For a pure cold only nothing but ice freezing chilly frost maiden I still consider the Buri unbeatable. Freezing Arrow negates the speed issue if used correctly and the inherent pierce frees up valuable synergy and Valk points. An upped Buriza, despite its increased str req is even better. For everything else (with the possible exception of a switch weapon for a pure fire zon) there are much, much better choices.
As for Shaftstop, don't even bother. Up it and give it to your merc, other than that it's useless. Duriel's Shell is much more useful and is probably the cheapest of the many options you have here. There are quite a few runewords that are very useful including, but not limited to, Duress, Smoke and Gloom.
Use Gaze and Ears for leech if you must, but I would take a Kira's Guardian anyday over a Gaze. Delirium is very useful to a bowazon for all its crazy crowd control mods so long as you open a tp as soon as you morph or you will be one dead zonny.
Ravenfrosts are still useful for AR but leech rings with resists are better.
You still can't beat Laying of Hands for dealing with demons and providing IAS. But there are other options out there for different purposes.
I cannot see any negatives with Gore Riders for any build that deals physical damage of any kind, but there are other boots depending on your needs.
I would rather use a Chromatic Amulet of the Vampire or Lamprey than Highlords. Of course a Mara is better again.
Even with maxed, stacked, resists elemental damage done in 1.10 can still kill very, very fast especially from Wisps (Gloams, Souls etc.) and Achmel's poison. This is one of the reasons that WWS is so popular now. Sacrifice it at your own risk. And, as already mentioned by someone else, if you are getting hit (and therefore require DR) you need to change your playstyle or the evil denizens of Sanctuary will be picking blonde hair from between their teeth for weeks.