The Death of the 'Age of Hammerdin'
Hi, I'm brick,
[BLUE=Bashiok"-Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons."]-Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.[/BLUE]
I hope I'm not interpreting this wrong, but I think that means that Hammers can be resisted now. If I remember correctly, the Horadrim Ancients from Hell Baal are Immune to Magic but Hammers could kill them because in 1.12 the hammers had the ability to ignored the resistances of Undead or Deamons.
As nearly everyone knows, for the past few years Hammerdins have for the most part dominated a majority of the game. In 1.12, it was Hammerdins who did the thousands of botted baal runs, who did uber-leveling, who were the best at pvm, whose attacks could not be resisted.
Seeing the literally thousands of Hammerdins who crowd the realms, I feel this era during the life of Diablo II should be called the "Age of Hammerdin". I hate to admit it, but the Hammerdin is the best overall build in Diablo II. I don't like making typical builds but even I built a Hammerdin because I realized just how great the build really is.
With the new patch coming out pretty soon, there are quite a few changes. There is a new quest for players to do and respec is now available to name the major aspects of the patch. However, I've noticed a lot of players have failed to see some very major changes. The most significant change in my opinion is that the Blessed Hammer skill can now be resisted. I got the info here:
which came from forums
What you have to realize is that the Hammerdin has become a part of the culture of Diablo. It is no longer just a build, it is a defining characteristic of Diablo, one could argue.
...With the coming of 1.13, the Hammer will no longer be invincible. Do you see?
I'm not saying the Hammerdin will completely disappear because at this point, it isn't possible after having it engraved in our souls. The Hammerdin will no longer be the class of choice. This is a big deal; everyone is so used to building a Hammerdin that this patch will actually change the culture of Diablo II!
In addition, Uber leveling how it is done now is virtually impossible. Another Part of the current Diablo culture for the most part is to find loopholes. Hammerdins exploit those loopholes better than any. Very few people, except for SP players obviously, actually walk through the game as a whole, including myself. Most people get "g-rushed" or "bug rushed" or whatever you want to call it so that instead of leveling the old fashioned way, many people do some uber leveling from 1-90 after being from normal act 1 to hell act 5. 1.12 Diablo primarily consisted of people trying to exploit loopholes. On top of that, the Hammerdin was the only viable build even able to do uber-leveling during 1.12.
Hammerdins will still have a reliable attack that cannot be easily resisted that does a very high amount of damage. They will still be able to easily beat Hell mode. They will still be a powerful build. But they are no longer untouchable. A Hammerdin cannot easily do a baal run anymore because the Horadrim ancient pack is Magic Immune, so hammers will have no affect on them. Some monsters will be able to resist the hammers so it wont be as effective. Melee, meaning physical damage, will become the ideal choice to do chaos runs. You might be able to overlook this, but Baal runs will much longer if a Hammerdin is doing it unless there is help. Baal runs are the life blood of Diablo II, for without out, no one would spend the time actually leveling. If you understand Diablo, you'll understand the scope of the situation.
I dare to call it...The Death of the Age of the Hammerdin.. Dun Dun Dunnnn...
So what happens next? How does the Diablo community react? When all the 1337 GFG mofos that make up the majority of types of people who play Diablo come to realize that the Hammerdin has weakened, what will we do? In order for Diablo to survive, I believe, another build is going to have to rise up to take the Hammerdin's place. An average Diablo player will never actually do everything themselves or settle for something slower than they're used to. If things are slower, it becomes less interesting. If things are less interesting, less people will play the game and the community will shrink. I don't want that to happen because I love Diablo and I want it to stay around.
It wont be good of people stop playing, to say it another way.
Who is going to come up with how to handle this crisis? Who or What is going to succeed the Hammerdin on the king's throne? Or, will the culture of Diablo change? I'm going to be thinking about these questions. I'm going to try to solve this temporary (I hope) problem. I hope reading this has made people realize something potentially dangerous to Diablo.
