya once I'm in act 5 haha.

I've spent at least 2 million gambling on blade talons on the hope one will upgrade into a greater talon, but no such luck yet :/

I guess I have to be a bit higher level for them to have a chance to upgrade, and I was feeling too lazy to calculate it.

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         94          20+         N/A          70
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         94          10          910          75
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         94           2         3636         N/A
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808         N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A         N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           **           0          n/a         n/a
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216          58
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           86         ~46          124         N/A
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97         N/A
reddude         Maegor            Paladin           78           7          127         N/A 
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65         ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50         N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20         10.5
Pirape          HULK              Barbarian         62           4          N/A
Jocular         Yerp              Assassin          54           1          N/A         N/A
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0           ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21          14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17         N/A
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         29           HC           8           7
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10         N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8         N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2         N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4           2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1           4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0         N/A
Virgait         Durzo             Paladin            9           HC                       0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0           0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

After doing ~100 runs of Andy, I decided to call it quits. Her mlvl simply wasn't high enough to drop anything worthwhile for me, and not one +1 sin amulet dropped! Ugh.

Act 2 was rather uneventful. Everything on /p8 of course, and still quite easy. However, act III was definitely more annoying. My lack of good FHR, coupled with the ridiculous amount of flayers running around made for a perfect storm. The fact that weapon block is relatively slow didn't help either. Other than that, it was fine. Meph and Trav was a bit difficult of course, with the Hydras being the main reason. I tried hanging out there for a while, hoping for a nice drop, be it rare/unique/set, but to no avail. I gave up, and rushed through Act IV to get to Anya, and her wonderful shop of claws.

I grabbed some pretty nice ones too! 30%ias/fools blade talons lets me use fade and still hit the 9fpa breakpoint. It's doable, but isn't wonderful, and I'm wondering if I should ditch my 10%cb/+1MA blood gloves, for some randy set of 20ias gloves to hit the 8fpa breakpoint.

What's extremely nice about that claw is the fools mod. With blessed aim, I already have 10k ar:cloud9: I forsee no ar problems for a loooooong time, even in hell! My other claw is a plain +2 blade talons, and for the moment I'm good. I dunno if I want to invest the time/effort into shopping anya for a +2/+X Pstrike

Unfortunately, my helm, armor, belt, and boots have not changed in a very long time. They're getting a bit old, especially Spirit Shroud, so I shopped a 24fhr/artisans LP, and I'm very tempted to fill it with resist runes/rubies. I've got Iratha's helm right now...and it serves its purpose well, but I want more out of a helm. 30%fr/30%lr is nothing to scoff at, but even a mediocre res circlet could blow it out of the water.

All in all, I see a lot of boring grinding at meph looking for item upgrades. Also, if I don't figure out ways of increasing my +skills, progress will ground to a halt in Hell very quickly. All the guides for Pstrike have +10skills at least...and I've got a bit of a way to go with my measly +5 (and considering I might want to switch out my armor...+4)

P.S. Can you guys throw out some advice on the armor? the +1skills/CBF is really nice for melee, but the lack of fhr isn't at all. What do you guys think?

P.P.S. Anya was a dear, and just spit out a +3MA claw, and +3MA/20%ias gloves :D I think I'm going to switch out my Spirit Shroud for my FHR/artisans armor!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

nice progress there! Are you planning on remaining a PS sin or are you going to switch to traps later?

I've taken a few days off as LK makes me want to start strangling puppies. I'm about a sur short of infinity maybe a bit more, depends on how many CTA I need to roll.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm going to see how far I can take it. If it becomes unfeasible simply because I don't have enough +skills or AR, then I'll have to respec to traps I suppose. I've got two +3traps blade talons waiting in the wings just in case.

edit: Almost forgot! Finally found my first relatively high rune; a pul. Baal, of course, dropped nothing useful, and my forge turned out a shael.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finnaly got level 90 when the second I returned from vacation
Unfortunately, I don't have any very good finds, besides another Shaeffer's mallet, and a tal's armor.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

This is me, thinking about my choice of playing a hammerdin to 99:


It's so boring, I had to take a break :p Once I make some more progress I'll post my updated stats!

Maybe if I get a few drops off of meph I can respec to a zealot again, and just smite bosses down.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

If I'm remembering correctly, I think that still is at the moment George-Michael is telling Michael about Bland eating "mayon-eggs". *Shudder*
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just tried out Hell at /p1, and it was a no-go. My merc desperately needs an item upgrade, he's still using Hone Sundan, non-eth too D:, and 350-700 dmg just isn't cutting it anymore. I have yet to find any 4 socketed eth polearm that's worthy of insight, the best one is a crappy eth battle scythe.

I think I'll run Meph and Baal until level 80, hoping for some good drops. If nothing does, I suppose I'll switch to traps? Though I'm not looking forward to all lightning mobs, and hoping my merc and SM kill something so CE starts going off.

I might just have to retry with a different build, as Phoenix Strike just can't hit hard enough without a lot +skills...hmmm. A Nado Druid sounds fun to me, but will that have the same problems? (Not enough +skills).

edit: Gah! Sorry for the double post, I didn't realize :doh:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

A trapper will have maxed fire blast, which will help a lot getting rid of light immunes and will help get the CE train rolling!

