The quest for level 99 - progress thread


Active member
Aug 18, 2004
Originally Started by tweety on January 4, 2005

The quest for level 99- progress thread

With all the recent interest in getting to level 99, I thougth it would be nice to make a thread in which you can post your progress. There is no better motivation to keep up the leveling than a bit of competition. Just insert your high level character in the table with the highest experience on top.

Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
2.957        96    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
Might aswell add my HC Blizzysorc here.

Wow, you guys are nuts. In a nice way of course!

Just trying to level my clvl93 summoner to 94 is taking way too long. Probably not the ideal char though. Anything above players3 becomes tough going (ie: slow) without a BEAST or something like that.
I think you need someone to hold down the bottom of the list. Currently Running countess for a bit looking for runes to make a Gloom armor for my serious Baal running.
Not to poop in anyones petunias, but isnt this why we have the ladders? Or are these non-ladder chars...

Oh and having gotten one char to 99 in 1.09 I don't think I'll ever be motivated to do that again. A Septevirate and self found HC grail are enough projects for me :)
No, its for non ladder chars most likely, just so epople can keep up with your progress.
I'll join in:

EDIT: I stuffed that up but you get the gist :D
Yea the formatting changes each time with the code thing. It looks right on the text screen, but in preview it moves stuff around. Oh well, good going grogs!
It'll be interesting to see where Strijdje is at ;) , the next lvl (98) is at 3.229 Billion..... The race is on!
You cant let stridjde get his second 99 before anybody else here gets 1, it would make us all look bad, and make him look godly, and thats just not right. :p
Nice to see your progress, guys! Awesome...

I for myself can't really decide on a character I want to play... :(
Just to give the rest of the forum some perspective ;) I'm 384 odd /p8 Baal runs infront of Tweety.

Tweety in turn is around 650 /p8 Baal runs ahead of DX...

Whilst the exp numbers look small, trust me they aren't :D

Decide soon or you'll never catch up enough! :p
Reformatted the table a bit, hope it is OK again. If you add a name, just make a new line, copy paste somebody else his line and than fill in your stats. That should work maybe, hopefully, or not. Just check in the preview.

Great progress Grogs 👏
Farting_bob, actually it took me 2 days to get to lv 90 with my sorc so he got some time :p. I dunno how long it takes after lv 90 though....
Well i was on 89 just before xmas, and played a heck of a lot in between then and new years (bar a few afternoons with the relatives *yawn*) and managed to get to 92 by the end of last week. But i believe the real slow down is at 95, when suddenly a P8 baal and minions kill barely registers a gain on the white exp bar, unles your eyesight can see individual pixel changes over long peroids. mine doesnt though.
I can attest to the value of competition in helping you reach those seemingly unattainable goals. I'm impressed with anyone who can reach even 97 in 1.10 - its a brutal climb at those levels. And keeping a sorceress alive long enough to climb that high is a feat that has eluded me so far.

For reference purposes I believe Sint Niklas has a level 97 Chain Lightning / Frozen Orb sorc.

Good luck on your quest!

Trying to decide what character to try to get to 99? The one that:

a) Doesn't die. Ever.

b) Can kill Baal fast, preferably at high players settings.

Based on, hammerdins and sorcs are popular choices. Melee characters always run the risk of an Iron Maiden insta-kill.

Well, I sign up too. I haven’t been playing a lot since I reached 95. And I died away 30 millions too :( . But I think I’ll go for lvl 96 at least.
there we go. i still have a loooong way to go. but i cant find a stormlash :confused:
I would like to write my name there but i dunno how :O

Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
3.062        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs     Grogs
2.957        96    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
2.534           95      Paladin          TheLastHero         Kefir_Tribe
2.323        94    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.104        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
1.927        92    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud
lvl 80 worth   80      Druid              Yogi               Corax
Last edited:
just do a quoted reply thingy with the button over there >>>> and then add yourself inside the code brackets and delete the rest of the quote bit.
Hit reply on the previous person post (with the table) and you'll get something that says quote (in brackets) what they said, Code (again in brackets) the table data, another code tag and another quote tag.

Remove everything before and after the code tags and make your own line inside of the code tag (copy someone elses and change it.

Or simply post your info and ask nicely and I'm sure someone will put it in there.

For a better explanation search out the grail table thread.
This is SC only eh?
For clarification DX's character is hardcore...
From lvl 92 it'll be 5000 /p8 Baal runs to 99 (that's minions and Baal). So in the scheme of things you are nearly 5% there in terms of the time it'll take

That's based on the assumption you can run Baal in 5 minutes and never die = 5000 * 5 / 60 = 416 hrs, let's say you've played 24 hours in 2 days to get to lvl 90 (and tacking on a bit to get to lvl 92), that gives you a total of 440 hours from go to wo ---> 24 / 440 * 100 = 4.54% of the way there ;) .

It is SC and HC, ladder or non-ladder, doesn't matter. Leveling can be very boring and tedious and it is a good motivation to see how other people are doing. This sort of table is very popular for the grailers here and recently a lot of people showed interest in getting to level 99.

For the people that are leveling it is good motivation and for other people it might just give a good idea on how much time is involved to get at the higher levels.

Just post your character information and someone will include it in the table. :)
Oh what the hell, let me just join in the fun since I still use her anyway. The only problem is she's a lightning spearazon so killing Baal definitely takes longer than 5mins. I've been leveling in the Pit so far, we'll see how far that gets me.
Added my HC Skelliemancer.
I didn't make any stupid mistakes tonight and made it to lvl 97. Lets see how slow the leveling is now. First defrag my computer, because runs were unusually slow.
alright i'm in, i put mine below sunbearie, i don't know how much exp shes got :D
I'll join this table soon :)

Im starting overlord necro who should be able to kill fast. I have reached lvl 95 few times (even with MFing fishymancer) so I think I have a chance :)

Really good idea tweety
Bob, I just spotted you on CivFanatics! Busted! :D
I worked out how much exp I had :)
Added my Pally...
I'll enter my name. 11k hammers can't be bad.

Ahh! :eek:
How the hell did you find me? i havent posted there for months.. but i was a regular there for a while.
We have movement! Am tired beyond belief today though, especially given it's 6am and I've got to be on site for work......
hehe, small updated, i suffered my first death with lycan :( i encountered 2 boss packs of gloams, a champion pack of moonlords, and was under the Lower res from a Mage while i teleported by...

that, in combinaiton with the gloams having fana isnt really healty for a char, trust me :)

im 97 now, approx 2- 3 weeks from level 98, and then the big quest..

good luck guys :)
Ouch, must be some pretty hurty boss packs to reduce all that life quickly. I once teleported next to a conviction gloam pack and usually those guys don't hit you when you tp fast enough, but this time is was instant death. zap, zap, dead.

So whats your experience precisely. It will probably take me about 8 weeks to get from 97-98 (if I keep playing like I do now), but I think you play more.

Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
3.074        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2.962        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
2.534           95      Paladin         TheLastHero     Kefir_Tribe
2.327        94      Necromancer     Leroy_James     Lemming
2.323        94    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.104        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
1.927        92    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud
1.782           91      Paladin         Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
Lvl 91          91       Paladin         Lightblade     Crazy Runner Guy
1.675           90      Amazon          Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
1.502           89      Necromancer     Oblivion-II     Corpsie
lvl 80 worth    80      Druid           Yogi            Corax
Last edited:
bad luck robin. That would have been amazing to get a 99 without dying, even if it was in SC. Well keep at it, no rush though. you take your time...
I'm not sure of the exact experience, but I'll check and revise later! Diablo II is so much fun!! :D

BTW, nice avatar tenaka
I just couldn't stand sitting on the other side of the 1-2 billion border. Plus a little table cleaning.
Added my sorc now after I passed the 2 billion mark. Im HC btw :)
stridge said:
hehe, small updated, i suffered my first death with lycan :( i encountered 2 boss packs of gloams, a champion pack of moonlords, and was under the Lower res from a Mage while i teleported by...

that, in combinaiton with the gloams having fana isnt really healty for a char, trust me :)

im 97 now, approx 2- 3 weeks from level 98, and then the big quest..

good luck guys :)
Ouch is right, did you recover your body?? a 6-7 million loss is a whole lot better than a 26-27 million loss :)

2 weeks for me at this rate to 98 then I guess I'm nearly half way there.....
Congratz to level 97 Tweety, must be real slow up there since expbar on level 94 is hardly moving for me.

Well good luck all

Progress is very slow now. 4 hours of gameplay gave me 8 million more experience. At least Baal dropped me a Windforce and a Bul Kathos sword. The last 2 weeks I found 5 TC 87, which is not that bad.
Updated my char, still on lvl 93 but a improvement. I'm gaining on you DX..
EDIT: why does the table move stuff around, even if i dont touch it? i change 3 numbers on mine and suddenly all my row and the row below moves. and editing it just moves it more. Grr...
Don't know exectly about the table. There are tabs in it, because I made it in word and it seems that you can delete the tabs, but you cannot add them, so don't delete more things than are necesary. This tabling thing has always been a bit difficult on the forum.
Well then I better update it Bob, 47 million more exp, and got past Lemming

BTW grogs what kind of pala are you playing with, hammerdin perhaps?

Not much playing as birthday drinks were many last night and I really wouldn't risk playing half cut :D

a Hammerdin it is, only 9K damage but maxed resists (91/90/92/90) + 25% DR and a little over 1600 life. Pretty safe really.

@Tweety - In all my runs Baal has only dropped 2 TC87's that turned lime or burlywood, Spirit Keeper (at least I think it's TC87??) and an IKSC. Though I've got bugger all MF. EDIT: I'm really sick of seeing green Kraken Shells, I've stopped picking them up as I have over a dozen in ATMA

farting bob said:
Ahh! :eek:
How the hell did you find me? i havent posted there for months.. but i was a regular there for a while.
I was just scouting some older postings there :p
***No comments, added Gabriel to the table
Not much playing, more of experimenting with different equipment to optimise my killing power. Results don't look that promising, I really fooled around with her :lol:
Little progress, at least there is clearly something white in the experience bar again.
Closing in on the next milestone... No interestng drops just Baal dropping the same crap over and over again.
Go grogs! Not played much this week, nothing asince my last update. but i ahve all weekend to correct that.
Grogs, if you don't mind me asking, what gear set up is your Paladin using?
Closing in on level 95, have been running baal alot the last three hours.
Some interesting drops like Steel Carapace and other nice EU:s but no grailer yet


Exp(billion) Lvl   Class        Name            Player
3.092        97    Paladin      PalaGrogs       Grogs
2.977        97    Sorceress    Fortuna         tweety
2.534        95    Paladin      TheLastHero     Kefir_Tribe
2.462        94    Paladin      Gabriel         Gabriel74
2.445        94    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.327        94    Necromancer  Leroy_James     Lemming
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla Farting bob
2.074        92    Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
2.001        92    Amazon       ShieldMaiden    jjscud
1.782        91    Paladin      Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
Lvl 91       91    Paladin      Lightblade      Crazy Runner Guy
1.677        90    Amazon       Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich        Sledge
1.502        89    Necromancer  Oblivion-II     Corpsie
0.984        84    Necromancer  Zhar            LprMan
lvl 80       80    Druid        Yogi            Corax
lvl 75       75    Barbarian    Garth           jrlafrance
Well finally at level 95 after killing baal recently and a big Frost Nova was released from my Death's Fathom. Never got this far before had a SC Hammerdin which I started in the 1.10 beta and he never got to level 95.

The Exp bar was moving really slow on level 94 can't imagine how it will move on level 95.

Good Luck all

Congratz on making lvl 95 DX!

I remember I had a lot of trouble getting there because I died to often. I finished the level off with Pindle runs. I can't imagine how you did that without dieing.

I die a lot less by increasing my FHR from 0 to 30. Now I can teleport out of most situations that I teleported myself into.
well my necro is sitting at 96 since almost 6 months
from now, however I DO play him from time to time but may be if I get more inspired getting him more lvls I may consider playing him again seriously.
Good Luck everyone in lvling their characters and also don't let sorcy and pally be the first try to get them ;)
The next little goal I've set myself has been reached! Clicky .

Had a death last night (FE Bartuc) and it wiped just under 7 million from the exp bar, I was very upset!!!!! Took me till the early hours of this moring to get it back.......

@Arewyn: Not uber gear by any stretch of the imagination: Harly with 15% resist, +8 min jewel, GA with 15% resist jewel, Vundergo's, Goblin toe, HoZ, HotO, Crafted ammy with 2 paly skills and 20% FCR, soj, raven frost, Chancies. Inventory has a Gheeds, 4 skillers, resist and vita charms. Merc has some good gear though: CoA, Leviathan and Shaeled Reapers.
tweety said:
Congratz on making lvl 95 DX!

I remember I had a lot of trouble getting there because I died to often. I finished the level off with Pindle runs. I can't imagine how you did that without dieing.
Well I got full resist in all except poison, and I got more than 1K life I think that's alot when playing sorc. My merc handles all the troubles sure he dies from time to time, mostly when Mummies or Bartuc have conviction aura, and when Lister spawns with nasty mods, sometimes I save him using Glacial Spike.

