summon question


New member
May 11, 2006
summon question

can u prebuff ur summons? like have a lot of plus skills and summon and then switch over to a weapon that gives an aura like fanatacism and still have the high level summon as long as it doesnt die?
Short answer is yes.

Though, necros can for example never have more skellies than the number allowed determined by the active setup. So if a necro prebuffs 15 skellies, and switches to a setup that would only provide 13, two will die.
Same goes for druids too, even though they are easier to have maximum number of...
I think you can only have 5 Spirit Wolves (I think more I dunno) and only 2 Dire Wolves so Pre Buffing wouldn't really matter unless your going for higher stats, But yeah you can prebuff them.
I think you can only have 5 Spirit Wolves (I think more I dunno) and only 2 Dire Wolves so Pre Buffing wouldn't really matter unless your going for higher stats, But yeah you can prebuff them.

Maximum number of a summon type, and the skill lvl required to have that many:
5 ravens are max, slvl 5+
5 spirit wolves are max, slvl5+
3 dire wolves are max, slvl3+
1 grizzly is max, slvl1+

Maximum number of a summon type, and the skill lvl required to have that many:
5 ravens are max, slvl 5+
5 spirit wolves are max, slvl5+
3 dire wolves are max, slvl3+
1 grizzly is max, slvl1+

LorveN is quite correct. You may have at one time
5 ravens
either 1-5 spirit wolves or 1-3 dire wolves or 1 grizzly
and a Spirit of Choice (Oak, Wolverine, Barbs)
and a Merc (well that's not really a summons)
and a patridge in a pear tree (whups...sorry, too much Christmas music)

It would really be nice if Blizz would let us druids have all of our summons active thus having some 14 summons active + Spirit of Choice. Doesn't even come close to what a Necro can have running around (I've seen Necros running around with like over 30+ skellies, 30+revives and golem and whatnot). How he kept that many revives running with that three minute time must have been some pretty amazing micromanagement, but that's cool. Would even be cooler if Blizz would let us have all three spirits active at the same time too. Yeah.. I'm dreaming...

Good luck and Good Hunting!

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