I almost built a wind druid, should be a pretty solid character, as should a trapper.

I fired my sorc up after about a week off and found a Gul right away from LK, 1 little step closer...
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yeah, I think I'm going to finish up my Pstrike sin another time twinked. (I don't feel like making a trapsin, dunno why)

But! I'm entering again with a Windy Dru. Should be a breeze. (Sorry, couldn't resist).

My Windy is taking the name of the famous Doctor Steve Brule. Look him up on youtube; he's got some wise words for all of us.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

SteveBrule, the Windy druid, has been having quite a peachy time. Up until level 24, he was a Fissure Dru, and the going was easy. Then I respec'd, and pooled my skill points into becoming a Windy Druid. The next few levels were a bit annoying, as Tornado was much less powerful than Fissure had been. By level 28 or so, and onwards, Tornado has been ridiculously powerful. It's normal, and of course the creeps won't have that much health, but I fell through acts much more quickly than any other character I've used. (Having a teleport staff on switch helps).

Well, once into Act 5 I ran Baal and Meph hoping for Magefist to drop, but to no avail. Even without Magefist, Brule gets by with the 68% fcr breakpoint. I just want to make a Spirit sword, to solve my FHR problem. I'll also be able to switch out my Stealth armor for something more... comfortable.

He's got some nice stuff though, like the +3nado/9life/23%FR Antlers I got off Diablo.

Oh yeah, and this thing:

Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0x7ad79d60
Item Level: 40
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels
Adds 3 - 32 Lightning Damage
+50 to Life
+42 to Mana
Lightning Resist +33%
Set (4 items): +10% Faster Cast Rate

It fell from a random chest on my way to NM Countess, and as I picked it up, I thought "lololol what if this is Tal's". And then it was. Eh. I didn't even know until now set amulets can drop any amulet regardless of ilvl.

All in all, Windy druids are really awesome, and I'm cursing myself for not trying them in the past 8 years.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice find! I still wouldn't mind seeing one of those. They can't drop at any point. I believe normal council is about the first chance it can drop.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
Nice find! I still wouldn't mind seeing one of those. They can't drop at any point. I believe normal council is about the first chance it can drop.

I'm not going to participate in this ridiculous thing, just popping in to say that I'm pretty sure the first place it can drop is from some (not all) unique monsters in the normal Tal Rasha's tombs.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Onwards to 91, found nothing exiting
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Frenzy barb FTW! :loving:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

If you don't remove the quote tags from the previous person then the next person can't continue the table.


I'll give a good update here pretty soon, still been playing my sorc a lot, just haven't really made much useful progress.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So my update is that my new hard drive arrived in a box two days ago. Maybe I'll put it in today and then I can restore my system (which has been down for 6 weeks) and then resume.

I think I still need a handful of runes before I move on from LK.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Joining with a Necromancer. Maker-Vision. He was already an attempt at a sept, so I just plopped him in the code! Muahha!

He has made it to act 4 River of Flame WP. Finally got a point in CE. geeze... I guess I had a head with it earlier, as when I got the skill, it was already mapped. Believe I'm going to max CM before CE; although, I may do a 3/1 skill placement or such. Nearly 500 hp is nice to have :D
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So, my HC necro died @ diablo. After the skelie's died a 2nd time, and merc, and golem, just decided to tank him. He killed him, oh well...
Started a paladin, hammer, even after reading reddude's post about using him.
Personally, I enjoy hammerdins. I may make a baba though, as I've been having fun with my hc baba.

The decision to start a hammerdin is that I can pretty much run any area with him without too much trouble. Easily 3k damage per hammer with just skills (Right?). The barb would require more than just 125 hcr to make it a killing machine. Which would be alright and require more than just holding down the shift key 😉

I think I'll start a barb up as well, and add them to the table once I figure out what one i'm going to run with :yes:

[highlight] Maker-Vision died @ Diablo. Act 4 Normal. If someone would be so kind and remove him from the table then they update. Thank you[/highlight]
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I actually had some problems running baal with my Hammerdin, mainly because of the magic immune mummies in Wave 2. That said the rest of the game was a cake walk and he did make Guardian pretty easily.
Sorry to hear that, good luck on your next entry!

A hdin will never be a great Baal runner in 1.13 he does very well in chaos sanctuary though!

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         94          20+         N/A          70
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         94          10          910          75
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         94           2         3636         N/A
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808         N/A
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           91         ~65          250+        N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A         N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           **           0          n/a         n/a
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216          58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97         N/A
reddude         Maegor            Paladin           78           7          127         N/A 
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65         ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50         N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20         10.5
Pirape          HULK              Barbarian         62           4          N/A
Jocular         SteveBrule        Druid             52           0           17         N/A
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0           ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21          14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17         N/A
coju        Maker-Vision      Necromancer        32         HC         15        N/A
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         29           HC           8           7
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10         N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8         N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2         N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4           2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1           4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0         N/A
Kitteh          Kitteh            Barbarian          1           0                        0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0           0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just because of wave 2? There's always zeal as a back up :p.

