So once again, i get scammed...


New member
Nov 3, 2006
So once again, i get scammed...

I was saving up a bunch of pretty worthy items to trade for gear for my new character, now this is stuff i've been saving up for a while. Then i lose it all. I have been scammed many times already for being over-trusting or just flat out dumb. This time i lose all my items to an actual hack.

I put up a bunch of things in a trade screen, he looked at it and put his stuff on the screen after maybe a strange 2 minute wait. I looked to see what it was to make sure he didnt switch out or anything, and he hits the check on and off a bit. I hit the check. I hit "I" to check my inventory and all of my items are gone and i dont have his things.

Seriously this is just ****ing flat out annoying. I have lost my crap so many times now, things that could get me on my feet or get me somewhere in the game. Ugh...
New hack on strike?
I feel for ya, even though it's never happened to me. The reason? If I play on bnet, it's either with people I know in RL or people I know from these forums ... or solo. If playing solo and joining pub games (mainly for Baal minion runs) I just get in and get out, no trading with strangers. The downside is that I have never had the high runes/uberl33t itamz, but I have also never lost things I worked hard to find, never had a rune or runeword item poof. Unfortunately, I also let my higher-level characters expire, so I don't have any spare stuff to offer you. Good luck and have fun!
This sounds like a hack from way back. Like 1.08 era. Wasn't there something where they could put up an item. Take it back and then put up just like a phantom image of the item. You couldn't tell the real item wasn't there anymore.

Maybe it's back.
Only idea that comes to me would be that there was MAJOR lag the moment you traded.

Or maybe it's what Zeek said... ^
This hack is possible.

I myself have encountered about 3 trade hackers in the last 2 months, where they put up the item they're supposed to trade for your stuff, and then the click button just goes on and then flashes to green, then flashes back to grey. Then when you check all of his stuff making sure he didn't switch anything, you don't see anything wrong. So you're like "come on don't waste my time" and click the tick. Now you see his tick goes green and the trade is completed. Press I and you see everything of yours is gone and you didn't get what you were supposed to get.

I think the only way to counter this is to make them press tick before you
I always click accept last and if I see any funny business like them clicking accept multiple times I'll just close the window and leave just to be safe.
Yeah i remember my friends warning me of this hack right when i started playing, back in the old 1.09 days right when the expansion came out. It seems like its the exact same thing, but i have no idea. I just know im tired of these damn scammers.
Bah, those losers.

Just say no to any trade where they fiddle with the buttons. If they complain tell them to go **** themselves, if they're legit then why are they fooling around with the buttons like that?
This hack is possible.

I myself have encountered about 3 trade hackers in the last 2 months, where they put up the item they're supposed to trade for your stuff, and then the click button just goes on and then flashes to green, then flashes back to grey. Then when you check all of his stuff making sure he didn't switch anything, you don't see anything wrong. So you're like "come on don't waste my time" and click the tick. Now you see his tick goes green and the trade is completed. Press I and you see everything of yours is gone and you didn't get what you were supposed to get.

I think the only way to counter this is to make them press tick before you

How do you know this? :rolleyes:

Hmm... that's weird. When my CD drive stopped working recently I debated using the D2Loader until I could get a new one. Quickly decided not to, but there was a hack on the website I was checking it out on that claimed you could do a trade hack. Basically you needed an image file, which the program would implant into the trade window (but you had to do it in a specific spot). If you did it right, then you'd get the person's items and they would get nothing. I didn't really think anything of it, figuring it'd probably been patched over or whatever, but now I wonder if it was actually a new one...
I heard from somewhere that a way to counter the hack would be to ask them to move the items around, since it's something like the phantom items could only be put in the top right corner of the trade screen?
Yeah this ones kind of old... .08 at least I think. And the only thing that would work is to have them move the item(s) around repeatedly in the trade window; and of course you'd have to do the same thing to so it's fair.

There was that other one (but you actually had to be dumb enough to dl it as Maphack for example) where it would like take over your cursor, make you drop your items, and then drop you from the game... I never saw it but it sounds hard to pull off though.
the other day this happened to me. some guy put up a shako and it looked legit but when trade was complete and i checked my inventory, it was just a plain shako with a gem. dude said it was a hack and offered to give me a real shako if i gave him his back. then he poofed. his account is: XXXGIGITMASTAXX
the other day this happened to me. some guy put up a shako and it looked legit but when trade was complete and i checked my inventory, it was just a plain shako with a gem. dude said it was a hack and offered to give me a real shako if i gave him his back. then he poofed. his account is: XXXGIGITMASTAXX
This is why you should always look at the item he's trading to make sure its the one he claims. And should he close the trade window? double check once he puts it back on.

as for mentioning his account in here? It wont do much. specialy since many dont use their main accounts to scam people with. Then again it may be different with this one. After all if he has to scam for a pathetic shako then he cant have that much stuff. shakos arent worth that much.

sorry for your loss :sad2:

frankly, I have refused to do any pub trades. I'll only trade using the trade forums here and with only folks that have been around for awhile with good trade feedback. There's just too much crap and idiots out there to set myself up for frustration.
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