Stupid question!

Mitch Turnbuckle

New member
May 9, 2006
Stupid question!


Here's another one of my typically "newbish" questions. Can someone please explain what happens when the "ladder" is reset. Any other informative tidbits regarding the "ladder" system would also be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the link and info Superjayson,

So, if I am to understand correctly, all of the hard earned items acquired in a ladder season are converted in to "normal" items? Does that mean that these items can not be re-used in the next ladder season? Does It mean that you can now use previously ladder only items on non-ladder (normal) characters only?
All Ladder things will become Non-Ladder, and all Non-Ladder things will stay Non-Ladder...

A new Ladder starts, and everybody who want to play Ladder have to start all over..
Thanks for the link and info Superjayson,

So, if I am to understand correctly, all of the hard earned items acquired in a ladder season are converted in to "normal" items? Does that mean that these items can not be re-used in the next ladder season? Does It mean that you can now use previously ladder only items on non-ladder (normal) characters only?

You may use your pre-reset made ladder only runewords or ladder only unique items on NL characters. You maynot make / find ladder only items in NL after ladder is reset. You can start a season4 (the next season) ladder character who cannont use any thing you made with a season3 (current season) character because they will then be NL and you cant interact with each other. So if you want a Grief when the new ladder starts, get busy countess running and cubing up a Lo and Mal rune, cause you have to make new ones. Hope that helped.

Though of course, if you really wanted to start out the new ladder season with some kewl itamz, you could sell some really nice ladder only runewords on nl for nl sojs...and then spawn Dclone on a server, with a second accnt stashioned on the appropriate server on ladder, meaning that you could essentially xfer your new ladder chars annis!

Edit: Provided of course that you can kill him with next to no gear :laugh:
Thanks for all the helpful info dudes,

That clears a lot up for me. Now at least I know not to start a new character until the next ladder season starts!!!
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