Started a barb. Found a pretty eleet item:
Fanged Helm
Defense: 18
Durability: 31 of 35

Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 35
Fingerprint: 0x37a4c9db
Item Level: 10
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Sword Mastery (Barbarian Only)
+1 to Howl (Barbarian Only)

going to have to upp this one here :yes:

Rixot's Keen
Short Sword
One Hand Damage: 9 - 14
Durability: 9 of 24
Required Level: 2
Fingerprint: 0x45dd5aae
Item Level: 5
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Enhanced Damage
+5 to Minimum Damage
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
25% Chance of Crushing Blow
+25 Defense
+2 to Light Radius
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

First i want to salute everyone on this great forum.
I havent played Diablo 2 since 1.10, and decided to start the game again, when i was looking on the internet for builds ppl play now (1.13) i found this great place,after looking through threads found this one:"The untwinked level 99 progress thread" ,so i decided to join you in this project.
What better char to start playig untwinked than a necromancer(one of my 2 fav classes).Playig stile i choose hardcore, after all we only have 1 life.
So the char i want to join this project is: Thulsa_Doom hardcore necro(level 26 act III atm)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

About two weeks ago I bought Diablo 2 and LOD. I got the game as a Christmas present ~8 years ago but never really understood the depth of the game.

I've currently got a level 64 SP SC amazon. She's in Act IV of NM but does terrible damage and my Valk + Merc are no longer able to carry me.

I've started farming NM Countess for runes to make a decent bow. I'm a Ko rune and a decent 4os + amazon skills bow away from a Harmony.

I've had a lot of fun thus far, but I sometimes wish I'd made an MP character so I could easily trade. I have tons of Pgems and runes I don't need!
ThaRoon said:
First i want to salute everyone on this great forum.
I havent played Diablo 2 since 1.10, and decided to start the game again, when i was looking on the internet for builds ppl play now (1.13) i found this great place,after looking through threads found this one:"The untwinked level 99 progress thread" ,so i decided to join you in this project.
What better char to start playig untwinked than a necromancer(one of my 2 fav classes).Playig stile i choose hardcore, after all we only have 1 life.
So the char i want to join this project is: Thulsa_Doom hardcore necro(level 26 act III atm)
Welcome to the forums and to this thread as well , and good luck with you're necro!

BlatantlyObvious said:
About two weeks ago I bought Diablo 2 and LOD. I got the game as a Christmas present ~8 years ago but never really understood the depth of the game.

I've currently got a level 64 SP SC amazon. She's in Act IV of NM but does terrible damage and my Valk + Merc are no longer able to carry me.

I've started farming NM Countess for runes to make a decent bow. I'm a Ko rune and a decent 4os + amazon skills bow away from a Harmony.

I've had a lot of fun thus far, but I sometimes wish I'd made an MP character so I could easily trade. I have tons of Pgems and runes I don't need!

Glad you're enjoying the game!
You can MP and trade fairly easily here , just not as part of this challenge.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

kestegs said:
Glad you're enjoying the game!
You can MP and trade fairly easily here , just not as part of this challenge.

Alas, it seems I knew I'd join this challenge before I ever knew about it! 99, here I come!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

It's blatantly obvious that YOU would join, BlatantlyObvious.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Decided to join with another Sorc. Believe it was Ohomemgrande who talked it out her how he was going to build her: Pure blizz until 90 or so, focusing on Mana and FCR (I believe). Then respecting to Light or smthn to that extent. This is the first time in a long time I've put points into Energy: 95 in hard points. Health was deathly low. Died @ Andy once. That poison Spray she has really decimates low health even with antidote potions.
Anywho. 65 FCR at act 3 normal? Check. 73 mf? Check. (Could be higher.) Stealth Runeword dropped at first countess run? Doobly checked! Seriously, she dropped stealth on first run. It was awesome. Was not looking forward to running her.

Been playing on p5 instead of 8. Mainly due to Ohomemgrande's choice of getting through the game quickly. The leveling seems to be the exact same as p8. MAY, very slim may, be a bit less xp, but it has been completely unnoticeable, as I was 18 @ andy, and 24 @ duri: The same as when I play p8. What is it, 500% monster hp instead of 800%? The only thing I noticed, was the first few critters I killed in the blood moar didn't grant me as much xp as p8 :p That was the only time I noticed less xp. I really notice less monster health. Nearly half. Everything is decimated. Well, the merc has had a bit trouble keeping up. Still a couple levels lower than I am.

Oh! Milabrega's Orb dopped from Duri! (I think)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

How do I go about adding myself to that nifty list?
) said:
it may be easier if you copy it into a word document, and then paste it back into the forum after you've added yourself.
just quote that last person to have the table. then just manually delete that quote tags (
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread
Also, just finished NM at level 72.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Wow, table looks like crap (because of forum changes)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

3rd crafted sword = 1 os, 3 os, 3 os. It takes too long to farm ameysets, and I don't want to use my socket quest... pssshhhhh......

act 1 nm, 44 ish. Still running p5. Tempted to run it p8 or p1 to get to hell mephy quicker, or even just nm mephy.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hey, name is Loomy. I am quite a D2 vet, just decided to start SP and this looks like the thing to do :)

Drops include 3 Arctic belts, Hsarus belt, 2 Nagels, some U axes and bows. Been running a bit of Andy to try get Boodfists.

