In addition to the below original post by Gripphon, please see this post on new entries making use of the new MF run counter.
Originally posted by Gripphon
Hello, traveler. Welcome to the SPF Hall Of Records.
In this thread there are several categories where we share our best results following certain rules. Everyone can participate, so go ahead!
Idea of this thread, apart of sharing our b results in several categories, is to give some kind of inspiration to the players to try to improve their playing style as estwell as their characters. We will test our limits here as well as limits of the game itself. There are no winners in this thread, only temporarily the best ones. Every record can be broken, that is the right attitude for this thread! Even if you don't have number #1 time, please still post your result in here to give your contribution to the thread. With all those results we can compare areas and classes with each other which is great. We can also share our builds and playing experience in here.
Some details and explanations about this thread you can find in this spoiler.
Okay, now fun part. Categories
All running is done on HELL difficulty. Also, it would be nice if you can post some minor details about your character and playing style like what items did you collect as you ran and so on. Such things can be interesting to other players.
For start we will have SC and HC together, but if enough players will be interested, we could separate HC and SC. Anyway, we will state did we play SC or HC with our character, so we will easily separate them.
If you have results from thousands of runs done in some category, please post them even if you didn't 100% follow the rules. For efficiency categories you must follow the rules to have legit result for this thread.
Rule for all categories: You must do consecutive runs for this thread when using run counter! However, this doesn't mean you have to do whole 100 or 200 runs at once or in a single day. But it is better if you do them across smaller amount of time for sure. Also, sure you can do some warmup before you start your run counter. Important is that when you do use run counter, you do consecutive running.
NO DEATH ALLOWED! If you die, you have to do the whole thing from the beginning. I know this rule is not fine for everyone. Generally if you can't do 200 Pindle runs or 100 AT runs without death, then you must ask yourself what are you doing wrong. Number of runs required is not much, so everyone should be able to stay alive while doing them.
Pit p1 - 50 runs
Pit p7/8 - 50 runs
AT - 100 runs
WSK - 50 runs
CS + River of Flame p7/8 - 50 runs
1. you must count bosspacks you killed as you run and post the number in thread
2. try to kill every champion in a pack to count it as 1 bosspack, even though it's perfectly fine if you miss some devilkin champion, they can be very annoying
3. you must post your average run time and Item Find % if you have it
4. you must post how much MF did you run with
5. HC or SC character?
Note on CS: usually as you run CS, you kill bosses along the way to it as well. You must also kill Diablo.
Pindle p1 - 200 runs
Pindle p7/8 - 200 runs
Travincal p3 - 100 runs
Travincal p7/8 - 100 runs
LK p7/8 [gems] - 200 runs
LK p7/8 [non-gems] - 200 runs
1. you must count every Pindle you didn't kill (you skipped)
2. you must count every boss/minion you skipped in Travincal (Council only)
3. you must count every chest you skipped in LK
4. you must post how much MF % did you run Pindle with
5. you must post your average time and Item Find % if you have it (not important for LK)
6. give us info about did you pick and cube pgems while running Travincal or not
7. HC or SC character?
Simple explanations about some categories:
I will gladly calculate this for you no problem, just give me your average time, Item Find % and number of targets you skipped.
Mephisto p3+ 100 runs
Andariel p3+ 100 runs
Countess - 100 runs
Nihlathak p8- 100 runs
Baal [p8 minions, p3 Baal] - 20 runs
Lister [p8 minions] - 20 runs
Fastest run: Baal [p8 minions, p3 Baal] - video proof needed, 1 run
1. you must kill every boss excluding Lister to make the run count
2. you are allowed to skip or park immune Lister, but you must kill all Lister minions
3. you must post your average run time
4. you must post MF % for Mephisto and Andariel
5. HC or SC character?
If you have any suggestions/objections, please post in the thread. I can add any category if more people show interest in them.
Special thanks to Frozzzen, Fabian, Nagisa and Nulio for helping me to start and adjust this thread. Also thanks to everyone who helped me to get this thread going with their ideas!
