Skiller from Act II NM?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Skiller from Act II NM?

Was questing my fishymancer through the claw viper temple and after killing fangskin he dropped a Grand Charm. It turned out to be this. I didn't think they could drop till the Great Marsh in Act III?

Even taking into account the alvl of the claw viper temple (47) and Fangskin being a super unique which i thought adds +2 to the possible ilvl of the items dropped by him, still only adds up to ilvl 49 not 50 needed for the +skills affix on Grand charms. How is this possible?
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

Unique monsters get 3 levels added to the area level for their monster level. There are a few monsters before the Great Marsh that can drop skillers; the Great Marsh is the first area where every monster can drop skillers.
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

I was a bit surprised when this dropped in Normal.

Fletcher's Grand Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 42
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 58
Fingerprint: 0x8bed0f13
+4 to Strength
+1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)

I'm pretty sure it was one of the Minion of Destruction that dropped it. I had no idea that was possible.
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

IIRC, Normal Lister is level 58, so his minions must be level 55.

EDIT: Oh wait, don't minions get +2 to their level? That would make them 57, I guess.
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

I got confused now. Because I was thinking all the time that the bosspacks leader shares the same mlvl with his minions. Like area lvl 85 unique is mlvl 88 and his crew also is mlvl 88. Isn't that correct?
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

I'm under the same impression as Theolog. Unique+Minions share the mlvl(88) whilst champions have 1 lower level(87)... :/
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

I checked the Arreat summit, and there's nothing there about minions. I guessed I confused not only you guys, but myself too :D
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

I got confused now. Because I was thinking all the time that the bosspacks leader shares the same mlvl with his minions. Like area lvl 85 unique is mlvl 88 and his crew also is mlvl 88. Isn't that correct?

I was under the impression that the unique monsters in alvl 85 areas were mlvl 88 and his minions were mlvl 87... Perhaps I'm wrong.

Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

Doesn't anyone run Pindle these days? :D Next time you do, grab one of those white or grey items on the ground (since Pindle didn't drop them) and check the ilvl in ATMA. It'll be 86, just like Pindle's drops.

Minions are the same level as the boss they're associated with.
Re: Skiller from Act II NM?

Nope. Everyone is running Travincal. :whistling:

Same difference. All the Council Members are the same level for the same reason Pindle's minions are the same level as Pindle. ;) It's also the reason poops' Tyrael's is an ilvl 88 even though Colenzo's minion dropped it.

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