Ragnarok is a HC untwinked Dreamadin (Yes, with two Dreams). I plan to use 1pt Smite and 1+pts Zeal until I can run Hell Trav for my 2 Jah I need.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Best of luck to you loomy! Hour you find those jahs quick like!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Two Angelic Halos today from NM Andy :O
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Made it to hell. p5 through act 3 nm. p1 rest of the way.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

How do people feel about respec? I'm thinking about putting points into Holy Shock until I get my Dreams...

Update, did a bit of work and got him into NM. Will sit on Eldritch for a few more levels then start.
By all means, respec all you want. I was wondering why you were going with that build until you got you're runes. I have used one so far, and once I get infinity I'll use another.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Thanks I will, and I'll respec into Convic when I get my babies going :)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Haven't played with my untwinked Sorc for more than three months until today. I had just enough runes to cube up to Ohm and made this:

Call to Arms 
Superior Double Axe 
One Hand Damage: 17 - 45 
Durability: 26 of 26 
Required Level: 57 
Required Strength: 43 
Fingerprint: 0x195d2bcb 
Item Level: 86 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to All Skills 
+40% Increased Attack Speed 
252% Enhanced Damage 
+3 to Attack Rating 
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage 
7% Life stolen per hit 
Prevent Monster Heal 
+3 to Battle Cry 
+6 to Battle Orders 
+3 to Battle Command 
Replenish Life +12 
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 
Increase Maximum Durability 11% 5 Sockets (5 used) 
Socketed: Amn Rune 
Socketed: Ral Rune 
Socketed: Mal Rune 
Socketed: Ist Rune 
Socketed: Ohm Rune 
Amn Rune 
Required Level: 25 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: 7% Life stolen per hit Armor: Attacker Takes Damage of 14 Shields: Attacker Takes Damage of 14  
Ral Rune 
Required Level: 19 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage Armor: Fire Resist +30% Shields: Fire Resist +35%  
Mal Rune 
Required Level: 49 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Prevent Monster Heal Armor: Magic Damage Reduced by 7 Shields: Magic Damage Reduced by 7  
Ist Rune 
Required Level: 51 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Armor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Shields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items  
Ohm Rune 
Required Level: 57 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Enhanced Maximum Damage Armor: +5% to Maximum Cold Resist Shields: +5% to Maximum Cold Resist

I have a sick luck with this Sorc, I should sign up for Baal category in MFO and see how it goes.

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         94          20+         N/A        70
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         94          10          910        75
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         94           2         3636       N/A
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808       N/A
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           91         ~65         250+      N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A       N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           **           0          n/a       n/a
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216        58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97       N/A
reddude         Maegor            Paladin           78           7          127       N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65       ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50       N/A
BlatantlyObviousAriadne           Amazon            72          20+         N/A       ~50
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20      10.5
Pirape          HULK              Barbarian         62           4          N/A
coju            Andraste          Sorceress         58           6           37       N/A
Jocular         SteveBrule        Druid             52           0           17       N/A
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0         ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21        14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17       N/A
Loomy           Ragnarok          Paladin           40          HC          N/A       N/A
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         29          HC            8         7
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10       N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8       N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2       N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4         2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1         4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0       N/A
Kitteh          Kitteh            Barbarian          1           0                      0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0         0
Wow, very nice. Mine rolled only 3 bo. My first and second hoto rolled 33 resists, that was annoying. I will roll a new cta when I feel more optimistic.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yes, that is kinda annoying, especially when you are playing untwinked, but on the other hand if you have spare runes it would be a pity not to use them.

I did a couple of Baal runs and my main problem was low life (983) before BO and "broken but still almost immune" Bartuc so I decided to make a Forti for moron with my LK Lo, there is no pretty much any other RW Sorc would use that includes Lo. Again, luck was on my side, it rolled max Life per lvl and @28:

Dusk Shroud 
Defense: 1350 
Durability: 19 of 20 
Required Level: 59 
Required Strength: 77 
Fingerprint: 0x44c24267 
Item Level: 83 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
20% Chance to cast level 15 Chilling Armor when struck 
+25% Faster Cast Rate 
300% Enhanced Damage 
+200% Enhanced Defense 
+15 Defense 
+141 to Life (Based on Character Level) 
Replenish Life +7 
+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist 
All Resistances +28 
Damage Reduced by 7 
12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana 
+1 to Light Radius 4 Sockets (4 used) 
Socketed: El Rune 
Socketed: Sol Rune 
Socketed: Dol Rune 
Socketed: Lo Rune 
El Rune 
Required Level: 11 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +50 to Attack Rating 
+1 to Light Radius Armor: +15 Defense 
+1 to Light Radius Shields: +15 Defense 
+1 to Light Radius  
Sol Rune 
Required Level: 27 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: +9 to Minimum Damage Armor: Damage Reduced by 7 Shields: Damage Reduced by 7  
Dol Rune 
Required Level: 31 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25% Armor: Replenish Life +7 Shields: Replenish Life +7  
Lo Rune 
Required Level: 59 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Weapons: 20% Deadly Strike Armor: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist Shields: +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Wait... you can use the cube to upgrade runes past Io?