Second post:
Avg time = average time displayed on your run counter.
C.A.T. = corrected average time. CAT is actually your "real" average time because it includes Item Find % as well as time penalty for those who skip running targets. CAT is required so we can compare all classes together. I'll gladly calculate this number instead of you using formulas presented in first post, you just have to give me important numbers. You can also calculate number yourself if you want to.
boss - average number of bosspacks that spawned while running
eff = efficiency ==> will be displayed in seconds per bosspack for this thread.
adjeff = adjusted efficiency ==> magic find is included into efficiency. This means that the more magic find you have, the lower this number will be, and the lower this number is, the more efficient you are. To sum it up, adjeff is number that includes both efficiency (seconds per bosspack) and magic find you have. At Pindle, we also have adjusted efficiency per bosspack killed where Pindle is counted as two bosspacks, so we can compare those numbers with numbers in areas. At Mephisto and Andariel adjeff has nothing to do with bosspacks, but is calculated from seconds/per Meph/Andy killed, but interpretation of number is the same as explained in the first post. This number I will calculate myself, you don't have to bother with it, even though I'll explain how to calculate it in first post.
In addition to the below original post by Gripphon, please see this post on new entries making use of the new MF run counter.
Originally posted by Gripphon
Hello, traveler. Welcome to the SPF Hall Of Records.
In this thread there are several categories where we share our best results following certain rules. Everyone can participate, so go ahead!
Idea of this thread, apart of sharing our b results in several categories, is to give some kind of inspiration to the players to try to improve their playing style as estwell as their characters. We will test our limits here as well as limits of the game itself. There are no winners in this thread, only temporarily the best ones. Every record can be broken, that is the right attitude for this thread! Even if you don't have number #1 time, please still post your result in here to give your contribution to the thread. With all those results we can compare areas and classes with each other which is great. We can also share our builds and playing experience in here.
Some details and explanations about this thread you can find in this spoiler.
Run counter will measure your run time as you run. He will give you information about your fastest run time, average run time, total runs done and total time invested. I suggest you download it since it is VERY EASY to use and is perfect for this thread.
Download runcounter advanced. After you do, see how it works. You open your char in it, start new timer with any desired name and you are ready to go.
There are some tricks to run counter. Test all of this to make sure you understand how it works! (For you HC folks, don't test what happens if you die ofc )
1. First run never counts, so when you start run counter, you can just s/e first run since run counter won't register it as run done. Run counter do register fastest run time and total run time, but if you go check it out after first run, you will see you did 0 runs with 0 average time.
2. Anytime you pause run counter, he won't count next run when you unpause it. This means that if you s/e and go out of diablo to pause the counter, then when you unpause it and go back in the game, you can just instant s/e that first run since run counter won't register it. I mean, he will register it toward total playing time and toward fastest run time which doesn't interest us. However, if you pause counter and go to ATMA, then when you unpause it, counter will register that first run done so be careful. Not sure about gomule. So, if you visit ATMA or gomule, safest thing to do is to click "End Run" then start counter again skipping your first run as explained.
3. When you die, you will screw your run counter. I'm not entirely sure how it really works, but it's something like this: Once you die, run counter automatically starts a new run and when you press ESC 1 second after, run counter will count that run as 1 second screwing up your average run time.
For this thread you don't care about fastest run time. If you do s/e procedure as explained, your fastest run time will be below 5 seconds anyway. What you want is your average run time and number of runs done. Those two numbers matter. Of course, beware not to screw up your counter with missclick or something.
Efficiency tells you how much time and how much effort it takes you to perform some task. What we want is a number which tells you how much seconds it takes you to do something. For area level 85, efficiency will be seconds/killed bosspacks, which tells you how much seconds it takes you at average to kill a bosspack in level 85 area. To determine this number, you must know total running time and divide that with total number of bosspacks you killed in that time.
Since I explained the flaws of run counter, to determine your total time you will simply multiply your average run time with runs done. Bosspacks you will have to count as you run, unfortunately. That is the only way to get "legit" number since variations can be big in both run times and number of bosspacks. If you have barbarian with 55% hork, then to calculate your efficiency you will further divide sec/bosspack number with (1+hork). Example. 10 seconds/bosspack for barb with 55% hork you have efficiency of 10/1.55 = 6.45 sec/bosspack.
For Pindle, we have seconds per killed Pindle. That number will be displayed with CAT. Efficiency for Pindle you get if you divide CAT by 2. That is close enough approximation to sec/bosspacks in areas.
For Meph we have seconds per killed Meph. For Andy seconds per killed Andy. Those numbers will be displayed with average time since that's how long it takes you to kill any of them.
Adjusted efficiency you get when you include MF % into efficiency and is measured in fabians. This number represents your "real" efficiency, but is generally too much trouble calculating it precisely, so we usually don't bother with this number. For this thread adjeff we calculate is not exact number, but is close approximation since it's impossible to calculate it to exact number. For that you need to have number of bosspacks killed, number of champions killed, number of minions and creeps killed, and all those number vary all the time.
To calculate adjeff, you need your efficiency as well as magic find %. For example, let's say your efficiency is 10 seconds per bosspack and you have 500 magic find. 500 MF results in 166% better chance to get unique items according to ATMA drop calculator. To get adjeff, you divide 10 sec/bosspack with (1+ 166%/100) = 10/2.66 = 3.759 fabians.
What does that number mean? Generally it means that player who is running with 0 MF must have efficiency of 3.759 sec/bosspack to be as efficient magicfinder as you who have 10 sec/bosspack with 500 MF. Efficiency is important because it will tell you how efficient is one player at killing bosses, while adjeff will tell you how efficient magicfinder he is. The lower that number is, the better magicfinder you are.
More info:
To calculate adjeff for Pindle, you divide your average/C.A.T. time by 2, and then proceed with normal calculations as explained. Reason is Pindle drops 2 items while bosses drop 1, so it's approximately two times as efficient to kill Pindle than to kill random unique monster.
When you use MF switch and you kill monsters on both primary and secondary switch, like for zerker barbs for example, then you must calculate average increased drop probability for unique items. You must check chance to drop uniques for both primary switch and secondary switch, and then use formula:
[% drop primary + (Item Find)* % drop switch] / (1 + Item Find)
For example, barb has 700 MF on kill and 600 MF on switch while horking with 55% Item Find. 700 MF is 184% better chance to get uniques. 600 MF is 176%. Average % to get unique items is calculated as explained, [184 + 0.55*176]/(1+0.55) = 181.16129...%. To calculate with this number, I use all decimals from calculator.
Then you use that number to calculate adjeff for your barb. Say you have 5 sec/bosspack efficiency, adjeff with mentioned numbers is then 5/2.8116129... = 1.778 fabians.
Since I guess this can be somewhat confusing at the start, I'll try my best to explain method on how to do it. It might take some time to get used to count bosses as you run, but it's easily done. For how many runs you can do it without error is up to you, but I believe up to 5 should be doable for anyone. In general you can count 3 by 3 runs until you get used to. So, for 5 runs you count every bosspack you kill. It can be 4+6+7+5+8=30. Then you go out of d2, pause your run counter checking did it record 5 runs, then in some text document or on paper you write down number of bosspacks with your average time and with some note how many runs you did. Example:
bosspacks; average run time (from run counter); number of runs
30 ; 62.544 (seconds); 5
Then you unpause counter, go back in the game, s/e first run and repeat whole procedure for every 5 runs until you reach desired number, probably 50 or 100 depending on what category you run for. In the end, you will have something like this:
30 ; 62.544 ; 5
36 ; 61.651 ; 10
32 ; 61.812 ; 15
35; 62.122 ; 20
Or you can add bosspacks as you run, your call. Anyway, total number of bosspacks killed from example is 133 with average time of 62.122 seconds over 20 runs. Total time is 62.122*20 = 1242.44 seconds. Let's say you don't have hork. Your efficiency then is 1242.44/133 = 9.3417 = 9.34 seconds per bosspack. In case you have 54% hork, your efficiency is 9.34/1.54 = 6.06 seconds per bosspack.
After some practice you might be able to do more runs with counting bosspacks as you run. For example, you can do 4 runs and remember total number of bosses you killed. Then you just proceed in next 4 runs to get number of bosspacks for next 4 runs. Then you add number of bosspacks from previous 4 runs with those of last 4 runs, you have number of bosspacks for 8 runs done. Then go out, pause counter, write number etc. Similar thing as with 6 runs to count 3+3 runs, or with 10 to count 5+5. You get an idea.
For any other category you do similar things, but count different things, but important is to keep updating your results here and there as you run in a case you screw something up.
Run counter will measure your run time as you run. He will give you information about your fastest run time, average run time, total runs done and total time invested. I suggest you download it since it is VERY EASY to use and is perfect for this thread.
Download runcounter advanced. After you do, see how it works. You open your char in it, start new timer with any desired name and you are ready to go.
There are some tricks to run counter. Test all of this to make sure you understand how it works! (For you HC folks, don't test what happens if you die ofc )
1. First run never counts, so when you start run counter, you can just s/e first run since run counter won't register it as run done. Run counter do register fastest run time and total run time, but if you go check it out after first run, you will see you did 0 runs with 0 average time.
2. Anytime you pause run counter, he won't count next run when you unpause it. This means that if you s/e and go out of diablo to pause the counter, then when you unpause it and go back in the game, you can just instant s/e that first run since run counter won't register it. I mean, he will register it toward total playing time and toward fastest run time which doesn't interest us. However, if you pause counter and go to ATMA, then when you unpause it, counter will register that first run done so be careful. Not sure about gomule. So, if you visit ATMA or gomule, safest thing to do is to click "End Run" then start counter again skipping your first run as explained.
3. When you die, you will screw your run counter. I'm not entirely sure how it really works, but it's something like this: Once you die, run counter automatically starts a new run and when you press ESC 1 second after, run counter will count that run as 1 second screwing up your average run time.
For this thread you don't care about fastest run time. If you do s/e procedure as explained, your fastest run time will be below 5 seconds anyway. What you want is your average run time and number of runs done. Those two numbers matter. Of course, beware not to screw up your counter with missclick or something.
Efficiency tells you how much time and how much effort it takes you to perform some task. What we want is a number which tells you how much seconds it takes you to do something. For area level 85, efficiency will be seconds/killed bosspacks, which tells you how much seconds it takes you at average to kill a bosspack in level 85 area. To determine this number, you must know total running time and divide that with total number of bosspacks you killed in that time.
Since I explained the flaws of run counter, to determine your total time you will simply multiply your average run time with runs done. Bosspacks you will have to count as you run, unfortunately. That is the only way to get "legit" number since variations can be big in both run times and number of bosspacks. If you have barbarian with 55% hork, then to calculate your efficiency you will further divide sec/bosspack number with (1+hork). Example. 10 seconds/bosspack for barb with 55% hork you have efficiency of 10/1.55 = 6.45 sec/bosspack.
For Pindle, we have seconds per killed Pindle. That number will be displayed with CAT. Efficiency for Pindle you get if you divide CAT by 2. That is close enough approximation to sec/bosspacks in areas.
For Meph we have seconds per killed Meph. For Andy seconds per killed Andy. Those numbers will be displayed with average time since that's how long it takes you to kill any of them.
Adjusted efficiency you get when you include MF % into efficiency and is measured in fabians. This number represents your "real" efficiency, but is generally too much trouble calculating it precisely, so we usually don't bother with this number. For this thread adjeff we calculate is not exact number, but is close approximation since it's impossible to calculate it to exact number. For that you need to have number of bosspacks killed, number of champions killed, number of minions and creeps killed, and all those number vary all the time.