Good Luck all

Nice going DX :) I managed to gain a little exp while running the pit for the MFO at the other (x3) place but a couple of careless deaths really slowed the thing down. Been playing for so long with mf equipment, I'm not sure what to give her to kill Baal with.
Woah, I'm the only assassin here? And melee to boot :) It's strange, I don't use my assassin to mf, unlike my other baal runners, she's simply the most fun to play and I've dumped the most amount of time into perfecting baal runs with her then with any other character. If you're curious about her build and playstyle I'm going to release a guide soon, once I'm %100 done experimenting with her. She's recently lost over 40 mil exp (guessing here, about 1/4 of her xp bar) after experimenting with some new equipment :(
Not much action last night...
Good, gives me the chance to gain get a bit closer.
It's slow going isn't it?!? i just needed a break from it for a night. 13 million is a nice gain Tweety, any decent drops in the 50 odd runs? (apart from the Light mana potion that is :rant: )

EDIT: All you need me to do is die 3 times and not recover my body.... Now wouldn't that be a kick in the pants........
got to lvl 82. not really enough to bother updating. now i need my stormlash.
planning to equip a tomb reaver once i hit lvl 84 and see how well i can run with that. once i get to WSK that is
I gained 135 Million over the weekend, unfortunately with 2 pairs of unrecoverable deaths I lost 60 million of it. :rant:

I really need to learn to take a break when I die (or better yet, don't die) I trying and go even faster to make up for it and usually end up dying again just a few minutes later.

Still, its a gain, and a learning lesson. Not to mention Baal is alot more generous than I previously thought he was, I got 3-4 grail items plus some other nice stuff from him over the weekend.

Lvl 93 here I come.

Edit: Wow, Nice gain LprMan
Well, I've been running hell Baal on p5 or higher for the last 2 days :xman:
Those 2 days really got your exp up LPR, what kind of nec are you using?

I finally got a real number in there, and I should push for some more XP later tonight between some massive sets of reading and pindle runs.

DX-Crawler said:
Those 2 days really got your exp up LPR, what kind of nec are you using?
Overlord necro with max CE and the best gear I could give him :)
I have a question for tweety and Grogs. Do you kill Baal himself at p8? I heard that most of the XP would come from Baal once you got to level 95, but that turned out to be wrong (at least in SP). I'm seriously concerned about this matter, because my brave hero doesn't kill him fast at all at p8. So if that’s what you need to do later I have to consider building a new character.
I do the throne room and the first two minion waves on p1 then the other minions and Baal at players 8. One run is about 210.000 exp of which 70.000 is from Baal IRC, so about 1/3 of the experience is from Baal. At level 98 I think at least half your exp is from Baal.
Lunch Break: 1 hour
Exp needed for lvl 93: 22 million
My calculations for exp/hour pindling at p8: 22million / hour
Actual time left to run to the bathroom and get a drink: 1 minute

Exp(billion) Lvl   Class        Name            Player
3.103        97    Paladin      PalaGrogs       Grogs
2.990        97    Sorceress    Fortuna         tweety
2.806        96    Necromancer  usamahuuu       usamahanas 
2.534        95    Paladin      TheLastHero     Kefir_Tribe
2.493        95    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.462        94    Paladin      Gabriel         Gabriel74
2.327        94    Necromancer  Leroy_James     Lemming
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla Farting bob
2.150        93    Assassin     Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.097        93    Amazon       ShieldMaiden    jjscud
2.074        92    Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
1.782        91    Paladin      Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
1.769        91    Paladin      Lightblade      Crazy Runner Guy
1.767        91    Necromancer  Zhar            LprMan
1.693        90    Amazon       Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich        Sledge
1.502        89    Necromancer  Oblivion-II     Corpsie
lvl 80       80    Druid        Yogi            Corax
lvl 75       75    Barbarian    Garth           jrlafrance
Just dont pick up any items and dont waste time standing around. saving 5 seconds a run over an hour will give you enough time for a relaxing drink at the end, maybe even time to post here...
Question for everyone: How much XP does Pindle and company grant on /players 8 at lvls 90 and beyond? RIght now he gives just over 800k at clvl 89.

If it is enough, i.e. you can get more than what Baal and minions would get you in the same amount of time, why not run Pindle?

Well my qualified guess would be between 200 and 300 pindleruns.
On level 87 you need 78 runs and on level ** you need 114. So on level 90 you will probably need 200-300 maybe some more on level 90.

On level 94 you need 2383 pindleruns to get to level 95.

At lvl 90 I was getting about 500k at p8
lvl 91 330k
lvl 92 270k

For me it was definately faster up till 91. I've dome some of both to reach 93 (so all through lvl 92) and it seemed to be about even as far as time vs exp goes. It

It would be nice to get a chart made of the experience for runs and different lvls. Especially if we could get it per run and not per time so that people can decide what to run based on how fast they do different runs.
tweety said:
I do the throne room and the first two minion waves on p1 then the other minions and Baal at players 8. One run is about 210.000 exp of which 70.000 is from Baal IRC, so about 1/3 of the experience is from Baal. At level 98 I think at least half your exp is from Baal.
When you guys make reference to p1-p8, is that on the realms, or SP? I don't get a whole lot of time to play, so my progress is really slow. I'm working my way through A1 Hell. Any suggestionss to help with the XP in SP?
/players1-8 is only available in SP. As for XP help, move the players settings up a notch, or run areas like the pit (in the tamoe highland, after the black marsh) where XP is respectable for a while.

Other than that, just keep killing stuff. When I tele through entire acts, I normally only stop and take time to kill boss packs, as they grant the most XP.

Kefir-Tribe said:
I have a question for tweety and Grogs. Do you kill Baal himself at p8? I heard that most of the XP would come from Baal once you got to level 95, but that turned out to be wrong (at least in SP). I'm seriously concerned about this matter, because my brave hero doesn't kill him fast at all at p8. So if that’s what you need to do later I have to consider building a new character.
relative to your total experience gain the minions contribution really decreases after 95 - Basicall if you've ever looked at the exp gained by a character you'll see that as you get more than 5 levels above the monster you're killing you get significantly less exp (down to 1 exp if you were to travel back to normal).

Tweety gets 210,000 - I get 260,000 as I clear the throne and kill all waves at /p 8 (13,000 for colonzo, ~30,000 for Alchmel) Baal gives around 70,000 exp. As tweety has said at lvl 98 you'll get around 100,000 exp per run, with over half of that coming from Baal (remember is Lister is mlvl 92, so at clvl 98 your more than 5 lvls higher than him)

I've calculated 1010 runs at /p8 from lvl 97 - 98, if you take Baal out of the equation then you would be looking at around 1382 minion runs. At lvl 98 it's ~2900 Baal runs, minions only would be in the order of 7250 runs.

The short story is that you need to be able to kill Baal at a higher player setting. If you using a paladin this is very achievable, smite + Fanat + CB + decrip from RT - you'll be amazed at how fast this is......

Ah, that's more like it.....
Crazy Runner Guy said:
/players1-8 is only available in SP. As for XP help, move the players settings up a notch, or run areas like the pit (in the tamoe highland, after the black marsh) where XP is respectable for a while.

Other than that, just keep killing stuff. When I tele through entire acts, I normally only stop and take time to kill boss packs, as they grant the most XP.
Sorry crg, I'm not new to playing Diablo, but I am new to this strategy side of it. How would I go about changing the player settings in SP? I am currently Jail level 1, should I finish out act 1, then go back to the pits?
type /players x into the chat thingy. x = 1 through 8
simulates that number of players in game. so monsters xp and hp increases and no drop chances decrease and what not.

its worth doing the pit now if you have the jail WP. good xp up into the high 80's AFAIK
Thanks for the help corax!
Outer Cloister WP would be better iirc :xrollseye
i meant so he didnt have to wade through the barracks again. noob.
right..... please accept my humblest apologies and my assurances that it'll never happen again kind sir.
Crazy Runner Guy said:
Question for everyone: How much XP does Pindle and company grant on /players 8 at lvls 90 and beyond? RIght now he gives just over 800k at clvl 89.

If it is enough, i.e. you can get more than what Baal and minions would get you in the same amount of time, why not run Pindle?
At lvl 94 a /p8 Baal run would give you ~ 1.9 million exp. Thats somewhere in the order of 120 runs to 95. So around 10 hours of Baal running (5 minute runs).

If what DX says is true that it'd be 2380 pindle runs (take an average of 30 seconds), it would take you almost 20 hours.....

Baal wins.....
Ah, back in the top 5.
Changed up a couple of gear slots and did a few test runs, and passed Arewyn in the process.

Nice even number, if not much of a gain. Mostly ran countess looking for runes for a gloom armor and an um for my merc's Guardian Angel. No such luck, My last drop from countess was Arrows, El Rune, Key, Emerald. Oh well, I guess I won't complain as I found an Ohm on my way down there.
Got my necro to lvl 92. I think I let him rest now for a while so I can concentrate more on MFO held at the "other place"
Ooo playing like that are we, lemme go do a few run's and pass you up ^.^

Exp(billion) Lvl   Class        Name            Player
3.112        97    Paladin      PalaGrogs       Grogs
2.990        97    Sorceress    Fortuna         tweety
2.806        96    Necromancer  usamahuuu       usamahanas  
2.534        95    Paladin      TheLastHero     Kefir_Tribe
2.500        95    Paladin      Gabriel         Gabriel74 
2.493        95    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.327        94    Necromancer  Leroy_James     Lemming
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla Farting bob
2.150        93    Assassin     Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.100        93    Amazon       ShieldMaiden    jjscud
2.074        92    Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN 
1.934        92    Necromancer  Zhar            LprMan
1.801        91    Paladin      Lightblade      Crazy Runner Guy
1.782        91    Paladin      Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
1.693        90    Amazon       Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich        Sledge
1.502        89    Necromancer  Oblivion-II     Corpsie
lvl 80       80    Druid        Yogi            Corax
lvl 75       75    Barbarian    Garth           jrlafrance
Arewyn said:
Ooo playing like that are we, lemme go do a few run's and pass you up ^.^

Yes, yes we are.

I finally figured out a way to avoid nearly all of potential deaths I could ever have, and thus I did a few runs after suffering two consecutive deaths to put some more distance between myself and Arewyn.

Like Lprman, I've got an MFO to participate in, so I think my 20 million a might have to do it for me for this week.

At time you guys overwhelm me with your abbreviations! Until I figure them all out, I guess I'm in the dark unless I ask! What is MFO??
Magic Find Olympics, IIRC(If I recall correctly, if you didn't know that one iether).

Took me a while to understand most of these abbreviations.
MFO = mighty french oranges.
Or could it be the magic find olympics at the 'other place'? either way, it sounds like fun.
Thanks! MFO sounds like it would be fun! Good luck guys!

OK, another dumb question...what is the "other place"? Or am I allowed to ask?
lycan is 11 hours away from 98 :p watch for him friday or saterday to hit 98 ^^
Add him to the table, stop being so secretive strijdje. Lets see just how likely you are to get your second 99 before anybody else gets there first. (damn you and your no work - all play lifestyle.
jrlafrance said:
Thanks! MFO sounds like it would be fun! Good luck guys!

OK, another dumb question...what is the "other place"? Or am I allowed to ask?
Not a dumb question, and but they are not referred to by any other name besides "the other place." Essentially there are other competing forums out there, and some of us, like myself and Lpr, along with many of us here, belong to another forum besides

I consider those at the other places to be tainted, and thagt i am a SPF purist. Elite amoung elites.
farting bob said:
Add him to the table, stop being so secretive strijdje. Lets see just how likely you are to get your second 99 before anybody else gets there first. (damn you and your no work - all play lifestyle.
sweety, i work 20 hours a week during school and vacations 40 hours a week :p ask people till how late they see me on msn ;) im almost up ever night till 3.30-4.00 in the night :p i just, cant and dont need alot of sleep haha.. :D
I imagine by this time there is little difference between "sleep" and "killing Baal" for Robin anyway. By this stage I'm sure he's even got periodic inventory dumps down to a reflexive instinctual action. My hammerdin got to 91 earlier in the week after a level of p1 Baal runs. He's fairly quick and efficient, but I would have to enjoy playing him way more to aim for 99.

Well made some progress today, but for each run I make I get more and more impressed by those who have made it to level 96 and onwards not to mention Robin who soon might have 2 level 99:ers.

It's very hard to keep up with the tempo Grogs and Tweety have set up or maybe I play more careful because if my character die I will loose 2.5 billion exp instead of some million.

Well Good Luck everyone

Some more progress.... GG Strijdje! I'm now just over 100 mil off 98 (~32 hours off 98) and will be there by Sunday, well maybe saturday night if I play through Friday........
going to run eldritch/pindle in a mf setup(tals ammy,armour, belt and a tombreaver) until lvl 90 or so to see if i can pick up a stormlash.
I've picked up 2 more Horizons (minions), that's 7 now and still no lash, and I'm up to 11 lightsabers too ~ the D2 gods surley hate me....
Well I might as well join the crew with my level 89 pindlezon named GoD-LiKe. She currently is running him /players 8 with around 500%mf.
What's the point of adding robin to the list? He'll just make the rest of us look "lazy", starting at the top of the list and staying there :rant:

FB: different forums different appeals :) I think this place is wonderful but sometimes I'm terrified of getting banned/outcasted etc
ARGHHHH! DX right after I got back in the top 5. Thanks a lot. :xmad:

I have tons of respect that your guy is HC. Too much stress at that level.
Just the daily 20 million.

This is a nice idea, I might actually join it.


Exp(billion) Lvl   Class        Name            Player
3.124        97    Paladin      PalaGrogs       Grogs
2.990        97    Sorceress    Fortuna         tweety
2.806        96    Necromancer  usamahuuu       usamahanas 
2.534        95    Paladin      TheLastHero     Kefir_Tribe
2.531        95    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.500        95    Paladin      Gabriel         Gabriel74
2.327        94    Necromancer  Leroy_James     Lemming
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla Farting bob
2.150        93    Assassin     Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.100        93    Amazon       ShieldMaiden    jjscud
2.074        92    Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
1.934        92    Necromancer  Zhar            LprMan
1.840        91    Paladin      Lightblade      Crazy Runner Guy
1.782        91    Paladin      Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
1.693        90    Amazon       Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich        Sledge
1.522        89    Amazon       GoD-LiKe        SuperSavage
1.502        89    Necromancer  Oblivion-II     Corpsie
lvl 80       80    Druid        Yogi            Corax
lvl 75       75    Barbarian    Garth           jrlafrance
Well since I was so close to TheLastHero so I made some moreruns.