I thought you had to be in ladder to do it past that.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

If you have any doubt about what you can do in SP vs Take a look here

Nobody reads the stickies anymore:D

If you decide not to read the link. Yes, you can cube past Io. All cubing recipes works in SP.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Nice CTA, my only CTA I've ever made was 1bo... STILL WORTH IT, lol.

I wanna make a 1.10s one with +15bo... I'll get there one day. I want to do a timetravelled gear fury wolf or fury barb.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

here is the update on my necro, made it to river of flame hell difficulty

Got a hel rune from the soulstone :ashamed:, but that was kinda ok because i found a SoJ from flayer jungle in the previous act:smug:my best find so far.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

oh noes! Code Fail!

(code) slkfjaskfjasf (/code)

Replace [brackets] with the (parentheses)

Edit: Curious when I should move on to hell. I'm level 64 running pure blizz. Been running meph since level 60ish (NM). Don't have much geibs. I'll send the Flaive Report to any willing to spend the time looking.

Honestly, I don't feel like I can handle hell much, maybe enough to grind through to andy to farm her maybe, other than that... Any suggestions?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Do p8 pindle until 80. Easy w. Blizzer.


Been running around NM LK a bit, not confident on Trav even though I have 75/75/85/75 res and 700hp.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

In nightmare?

edit: nevermind: This is pretty quick!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

:) Glad to help out. My levelling formula is usually:

Get to 18 before Andy (There's usually a lvl18 skill that's handy)
Get to 24/30 before Duriel
Get Eldritch and run until 40
Run Pindle or Eldritch until 50 if possible
Run through NM asap.
Pindle until 70+
Have fun in Hell ^^,
Pindle until 94.
Baal if not bored.

I was going to update the leaderboard and get above you, but I think I'll leave as I have a suspicion you're going to be significantly higher next time you update, and I'm just running NM countess to make a Lem for Treachery.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just a few levels more:wink:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Baal runs are going smoothly, only maybe a few more light skillers would speed them up a bit. I got a Grand Charm drop from Baal and rerolled it ~10 times and got SS skiller with +25 life. I'll have to wait for another GC drop now.

Edit: just gambled these two:
Felicitous Amulet of Luck 
Required Level: 19 
Fingerprint: 0x12294b0d 
Item Level: 95 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Powered Amulet of Luck 
Required Level: 45 
Fingerprint: 0xaa21b303 
Item Level: 90 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+3 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only) 
34% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Just wanted to share this motivational picture with you all,what it took to take a more or less decked out CS Hammer with saved ancients from something like 92 to 99. Can't remember anymore when exactly I started counting the runs.

Good luck, again. =)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

180 hours, not bad. I didn't realise you could 99 in CS?

My understanding was after ~96-7 Diablo & Baal only gave enough XP, but you had to do Baal to get to 99.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Some good info in this link: *snip* not useful at all!

Sorry, should have read it first:)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Computer is back up again and I'm back to LK.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Killing boss packs is worth it until hitting 98. Diablo and Baal actually both give the same ~50k experience at 98, the difference comes from the waves that are done at p8 since they don't really slow you down with good gear. You can also run p8 Nihlathak, he gives 22k experience at 98.

My times at 98 with p1 seals and p7 Diablo were around 1:20 and p8 Nihlathak can be done in 30s or less, so they're a valid choice, especially since it's a lot more easier to get experience shrines running those two. They can be even faster than Baal because it's pretty hard to get something like 2:30 constantly running him.
Hope it's okay to add my chara on the list =X.

loomy said:
180 hours, not bad. I didn't realise you could 99 in CS?

My understanding was after ~96-7 Diablo & Baal only gave enough XP, but you had to do Baal to get to 99.

This is my first SP chara and even though she has weird gear (the best cookie cutter item I have found is a chance guard) and probably needs a TON of adjustments (once I find some more interesting stuff), she is so so much fun to play :cloud9:. Plus, finding items that I have never seen before :jig:.

Journey so far, well, I have stopped at act 1 of hell just because I saw the pits a little after level 70 and stopped for some runs. Up until ~75/77 I did some runs and actually found M'avina's bow and a stormlash, neither had I seen before. From ~77 through 80, I switched to countess runs just for fun and ended up finding an OHM from either a boss pack or a crate in a room near countess and an ist that game from her ^_^. A game or two before hitting level 80, I got another ist from countess (maybe it's because I teleported and did not notice the evil archers and ended up dying three times trying to get my body pack >_>). Not sure if there is anything else really note worthy (more like random in my case), so yeah. Oh oh! There is something a bit odd in terms of the countess runs, in mine there is this armor/wep shrine in level 4? and out of ~20 games all but 2 or 3 times, the armor was a winged helm (regular, socket, or magic) and each time the wep shrine would be a kind of polearm (usually a mid-grade).

