Re: The Fire Druid: What Does It Need?
What I think a lot of people forget is that the game isn't supposed to balanced based on builds, but on the classes. Balancing only goes as far as making the game equally difficult for an Amazon and a druid for example.
Blizzard makes the majority of its changes to the game based on how the game was originally built (meaning SP untwinked). As far as Blizzard is concerned the game is balanced because Druids are just as good as paladins, barbs, sorcs, sins, zons, and necros. It's the personal choice of the player to build a fire druid, so Blizzard doesn't have any obligation to do what you say.
By implementing the changes ppl usually suggest, it would actually UNBALANCE the game. casting in wereform, as verashiden pointed out, is ridiculous. adjusting the synergies also isn't viable because the synergies are set up in such a way to make the game as balanced as possible.
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna call most of what you said bull... Balancing was always done in such a way to make most skills worthwile, otherwise what would be the reason to put 3 skill trees and many skills for each class? Take an amazon for example. Let's say you have a strafer, and start looking for PI solutions. There are 5 worthwile solutions that come to my mind. 5! Lightning java hybrid, Cold hybrid, Cold arrow maxed, Fire Hybrid(assuming the immolation arrow bump will make it more worthwile, or simply using exploding arrow) and Magic Arrow maxed. That's 5 ways of solving the problem and each has it's own merrit and advantages...Well, you could argue fire is worthless, but it would still be 4. There are next to no immunes to Magic Arrow, and it costs only 20 sps, but for the same price of 20 sps you can also get twice the damage conversion to cold if you max cold arrow instead... blah, blah blah and so on. You have so many ways of going about it, that you can get a headache just trying to choose the best one. Fire druids on the other hand get... This holds true for most of the other classes as well. That's not "class-balance". That's skill balance.
Majority of changes to the game based on SP untwinked my butt

. At least half of the games content is utterly unobtainable in SP untwinked.
Of course casting in wereform in general would be ridicolous, but the point was about casting firespells only, and that's a totally different matter. BTW in singleplayer untwinked, casting all spells in wereform wouldn't be broken at all.
Hurricane is not a solution to PIs. It does piddly damage and the slow is non existent in hell. Fire Druids can fix this by hybriding and a good merc. Windies, unless twinked, have no reliable solution to this problem. The percentages are indeed different, but Fire Druids have an easier, albeit slower solution to their immunity problem (FI/Phys immune excluded, punks take all day to kill >.>).
Wait, weren't you the one who suggested using Cano/Boulder against FIs, which do much weaker damage, more unreliably and to single FI at a time, while there is 10 times less PIs than FIs? xD.
Hurricane@slvl 25 does 1200 Cold Damage per second to all monsters in it's radius. It's also passive and cost 20 sps(I assume synergies are free since windy is going to get them anyway)
Let's consider Nova. @slvl 25 it does 900 damage. It also costs39 mana per cast, cost 40 sps and you can pull off probably 2,8 casts in a second giving us around 2500 damage. Slightly better than twice the damage at the cost of 20 sps more, spending time on casting instead of moving and a buckload of mana. Not that much better at all.
Sure, Hurricane doesn't own PI, but you're not giving it justice by saying it's not a solution. It does really pretty well against packs of PIs, since it's damage gets multiplied by all the enemies in it's radius. I agree that waiting for it to kill a single PI monster is a drag though, but it still gets the job done.
Furthermore a windy can simply skip those PIs most of the time, while skipping FI is simply not possible.
while i agree with this, Hurricane does help against PI's. and on my last windy, before i found/traded for a reapers, i used an Ik's hammer on switch. had a PI/CI that i took down with my merc and my Ik's hammer

...took about 10m....but I did it.
And just for the record, tornado is 100% physical.
Reapers is a cheap item that does a lot for windies. There is no comparable thing for fire druids.