Well I don't think that playing HC differs much from SC at this level, you have to play safe aswell and don't die and loose a lot of exp.

I play it a bit safer now than before, before I used to Teleport through the the last level of WSK, but now I make my way through killing monsters in my path, this way I have a chance to retreat without worrying about teleporting right in the middle of a Bosspack with Dolls, or snake.

Found a grailer aswell, can't tell you witch though since I participate in MFO over at "the other place"

Good Luck all

If you guys don't mind, I'll toss my hat into the ring. I need something to motivate me away from the bnet runewords. :) Brand is a SC hammerdin build under the SPF Ladder rules (but not ON the ladder because he was born on a different forum).
DX, I don't have time to play this week, which I knew last week. And when I saw your ferocious running spree I decided to save a little surprise for you. Evil me :)

However I think I’ll start a new character for this purpose later so TheLastHero retire (for the moment at least).
More and more are coming.... DOH! I would love to do it too, but I have yet to figure out a build... :rant:
Kefir-Tribe said:
DX, I don't have time to play this week, which I knew last week. And when I saw your ferocious running spree I decided to save a little surprise for you. Evil me :)
OMG you must be Dr Evil himself, where do you keep mini-me :xsmile4:

Just to spite crg for passing me I went and passed him back :D
I passed the 3 billion mark. Yeah for me, still a long way to 98.
Arewyn said:
Just to spite crg for passing me I went and passed him back :D
Kings Specter said:
If you guys don't mind, I'll toss my hat into the ring. I need something to motivate me away from the bnet runewords. :) Brand is a SC hammerdin build under the SPF Ladder rules (but not ON the ladder because he was born on a different forum).
I don't mind, but no one comes into the ranking right ahead of me and stays there!

Both of you will be passed later tonight. Enjoy.

I heart friendly competition,
*salutes with drink* cheers!

If that does step on any toes, I can start a new character for the cause...
Kings Specter said:
If that does step on any toes, I can start a new character for the cause...
It doesn't, we just won't let you stay there.

A little OT, but here it is anyway...
corax said:
type /players x into the chat thingy. x = 1 through 8
simulates that number of players in game. so monsters xp and hp increases and no drop chances decrease and what not.

its worth doing the pit now if you have the jail WP. good xp up into the high 80's AFAIK
Another question for you brainiacs...I've looked with no success. Is there a link that provides info on the differences between the various player 'x' settings? I changed to players8 A1/Hell, and came across (seemed like thousands) many magical monsters. Obviously more monsters, more experience, but I was wondering is there was something a little more concrete as to experience, # of monsters, etc. Any help here?
p2 = 1.5 more hitpoints, 1.5 more experience
p3 = 2.0 more hitpoints, 2.0 more experience
p8 = 4.5 more hitpoints, 4.5 more experience

The chance of a no drop decreases, so more items at higher player settings, but this chance is probably different for all monsters

All the rest stays the same, so no more monster than usual.
p1 = 1.0
p2 = 1.5
p3 = 2.0
p8 = 5.0 if my math is right?

but there are no more monsters? they just get stronger?

Never mind the p1-p8 math was wrong!!
Don't you just hate it when RL gets in the way of D2????

@Tweety - Well done!!!!!! go go the magical 3 billion mark.

@DX - I think you're right about the HC - SC thing. I haven't played recklessly since I worked out that dying would add another days play onto the quest.....

jrlafrance said:
but there are no more monsters? they just get stronger?
They don't get any stronger. A monster will do the same damage at /p1 as it will at /p 8. Only the monster HP and the exp you gain goes up (0.5 per player setting). It just seems like they hit harder because it takes longer to kill them and they get more hits in.
but there are no more monsters? they just get stronger?

They do get harder to kill since the higher HPs means the monster don't go into hit-recovery as often, ie. monsters retaliate more easily.
75 Million XP for me, and that passes Arewyn and King's_Sceptre. Baal dropped mostly normal set/uniques, although he did upchuck a nice Reaper's Toll.

Speaking of which, King, you need 1.923 billion for 92, not 1.900.

Anyway, my sights are set on Lpr, which I'll work on passing tomorrow. Right now, it's MFO.

35 more million for me. Unfortunately DX is staying just out of reach.
Crazy Runner Guy said:
Speaking of which, King, you need 1.923 billion for 92, not 1.900.
Oops - he's at the bottom of lvl92, I'm not used to thinking in terms of total XP. I'll fix it when I update him tonight.

Just a few morning Baal runs to pass Lpr.

Well found some time playing yesterday night and today.
Around 60 mil :xsmile4:


Exp(billion) Lvl   Class        Name            Player
3.128        97    Paladin      PalaGrogs       Grogs
3.001        97    Sorceress    Fortuna         tweety
2.806        96    Necromancer  usamahuuu       usamahanas
2.605        95    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.535        95    Paladin      Gabriel         Gabriel74
2.327        94    Necromancer  Leroy_James     Lemming
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla Farting bob
2.150        93    Assassin     Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.100        93    Amazon       ShieldMaiden    jjscud
2.074        92    Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
1.947        92    Paladin      Lightblade      Crazy Runner Guy
1.934        92    Necromancer  Zhar            LprMan
1.900        92    Paladin      Brand_Dale      King's Spectre
1.853        91    Paladin      Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
1.693        90    Amazon       Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich        Sledge
1.522        89    Amazon       GoD-LiKe        SuperSavage
1.502        89    Necromancer  Oblivion-II     Corpsie
lvl 80       80    Druid        Yogi            Corax
lvl 75       75    Barbarian    Garth           jrlafrance
0.000        0     Assassin     Miss-Talon      Kefir_Tribe
Reached the 2 billion mark :)
miss talon really has some cathing up to do.
Another 9 million. :)
Only a miserable 2 million exp, went to bed early last night......
Mordalles said:
miss talon really has some cathing up to do.
That is he's evil plan because I got passed him, don't know what he is going to do but it scares the s*** out of me :D

Got 81 million exp today on my MFO Baalruns
Just some XP before I leave for the weekend.

I finally figured out that my amazon cannot be a leveler with all of that mf. On /players 8 I die here and there and it's hard to keep gaining exp. My sorceress at level 90 which is my highest character I am going to run her. She doesnt have much experience yet. :(
Another 10 million closer :)
DX-Crawler said:
That is he's evil plan because I got passed him, don't know what he is going to do but it scares the s*** out of me :D
Hehe, don't worry. This is a competition against your own patience, nothing else. Or, at least, so I try to convince my self :)

Mordalles said:
miss talon really has some cathing up to do.
She'll be there. (or TheLastHero will walk again)
Well it took my a while but i finally figured out my build that will hopefully be able to run baal pretty quickly on players 8 and that i plan to run baal a lot with.

I started her this morning and she's now 29 so the hard part for her is over :D
I'm hoping she will become as powerfull as i hope and half expect her to be but we'll see.

Will play her quite a lot coming days so i expect her to attain matriarch status pretty soon (certainly before the weekend... i hope ;)
Happy but tired...

Got almost 200 million exp this weekend :sleep:
May as well get started on this. I'll be starting a new character, mod free (For those who care). Good luck!
free from work this weekend :D hurrah, played 11 hours a day and FINALLY got my lycan to 98 :D played him till 5.15 in the night last friday but hey, he is there :D saterday 9 hours, and today i played him another 9 hours.... this week school and some work, so i guess i made quite a progress overal :D
strijdje said:
free from work this weekend :D hurrah, played 11 hours a day and FINALLY got my lycan to 98 :D played him till 5.15 in the night last friday but hey, he is there :D saterday 9 hours, and today i played him another 9 hours.... this week school and some work, so i guess i made quite a progress overal :D
I seriously think you're:

a) Going to be seriously respected for getting 2 level 99's before these guys


b) Going to be seriously lynched for getting 2 level 99's before these guys

I'm hoping its b :D BRING ON THE THE LYNCHING!

Seriously, though - How do you have so much time? Do you have no friends?!
Strijdje you Pwn!!!!

Played till my eyes bled after work Friday till some time Saturday afternoon, had a couple of hours sleep and then went at it again, got up to 3.2 billion then was TP-ing through the WSK and bang - Conviction Gloam boss pack, didn't even see it coming, 27 odd million lost (no hope of getting my body back), it basically destroyed me, D2 was shelved for the rest of the weekend in favour of drinking......
necro hitted the nail, or something :S this weekend i only slept 7 hours in total, i dont know, i just cant seem to sleep and im still functioning properly ^^

went out saterday with me friends, came back @ 4 in the night and went on to play till 7.00, woke up @ 09.00 and went to the gym, voila, i dont know, just call me a freak :xrollseye:
Added 41 million, but still haven't caught DX
Played till my eyes bled after work Friday till some time Saturday afternoon, had a couple of hours sleep and then went at it again, got up to 3.2 billion then was TP-ing through the WSK and bang - Conviction Gloam boss pack, didn't even see it coming, 27 odd million lost (no hope of getting my body back), it basically destroyed me, D2 was shelved for the rest of the weekend in favour of drinking......
Oh, I really hate those guys!

Exp(billion) Lvl   Class        Name            Player
3.173        97    Paladin      PalaGrogs       Grogs
3.020        97    Sorceress    Fortuna         tweety
2.806        96    Necromancer  usamahuuu       usamahanas 
2.605        95    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.576        95    Paladin      Gabriel         Gabriel74
2.327        94    Necromancer  Leroy_James     Lemming
2.289        94    Necromancer  Zhar            LprMan
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla Farting bob
2.150        93    Assassin     Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.100        93    Amazon       ShieldMaiden    jjscud
2.074        92    Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
1.986        92    Paladin      Lightblade      Crazy Runner Guy
1.900        92    Paladin      Brand_Dale      King's Spectre
1.853        91    Paladin      Mighty_Juggalo  Arewyn
1.693        90    Amazon       Catte-brie      sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich        Sledge
1.621        90    Sorceress    SuperSorc       SuperSavage
1.502        89    Necromancer  Oblivion-II     Corpsie
lvl 80       80    Druid        Yogi            Corax
lvl 75       75    Barbarian    Garth           jrlafrance
lvl 29       29    Sorceress    My-Morwel       slarti
0.000        1     Assassin     Miss-Talon      Kefir_Tribe
0.000        1     Necromancer  Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
aluminon said:
I figured I'd add my best characters, might as well make everyone else feel better about themselves.

sunbearie said:
I think my place on the table isn't going to move very much for a while. :rant: Too many careless mistakes while mf-ing means I actually lose exp constantly. Sigh

Slartibartfast said:
Was a long... loooong day yesterday. Played my sorc till level 73 (from scratch to 73 in a single day, i love blizzard 👏 ) And she can wear most of her gear.

More to come tonight as i will try to level her (and specially her moron) to level 80 so they can both wear all their equipment. Dunno if i make it that far tonight though as i also have to write an essay tonight

tweety said:
And another 11 million experience.

Grogs, sorry to hear about your death, that must have been really frustrating. Hope you have been able to pick up the courage to start running again.

Strijdje, put that barb in the list!!

Crazy Runner Guy said:
5 hours of Baal running, and about another 110 million XP.

Now, I back to pindle and regular questing.


DX-Crawler said:
Well since Gabriel caught up a bit it was time for an update. During late part of MFO at another forum and some runs today I have gained another 50 mil XP. It feels real safe right now with my sorcy no NDE in a really long time.

Have started a new character todat aswell, will see if I will put her on the table. The point with her is to run hell Baal fast. I'm going for a hybrid Amazon. Multishot with a windforce against his minions and then kill Baal himself with charged strike. Crucial with this build will be how I will put the points. Probably I have to go with some +skills GC to passive skilltree because I won't add much points there.

Well cheers and Good Luck all


grogs said:
tweety said:
Grogs, sorry to hear about your death, that must have been really frustrating. Hope you have been able to pick up the courage to start running again.

Soul destroying! I'm having a couple of nights off, and then will get back into it... It's almost like a death in the family, I've spent every night with him for the last 2 months.....

Slartibartfast said:
Well brought her to baal and played some baal runs with her. She is doing really pretty well.
A baal run at players 8 takes around 6 minutes, including killing baal at players 8 :)

Other then that nothing special except that it is a new personal record in 1.10 to get a character from scratch to 87 in just two days :D

DeathMaster said:
Take note: how many people here can be considered legally insane, just look up the list. 👍

Just kidding, I can never dream to reach lvl99. Even reach lvl90 was hard enough for me (getting few lvl90 char took me ages). Anything over lvl90 seems forever.

King's Specter said:
OK, Brand and I seem to be getting along again. I gave him a gear tune-up, gaining +1 to all skills and the 75 FCR point in the process. He's now sporting that trendy shako-wand Harry Potter look. :p Now to gain some ground in the charts...

debbbole said:
Hi! :)

I'm new here, I'm from Italy (sorry, in advance, for my bad english! :D) and i couldn't stop me from registering as I read this thread. I thought I was the only one mad enough to try reaching lvl 99... and as I see I'm not enough mad! (and that's a pleasure, of course! :D)
My top pg is:

Maybe I chose the wrong class to go for 99... but I like playing druids very much.
Don't need to see him in the table: I'm a newbye here, need some time to make you trust me. Bye and keep up! ;)

DX-Crawler said:
Welcome to the forum Debbbole. I have put you in the table with everyone else.

Make sure you make an intro thread and tell us a little bit about you so we can get to know you.

Good Luck


DX-Crawler said:
After a lot of running yesterday and today she finally made it to level 96. I would guess that I made close to 100 runs atleast it feels like that. To reach level 97 I need 244 978 114 exp. That is 406 Baalruns or 43 622 Pindleruns if you like to run him.