Planning on trying some countess runs from 80-85 at least just to see what I can find (really hoping to find the last rune I need to a CTA, but what's the likelyhood of that =P).

I do wonder though, which comes first...level 99 or the grail? :scratchchin: So want to try both, even if it takes me years to do it ^_^.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

My necro died today at lvl ** :ashamed:, so ill start all over again but this time ill play softcore, dont want to make the same mistake again.
Ill post an update soon
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

TheRoon: Sorry to here that! Glad to see you entering again though.

Kimpi: Thanks for the encouragement :p

Kimiko: Welcome, good to see you around here. Weapon and armor racks are tied to your map seed, so if you keep the same map and do similar things to get to the rack it will often do the same drop.

I'm running AT right now, I may peel off and hit the council or LK a bit more though, I really want to get that infinity so I can run baal for the MFO.

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         95         20+         N/A        N/A
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         94          10          910        75
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         94           2         3636       N/A
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808       N/A
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           91         ~65         250+      N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A       N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           **           0          n/a       n/a
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216        58
ThaRoon         Thulsa_Doom       Necromancer       86          HC          N/A       N/A
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97       N/A
kimiko          Electra           Sorceress         80         TONS        200+       N/A
reddude         Maegor            Paladin           78           7          127       N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65       ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50       N/A
BlatantlyObviousAriadne           Amazon            72          20+         N/A       ~50
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20      10.5
Pirape          HULK              Barbarian         62           4          N/A
coju            Andraste          Sorceress         58           6           37       N/A
Loomy           Ragnarok          Paladin           54          HC          N/A       N/A
Jocular         SteveBrule        Druid             52           0           17       N/A
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0         ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21        14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17       N/A
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         29          HC            8         7
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10       N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8       N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2       N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4         2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1         4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0       N/A
Kitteh          Kitteh            Barbarian          1           0                      0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0         0
Hmm...interesting, interesting. Not sure what a map seed is, but does that mean if I had more MF that I could potentially get a rare one?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

The odds of it turning blue,rare, set, or unique are set and has nothing to do with MF. The odds are something like: 1/10 1/25 1/200 1/800 respectively. Of course those numbers are an estimate as I am too lazy to look them up.

The map seed is just the current map you have, if you change difficulties you will get a new map seed for a new map at random, but as long as you stay in the current difficulty it will stay the same.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Finally grew some and went toe-to-toe with Diablo. Ran out of HPot, but not a tense fight, just long.

Onto Eldritch for a while, then get Anya. Hopefully by the end of the night I'm in the 70's on my way to Baal with either Threachery or Crescent Moon (Please!!!!)

@ThaRoon sorry, I took Thulsa out... RIP, man.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So my prayers were answered with Mal + Um. Now I need a Knout... please again?

Update: Made Treachery and Crescent Moon (In a BP and Crys... :/) took on Baal and am now terrified of Hell.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

So I am hoping to find 1 more Sur or a Ber rune from LK and then I think I'll have the runes I need to continue. Well, last night, I was having issues with the RunCounter process killing itself while I was running. I decided to troubleshoot by running in Windowed mode with a different character at Pindle so see if I could figure out what was going on. Two runs of Pindle and a Sur fell. :(

Sad times for a HR.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

lol, gutted!
It happens though... ages ago I was running a HC strafezon for it's final Baal run before I retired her and went back to SC... Cham dropped. From what it dropped from I had a 26,000,000:1 chance :eek:

You'll get there, Diablo is just testing you.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

People should really complain less about finding HRs! ;-)
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I'm in.

djmbbandie Dreamana Assassin 12 0 0 0

If someone would add me to the table because the list looks weird when I try to add myself.

She's SC and really likes finding blue rings. Haven't found a single topaz yet:rant:.

Her best two items are a pair of rare boots that give lightning and poison resist (5), and a rare bow for her merc, Paige.

Bitter flight
Short Bow
Two-Handed Damage: 1 to 4
+12 Attack Rating
+2 To +2 Poison Damage Over +2 sec
+24% Damage to Demons
+30% Damage to Undead
+43 Attack Rating vs Demons
+37 Attack Rating vs Undead
You can update whenever you feel like it. I've been lazy and haven't done many updates.

I promise an update on my next level up!

Welcome DJ!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Well, I’ve attempted to stay away from this thread but it refuses to go away. In fact, not only has it not gone away but it seems to be the hottest thing around. So fine, if this is what the SPF is doing these days then count me in (albeit a couple months late).

I’ve never been a fan of leveling for the sake of leveling . . . except when playing hardcore :smug: . So hardcore it shall be. So now, without further adieu, allow me to introduce Hector, The Level 1 Hardcore Barbarian.

And here we go . . .
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Haha, my bad. It has probably been my enthusiasm that has kept this thread on the first page.

Edit: Yeah, Keg! I've been waiting. I am an update whore, I admit it. I try to just edit my own post when applicable.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ka-chiiing, "only" 3 more to go.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Very nice zgpmf!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Welcome, Han!

And nice work, zgpmf!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Thanks guys!

