Snowy Sundaily


New member
Sep 30, 2006
Snowy Sundaily

Real life: nothing much... I'm unemployed and looking for a job.

D2: doing some Pindling, and already found a Magewrath and a Credendum belt.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: Broke up from college last Thursday, so I'm enjoying a relaxing weekend before revising for the January exams.

D2: Hmm, not sure I'll be doing much D2ing, if I do, it'll either be building a Light Sorc, MF WW Barb or a Poisonmancer.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

Hope it goes well Arkardo.

RL: I'm working 11-8 today. It should be fine until Miss X arrives to take over at 4 for the evening shift. I need to procrastinate over my New Year's Resolutions and To-Do list for January. I'm hopefully spending the evening with my lovely girlfriend, who will protect me from my annoying sister.

D2: Nope.

OVG: Probably some more HL: Blue Shift, if it's not too late.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: See thread title, then add a lot of wind. Maybe it will stop and I'll go out, if not, I won't.

D2: Yes. Just about half a level from trying out my new Grief. Should be fun. I have about 5 more builds for it, but I have about five other things I want to do first, so it looks like I have quite a few characters to do. Well, winter in New England and a knee I can't ski on means more time for D2.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: Oh it's Sunday. Thanks for the heads up I've slept through two days so I had no idea. Still can't talk. I'm hating the fact the freezer is in the garage. I know there's food in there but there is no way I'm going outside to get it. :(

D2: I might play my Pally a little. Or go back to bed. I'm unsure.

OVG: Played a little Borderlands erm .. Thursday evening? CoX the two servers I play on are down so that funky hanging garden idea I have for the base will have to wait.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

Nature has decided to fulfill the snowquotum for the last couple of years in a day, it's glorious. No cars on the streets, public transport as dead as the proverbial doornail, GLORIOUS!

There is time for everything now, it's so good, yuchei! Hoping for some MP today, well see :)
Re: Snowy Sundaily

Well... sorry about the snow guys. Yesterday I went for a 100+ mile bike ride, and had to strip down to just my shorts. California... it's what you're paying for.

RL: Should do some Xmas stuff today... really, just "deal with the wife" day. She's nuts.

D2: Re-doing countess for experience, right now with the trapper. Thinking about respec... move some points from charged bolt sentry (synergy) to fade. Dunno.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: On Wednesday night we had a bit of snow (5-10 cm), and the dutch train system was FUBAR for the next 3 days. Today it's snowing again. Travel advice by the Dutch Railways: "Do not take the train" (announcement today at the station -- very useful advice if you're stranded at a station, trying to get home). At least they admit their own incompetence. One wonders how rail companies in other countries (Scandinavia, Russia, Canada) deal with the insurmountable problem called "snowfall".

Anyway, I finally got home so now it's time for some...

...D2: Septemvirate tournament, what else? :)
Re: Snowy Sundaily

One wonders how rail companies in other countries (Scandinavia, Russia, Canada) deal with the insurmountable problem called "snowfall".

The British rail stops trains when there's wet leaves on the line, heaven forbid it should snow here like it did last time.

Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: Another day in paradise. I've got a bit of work to do, but then it's play time: novel, painting project, beer, whatever. I also need a cigarette run and maybe a veggie run. Woo.

D2: Played a bit yesterday. The graphics changes in 1.13 are glorious, and the fans don't ramp up at all in windowed mode. I may continue the guy on or not, not sure. It depends entirely on what else is going on tonight.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: zzzZZZZzzz. Need more caffeine.

D2: Working on my pure fire sorc. Things are sploding in nightmare on p8. I have a feeling though she's gonna be a nm only character. FI's... blech.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL:Resting after Yesterdays powerlifting competition...If someone remember (which i really doubt :p), i've promised in this thread to share my results after finish...

Well, i've finished as third in my (newbie) category, and i was able to lift these 270kilos at the end, so i'm very happy with the result and with my new personal record...Unfortunatelly, i don't have videos or pictures to prove my statement right now, maby next week) hopefully...

D2:Not much considering competition, but i've finally found after three Years of searching Ribcracker worthy of upping (290%), so my luck continues...:thumbsup:

@All:Have a nice day/night :thumbsup:
Re: Snowy Sundaily

...One wonders how rail companies in other countries (Scandinavia, Russia, Canada) deal with the insurmountable problem called "snowfall".


In Calgary last year they had to do a bit of shoveling to get the trains moving again.

In Alaska on one of the rail lines, they have this giant snow blowing machine.

RL: Gotta go into work sometime today.

D2: Certain Death if I have time


Re: Snowy Sundaily

In Calgary last year they had to do a bit of shoveling to get the trains moving again.

Cool pics. :thumbup: So it is possible to run a train service in winter. I thought so. :)

@Fast Eddie: Yeah, British rail has the reputation of being the worst in Europe (even in sunny conditions :p ).

Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL: gonna see Avatar with my brother in a few... no expectations.

D2: continue play with my soon to be pnova necro in the certain death tournament. High expectations.
Re: Snowy Sundaily

RL : took a 3 hours walk with the wife and the dog trough the snowy woods outside the city. Was realy beautiful, and i hope this got her off my back about that sort of thing for at least the reast of the year :) I am such a romantic :)

D2 : I hope now I will have some time... Prolly gonna do my last set of HF rushing. Or something.

OVG : Trackmania, as usual. I sucked at it all week, and it realy shows. We are having two major competitions at the moment, and i cannot even get into the top 50... Ah well, you can't win them all :)
Re: Snowy Sundaily

Well, i've finished as third in my (newbie) category, and i was able to lift these 270kilos at the end, so i'm very happy with the result and with my new personal record...Unfortunatelly, i don't have videos or pictures to prove my statement right now, maby next week) hopefully..

Congrats on third! Did you get a trophy/prize? =D And yes please, pictures and videos of the competition up asap if you can. :thumbup:

In Calgary last year they had to do a bit of shoveling to get the trains moving again.

In Alaska on one of the rail lines, they have this giant snow blowing machine.

Ugh. That's just plain disgusting. I'd take global warming and dying polar bears over that anyday. Screw my offspring and their progeny, they can deal with it.

RL: Not much. It feels really busy though.

D2: Not much. Ditto.

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