She will probably rest here for awhile to catch her breath.

Well good Luck all


shermo said:
Ive added my old baal runner (charge) along with my new one (point). Teleport sure makes things easier

tweety said:
Another 10 million :)
Found a pair of Steelrends in the process. Almost missed them in the rubble, but I was really looking for an extra mana potion to take on Baal.

Slartibartfast said:
Got another 3 levels between yesterday and today :) about half way to level 91, still the easy part.

But I was wondering. some time ago I think I read somewhere at which point most of the xp will come from killing baal instead of his minions. I think it was from about lvl 96 or 97 or so but does anyone by chance know from where it was excactly?

I'm now running both minions and baal at /players 8 but if I reach that certain point i plan to run minions on 1 and bal himself on 8.. should make about 1 or 1.5 minute difference :D

grogs said:
Finally got back on the horse and made a few more runs, am still bitterly cut about the death, but I'll get over it....... eventually......

Slartibartfast said:
But I was wondering. some time ago I think I read somewhere at which point most of the xp will come from killing baal instead of his minions. I think it was from about lvl 96 or 97 or so but does anyone by chance know from where it was excactly?

I'm now running both minions and baal at /players 8 but if I reach that certain point i plan to run minions on 1 and bal himself on 8.. should make about 1 or 1.5 minute difference :D

You'll have to run the minions at /p8 until 99 for you to be effective.

You only get ~60,000 exp from baal at lvl 97 and that's from a total of ~260,000. In other words, it's just over 1000 /p8 runs from 97 - 98, if you were to kill the minions at /p1, it would be 4000 odd runs - BIG DIFFERENCE.

At lvl 98 you get around 100,000 exp from a full /p8 run, of that ~50,000 is from Baal, it's ~3000 runs from 98 - 99, playing the minions at /p1 you'd be looking somewhere in the vacinity of 6000 runs.

Conclusion: Kill the minions at /p8.


Mordalles said:
great progress, guys, keep it up!

Slartibartfast said:
grogs said:
You'll have to run the minions at /p8 until 99 for you to be effective.

You only get ~60,000 exp from baal at lvl 97 and that's from a total of ~260,000. In other words, it's just over 1000 /p8 runs from 97 - 98, if you were to kill the minions at /p1, it would be 4000 odd runs - BIG DIFFERENCE.

At lvl 98 you get around 100,000 exp from a full /p8 run, of that ~50,000 is from Baal, it's ~3000 runs from 98 - 99, playing the minions at /p1 you'd be looking somewhere in the vacinity of 6000 runs.

Conclusion: Kill the minions at /p8.


Ok, thanks for the information :) then i'll just keep killing them all in players 8

King's Specter said:
Up to 93, I think I need to find a means of teleportation...

Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
3.041        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
2.867           96      Paladin         charge          shermo
2.806           96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
2.718        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.576        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74 
2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
2.327        94    Necromancer    Leroy_James    Lemming
2.289        94    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
2.150           93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
2.101        93    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
2.100        93    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
2.074           92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
1.853        91    Paladin        Mighty_Juggalo    Arewyn
1.693        90    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
1.685        90    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
1.621           90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
1.027           84      Sorceress       Point           Shermo
lvl 80        80    Druid        Yogi        Corax
lvl 75        75    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
0.157           63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
0.000        0    Assassin    Miss-Talon    Kefir_Tribe
0.000           1       Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan

farting bob said:
Nice jump corax, 6 levels. What build is he?

Crazy Runner Guy said:
[div class="bbCodeBlock-content"]

[div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent "]
Up to 93, I think I need to find a means of teleportation...

[div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink"][a]Click to expand...[/a]

Naj's Staff on switch. 69 tele charges.


Glenugie said:
Sorry for the late (and high)entry from nowhere but I believe some of you have played MP with my IK barb, and can vouch for his level.

Also hope I haven't wrecked the code above.

Yes it looks like I ruined the code, sorryyyyy

farting bob said:
Glenugie said:
Also hope I haven't wrecked the code above.

Yes it looks like I ruined the code, sorryyyyy

Dont worry, i tried editing mine and it changed every single line so it didnt match up. i dont know what im doing wrong, but changing 1 number.. Anyway, someone will fix it for you, and its not like the ladder, you dont need to have proof of your level or anything, its more for your own benefit seeing how you are coping compared to others than anything else.

Glenugie said:
Thanks for that Bob, thought I had better have some proof after reading about TheUltimateBarbarian saga with an IK Barb.

DX-Crawler said:
Corrected the lines for you.

Use preview post before you submit it then move the text until they are in a nice line


silospen said:
Don't worry, Si'll fix it :)

Edit: Damn you DX - I was so there first!

Ragnarod said:
I've been following this thread for a few weeks and it sounds like fun, so count me in! I'm entering my new hammerdin, he's using MF gear and running the Chaos Sanctuary at players 5 right now. He's gotten to lvl 91 that way, and I'm not planning to start doing Baal runs, so he'll be slow going, nothing to worry about for all you dedicated players ;)

Reborn2k said:
A question: Is it possible that much of the time you need to kill the minions comes from the 5th wave? I noticed that the first four waves fall much faster than the minions of destruction, because they are highly resistant and aggressive...

Slartibartfast said:
Reborn2k said:
A question: Is it possible that much of the time you need to kill the minions comes from the 5th wave? I noticed that the first four waves fall much faster than the minions of destruction, because they are highly resistant and aggressive...

depends on the character i think... For me the longest wave is certainly the second witht the cold immune skellies... (even while i kill them at players 1 and the others at 8)

After that the third wave takes longest as my merc can't always tank the hydra's

4th and 5th waves are blizzard-food :) takes seconds at most, unless Lister is cold immune in which case i have to draw him back out of the throne room, that might take half a minute if he annoying or slowed because my merc hit him

King's Specter said:
Team SPL donated a nice teleport ammy to the cause, improving run times nicely. I may have to take up gold-find council runs in my spare time.

How much XP does big D give vs Baal at high levels?

tweety said:
Again a little progress for me.

I think Diablo;s experience is 2.5 million and Baal's is 4.5 million, so quite a large difference.

Only at the last two levels is the act boss experience really making a difference.

DX-Crawler said:
I agree with Slarti, that it's second wave that takes longest to kill, but I do it all on Players8, with Escuta's Temper with Fire facet it goes rather fast to kill them. Lister can sometimes cause problem, specially if he is Extra fast and CI. If that's the case I usually lure him out and teleport past him into the throne room.

Nice to see you joining Ragnarod


Slartibartfast said:
Got another 2 levels over the last two days :)

@dx-crawler What is your fire damage then? my fireballs deal 2800 max but don't have the patience to kill them at 8

maybe that indeed with a nice temper / jewel i could deal enough damage but on the other hand, my merc is getting owned by their poison damage and tanking the cold damage if takes too long

tweety said:
Slartibartfast said:
@dx-crawler What is your fire damage then? my fireballs deal 2800 max but don't have the patience to kill them at 8

maybe that indeed with a nice temper / jewel i could deal enough damage but on the other hand, my merc is getting owned by their poison damage and tanking the cold damage if takes too long

My fireball damage is almost 4 K, but I also don't have the patience to do them at p8. Put a Kira's Guardian and Guardian Angel on your merc and he won't have trouble with the poison, cold damage and the hydras of the third wave.

DX-Crawler said:
Well I don't use fire ball, I stat them down to half and then I use Fire Wall, they are rather stationary. But I know now that Fire Ball would have been a better option for my Blizz atleast it would be a faster way to deal with them, if I ever will remake my Blizzysorc I would use Fire Ball.

Don't forget to use Escuta's Temper with a Fire Facet in it, can make all the difference


Slartibartfast said:
DX-Crawler said:
Don't forget to use Escuta's Temper with a Fire Facet in it, can make all the difference


Hm well maybe i'll try it after all with a Temper/facet on switch, only it will mostly destroy what mf i have when i get to killing baal :D

Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
3.055        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
2.867           96      Paladin         charge          shermo
2.806           96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
2.718        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
2.576        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74 
2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
2.327        94    Necromancer    Leroy_James    Lemming
2.289        94    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan
2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
2.150           93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
2.125        93    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
2.100        93    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
2.074           92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
1.927        92    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
1.853        91    Paladin        Mighty_Juggalo    Arewyn
1.788        91    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
1.693        90    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
1.621           90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
1.660           90      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
1.027           84      Sorceress       Point           Shermo
lvl 86        86    Druid        Yogi        Corax
lvl 75        75    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
0.157           63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
0.000        0    Assassin    Miss-Talon    Kefir_Tribe
0.000           1       Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
Last edited:
King's Specter said:
Sorry, jrlafrance, I think I zapped your update. I couldn't find a way to quote a quote. :( Edit - fixed (i think) better check it.

Anyway, did a couple runs with Brand this weekend. A big thanks to Uber for an uber loaner!


jjscud said:
Got back to exp running a bit, I was a bit highter but unfortunately I died. My baal runs are still a bit weak so I decided to do the insane last night and dropped my lvl 93 might merc for a shiny new lvl 46 Holy Freeze merc.

I guess that means I've got a little while before I get back to running, Hopefully I'll be there in time for the mfo next week.

farting bob said:
jjscud said:
Got back to exp running a bit, I was a bit highter but unfortunately I died. My baal runs are still a bit weak so I decided to do the insane last night and dropped my lvl 93 might merc for a shiny new lvl 46 Holy Freeze merc.

I guess that means I've got a little while before I get back to running, Hopefully I'll be there in time for the mfo next week.

Wow, taking a risk there! You should focus on leveling him in good MF areas before he gets to hel baal level, since then you might get something out of it and not feel like your just wasting your time.

Boddah_khan said:
Spent the weekend and a couple days before that getting my character to act 4 hell. Decided I would slap on some mf, and run the pits for a while, for experience and goodies. Plus the fact that I'm really not looking forward to taking on big D. Hopefully I get to act 5 in time for the MFO's. Players 8 Pindle for a week should really help in climbing the score board. Watch out, jrlafrance! Cheers!

Kefir-Tribe said:
Hrm... Miss-Talon is off. She ended at level 84 but didn't kill fast enough. I tried to play TheLastHero a bit but he died away 10 millions and I lost my faith in him. No harm done though, I got a new idea.

Ragnarod said:
I haven't been able to play much, since I'm on exams, but I did have time to do some Diablo runs and pass Arewyn :)

shermo said:
reading all these posts. Must get home from holiday and start baal running!

I clear the first four waves at p8 and then drop it down to p5 for lister and co. It makes minimal difference to the xp gained and with the lower hp they die before they can get out of hand or kill my merc.

Glenugie said:
Managed to level to 91 after some MP games over the weekend.

DX-Crawler said:
Many people taking up the 99 quest, nice. Well haven't played much myself but I got atleast 10 mil exp


tweety said:
Didn't play any diablo on saturday, probably for the first time in a few months. On sunday I had more time, still 10 million experience gained.

EDIT:What do you mean, what's wrong with the table :)
Was just able to fix it within an hour. I had changed in the options to get the full editing possibilities in my editing box, but that did not work like it should.

jrlafrance said:
tweety said:
Didn't play any diablo on saturday, probably for the first time in a few months. On sunday I had more time, still 10 million experience gained.

Good God Man!! What did you do to the table!!

jjscud said:
Just a whimpy 5 mil. I was quite excited though, I didn't think I would be back to baal running the very next day after switching merc but in just 5 hours I was able to help him get 37 levels. Now we can take down Listers pack at p8 almost as fast as I was doing it at p1 before (with some gear changes too).

King's Specter said:
Another little bit for Team SPL. :)

LprMan said:
Played my necro for once, passed KS and Lemming :)

Method0ne said:
Thought I may as well slap myself in there.. glad I managed to do it without messing up the code as well :D

jrlafrance said:
After taking some suggestions to heart, and some equipment changes, AND playing at /p8, I gained some pretty good ground today. :xsmile:

Method0ne said:
Got me another couple of levels from running the Pits/Pindle.

Slartibartfast said:
gathered some xp over the last few days to get me somewhere beginning 93... Only one exam to go tomorrow then it'll be vacation *moehahahaaa i already feel sorry for Baal* :p

King's Specter said:
Ahh.. getting some nice action in the lvl94 crowd!

@LprMan: Arr!
@Lemming: D'oh!

caspervc said:
Added myself in "the quest for lvl 99" with my Blizzard sorc, named Fire_lady
Only 74, but levelling goed quick :)


Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.065        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.867             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.728        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.576        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74 
7     2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
8     2.356        94    Necromancer    Leroy_James    Lemming
9     2.350        94    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
10    2.342        94    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan
11    2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
12    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
13    2.124        93    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
14    2.110        93    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
15    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
16    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
17    1.855        91    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
18    1.853        91    Paladin        Mighty_Juggalo    Arewyn
19    1.765        91    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
20    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
21    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
22    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
23    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
24    lvl 86        86    Druid        Yogi        Corax
25    1.159             86      Amazon          OneTit          Method0ne
26    1.027             84      Sorceress       Point           Shermo
27    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
28    0.830             82      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
29    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
30    0.412             74      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
31    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
32    0.000        0    Barbarian    NoNameYet    Kefir_Tribe
Absel said:
Wow, it must really take alot of effort to reach Lvl.99!!

Good luck to everyone who is attempting.

LprMan said:
Pwned KS and Lemming once again :p

shermo said:
10 million down, I should level (and a bit more) during the MFO

caspervc said:
2 lvl up... should be hard to get in the top 10...
Maybe during the MFO i will lvl up :)

corax said:
hoping to make it too at least lvl 90 during the MFO. preferably a few lvls higher. but we'll see

nethervoid said:
Sounds like fun. Funny I missed this thread.

Just started my cheesadin last night. Gained twenty levels. 20 levels a day sounds like a good pace. lol

tweety said:
Man, its slow going, but I'm very close to 97.5 now. I think I will focus my attention on Pindle first during the MFO, just to get a little variety from Baal runs.

King's Specter said:
Double necro pwnage! :D

LprMan said:

Dr. Strangelove said:
i just notice this thread the other night, if i'm allowed i would like to join. i have a lvl 95 multi-strafe girl, i just wait for the mfo ends and i'll probably strip her of mf gear, which she has on since the big bang you know, and [span style="font-size: 22px"]try[/span] to kick her towards the big crunch, you know 99, who dares wins attitude. i have been on 95 almost forever with way too many deaths under my belt but hey, i'm slightly under 40M to lvl96 atm.

note: apologies in advance for a rude entry, read a high lvl - mature!?! - speaking of zons, character

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

shermo said:
26 million today, Things are moving along pretty nicely atm. I'm not looking forward to lvl 97 though

Dr. Strangelove said:
nah, i have afterthoughts on this one, i have no right to enter that way, so i withdraw my lvl95 zon and enter with my next one on the leveling up, here - Katzenjammer, a lvl 46 zon, soon to become a 8/2 windy strafe-girl, gotta figure out those damn 157 IAS indeed. i picked her up today at hers 41 and damn she's tearing apart the game with Kuko's and nothing else to support her as only one skill point spent per skill, incredible. i can't guarantee obviously to reach lvl99, but i'll give her a chance. indeed i'll kick her with MS also, should be a speedy up - ol' skool speedazon look-a-like mo-fo. now excuse me cuz i'm gonna lift her up.

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

Randall said:
factory said:
nah, i have afterthoughts on this one, i have no right to enter that way, so i withdraw my lvl95 zon and enter with my next one on the leveling up, here

You shouldn't have, this thread is especially made for high level characters joining. If you take a look at the first page of the thread you'll see that the first char that entered is a lvl 96 char (and the second lvl 94)


shermo said:
I'd second that. I joined not so long ago with a lvl 96 character. The whole point of this thread is to keep you motivated, and offer some advice along the way. We're all one big happy family, right?

Ragnarod said:
Finally got to lvl 92, it doesn't move me up any spot but looks better I guess, been slow due to exams and my obsession with the Chaos Sanctuary :p Factory, I have no problem at all with you joining with a high level character, that's what the thread is for after all, self motivation :)

Edit: I've decided to beat the crap out of Meph until he drops an HoZ these next few weeks, don't expect many updates from me until that happens ;)

King's Specter said:
Last one to 95 is a farting, err, rotten egg!!!

NSK factory: more targets, i mean, players are always welcome! :D

King's Specter said:
Sorry for 2x post!

We need a name for ourselves. My first thought was ‘The Insane’ but maybe ‘The Committed’ would be better on several levels. We could rename this thread ‘The Asylum’.

Method0ne said:
Ahh pindleruns.. give you enough exp after a while..

Slartibartfast said:
Also joined the level 94's :) with some more baal runs today

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.079        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.903             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.728        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.576        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74 
7     2.445        94    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan
8     2.430        94    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
9     2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
10    2.356        94    Necromancer    Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.286        94    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
12    2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
13    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
14    2.110        93    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
15    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
16    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
17    1.925        92    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
18    1.853        91    Paladin        Mighty_Juggalo    Arewyn
19    1.765        91    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
20    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
21    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
22    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
23    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
24    1.486             89      Amazon          OneTit          Method0ne
25    lvl 86        86    Druid        Yogi        Corax
26    1.027             84      Sorceress       Point           Shermo
27    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
28    0.830             82      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
29    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
30    0.485             76      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
31    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
32    0.034        46    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
33    0.0006            20      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
34    0.000        0    Barbarian    NoNameYet    Kefir_Tribe
Boddah_khan said:
Passed jrlafrance and Shermo. The MFO is really going to help me level quickly. Cheers, and watch out Corax!

Tarr said:
I'll throw my highest level character on. How much he will level from here on out is anyone's guess but ** was my goal for maxxing my 4 main skills anyway. Hope I didn't mess up the formatting on the table too badly.

shermo said:
One days worth of MFOing

SnakeEye85 said:
maybe i should add my almost lvl 98 blizzard sorc. Haven´t played her in months though, so i think i wont :)

GL everyone!

Method0ne said:
Formatting tweak, and removing my Zon from the list.

farting bob said:
SnakeEye85 said:
maybe i should add my almost lvl 98 blizzard sorc. Haven´t played her in months though, so i think i wont :)

GL everyone!

Theres no reason not to add her to the list, its not like the ladder where you have to enter at a low level or something, just so we know who's where.
EDIT: last night in baal runs my blizzy sorc hit 2.2b. i'll update it later after some more runs.

Reborn2k said:
Guys.... You are awesome... But beware! I am working on a mfing necro, currently act 3 nightmare. When finished this one will be a pit/baal runner until I find all the items I desire and then I'll kick your butts with some fresh build! :evil: :D

farting bob said:
Reborn2k said:
Guys.... You are awesome... But beware! I am working on a mfing necro, currently act 3 nightmare. When finished this one will be a pit/baal runner until I find all the items I desire and then I'll kick your butts with some fresh build! :evil: :D

*is scared of reborn's uberness*

DX-Crawler said:
*hides in a corner to escape Reborn's evil plan*


caspervc said:
*evilly laughs at the toughts that by the time he has all the items he wants.. most of will be 99 :)*

Reborn2k said:
caspervc said:
*evilly laughs at the toughts that by the time he has all the items he wants.. most of will be 99 :)*

Lol... could come true... ^^ Now that I have started this spamming wave, one more:

*walks through the "hell" park with his necro (ok 3 more acts to hell)*
*thinks about great finds in the future*
*has evil plans*

HAH, it's always the same: If I post a "funny" comment and then someone responds, nothing which could be funny at all comes to my mind! *g*

However, I tell you:

BEWARE!! :eek: *slowly frowns at everybody smiling evilly and making mad gestures*

farting bob said:
Run for you life, reborn is coming!
*screams hysterically. faints*
Oh wait, i can still pwn him before he gets his uber items.
*uses uber items to pwn reborn*
there, another job well done...

Reborn2k said:
farting bob said:
Run for you life, reborn is coming!

Nah... Not yet. ;) Could take some time... I will try to get my fishymancer to hell tonight, probably in MP. He just arrived in act 3 NM after lunch and as soon as he is patriarch, another BIG mfing season will begin for me! :teeth: *looks forward to mfing in new areas like pit/wsk*

So what's actually going on? There wasn't much progress in the upper region of the list. I suppose everyone is participating in the MFO and maybe gaining some levels by the way, right?


*declares himself as an official follower of this thread*

LprMan said:
Did ~60 p3 Baalruns today for MFO, got my necro to 95 :D

Slartibartfast said:
LprMan said:
Did ~60 p3 Baalruns today for MFO, got my necro to 95 :D

nice job Lpr 👏

Now if you just won't be playing the next few days i hope to overtake you in 3 or 4 days with the 150 or so baalruns at players 8 i need to do for that :p

(probably no chance for that uh? :uhhuh: )

edit: why do that frikking smiley's never work :rant:

shermo said:
wow, it feels good to actually get some levels. Baal and co started dying a lot quicker once i traded out the harly for my rainbowed nightwing. I can't decide which character to try to take all the way. Charge has got a few hundred runs on point, but thats not significant when theres a couple of thousand to go.

caspervc said:
Got some extra lvl.. 80 now.. but since this is my level sord, and not my mf sorc... With the MFO now, i'm playing my lvl 90 mf orb sorc to the max, running mephisto till i'm crazy.. so my "fire_lady" won't lvl quick now..

King's Specter said:
95! I won't bother to change the order, no use getting in the way of LprMan's MFO machine! :D

LprMan said:
King's Specter said:
95! I won't bother to change the order, no use getting in the way of LprMan's MFO machine! :D


Did ~90 p3 Baalruns today

Boddah_khan said:
Hit 87 from Pindle runs. By the end of the MFO's, it's on to Baal runs. Cheers!

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.079        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.728        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.576        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74 
7     2.540        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan
8     2.495        95    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
9     2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
10    2.356        94    Necromancer    Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.286        94    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
12    2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
13    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
14    2.110        93    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
15    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
16    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
17    1.925        92    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
18    1.853        91    Paladin        Mighty_Juggalo    Arewyn
19    1.767             91      Sorceress       Point           Shermo
20    1.765        91    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
21    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
22    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
23    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
24    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
25    1.373             **      Paladin         Tarr            Tarr    
26    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
27    lvl 86        86    Druid        Yogi        Corax
28    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
29    0.720             80      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
30    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
31    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
32    0.034        46    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
33    0.0006            20      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
34    0.000        0    Barbarian    NoNameYet    Kefir_Tribe
Kefir-Tribe said:
Minor update. gained ** levels on ya! :) I'll be level 172 next week with present leveling speed.

Reborn2k said:
Kefir-Tribe said:
Minor update. gained ** levels on ya! :) I'll be level 172 next week with present leveling speed.

Now tell us the secret: What uber build is THAT? :)

Ishiku said:
Next Level 0

Been more than a year since I posted here, looks like there have been some minor format changes. I haven't dl'ed the 1.10 patch so I didn't know if this reply is worth much. anywho.

I have two 1.09 level 99ers. My SC MF sorc (FO/FW) reached 99 a few months ago. I don't know how many exp points she has....suffice it to say....many. I reached 99 with an HC mace frenzy barb about a year or so ago. (yep, that's a hardcore char) The number of cow runs to get there for both was exhausting and boring.

Icebird said:
Ishiku! Now there's a name not many people here will remember. I think I managed to immortalize WallyGator's achievement (that was the name of your frenzy barb right?) in the SPF FAQ for what its worth. Congrats on the sorc!


Mordalles said:
come people! be determined. for many a bard are following thy heroic deeds to tell your story to far corners of the world, from tavern filled with drunken aged warriors, to the wonderful palaces of kings and emperors.

legend will be thy reward, time thy sacrifice.


sunbearie said:
I was shocked to see myself dropping a rank so I did a couple of pit runs 👍

Arewyn said:
[span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms'"] Toke myself off the Table as I'm going to be working on my new Wind dr00d in the meantime and hopefully pass you guy's up [/span]

Tarr said:
Who stuck me at the bottom previously anyway? :teeth:

Kefir-Tribe said:
Tarr said:
Who stuck me at the bottom previously anyway? :teeth:

That would be me :eek: , sorry.

jjscud said:
Finally, another 60 Million, too bad I snuck up on FE Bartuc killed us both a few million into that. Oh well, Lesson learned, finally, no more close range attacking uniques until I've read they're mods.

King's Specter said:
What's your build, jjscud?

nethervoid said:
Kicked out another 37 levels over the weekend. Hammers are tearing through the joint. Made a HotO. Life is good. =)

jjscud said:
King's Specter said:
What's your build, jjscud?

Fairly standard Lightning Zon (I think, I've never read a guide for it). Max CS, LF, LS, and 12 in power strike and Valk, plus pre-reqs and 4 in the bow tree. Other stats are str/dex/vit/eng - 103/166/256/15

I built her after a thread, [a href="[URL][/URL]" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow noopener"]here it is[/a], about who the fastest baal killer is. I had just recently patted my whimpy Strafezon and ended with a half hour dual with baal at p1. I really wanted a fast baal killer and went for it with the baal at p8 in under a minute goal. I can do it in a minute from the time I reach him but since I don't have a decent way to teleport that can take a few seconds and somtimes longer. I've ran around to him and found two baals already sitting there few times.

nethervoid said:
nethervoid said:
4 more levels tonight. =D

Method0ne said:
Added my new lightning javazon in there.. she's just stormed through act 1 nm, my fastest ever clear of that act.

LprMan said:
Got past Gabriel74 :)

shermo said:
500+ mil in the last 3 days 👍

nethervoid said:
6 more levels tonight - almost doubled my xp =) - entering hell soon, and soon after a pat hopefully - hammers are way too strong - i think im re-evaluating my theories on them - redemption rules

jjscud said:
A couple more points. Really wanted to reach 2.2 but its too late tonight.

caspervc said:
Some much pindle runs give me an 7 lvl boost!
She has defeated baal hell :)

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.079        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.728        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.583        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan
7     2.576        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
8     2.495        95    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
9     2.424            94    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
10    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
11    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
12    2.286        94    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
13    2.196        93    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
14    2.193        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
15    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
16    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
17    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
18    1.925        92    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
19    1.793        91    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
20    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
21    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
22    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
23    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
24    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
25    1.404        **    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
26    1.270             80      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
27    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
28    lvl 86        86    Druid        Yogi        Corax
29    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
30    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
31    0.219             67      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
32    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
33    0.051        51    Amazon        Sparx            Method0ne
34    0.034        46    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
Ragnarod said:
Reached the 2000 millions mark after finally finding an HoZ off Meph a couple days ago, I'll try to reach 93 next week since I'm still on exams... Good going everyone! :)

farting bob said:
EDIT: code went totally wrong as usual. changed 3 numbers and it moves every part of the table round. why does it do that to me? anyway, can someone change my line to 2.203b, and move it above jjscud :D

Despite doing a few MFO runs, ive not gained much. but have moved up 1 place so thats good.

Slartibartfast said:
reached the 2,5 billion xp and thus lvl 95 :D

It took me precisely 135 runs to go from 94 to 95, estimated 250 runs though to get to level 96, hope to reach it by the end of the weekend but depends on the amount of D&D and BloodBowl that will come in between :p

As for the finds for mfo... totally pathetic

despite killing the last 3 waves and baal with 350mf i have only 28 qualifiers or so and most i would not bother even picking up usually...