To calculate adjeff, you need your efficiency as well as magic find %. For example, let's say your efficiency is 10 seconds per bosspack and you have 500 magic find. 500 MF results in 166% better chance to get unique items according to ATMA drop calculator. To get adjeff, you divide 10 sec/bosspack with (1+ 166%/100) = 10/2.66 = 3.759 fabians.
What does that number mean? Generally it means that player who is running with 0 MF must have efficiency of 3.759 sec/bosspack to be as efficient magicfinder as you who have 10 sec/bosspack with 500 MF. Efficiency is important because it will tell you how efficient is one player at killing bosses, while adjeff will tell you how efficient magicfinder he is. The lower that number is, the better magicfinder you are.
More info:
To calculate adjeff for Pindle, you divide your average/C.A.T. time by 2, and then proceed with normal calculations as explained. Reason is Pindle drops 2 items while bosses drop 1, so it's approximately two times as efficient to kill Pindle than to kill random unique monster.
When you use MF switch and you kill monsters on both primary and secondary switch, like for zerker barbs for example, then you must calculate average increased drop probability for unique items. You must check chance to drop uniques for both primary switch and secondary switch, and then use formula:
[% drop primary + (Item Find)* % drop switch] / (1 + Item Find)
For example, barb has 700 MF on kill and 600 MF on switch while horking with 55% Item Find. 700 MF is 184% better chance to get uniques. 600 MF is 176%. Average % to get unique items is calculated as explained, [184 + 0.55*176]/(1+0.55) = 181.16129...%. To calculate with this number, I use all decimals from calculator.
Then you use that number to calculate adjeff for your barb. Say you have 5 sec/bosspack efficiency, adjeff with mentioned numbers is then 5/2.8116129... = 1.778 fabians.
Since I guess this can be somewhat confusing at the start, I'll try my best to explain method on how to do it. It might take some time to get used to count bosses as you run, but it's easily done. For how many runs you can do it without error is up to you, but I believe up to 5 should be doable for anyone. In general you can count 3 by 3 runs until you get used to. So, for 5 runs you count every bosspack you kill. It can be 4+6+7+5+8=30. Then you go out of d2, pause your run counter checking did it record 5 runs, then in some text document or on paper you write down number of bosspacks with your average time and with some note how many runs you did. Example:
bosspacks; average run time (from run counter); number of runs
30 ; 62.544 (seconds); 5
Then you unpause counter, go back in the game, s/e first run and repeat whole procedure for every 5 runs until you reach desired number, probably 50 or 100 depending on what category you run for. In the end, you will have something like this:
30 ; 62.544 ; 5
36 ; 61.651 ; 10
32 ; 61.812 ; 15
35; 62.122 ; 20
Or you can add bosspacks as you run, your call. Anyway, total number of bosspacks killed from example is 133 with average time of 62.122 seconds over 20 runs. Total time is 62.122*20 = 1242.44 seconds. Let's say you don't have hork. Your efficiency then is 1242.44/133 = 9.3417 = 9.34 seconds per bosspack. In case you have 54% hork, your efficiency is 9.34/1.54 = 6.06 seconds per bosspack.
After some practice you might be able to do more runs with counting bosspacks as you run. For example, you can do 4 runs and remember total number of bosses you killed. Then you just proceed in next 4 runs to get number of bosspacks for next 4 runs. Then you add number of bosspacks from previous 4 runs with those of last 4 runs, you have number of bosspacks for 8 runs done. Then go out, pause counter, write number etc. Similar thing as with 6 runs to count 3+3 runs, or with 10 to count 5+5. You get an idea.
For any other category you do similar things, but count different things, but important is to keep updating your results here and there as you run in a case you screw something up.
Okay, now fun part. Categories
All running is done on HELL difficulty. Also, it would be nice if you can post some minor details about your character and playing style like what items did you collect as you ran and so on. Such things can be interesting to other players.
For start we will have SC and HC together, but if enough players will be interested, we could separate HC and SC. Anyway, we will state did we play SC or HC with our character, so we will easily separate them.
If you have results from thousands of runs done in some category, please post them even if you didn't 100% follow the rules. For efficiency categories you must follow the rules to have legit result for this thread.
Rule for all categories: You must do consecutive runs for this thread when using run counter! However, this doesn't mean you have to do whole 100 or 200 runs at once or in a single day. But it is better if you do them across smaller amount of time for sure. Also, sure you can do some warmup before you start your run counter. Important is that when you do use run counter, you do consecutive running.
NO DEATH ALLOWED! If you die, you have to do the whole thing from the beginning. I know this rule is not fine for everyone. Generally if you can't do 200 Pindle runs or 100 AT runs without death, then you must ask yourself what are you doing wrong. Number of runs required is not much, so everyone should be able to stay alive while doing them.
Pit p1 - 50 runs
Pit p7/8 - 50 runs
AT - 100 runs
WSK - 50 runs
CS + River of Flame p7/8 - 50 runs
1. you must count bosspacks you killed as you run and post the number in thread
2. try to kill every champion in a pack to count it as 1 bosspack, even though it's perfectly fine if you miss some devilkin champion, they can be very annoying
3. you must post your average run time and Item Find % if you have it
4. you must post how much MF did you run with
5. HC or SC character?
Note on CS: usually as you run CS, you kill bosses along the way to it as well. You must also kill Diablo.
Pindle p1 - 200 runs
Pindle p7/8 - 200 runs
Travincal p3 - 100 runs
Travincal p7/8 - 100 runs
LK p7/8 [gems] - 200 runs
LK p7/8 [non-gems] - 200 runs
1. you must count every Pindle you didn't kill (you skipped)
2. you must count every boss/minion you skipped in Travincal (Council only)
3. you must count every chest you skipped in LK
4. you must post how much MF % did you run Pindle with
5. you must post your average time and Item Find % if you have it (not important for LK)
6. give us info about did you pick and cube pgems while running Travincal or not
7. HC or SC character?
Simple explanations about some categories:
When you skip Pindle, you count it as skipped and still continue running toward 200 runs done.
In Travincal we are interested in killing Council only. So you don't kill or count every other boss/minion you skipped there or something.
LK [gems] category means this is for LK runners who collect and/or cube gems as they run. LK [non-gems] is for those who don't collect or cube gems when running LK.
In Travincal we are interested in killing Council only. So you don't kill or count every other boss/minion you skipped there or something.
LK [gems] category means this is for LK runners who collect and/or cube gems as they run. LK [non-gems] is for those who don't collect or cube gems when running LK.
I will gladly calculate this for you no problem, just give me your average time, Item Find % and number of targets you skipped.
Pindle: Corrected Average Time (CAT) = average time (at) * 200 / (200 - X) where X is number of Pindles you skipped. For barbarian with Item Find, CAT = [at*200/(200-X)]/(1+IF)
LK: Corrected Average Time = average time * 1200 / (1200 - X) where X is number of chests you skipped.
Travincal: CAT = at * 1100 / (1100 - X) where X is number of bosses/minions you skipped
For barbarian with Item Find at Travincal p3: CAT = [at*1100/(1100-X)]/(1+1.1*IF)
For barbarian with Item Find at Travincal p7/8: CAT = [at*1100/(1100-X)]/(1+IF)
Generally for all categories the more things you skipped, the bigger penalty time will be.
Explanation for formulas and example:
Example: let's say you have 20 seconds average Pindle running time over 200 runs and you skipped Pindle total of 5 times during session. Corrected average time then is 20*200/195 = 20.51 seconds
Why do formulas look like that? Let's see from example. If you ran Pindle 200 times with average time of 20 seconds, but you skipped him 5 times. That means you killed 195 Pindles total during 200 runs.
Your total running time is 20*200=4000 seconds. In 4000 seconds you killed Pindle 195 times, so 4000/195 = 20.51. It took you at average 20.51 seconds to actually kill Pindle during that running. Same things apply to other categories as well. Therefore, formula for corrected time is 20*200/195, or average time * number of runs / how many times you killed Pindle. CAT = at * 200 / (200 - X) where X is number of times you skipped Pindle.
For Travincal players 3 you wonder why you have to divide everything with 1 + 1.1*IF? Because when barbarian uses Item Find on corpse, it automatically gives items like it's p7/8 no matter what player settings you play at. p7/8 is ~ 10% better than p3 in drops, that's why we have thist factor of 1.1.
LK: Corrected Average Time = average time * 1200 / (1200 - X) where X is number of chests you skipped.
Travincal: CAT = at * 1100 / (1100 - X) where X is number of bosses/minions you skipped
For barbarian with Item Find at Travincal p3: CAT = [at*1100/(1100-X)]/(1+1.1*IF)
For barbarian with Item Find at Travincal p7/8: CAT = [at*1100/(1100-X)]/(1+IF)
Generally for all categories the more things you skipped, the bigger penalty time will be.
Explanation for formulas and example:
Example: let's say you have 20 seconds average Pindle running time over 200 runs and you skipped Pindle total of 5 times during session. Corrected average time then is 20*200/195 = 20.51 seconds
Why do formulas look like that? Let's see from example. If you ran Pindle 200 times with average time of 20 seconds, but you skipped him 5 times. That means you killed 195 Pindles total during 200 runs.
Your total running time is 20*200=4000 seconds. In 4000 seconds you killed Pindle 195 times, so 4000/195 = 20.51. It took you at average 20.51 seconds to actually kill Pindle during that running. Same things apply to other categories as well. Therefore, formula for corrected time is 20*200/195, or average time * number of runs / how many times you killed Pindle. CAT = at * 200 / (200 - X) where X is number of times you skipped Pindle.
For Travincal players 3 you wonder why you have to divide everything with 1 + 1.1*IF? Because when barbarian uses Item Find on corpse, it automatically gives items like it's p7/8 no matter what player settings you play at. p7/8 is ~ 10% better than p3 in drops, that's why we have thist factor of 1.1.
Mephisto p3+ 100 runs
Andariel p3+ 100 runs
Countess - 100 runs
Nihlathak p8- 100 runs
Baal [p8 minions, p3 Baal] - 20 runs
Lister [p8 minions] - 20 runs
Fastest run: Baal [p8 minions, p3 Baal] - video proof needed, 1 run
1. you must kill every boss excluding Lister to make the run count
2. you are allowed to skip or park immune Lister, but you must kill all Lister minions
3. you must post your average run time
4. you must post MF % for Mephisto and Andariel
5. HC or SC character?
If you have any suggestions/objections, please post in the thread. I can add any category if more people show interest in them.
Special thanks to Frozzzen, Fabian, Nagisa and Nulio for helping me to start and adjust this thread. Also thanks to everyone who helped me to get this thread going with their ideas!
Second post:
Avg time = average time displayed on your run counter.
C.A.T. = corrected average time. CAT is actually your "real" average time because it includes Item Find % as well as time penalty for those who skip running targets. CAT is required so we can compare all classes together. I'll gladly calculate this number instead of you using formulas presented in first post, you just have to give me important numbers. You can also calculate number yourself if you want to.
boss - average number of bosspacks that spawned while running
eff = efficiency ==> will be displayed in seconds per bosspack for this thread.
adjeff = adjusted efficiency ==> magic find is included into efficiency. This means that the more magic find you have, the lower this number will be, and the lower this number is, the more efficient you are. To sum it up, adjeff is number that includes both efficiency (seconds per bosspack) and magic find you have. At Pindle, we also have adjusted efficiency per bosspack killed where Pindle is counted as two bosspacks, so we can compare those numbers with numbers in areas. At Mephisto and Andariel adjeff has nothing to do with bosspacks, but is calculated from seconds/per Meph/Andy killed, but interpretation of number is the same as explained in the first post. This number I will calculate myself, you don't have to bother with it, even though I'll explain how to calculate it in first post.
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