I'd like to bring here the discussion about 97-98 and 98-99 leveling from Kimppi's 99 thread. So, I have Griffons and Infinity, I'm still missing Arach's belt but it shouldn't be a problem getting one. I did a couple of trial Diablo runs (CS on p1 and D on p7) and I think I could do it under 1 min with better equipment (such as to reach 200 FCR). I will probably reach 97 during this MFO so I will then know how much exp Baal gives and my average time and then compare it with Diablo runs. I will try Nihly runs but only when I reach next level and have no exp to lose, lol.

Have you 90+ level runners completed Ancients quest already or are you savig it for the end?
Any thoughts, opinions?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Why wait until after 90 to kill ancients? As I always understood they always give the same amount of XP.
Is it because of the XP drop after 90 or so?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Hit 80 a couple nights ago. Finished Hell Act 1 and, when I get time, have been farming Countess for runes.

I feel like my character is still really really undergeared, so I'm hoping Countess is good to me.

Couple of questions -- when I'm farming bosses, should I be on the highest player number I can manage or is there a "sweet spot"? Also, how important is +MF%? I know it obviously helps but if I don't have much MF is it even worth farming?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

/p3 gets max drops from bosses, iirc.

I feel the same way :/

For me, mf is icing. If you can afford to lose some survivability/killspeed for it, then go ahead.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

@blantly obvious: The sweet spots are /players 5 for Andy/Duriel /players 3 for Meph. That said I would only play on those settings if it doesn't reduce your killing speed by much / if it all.

As far as MF goes as much as reasonably possible without adversely effecting kill speed. Essentially killspeed > everything when it comes to mf. Generally the way I do it is get ~ 200MF, then if I can squeeze some more in without kill speed dropping I do, if not I don't. Hope this makes sense

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         96         20+         N/A        N/A
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         94          10          910        75
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         94           2         3636       N/A
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808       N/A
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           91         ~65         250+      N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A       N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           **           0          n/a       n/a
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216        58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97       N/A
kimiko          Electra           Sorceress         81         TONS        200+       N/A
BlatantlyObviousAriadne           Amazon            80          30+         N/A       ~60
reddude         Maegor            Paladin           78           7          127       N/A
Loomy           Ragnarok          Paladin           77          HC          N/A       N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65       ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50       N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20      10.5
Pirape          HULK              Barbarian         62           4          N/A
coju            Andraste          Sorceress         58           6           37       N/A
Jocular         SteveBrule        Druid             52           0           17       N/A
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0         ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21        14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17       N/A
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         29          HC            8         7
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10       N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8       N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2       N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4         2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1         4
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0       N/A
djmbbandie      Dreamana          Assassin          12           0            0         0
Kitteh          Kitteh            Barbarian          1           0                      0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0         0
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Thanks for the quick replies :D Currently trying to find a decent Countess map -.-
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ok Kegs you've got me, I've decided to join. We'll see how long before I get bored XD

So I am joining with Tiny Dancer, a trapper that will eventually respec into a flash(lightning) dancer. I grabbed the name from one of my favourite Elton John songs and one that I spent an entire evening listening to on repeat (I was with mates and we didn't realise, just thought it was a really long song XD). It became the theme song of our road trip (after we'd finished highschool).
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I always sing, "Tony Danza" instead of "Tiny Dancer."

Makes my Monday's worth while.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

welcome, cakes! Good luck with your Trapper!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

coju said:
Why wait until after 90 to kill ancients? As I always understood they always give the same amount of XP.
Is it because of the XP drop after 90 or so?

Yes, that is the point, they always give the same amount of exp (40 million) and it takes much less time to gain that amount of exp somewhere else when you are level 90 or below then when you are level 98.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

zgpmf said:
Thanks guys!

I'd like to bring here the discussion about 97-98 and 98-99 leveling from Kimppi's 99 thread. So, I have Griffons and Infinity, I'm still missing Arach's belt but it shouldn't be a problem getting one. I did a couple of trial Diablo runs (CS on p1 and D on p7) and I think I could do it under 1 min with better equipment (such as to reach 200 FCR). I will probably reach 97 during this MFO so I will then know how much exp Baal gives and my average time and then compare it with Diablo runs. I will try Nihly runs but only when I reach next level and have no exp to lose, lol.

Have you 90+ level runners completed Ancients quest already or are you savig it for the end?
Any thoughts, opinions?

Are you using Crescent Moon?
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Ohomemgrande said:
Are you using Crescent Moon?

Nope, I'm using Hoto. Other equip. is:
Griffons, CoH, Goldwrap, Chancies (40), War Travelers (47), Spirit, +3 light skills 34MF amulet, 2 rare rings with 10 FCR each, 2 light skillers
On switch: CtA and 50MF monarch (and 2 empty sockets)
Merc has Infinity, Tal's helm and Forti.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

zgpmf said:
Nope, I'm using Hoto. Other equip. is:
Griffons, CoH, Goldwrap, Chancies (40), War Travelers (47), Spirit, +3 light skills 34MF amulet, 2 rare rings with 10 FCR each, 2 light skillers
On switch: CtA and 50MF monarch (and 2 empty sockets)
Merc has Infinity, Tal's helm and Forti.

I did some analysis a while back and if you aren't pushing the enemy's lightning resist to -100%, then Crescent Moon will do more damage from the -35% than the +3 skills will do from HOTO. (Of course the FCR from the HoTO and the resists is pretty useful too.).

I finally found that last rune for Infinity so now I'm looking for the base weapons for CTA, Infinity, and Spirit Shield. I also have the runes for a Fortitude so I'll probably make one of those for the Merc.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread


My new personal record.:alright:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

zgpmf said:

My new personal record.:alright:

You should start reporting your EXP now. Well done.
Some history, finds, thoughts, screenshots, etc etc would also be nice.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Here's a thought, I just lost ~30m of exp due to stupid gloams.:rant:
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Sorry to hear that ><

Made it to 95 through pindle, AT, and Trav runs.

A new personal record for me as well :p

Here's the flavie

Another 4 deaths: 2 on a trav run, 1 in AT, 1 on pindle.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Dreamana is sunning herself at the beach/wharf of Lut Gholein. Andy went down in 5 seconds due to Burst of Speed/ Fists of Fire/Shadow Warrior with a rare Blade Talon that she gambled. Finds havent been decent yet. She has ring mail and helm with 5 chipped topazes in them total.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

3 billion mark reached, drops are disappointing though.
I changed my belt from Goldwrap to TG Vigor so it is much safer to fight against Gloams now.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

VERY slow progress. I got to Trav, but I'm not confident in killing Council yet so I've been bumming around a1/a2.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

My goodness... Hell is hell... Finally made it to Hell LK. FINALLY!

So, level 77, running LK. You don't want Mf for LK, correct? FCR ftw? I have a nice linear map. Both huts on my right, just southeast, then northeast from there. Running blizzard still. Thought about switching to lightning, but never did. Glad I didn't. After a nice spell in the LK, I'll push to Meph. *wipes brow*
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Yea, no MF needed in LK, just pop those chests (on /p7) as fast as you can.

Good luck!
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

Reading the lk faq, it appears that p3/4 nets the top three tubes for act3. :scratchchin:

Edit:I have been running an p8 for a few minutes, tons of drops. Do you cipher through the drops, as sometimes you don't get to see all that's there?

Edit: @ohom and zgpf and those with infinity: around how long did you run lk for the runes? And did you already respec to lightning? Or wait and run meph with blizzard?

Just curious , as this will eventually be my best equipped character I'm sure.
Re: The untwinked level 99 progress thread

I usually don't poke around too much, just hold alt while you pop it and look for orange.

Most people would suggest you run on p7, as there is a ton more confirmed patterns for sur/ber than on any other setting. However most testers have run it on p7 so it may not be accurate. I'd still go p7 though. Is the last table update.

Forum name      Character Name    Class         Level/exp   #of Deaths   #of S/U   #Hours in
zgpmf           Diiieeeeee        Sorceress         97         20+         N/A        N/A
kestegs         OHM's Law         Sorceress         95          14         1820       125
MercMan         Khal Drogo        Barbarian         94           2         3636       N/A
jevgeni         Madness           Amazon            93         ~40          808       N/A
Kokojo          Bobladin          Paladin           91         ~65         250+      N/A
MizzouFTW       Cecilia           Sorceress         **           0          N/A       N/A
stephan         xxxHAMMERTIMExx   Paladin           **           0          n/a       n/a
JoshK           Gambit            Amazon            87           ~          216        58
Corax           Defendor          Barbarian         83           0           97       N/A
kimiko          Electra           Sorceress         81         TONS        200+       N/A
BlatantlyObviousAriadne           Amazon            80          30+         N/A       ~60
Loomy           Ragnarok          Paladin           80          HC          N/A       N/A
reddude         Maegor            Paladin           78           7          127       N/A
coju            Andraste          Sorceress         77           ?           ??       N/A
Fyourics        RiderInTheStorm   Amazon            75           8           65       ~24
DavidD          ArmyofDarkness    Necromancer       75           2           50       N/A
Ohomemgrande    Endura            Sorceress         70         lots          20      10.5
Pirape          HULK              Barbarian         62           4          N/A
Jocular         SteveBrule        Druid             52           0           17       N/A
Torquil         Ossifier          Necromancer       50           0            0         ?
Gahzban         Taz               Barbarian         45           0           21        14
Chaostar        Rhaegar           Druid             45           0           17       N/A
GoldenredDragon Nynialy           Sorceress         29          HC            8         7
kstuart         Wozniacki         Druid             26           0           10       N/A
Hew             PipeLine          Amazon            26           0            8       N/A
jjscud          Lathgertha        Amazon            26           2            2       N/A
Maniachiavelli  UT_Razr           Assasin           20           0            4         2
Jason Maher     JohnDoe           Necromancer       19           0            1         4
djmbbandie      Dreamana          Assassin          20          0            0         1
Delocked        HC*untwinked      Sorc              18           0            0       N/A
JCakes          Tiny_Dancer       Assassin          07           0            0        .5
Kitteh          Kitteh            Barbarian          1           0                      0
TwentyMuleTeam  Dubtrap           Assassin           0           0            0         0
Estimated market value