DX-Crawler said:
Well long since I reported something but haven't gained much exp lately, only doing pindlerun at the moment in the MFO, so only 4 million exp progress. Must do some baalruns soon, LPR is catching up real fast

Good Luck all


King's Specter said:
Back to the long crawl up to 96..

jjscud said:
That's funny, I thought FB had a few more million and I was just short of catching him.

Method0ne said:
Just a small update since my zon's now reached Hell.

Tarr said:
Just a minor update to the list, I haven't played a lot and what I have is slow going for a zealot. And I survived a death which encouraged me to pust any kind of update at all :teeth:

nethervoid said:
Just got into hell.

jjscud said:
lvl 94 here I come!

Tarr said:
Just a quick fyi..I'm contemplating removing my paladin from the list. I don't think it's worthy to really persue any longer...he can't seem to kill on anything above players 3 and WSK is generally too dangerous and strictly off limits anyway. I'm bored of p3 pindle/shenk/eldritch runs for exp. I blame Durf for ever thinking I had the paitence to raise a zealot into the 90s. Maybe I'll give it another go when he gets some better armor or something.

Gabriel74 said:
I may not break into the top five again, but I will not be passed by more people.

jjscud said:
Way way too much running tonight.

Tarr said:
necrolemming said:
Weird. My fanazealot got to 92 through Baal without big probs. What gear are you using? the top of my head: Horizon's Tornado, Vampire Gaze, HoZ, Mara's, Carrion Wind, Ravenfrost, Laying of Hands, Gore Rider, String of Ears, Lionheart. Switch is Nord's/Tiamat's for Veng/conv of PIs.

Reborn2k said:
Tarr said: the top of my head: Horizon's Tornado, Vampire Gaze, HoZ, Mara's, Carrion Wind, Ravenfrost, Laying of Hands, Gore Rider, String of Ears, Lionheart. Switch is Nord's/Tiamat's for Veng/conv of PIs.

I don't have THE clue but here are some suggestions:

The carrion wind can be replaced by a good leecher with other mods, but isn't necessary. Lionheart is nice, but has no def bonus, so you might look out for another armor with more def. Use highlord's wrath if you have it. Then you don't need the Ias of the loh and can equip dracul's grasp. After that you shouldn't have problems surviving. For killing speed switch the vampire gaze with guillaume's face. The deadly strike, but especially the crushing blow on it make a nice team with gore riders and will really help! (note: there's also deadly strike on clvl on highlords)

nethervoid said:
5 more levels last night.

Tarr said:
necrolemming said:
One thing I see:

No lifetap.

1. See item find thread for what Meph thinks of my ability to have life tap.

2. Exactly how many items in the game have life tap, and can a build be considered good if it requires one of two or three extremely rare items to work?

Kefir-Tribe said:
I see another. Static Field.

Gabriel74 said:
26 million more. I am slowly but surely approaching lvl 96

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.079        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.732        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.652        95    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
7     2.583        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan  
8     2.508        95    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
9     2.500        95    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
10    2.424            94    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
12    2.289        94    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
13    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
14    2.203        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
15    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
16    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
17    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
18    2.000        92    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
19    1.793        91    Amazon        Catte-brie    sunbearie
20    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
21    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
22    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
23    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
24    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
25    1.428        **    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
26    1.270             87      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
27    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
28    1.248        87    Amazon        Qouththeraven    Corax
29    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
30    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
31    0.530             77      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
32    0.438        74    Amazon        Sparx            Method0ne
33    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
34    0.034        46    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
sunbearie said:
Tarr said:
1. See item find thread for what Meph thinks of my ability to have life tap.

2. Exactly how many items in the game have life tap, and can a build be considered good if it requires one of two or three extremely rare items to work?

Well, people who swear by life tap get it on wands on the switch. I personally don't think so.

To be honest, Tarr, your equipment doesn't look half-bad. In fact, the CB you have should speed things up faster :)

Tarr said:
Kefir-Tribe said:
I see another. Static Field.

Quickly: Name an item in the game that has static field that doesn't include the word "Schaefer's"

The suggestion about dracul's and highlord's is a good one, except for two annoying little details.

I don't have a highlord's or a non-ethereal dracul's.

Most of my resists come from the lionheart, the mara's, and the LoH. And the Carrion Wind maxxes my poison resist as well. I don't like having to switch to salvation, it's strictly a last resort or conviction-counter for me.

Reborn2k said:
Tarr said:
Quickly: Name an item in the game that has static field that doesn't include the word "Schaefer's"

Stormlash unique scourge, Crescent Moon (ShaelUmThul)!!!

Tarr said:
Oh, Crescent Moon. I always neglect runewords, and rarely consider them. I could build that weapon, I have those runes. Still I really would like to find an armor first that would help me out, then go from there.

King's Specter said:

Reborn2k said:
Tarr said:
Oh, Crescent Moon. I always neglect runewords, and rarely consider them. I could build that weapon, I have those runes. Still I really would like to find an armor first that would help me out, then go from there.

Oh sorry, the runeword recipe is: ShaelUmTir. Sorry, that was my mistake... But keep in mind that this is rather a weapon for a shocker, because of the -35% to enemy's lightning resistance and that the ctc static field isn't really high. Only 7% (15% on stormlash, 20% on schaeffer's).

Gabriel74 said:
Too . . . much . . . Baal. Moved up a level. Don't plan on doing that again for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOng time.

LprMan said:
I think my necro hits lvl 96 next week

jjscud said:
Threre, only 13 million more but a much nicer number. Actually it was about 30 million but I died and then tried to get my body back and died again. Then my tierd brains kicked in and I decided that I should stop since I had just fallen to a flat 94 :( .

Dr. Strangelove said:
now the mfo has ended, i could in tranquility unglue my misstress there from the bottom of this table, watch your backs from now on

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

nethervoid said:
Gained 7 more levels. Act 3 hell, as of now. Hammer damage has leveled off at 11k. Still murdalizing. Getting boring, but hanging in there. lol

Ragnarod said:
Gotten 70 millions during the weekend, just 27 millions left for 93, I'm expecting to get there on tuesday, after the exam I've got that day. Good news is this is the last week of exams left for a while, so I should have more time to play him in following weeks :)

King's Specter said:
30 more runes.

sunbearie said:
I took myself out of the tables too as I've decided to give up D2 for lent :( Its a big sacrifice but thats the whole pt of Lent after all. Hopefully I wouldn't have lost too much ground in 3 mths.

King's Specter said:
2.600 by way of 2.620ish. Met one BAD gloam pack on the way down. Didn't hear a conviction kick in, but one second I had gobs of life and 85LR, the next I was dead and cursing at my screen. Wow. FE boss?

tweety said:
MFO over, back to leveling.

Ragnarod said:
There doesn't seem to be much activity in this thread lately, it was on page 3 already, still recovering from the MFO effort? :) I found some time to play d2, and got my paladin to 93, finally reaching the populated areas of the list after the long 290m gap between lvls 91 and 92. Leveling has slowed down, I'm getting around 2m per run now at p5, but I guess I had it coming for doing Diablo runs, I'm not really complaining about that :p

DX-Crawler said:
I guess some are tired after MFO, well Pindle didn't gave much exp but now I'm back and kicking Baal's B*** again. Gained another 18 mil

Good Luck all and stay alive


Kefir-Tribe said:
I'm fed up with d2 for the moment. Dunno when (notice: not if :) ) I'll start again.

tweety said:
Picking up speed again. Broke another milestone, little over 97.5 now.

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.100        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.751        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.722        96    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
7     2.631        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan  
8     2.600        95    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
9     2.500        95    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
10    2.424            94    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
12    2.300        94    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
13    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
14    2.203        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
15    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
16    2.125        93    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
17    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
18    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
19    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
20    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
21    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
22    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
23    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
24    1.428        **    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
25    1.270             87      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
26    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
27    1.248        87    Amazon        Qouththeraven    Corax
28    0.964             84      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
29    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
30    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
32    0.438        74    Amazon        Sparx            Method0ne
32    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
33    0.034        46    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
King's Specter said:
tweety said:
Takes a deep breath of the #7 air before LprMan updates his XP.

Dr. Strangelove said:
kicked in Katzenjammer to lvl83, i'm eligible for Andy's Visage now, the missing piece, from now on it's all muscles and breasts indeed.

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

silospen said:
Added myself.

Thanks to this:

Titan's Revenge
Matriarchal Javelin
Throw Damage: 169 to 324
One-Hand Damage: 149 to 274
Quantity: 47
(Amazon Only)
Required Dexterity: 151
Required Strength: 107
Required Level: 55
Javelin Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0xac444728
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
+177% Enhanced Damage
+25 to Minimum Damage
+50 to Maximum Damage
5% Life stolen per hit
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
Required Level +7
30% Faster Run/Walk
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
Replenishes Quantity
Increased Stack Size
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)

I'm going all the way to 99!

Need tips:

Full WSK clears, or just the minions and baal?

Slartibartfast said:
silospen said:
Need tips:

Full WSK clears, or just the minions and baal?

Whatever you feel comfortable with, till level 94 or so it is still worth clearing the wsk but you'll give it up after that i guess...

You will get only a few 10k xp points for clearing it at level 95 so it's really no longer worth the effort from that point on.

Nice progress all,

Not a lot of progress from me, an i don't expect to much any time soon...

Blame Vampire Bloodlines for that :D

Ragnarod said:
I've finally finished exams, and had some time to play d2, gotten a few millions and reached the #15 place :)

Welcome Silo, nice to have you around!

tweety said:
Did quite a few Baal runs this weekend, but I did die once :(. I could get my body back though and wasted only about 3 1/2 hour with that. Stupid Stygian Dolls.

King's Specter said:
I couldn't quite make it to 96 over the weekend. I died again, which slowed me down, but I figured out what was happening: when switching back from baal killing gear, I occasionally get my main off-weapon shield mixed up will my main weapon. Wandering the keep with 15ish resists is bad. I'll slap together a nice 100 resist all shield for off-weapon tonight!

jjscud said:
+100 resists, Sanctuary on a good pally shield I'm guessing. Just out of curiosity, I generally keep one defensive shield and one offensive shield on my char when I'm baaling, the defensive one is mostly for the run down and clearing the throne room. Resists are my biggest concern for my char but what are the best options for a defensive shield?

Other than that, just updating my exp after a Meph running spat so I can track my baal running more easily.

silospen said:
A run or 2 more today.

A few questions:

a) What do you guys run on? Im basically just running the minions on p6 (can't be bothered with the WSK) and baal on p1, as he takes ages to kill on anything higher. Does he give loads more exp at p8?

b) Is there any way of telling which monsters will appear in the Throne of Destruction from the monsters in the WSK? It really irritates me when I get to the Throne and its full of the gloam guys who take ages to kill (pure LF zon :( )

c) I seem to be getting about 1/4 of a level ish for each run - Will this drop very significantly?

jjscud said:
silospen said:
A run or 2 more today.

A few questions:

a) What do you guys run on? Im basically just running the minions on p6 (can't be bothered with the WSK) and baal on p1, as he takes ages to kill on anything higher. Does he give loads more exp at p8?

The same as always, 4 times the experience at P8, but in the 80's you're so far from Baal's level that you're not getting alot of exp from baal. In the low 90's this start to change and a good chunk of your experience will come from baal.

silospen said:
b) Is there any way of telling which monsters will appear in the Throne of Destruction from the monsters in the WSK? It really irritates me when I get to the Throne and its full of the gloam guys who take ages to kill (pure LF zon :( )

Nope, but I've found gloams sitting right near the entrance to throne room level (right when you first enter it from the stairs in WSK 3) and none in the actual throne room. I try to always run to the main room of the throne room and see what other monsters have spawned and how many gloams are actually there.

silospen said:
c) I seem to be getting about 1/4 of a level ish for each run - Will this drop very significantly?

1/4th of a level, *drools*

Yes it will drop Significantly. I'm getting between 1 and 2 million (I'm not doing P8 the whole time either) a run right now at lvl 94 and looking at around 100 runs to reach 95 I believe 98 to 99 is in the thousands at p8.

What setup are you using, I have trouble with the minions at hight player settings (also a LF / CS Zon) but can take baal down at p8 in just over a minute.

silospen said:
jjscud said:
The same as always, 4 times the experience at P8, but in the 80's you're so far from Baal's level that you're not getting alot of exp from baal. In the low 90's this start to change and a good chunk of your experience will come from baal.

Nope, but I've found gloams sitting right near the entrance to throne room level (right when you first enter it from the stairs in WSK 3) and none in the actual throne room. I try to always run to the main room of the throne room and see what other monsters have spawned and how many gloams are actually there.

1/4th of a level, *drools*

Yes it will drop Significantly. I'm getting between 1 and 2 million (I'm not doing P8 the whole time either) a run right now at lvl 94 and looking at around 100 runs to reach 95 I believe 98 to 99 is in the thousands at p8.

What setup are you using, I have trouble with the minions at hight player settings (also a LF / CS Zon) but can take baal down at p8 in just over a minute.

Thanks for the responses - Currently:

Vamp gaze
Upped eth titans
Stormshield socketed with pdiamond
Tals with Lightning facet
Stone of Jordan

Rare gloves:
+11 to Strength
+15 to Dexterity
+44% Enhanced Defense
+11 to Attack Rating
Poison Length Reduced by 25%
+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)

Skills are:
32 LF
32 LS
29 CS
29 PS
1 LB

1 D/E/A
1 Pierce


LF: 756 - 1390 (1-3905 lightning dmg)
CS: 825 - 1562 (1-1923 lightning dmg)

Thats pretty much her.

The only problems I have is with the Mummy guys - I generally lower the settings for them, as they usually ressurect a load of oblivian knights, or whoever, who destroy me. Their Immune to magic really kicks in at higher player settings. Everything else is way too easy at p6. I was faced with lister this afternoon, who was "Spectral hit, Stone skin, extra fast, Immune to physical, immune to fire" - He was a bit of a bugger to kill, as the minions were all super fast, too! Didn't die, though, so I was happy enough.

