SPTF Price Check Guide [PCG] & Price Inquiry Thread

I mean... the problem with SoJs is that while they are very rare in LoD and D2R, once you've done a 1.00 playthrough (no particular hardship, it's a fun change) they come pretty easily, even if the resulting rings and Annis aren't tradable.

If the 1.00 dodge didn't exist then the answer would be very high (you've MF-ed a lot - which do you have more of, Bers or SoJs?). But it does, so a fair price can't both reflect the modern rarity and the time-travelled one.
But 1.00 is so old that barely anyone plays it or has access to it. I think it shouldn't affect Soj's value much. It's hard to trade a Soj this days when you don't even know where to start.

In 1.14d, I was mostly Mfing and managed to get two sojs and two Bers. The two Bers dropped close to my last days of 1.14d.
In D2R I am mostly farming for runes. I managed to get two Sojs and four Bers.
So an equal price with a Ber seems ok I guess.
Hi there!

Is this worth anything?

Wraith Veil
Defense: 48
Durability: 15 of 25
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0x696fcad
Item Level: 96
Version: Resurrected
+2 to Druid Skill Levels
+20% Faster Run/Walk
7% Mana stolen per hit
+26 to Life
All Resistances +15
+5 to Mana after each Kill

I am not a druid player but looks like a bag of mixed mods to me: FRW, life (albeit low), and res are always nice, but I don't think a build that wants to leech mana wants access to +2 skills
Diablo 4 Interactive Map
Estimated market value