The Hammerdin proves he is not God but Mortal
Thanks for Reading,
Brick :wave:
Hi, I'm brick,
[BLUE=Bashiok"-Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons."]-Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.[/BLUE]
I hope I'm not interpreting this wrong, but I think that means that Hammers can be resisted now. If I remember correctly, the Horadrim Ancients from Hell Baal are Immune to Magic but Hammers could kill them because in 1.12 the hammers had the ability to ignored the resistances of Undead or Deamons.
As nearly everyone knows, for the past few years Hammerdins have for the most part dominated a majority of the game. In 1.12, it was Hammerdins who did the thousands of botted baal runs, who did uber-leveling, who were the best at pvm, whose attacks could not be resisted.
Seeing the literally thousands of Hammerdins who crowd the realms, I feel this era during the life of Diablo II should be called the "Age of Hammerdin". I hate to admit it, but the Hammerdin is the best overall build in Diablo II. I don't like making typical builds but even I built a Hammerdin because I realized just how great the build really is.
With the new patch coming out pretty soon, there are quite a few changes. There is a new quest for players to do and respec is now available to name the major aspects of the patch. However, I've noticed a lot of players have failed to see some very major changes. The most significant change in my opinion is that the Blessed Hammer skill can now be resisted. I got the info here:
which came from forums
What you have to realize is that the Hammerdin has become a part of the culture of Diablo. It is no longer just a build, it is a defining characteristic of Diablo, one could argue.
...With the coming of 1.13, the Hammer will no longer be invincible. Do you see?
I'm not saying the Hammerdin will completely disappear because at this point, it isn't possible after having it engraved in our souls. The Hammerdin will no longer be the class of choice. This is a big deal; everyone is so used to building a Hammerdin that this patch will actually change the culture of Diablo II!
In addition, Uber leveling how it is done now is virtually impossible. Another Part of the current Diablo culture for the most part is to find loopholes. Hammerdins exploit those loopholes better than any. Very few people, except for SP players obviously, actually walk through the game as a whole, including myself. Most people get "g-rushed" or "bug rushed" or whatever you want to call it so that instead of leveling the old fashioned way, many people do some uber leveling from 1-90 after being from normal act 1 to hell act 5. 1.12 Diablo primarily consisted of people trying to exploit loopholes. On top of that, the Hammerdin was the only viable build even able to do uber-leveling during 1.12.
Hammerdins will still have a reliable attack that cannot be easily resisted that does a very high amount of damage. They will still be able to easily beat Hell mode. They will still be a powerful build. But they are no longer untouchable. A Hammerdin cannot easily do a baal run anymore because the Horadrim ancient pack is Magic Immune, so hammers will have no affect on them. Some monsters will be able to resist the hammers so it wont be as effective. Melee, meaning physical damage, will become the ideal choice to do chaos runs. You might be able to overlook this, but Baal runs will much longer if a Hammerdin is doing it unless there is help. Baal runs are the life blood of Diablo II, for without out, no one would spend the time actually leveling. If you understand Diablo, you'll understand the scope of the situation.
I dare to call it...The Death of the Age of the Hammerdin.. Dun Dun Dunnnn...
So what happens next? How does the Diablo community react? When all the 1337 GFG mofos that make up the majority of types of people who play Diablo come to realize that the Hammerdin has weakened, what will we do? In order for Diablo to survive, I believe, another build is going to have to rise up to take the Hammerdin's place. An average Diablo player will never actually do everything themselves or settle for something slower than they're used to. If things are slower, it becomes less interesting. If things are less interesting, less people will play the game and the community will shrink. I don't want that to happen because I love Diablo and I want it to stay around.
It wont be good of people stop playing, to say it another way.
Who is going to come up with how to handle this crisis? Who or What is going to succeed the Hammerdin on the king's throne? Or, will the culture of Diablo change? I'm going to be thinking about these questions. I'm going to try to solve this temporary (I hope) problem. I hope reading this has made people realize something potentially dangerous to Diablo.
The Hammerdin proves he is not God but Mortal
Thanks for Reading,
Brick :wave: