One note, if you're using a Crescent Moon longsword to increase your Lightning Sentry or Death Sentry's damage, you're out of luck. Traps are considered minions and do not benefit from your mods.
However if you're going Claws of Thunder / Phoenix Strike, that's a different story. EDIT: Just remembered CoT is claw-only, and you have a longsword, so that's a no-go. So basically only the 2nd charge of Phoenix Strike.
As for Mind Blast, the only things increased are the physical damage, stun duration and chance to convert I believe. Since you really only want the stun out of it, its not a good idea to invest in it 'cause you'll convert more often and the enemies will therefore just be a niusance, because their damage-to-health ratio is so rediculously messed up. Mind Blasts' stun duration isn't affected by difficulty switch like War Cry or Smite's, so you don't need more than one point in it for the stun.
Thank you for your answer Dimmu Borgir.
I guess I should had stated I'm planning on using the CM for a kicker, or atleast for the pvm part of my assassin, I do also expect to use a DS, but the lightning part of the CW runeword didn't even struck me so none the less I guess I'm not going to get any dissapointments :grin:
Yeah it says so on the skill, but I wondered, when the stun duration increases, does the swirlies also? I intend to use mind blast for pvm, as well as pvp, the swirlies are very interesting for the pvp prospect.
Well I'm not going for any of those elemental material art stuff, that is more like a shadow warriors betting, I mean after reading the SW teacher guide it's easy for one to see that a SW can get an insane damage with Claws of Thunder lvl 50 + Phoenix strike lvl 50 as a synergy, on top of it you'd off course have to maks your SW, and even maksing faith would make her almost indestructible, beside since Phoenix strike would her only prebuff for synergising she wouldn't take long to recast, she could probably kill diablo on hell alone, but hey what minion can't do that these times (thinking about SuperDave here :wink3: )
silent shaddow said:
plz be aware that the ias on bos is different to the ias on weapons etc and therefore can not be compared,
on bos it is know as Effective IAS or from hence forth EIAS,
however if u have no ias on weapons or anything you are going to struggle for max speed, however beyond ~ 5/6 it becomes much easier to just equip some ias as bos suffers from dimishing returns, at lvl 9 bos you only need 19 ias to reach the fastest speed, easily picked up on gloves however on a cresent moon sword you have 20 ias all set, therefore from an speed point of view greater than lvl 9 isnt needed,
futhermore you are kicking, so it makes much more sence to make it in a faster weapon, ie the best bet would be a phase blade, allowing you to hit the fastest speed almost instantly (lvl 2 bos)
Thank you for taking your time for another answer silent shaddow.
I wasn't aware of the difference between IAS, and EIAS, since EIAS was introduced in the FAQ in a way I really didn't understand well. But on the other hand I didn't compare those out of some formula I compared them out of a table here on the assassin forum. The thread containing this table is called something with "attack speed (recent)" and it's stickied. I looked for the table with Dragon Talon, and found that for a -10 WSM (Long Sword) I would need a level 20 BoS for a 7/3/3/3/3. If I've understood the tables correct that I'm not sure off, and from what you're writing it doesn't seems like it. I must admit it would be nice to only invest a little bit in BoS because of the dimishing returns you described earlier.
Yes I know about the phase blade, but since my char is a low budget char (she may only use the items she finds herself) then wont have enough +stats to make the dex she needs and still makes sure she gets the amount of hit points I think she deserves. That's why I'm considering the long sword option. On the other hand I might just use a black flail or somehing.
Against thank you to both of you to take you the time for answering my question.