I forgot about the exp with relation to the level of the monster being close to yours - thanks for that :D


Edit: By the way, if its not too much trouble, i'd like to see your setup, too - Just to see the routes that you took.

jjscud said:

Ptopaz Shako
Gloom Armor
titans and Offensive shield (2 ias jewels + light facet)
Switch: +4 Thunderstroke and Defensive Shield (+67 resists)
Rare Amulet (resists, +2 zon skills)
Rare Gloves (+2 java skills, 23% MF, +12 strength)
2 7% ML Manald Heal Rings
Natalya's Souls
5 Harpoonist skillers

20 (38) LF
20 (38) LS
20 (35) CS
13 (28) PS

12 (18) Valk
1 (7) Strafe
1 (7+) in passive/prereqs

LF: 510 - 1086 (1-2360 lightning dmg, 39 bolts)
CS: 510 - 903 (1-4717 lightning dmg, 35 bolts)

I don't really have huge problems with most minions, the second group are a problem if undead are laying around in the room. I don't usually up my plevel until after the second wave. Then I currently am changing to p4. I know I can handle later group at higher settings but that's what I was running for the mfo and it was working well. I'll probably start easing them up soon.

silospen said:
Thanks, Jjscud - intresting stuff.

Realised I got my damage mixed up, should be:

CS: 756 - 1390 (1-3905 lightning dmg)
LF: 825 - 1562 (1-1923 lightning dmg)

It seems that I need some more skillers to get the damage pushed up a little more. How handy do you find the Valk? I decided to not get one - going against the rule of all amazon builds - to try to get as fully synergised as possible.

I assume you use the thunderstroke for LI's right? Or does it beef up your damage?

Sorry to ask so many questions - its just I enjoy discussing builds with people....and I dont get out often...;)

I'd defo bash up the players setting - p6 seems relatively easy.

King's Specter said:

jjscud said:
Little bit of running. 20 Mil is becoming a good bit of work.

@Silospen, the Thunderstroke was for Baal, but nice also on Gloams, I've switched back to dual Titans so I don't run out every other run.

Tarr said:
There, now I think I'm finished. It's too frustrating and I'm tired of trying to be a cookiecutter build. It's not my style. I don't want a might merc, and x weapon and y ring and z amulet like everyone else...and trying to do this with style is pretty well impossible. My rogue merc can't survive p8, I *swear* they made rogues dumber than they were in 1.09. She used to be damn good at picking she likes to pick a spot surrounded by monsters when there's wide open space everywhere she could park in. Anyway, there's 89 (and a little beyond) and that might be the end of the line. In any case I need a break.

Randall said:
silospen said:
I assume you use the thunderstroke for LI's right? Or does it beef up your damage?

Minor note: the -x% of the thunderstroke does absolutely nothing on a LI.

I've been building/testing a few new characters, just to find out that a older necromancer is doing just fine with baal running. He just needed a different merc weapon to handle Baal on P8.

I added my (marrowwalk feature exploiting, I hope nobody has a problem with this) necromancer to the list, he is lvl 90 (close to 91) and doing WSK and the throne on P1 (basically faster, good for MF) and switches to P8 for baal to hit the maximum of experience for him.


silospen said:
Finally got to 87, after a huge number of irritating deaths. The worst one was:

Just finishing off the big minion guys. Decided not to go back to town to get potions, cos they'd be dead pretty soon. Ran back a bit to get a decent throw in and...from god knows where comes one of the mummy guys. Suddenly loads of OK's and such are alive again, along with some gloams and im trapped and dead. Sucks.

jjscud said:
Mummies, Gloams and OKs may be the single worst combo of monsters in the throne room. I try not to reroll very much (I took down 10 + gloams in the throne room just the other day) but this combo usually gets a reroll from me.

silospen said:
Added a little bit of exp. Died loads before realising I was using the normal titans, instead of my upped eth titans :(


Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.121        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.751        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.722        96    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
7     2.718        96    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
8     2.631        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan  
9     2.500        95    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
10    2.424            94    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
12    2.350        94    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
13    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
14    2.203        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
15    2.171        93    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
16    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
17    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
18    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
19    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
20    1.748             90      Necromancer     Marrowwinger    Randall
21    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
22    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
23    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
24    1.495        89    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
25    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
26    1.270             87      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
27    1.257             87      Amazon          BigBoobsBigBow  Silospen
28    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
29    1.248        87    Amazon        Qouththeraven    Corax
30    0.964             84      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
31    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
32    0.884        83    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
33    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
34    0.438        74    Amazon        Sparx            Method0ne
35    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
sunbearie said:
tarr said:
There, now I think I'm finished. It's too frustrating and I'm tired of trying to be a cookiecutter build. It's not my style. I don't want a might merc, and x weapon and y ring and z amulet like everyone else...and trying to do this with style is pretty well impossible. My rogue merc can't survive p8, I *swear* they made rogues dumber than they were in 1.09. She used to be damn good at picking she likes to pick a spot surrounded by monsters when there's wide open space everywhere she could park in. Anyway, there's 89 (and a little beyond) and that might be the end of the line. In any case I need a break.

You don't need to do all Baal runs you know :) I "work out" in the pit and my merc is an Act III ice mage. Can't help it abt the equipment though. I've tried Baal runs but I concluded it would be "really slow" without the proper equipment. I dream of having CoH as an armour, maras etc

Dr. Strangelove said:
i've eaten a couple of you guys in a process and looking fwd to eat some more, you know what i mean. Katzenjammer is doing just marvelous, with her windy and most importantly her 160ias wonderbra, yay. i've got 39 skill pts unassigned, saving them up for a multishot galore later on.

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

Randall said:
I actually shifted moved one place forwards, got to lvl 91 yesterday ;)


silospen said:
Moving on up!

Randall said:
Hmm, something went a little wrong yesterday.

I'll take factories last update and insert mine again. That should make the table correct again.

Randall said:
Hmm, something went wrong yesterday. And it doesn't like my attempts to correct it.


Randall said:
Another attempt to correct the tables. (Squid seems to like 'm all, I missed factories update due to this)

EDIT: And edited in Silospen changes. Should be up-to-date now.

@factory: 160% IAS wonderbra ???


silospen said:
Watch out, watch out, Silospen's about!

Thanks to that fantastic Milamber - I managed to get a Griffon eye :D Damage is high and death is muchos. Feels good.

I died a couple of times - On the whole I ignore the gloam guys, but i failed to notice one with a conviction aura. It was "huh, my feet are green...." then death. Whoops!


Ragnarod said:
Lots of nice progress lately, nice going everyone :) I got to level 94 this last week, which has moved me up two spots, sitting at #13 right now! The experience I get at the Chaos Sanctuary has decreased quite a lot by now, just about 1 million per run at p5, so leveling has slowed down, but having a lvl 94 champion kinda makes up for that :D

sam_manzanza said:
Hey there guys, just to let ya know that I will be entering the race to 99 with my new Druid, FadeToBlack. He will be (of course) a Windy. I highly doubt I will ever reach 99 but I'm sure as hell going to give it a blast.

Gorish said:
sam_manzanza said:
Hey there guys, just to let ya know that I will be entering the race to 99 with my new Druid, FadeToBlack. He will be (of course) a Windy. I highly doubt I will ever reach 99 but I'm sure as hell going to give it a blast.


With your skills you'd be lucky to get to level 9!!1! :p

J/k man, best of luck to you. Show these other nubs how it's done :teeth:

Sir Lister of Smeg said:
Finally decided to put my sorceress up in this list, I don't think she'll ever get to 99, but she is gaining a little xp from the massive amount of item-runs I let her do, so you never know.

Dr. Strangelove said:
i kicked in a few millions more, here i post the latest

@randall, the 160ias is the sum of all my wares and the wonderbra is there for obvious reasons

@Boddah_Khan, if you didn't realise this yet, i qwn you, Katzenjammer qwns Kyuss, you know, i wonder what Thee of Boozerooney or SOB would do. :yep:

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

King's Specter said:
I has big plans for my two five-hour flights at this week, but my laptop died!

tweety said:
Suffered another death and time is limited at the moment, progress is slow.
Where is Grogs?

Mordalles said:
come one people, determination.

sam_manzanza said:
Edit: I'll figure out this code then I'll post :D

Serdash said:
sam_manzanza said:
[Started FadeToBlack yesterday and got him through to Act V Normal. Today after a round of golf I pwned through NM and just entered Hell.

I hope I did that code thing right.

Actually I think you screwed it up, nub.

GG on joining the ranks of attempting 99. You might try to prove your l33tn3ss, but you wont win. j00 r nub sammeh.

And you're terrible at coming up with names.

sam_manzanza said:
Serdash said:
And you're terrible at coming up with names.

Actually, nub-nub, I came up with what is possibly the greatest name for a Wind Druid but I let BT use it: RubinCarter. Brilliance.

Plus, Fade To Black is omgwtfpwnzzzzzz.

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.127        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.751        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
6     2.727        96    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
7     2.722        96    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
8     2.631        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan  
9     2.500        95    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
10    2.424            94    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
12    2.350        94    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
13    2.300        94    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
14    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
15    2.203        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
16    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
17    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
18    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
19    1.766             91      Necromancer     Marrowwinger    Randall
20    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
21    1.664        90    Druid        Demilich    Sledge
22    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
23    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
24    1.495        89    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
25    1.457        **    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
26    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
27    1.373             **      Sorceress       Meteorb         Sir Lister of Smeg
28    1.361             **      Amazon          BigBoobsBigBow  Silospen
29    1.270             87      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
30    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
31    1.248        87    Amazon        Qouththeraven    Corax
32    0.964             84      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
33    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
34    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
35    0.438        74    Amazon        Sparx            Method0ne
36             73      Druid           FadeToBlack     sam_manzanza
37    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
Ragnarod said:
Welcome aboard Sam, some more activity is always a good thing :) Tweety, I haven't seen Grogs post since he had that death a few weeks ago, before the MFO, I have no idea of what has happened to him

On d2 related news, I got a few more millions this weekend, could have been some more but I had two deaths. Still, lvl 95 is a little bit closer, so I guess it's alright, and I got a few items for the grail too. I'll see you all around in five days or so, after I return from my internetless exile on weekdays, good luck ;)

Randall said:
Hi Sam, nice to see you here. (Just joined myself aswell)

Without problems I added 30 mil to my total score.


Sledge said:
i think i will change my character, i've been doing a lot more runs with the barbarian anyway

King's Specter said:
I usually stop on round numbers, but couldn't resist doing a few extra runs last night. ;)

Randall said:
@King's Specter: That 1 mil had to be done I guess ;)


jjscud said:
Starting my push for 95. Also trying ont to drop below 12th when Ragnarod catches me.

ahcw said:
Alright well I've been playing my rabies/fury druid, and I've had a blast with him. So I think I'll shoot for 99 (or at least 95) with him after I pat him :).

Quick question, does anyone know how difficult it'll be to use this guy. I only see 2 druids on this list and I know that at least Sam's is a windy so I dunno how hard baal runs will be with a wolf.

Also any tips to speed runs up would be awesome to hear. I have a tomb reaver when I get to that lvl, but should I use ribcracker for baal since it has that beautiful CB?

P.S. Is there an easier way to use this code? It took me like 15 min. to get everything straightened out.

Gohanman said:
I'd just use the Tomb Reaver. That baby rocks (if you have a nice one). There's no substitute for 4 fpa.

I run my WW Druid with about 300 MF and have no problems (5-7 minutes a run, players 1). In dedicated "killing" gear he could probably go faster and/or bump up players settings. My biggest issues are with PI monsters, which I just skip (not having Rabies). Merc CB is just as effective on Baal as your own. Dracul's are mighty handy.

tweety said:
My attempt at making Guardian ended in a miserable failure again, so back to Baal running. I will try to make a Guardian again when I get over the loss, but this time with a sorc, at least I know something about them.

And I'm really sick of the slowness of this forum the last few days, really takes out the fun of posting.

A melee character should do fine as long as you just abort when there are OK in the throne room and you are very carefull around FE monsters. Dying not only costs a lot of time at the higher levels, but also mentally a death is a slap in the face. Up to about lvl 95 a death is not that dramatic, it only costs you a few runs to get the exp back, but now it takes me 3 1/2 hours, if I'm lucky enough to get my body back, otherwise its 4 times that much.

jjscud said:
tweety said:
Dying not only costs a lot of time at the higher levels, but also mentally a death is a slap in the face. Up to about lvl 95 a death is not that dramatic, it only costs you a few runs to get the exp back, but now it takes me 3 1/2 hours, if I'm lucky enough to get my body back, otherwise its 4 times that much.

Those are some dangerous numbers. I had an FE death yesterday, and at lvl 94 it only takes me 45 minutes to get the exp point back if I recover my body and about 3 hours if I don't. I decided to try to get me body back but it meant sneaking past a nasty boss pack on the way back down to the throne room.

To make a long story short, I didn't make it, multiple times. I ended up losing over 80 Mil in the process (each time I died a bit closer and thought, if I can just make it there...). I am proud to say that I eventually exited, took a deep breath, and when right bakc to running. The net loss for yesterday ended up being 60 Mil. I'm still to depressed to update the table but I will later this week regardless of gains or losses.

The scary thing is I was still lucky. I faced a FE, Teleporting Lister at one point and he teleported right in front of me just before dying. I really thought I was close enough to get toasted but I did have my merc or valk between me and Lister and was unhrt. Does anyone know if the FE blast is stopped when it hits a merc / valk / other minion like other nova attackers are?

