stacking with holy lightning/freeze/fire


New member
Apr 10, 2004
stacking with holy lightning/freeze/fire

I was experimenting the stacking of holy lightning/freeze/fire and I think the these are the only possible ways:

base aura holy shock + weapon: doom for holy freeze OR

base aura holy shock + weapon: hand of justice for holy fire

I know only holy shock dmg will be displayed on the char stats, although the enemies really take holy fire/holy freeze surroundings dmg

but I am not sure if they would both ligthing/fire or lightning/cold dmg at the same time:

I exeprimented in act1 normal blood moor, using maxed holy shock aura and hoj for weapon, the enemies i ran near enemies and they all took the fire surroundings dmg from the animation i see, I can't see any lighitning dmg

I got to act2 arcane and the guys took all lightning dmg and I can't see any fire dmg.

Can anyone explain this, or is this some kinda buffering thing?

or maybe the weaker enemies take the weaker dmg?
rockboy888 said:
I was experimenting the stacking of holy lightning/freeze/fire and I think the these are the only possible ways:

base aura holy shock + weapon: doom for holy freeze OR

base aura holy shock + weapon: hand of justice for holy fire

I know only holy shock dmg will be displayed on the char stats, although the enemies really take holy fire/holy freeze surroundings dmg

but I am not sure if they would both ligthing/fire or lightning/cold dmg at the same time:

I exeprimented in act1 normal blood moor, using maxed holy shock aura and hoj for weapon, the enemies i ran near enemies and they all took the fire surroundings dmg from the animation i see, I can't see any lighitning dmg

I got to act2 arcane and the guys took all lightning dmg and I can't see any fire dmg.

Can anyone explain this, or is this some kinda buffering thing?

or maybe the weaker enemies take the weaker dmg?

I think I have your answer. If you play as a fully synergized Frost Zealot or Tesladin you will have your stat points allocated as follows:

-20 Res Cold/Res Light
-20 Holy Freeze/Holy Shock
-20 Salvation
-20 Zeal
-20 Sacrifice/Holy Shield
-1 point all pre-req's

This is assuming you have leveled sufficiently to achieve such a stat point distribution. From the above it is clear you will be doing a significant amount of damage from either of the two offensive auras.

If you equip a HoJ, the Holy Fire Aura is at level 16. This results in 13-15 fire damage per second and an added 79-91 to your attack. With a synergy drawn from Salvation you will only acheive 28.6-33 fire damage per second and an added 173.8-200.2 to your attack. This is insignificant for anything beyond Normal.

Similarly with Doom, the Holy Freeze Aura is at level 12. This results in 17-18 damage per second and an added 85-90 to your attack. With a synergy drawn from Salvation you will only achieve 40.8-43.2 cold damage per second and an added 204-216 added to your attack. Again, this is insignificant for anything beyond Normal.

To truly stack the auras, you would have to adjust your skill point allocation to look like:

-20 primary elemental aura
-15 synergy for primary aura
-20 Zeal
-20 Salvation
-15 synergy to weapon aura
-10 Sacrifice/Holy Shield

This would result in 105.82-122.1 fire damage per second and 643.06-740.74 damage added to your attack if you chose Hand of Justice. It would also result in 132.06-140.4 cold damage per second and 663-702 added to your attack if you chose Doom.

The damage output for stacking either aura is relatively the same. IMHO, this is not a significant amount to affect anything beyond Nightmare. Not only this but your primary aura would add deficient levels of damage to your attack and would significantly reduce your ping damage. I would not suggest doing this.
Why on earth would you set up for a zealot with 2 elemental auras a advenger style build is going to be much much more effective to deal the big elemental damage. Especially if another paladin is near you with conviction as their main aura.

20 salvation
20 resist lightning
20 holy shock
20 resist (fire/cold depending on weapon aura)
1 or 20 vengence
rest in prereqs and other 1 point wonders

That is the best way to get massive elemental damage when adding in an elemental aura from a weapon.

another way to play this is to use conviction:

20 salvation
20 resist (fire/cold depending on weapon aura)
20 conviction
1-20 vengence
10 in the other 2 resistances
rest in prereqs and 1 point wonders

As for the initial question the game randomly selects which element is displayed per attack but all elemental damage is added to every attack. your fire damage is small in comparison to your main aura damage so you have to take that into effect, only by synergizing the auto aura can you make it stong enough to give a great effect. IIRC the aura damages are offset by a little bit so they don't go off at the same time.
whatever type of elemental you do the most of is the one that shows its graphic irregardless of how much damage its actually doing to the monsters

jumbo_SHRIMP said:
whatever type of elemental you do the most of is the one that shows its graphic irregardless of how much damage its actually doing to the monsters


How can this be true I have seen a 1-2 cold charm create a graphic with a build containing 4 (mix of 1-5 or 1-10) lightning small charms 4 minimum on the lightning gaurantees it has more damage each hit but the cold damage shows sometimes. Unless you can prove it from the programing standpoint I think its just a random graphic, the programs most likely have a switch that says if the char has elemental damage > 1 allow graphic, rand 1-4 if 1 display XX if 2 display XX1. . . they didn't build this game to be graphic intesive so why would they be anymore complex by including a function to determine the highest damage amount. 2 functions or 5 functions they more likely to use the lesser.
It is random. Vengeance pallies see all three show up without leveling or changing equipment..
Pherdnut said:
It is random. Vengeance pallies see all three show up without leveling or changing equipment..

This is indeed true. I have a Frost Zealot with lvl 43 HF. This means roughly 4K cold damage added to my attack. The numbers are BLUE...yet when I Enchant, I see these numbers turn RED.
jumbo_SHRIMP said:

Not in Webster's New Collegiate English Dictionary. The "IR" prefix before this word is not necessary, nor does it result in the construction of a word. Don't worry about it though...I knew what you meant.

Your statement is not true either. A Frost Zealot will see his damage numbers change to green if a 100pdsc is equipped and red if he enchants.

How's it going by the way? Anything new come from that build you were trying out?
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