The Classic Speeder Guide!!!


New member
Jun 28, 2009
The Classic Speeder Guide!!!

First off, a speeder is a barb that runs fast as f**k to kill people. Imo this is the funnest barbarian build in d2 and a must try for any player.


Blinkbats for armor. This gives increased speed and 40 fhr, as well as 50%
defense against missiles, which vs any caster or in cs is a big help.

Highest damage lance you can afford. You don't have to use lances, but its a good choice. -req is nice :wink:

Full Irathas Set. This set gives amazing resistance and although you sacrifice the use of angelics jewelry, its a good choice to use.

Rare boots with 30 faster walk/run, and resistances

two rare rings with resistance (or if you can afford, sojs)

Now for Stats:

Str: as usual, only put as many as you need into strength. Lances have high requirements so like i said before it will be best to get one with - requirements

Dex: Exact same as above

Vit: Res goes here

Ene: NOTHING!!!!!!

20 whirlwind
20 battle orders
1 shout
1 battle command
around 12 into increased speed
rest into natural resistance and stone skin

Thanks for reading, have fun :thumbup:
Re: The Classic Speeder Guide!!!

So just a suggestion, if you do plan on going with blinkbat maybe you should make sure to have fhr on the boots. Just to hit the 48 faster hit recovery break point, 5 frames per second.

About the spear mastery, if you decide to go lance then it's spear mastery. Lance is an exceptional spear class, .

I personally decided to use Full iratha set ( ) with Rattle Cage armor ( ) and Goblin Toe Boots ( ). Rare rings with life leech and atleast 100 attack raiting. Resists, life and other stats are a plus.

My set up gives you a 50% crushing blow status, it has killed all sorts of characters. Although it will always lose against pure barb vs barb.

Might want to use Woestave also.

Two-Hand Damage: (14-16) To (54-62) (34-39 Avg)
Required Level: 28
Required Strength: 75
Required Dexterity: 47
Durability: 55
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+20-40% Enhanced Damage (varies)
50% Chance Of Open Wounds
Slows Target By 50%
Hit Blinds Target +3
-50 To Monster Defense Per Hit
Freezes Target
Prevent Monster Heal
-3 To Light Radius
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

This build can survive iron maiden casts in chaos runs, I've done it myself. This build can kill necromancers hiding in a huge field of bonewalls, after casting iron maiden on your character. This build can kill teleporting sorceresses, I've done it myself.
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