Hrus said:
jjscud said:
The scary thing is I was still lucky. I faced a FE, Teleporting Lister at one point and he teleported right in front of me just before dying. I really thought I was close enough to get toasted but I did have my merc or valk between me and Lister and was unhrt. Does anyone know if the FE blast is stopped when it hits a merc / valk / other minion like other nova attackers are?

It seems to me that FE explosion can be blocked. My paladin had close encounter (of the 3rd kind?) with FE Ventor on NM and survived without a scratch. Maybe it can be avoided by some passives skills too, I don't know.

ahcw said:
Thanks guys for the encouraging words. I'll hopefully get through hell in the next couple of days and then start my quest :). Before that though I have a few quick things to ask.

@tweety: So if there are any OK's I should just abort and not even worry about it?

@gohanman: I have draculs so that should help a bunch. The tomb reaver is decent so I'll use that for the 7/4 fury :).

@jjscud: I'm sorry you lost so much exp :(. As for the FE thing, last night I faced two FE boss packs and the first one almost killed me (4500 life lost instantly) but the second one missed entirely even though I was almost right next to him. The blocking thing that Hrus mentioned might be true, but I use a big hurty stick so that's not possible for me, so I don't know what to tell ya.

@anyone: Is it worthwhile to do full clears of the WSK until a certain level, or just do minons? Also which level should I not even worry about minons (i.e. players 1 all the way) and just focus on baal (players 4 or 5)? I haven't been higher than lvl 87 for a long time so I forget all the specifics.

Well I think that's about it. Thanks again for all your help guys and I look forward to the challenge of catching you all :).

LprMan said:
My motivation for leveling has been low lately. After MFO I didn't want to run Baal for some time and do something else. I hosted few MP games with my necro and suffered 2 really frustrating deaths, one really weird and one really stupid. On the first time I couldn't even get my corpse back :(

I have done some Baal runs now to get a little bit of exp :)

Randall said:
Luckely I have not even a recollection of when my last death was, I sure try to keep it this way. 3+ hours to get to the old exp nr would be a real setback (I usually don't have that much time to play)

No problems, no aborts, no good items (only a tal's armor) these runs.

I tried to check my experience during runs, it seem in my runs the baal minion waves are generating the most experience (And I do them P1 only). I might change stategy and do minions at P2 and either skip baal or do him at P1 instead of P8 to save some time.


sunbearie said:
Hrus said:
It seems to me that FE explosion can be blocked. My paladin had close encounter (of the 3rd kind?) with FE Ventor on NM and survived without a scratch. Maybe it can be avoided by some passives skills too, I don't know.

Well, I dodge the FE blast quite often with my zon. Also, I believe weapon block works against FEs too. Normally, if I die from the blast, its cos the monster was cold enchanted as well.

At this point of the game, it really hurts to die just once.

randall said:
I tried to check my experience during runs, it seem in my runs the baal minion waves are generating the most experience (And I do them P1 only). I might change stategy and do minions at P2 and either skip baal or do him at P1 instead of P8 to save some time.

IIRC, the squrriel did a lot of Baal runs just killing the minions at P8 and skipping Baal completely.

Randall said:
Well, if block works, could it be that your normal defense get's a shot at it as well ?

sunbearie said:
IIRC, the squrriel did a lot of Baal runs just killing the minions at P8 and skipping Baal completely.

Yeah, I think you are right. Most likely up to lvl 95 where the minions lvl are more than 5 away where Baal's level are getting withing 5 levels and you start gaining more from Baal himself.

I can not do P8 for all minions groups though, specially the second group is nasty on higher Player settings for me. (These are magic immune and skellies/merc doesn't seem to like them as well).

I hope P2 would double the exp without increasing time to much, otherwise I'll stick at P1 and skip baal at all. (Allthough Baal is the most easy one, it just takes some time to get his HP down at P8. He just stands there without doing anything once he is "locked down")


jjscud said:
Well, there it is, -30 mill is really - 85 + 55 so it represents a significant effort (and a couple significantly stupid decisions).

As for player settings, each additional player adds .5 life to the monsters and .5 experience for you. So p2 is 1.5 times the exp of p1.

The way I look at it, there's alot of overhead to baal running, (load game, get to throne room, clear throne room, and for a necro raise an army). If a p1 run is taking you 6 minutes and bumping the player settings up to p3 (double experience) takes you a minute longer for each wave, you're still getting double the exp in 11 minutes, less than double the time.

When MP'ing you generally don't want to sacrifice much speed for higher player settings, but when exp running you can sacrifice killing speed for higher player settings, especially with the overhead of baal runs.

frosty said:
Time to join in the flay with my hammerdin.

Randall said:
Hi Frosty :howdy:

Masas said:
I'll join with my currently most active char, my cheese-a-din.

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.131        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.752        96    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
6     2.751        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
7     2.722        96    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
8     2.656        95    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan  
9     2.500        95    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
10    2.424            94    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole 
12    2.342        94    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
13    2.325        94    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod
14    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
15    2.203        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
16    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
17    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
18    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
19    1.827             91      Necromancer     Marrowwinger    Randall
20    1.774        91    Barbarian    Nasca        Sledge
21    1.764             91      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
22    1.736             90      Paladin         Dizzy_Hitter    Frosty
23    1.691             90      Paladin         Swiss_Cheese    Masas
24    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
25    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
26    1.495        89    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
27    1.457        **    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
28    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
29    1.373             **      Sorceress       Meteorb         Sir Lister of Smeg
30    1.361             **      Amazon          BigBoobsBigBow  Silospen
31    1.270             87      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
32    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
33    1.248        87    Amazon        Qouththeraven    Corax
34    0.964             84      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
35    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
36    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
37    0.497             76      Druid           NaturesWrath    ahcw
38    0.438            74      Amazon            Sparx            Method0ne
39             73      Druid           FadeToBlack     sam_manzanza
40    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
silospen said:
Welcome, Masas!

Ragnarod said:
Lots of people joining lately, welcome to all of you :) It's been a weird week for me, not gotten much in terms of exp due to an abnormal amount of deaths, but I've had some really great drops, including even a Jah rune! Now, I'm just waiting for a Ber to drop, or another Sur since I already have one of those, for some Enigma action :D Other notable drops include IK armor, a Wisp, and a Death's Cleaver, doing Chaos Sanctuary runs with 400ish mf is starting to pay off!

JJ, I'm sorry to hear about your deaths, I'm sure you'll be back in front of me in no time, you're having a great pace these last days, keep it up :)

Randall said:
Wish I found that much good stuff, .... need to do more runs. I found razor's edge, barana's, verdungo's, nature's peace.

I have a bit more than 300 MF on the normal gear and almost 150 on the weapon switch. If I switch for the CE chain most kills are with 450 MF.

King's Specter said:
It's been a few days since I could get to the forums. I've found the lack of this thread demotivating! Back to the grind now, I guess.

What keeps killing your pally, Ragnarod? FE?

Glenugie said:
[div class="bbCodeBlock-content"]

[div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent "]

[div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink"][a]Click to expand...[/a]

Managed to level to 92, now it gets boring.

tweety said:
Not a lot of time lately, but I'm closing in on Grogs.

Ragnarod said:
King's Specter said:
What keeps killing your pally, Ragnarod? FE?

Mostly, it's either a combo of FE/CE, FE/LE (for some reason, the lightning bolts do enormous damage sometimes), FE/LE/CE... The only other dangerous thing is having De Seis spawn extra fast, and getting surrounded by his minions while amplified or something similar, I guess I'm just having bad luck lately :( The real problem is that I don't use a merc, since IM is cast so often in the CS, he could tank most of the FE bosses and it would be easier staying away from them when they die

I made some more progress, but since I'm planning to play some now, I'll wait and update my experience later :)

Tarr said:
Picked up some more on p8 pit runs looking for a damned suitable Crescent Moon weapon. Mostly though I've not played much.

Glenugie said:
necrolemming said:
@Glenugie: Please remove the quotes when you reply to this thread. It saves the next person lots of time.

Sorry, will do.

Strange I have been demoted to lvl 91 !

Masas said:
After a lot more P8 Baal runs my hammerdin hit 92. :)

LprMan said:
Time for a necro has gained 48 million exp during the last 2 days :)

Randall said:
Glenugie said:
Sorry, will do.

Strange I have been demoted to lvl 91 !

The person after you could not quote your post and edit the table (quotes are not included and the table was in a quote), so he/she took the previous one.

@Ragnarod: The lightningbolts from FE or minions also pass on the FE-Bug (not always).


Randall said:
Grr, 2 deaths (one trying to recover my body). I did recover both bodies though. Some boss pack with conviction and a gloam pack at a bit more distance. Really unhealthy combi.

Dr. Strangelove said:
lvl 90, just did the deed

peace, NSK factory, and don't forget biscuits for smut

King's Specter said:
11 million the long way. Just a plain FE wave three dude took me down faster than I could get from my nose to squishing the rejuv keys. I've taken to keeping a grissy shield on weapon switch to keep from having the "oops -34 LR on weapon switch deaths" so I'm not sure what THAT was all about. Must've been in just the right spot to catch more than one of those nastly little bolties at once.

Anyway I spent 1.5 million gold in gambled gear and merc revives to stage a recovery operation - that was actualy more nail-biting / cursing profusely fun than I've had in awhile - I must keep and extra big resists shield in the stash for these occasions. What's the recovery bonus? I though it was 1/2 the loss, but it must be more like 2/3?

WiseGuy said:
Added my level 90 trapper, MahTahHahRee. Currently using /p3 Pindle runs to level her, albeit slowly. Hadn't played her in a while because of questing with my hunter druid, Orion, through Nightmare.

Ragnarod said:
KS, I think you got back 1/2 the exp lost in .09, and it was changed to 3/4 in 1.10, I'm certainly not complaining about that :)

Another little update from me, getting closer to 95, I'll try to get there this week. I wonder how much exp will I be getting from CS runs from lvl 95 on, from my experience there's not much of a difference between Diablo and Baal runs at lvls 97 and 98, but getting there might be a bit rough, we'll see...

Edit: Got Glenugie's experience updated

jjscud said:
Nice gain Ragnarod, I'm hoping to get 12th back in the next day or two. Right now I'm just happy to have passed up where I was when I dies several times.

I've started doing full P8 runs unless there's gloams about. I got a question though. If I kill off all the gloams in the throne room at p1, then switch to p8 and the second wave revives a gloam, will it have its normal (p1) hp or 4.5 times the hp as other p8 monsters?

Shade said:
As threatened. :)

jjscud said:
I've started doing full P8 runs unless there's gloams about. I got a question though. If I kill off all the gloams in the throne room at p1, then switch to p8 and the second wave revives a gloam, will it have its normal (p1) hp or 4.5 times the hp as other p8 monsters?

Hmm. To be honest, I'm not sure - I suspect it will have 4.5x HP, but I can't say for certain.

Since the second wave contains the only natural CIs, I always switch to /p1 for them anyway - which results in the Unravellers disintegrating as soon as they spawn :D

LprMan said:
Yay! :D

My first lvl 96 character in 1.10, really nice after those few 95's :cool:

Rank Exp(billion)    Lvl    Class        Name        Player
1     3.181        97    Paladin        PalaGrogs    Grogs
2     3.140        97    Sorceress    Fortuna        tweety
3     2.933             96      Paladin         charge          shermo
4     2.806             96      Necromancer     usamahuuu       usamahanas  
5     2.781        96    Paladin        Brand_Dale    King's Spectre
6     2.751        96    Sorceress    Snowy_Ploppy    DX-Crawler
7     2.722        96    Paladin        Gabriel        Gabriel74
8     2.719        96    Necromancer    Zhar            LprMan  
9     2.500        95    Sorceress       My-Morwel    slarti
10    2.493            95    Necromancer     Leroy_James    Lemming
11    2.427        94    Paladin        HolyAeon    Ragnarod 
12    2.412        94    Druid        Debbbole    Debbbole
13    2.384        94    Amazon        ShieldMaiden    jjscud 
14    2.288             94      Sorceress       Point           Shermo 
15    2.203        93    Sorceress    Helanthic morla    Farting bob
16    2.150             93      Assassin        Sneaky-Barren   barren
17    2.102        93    Paladin        Lightblade    Crazy Runner Guy
18    2.074             92      Sorceress       HC-WomenAreWeak PuffeN
19    1.939             92      Paladin         Swiss_Cheese    Masas
20    1.930             92      Barbarian       Glenord         Glenugie
21    1.930             92      Sorceress       Chelle          Shade
22    1.851             91      Necromancer     Marrowwinger    Randall
23    1.774        91    Barbarian    Nasca        Sledge
24    1.736             90      Paladin         Dizzy_Hitter    Frosty
25    1.706             90      Assassin        MahTahHahRee    WiseGuy
26    1.625        90    Amazon        Katzenjammer    factory
27    1.621             90      Sorceress       SuperSorc       SuperSavage
28    1.525        89    Paladin        Tarr        Tarr
29    1.502        89    Necromancer    Oblivion-II    Corpsie
30    1.448             **      Amazon          BigBoobsBigBow  Silospen
31    1.440        **    Barbarian    Tilak        Kefir_Tribe
32    1.373             **      Sorceress       Meteorb         Sir Lister of Smeg
33    1.270             87      Sorceress       Fire_Lady       Caspervc
34    1.249             87      Necromancer     Kyuss           Boddah_Khan
35    1.248        87    Amazon        Qouththeraven    Corax
36    0.964             84      Paladin         FaithAndHonor   nethervoid
37    0.952        83    Barbarian    James        jrlafrance
38    0.624        79    Barbarian    Garth        jrlafrance
39    0.497             76      Druid           NaturesWrath    ahcw
40    0.438            74      Amazon            Sparx            Method0ne
41             73      Druid           FadeToBlack     sam_manzanza
42    0.157             63      Sorceress       Frosty          aluminon
Estimated market value