Skill Granting Items 2.1 tables of oskills, auras, ctc and more - By Kijya


Guide Author
Aug 5, 2005
Skill Granting Items 2.1 tables of oskills, auras, ctc and more - By Kijya


Post 1
Aura Priority Laws

Post 2
Auras When Equipped
Mercenary Skills
Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts
Fires Magic Arrows or Bolts
Piercing Attack
Reanimate As Returned

Post 3
Chance to cast on Attack
Chance to cast on Striking
Chance to cast on Kill

Post 4
Chance to cast When Struck
Chance to Cast on Death
Chance to Cast on Level-Up
Sources and Thanks

What character would you make if you where allowed any combination of skills independent of what class they are on? Imagine the fury of a lightning Amazon utilizing a conviction aura and casting lower resist as she wished, the fatal blows of the amplifying barb, or why not the terror brought by a bear shifted sorceress...

This foul scroll of lost knowledge is your guide to the deeps of skill combinations yet to be comprehended among the mortals in the world of sanctuary. It will open your eyes towards the holy and damned arts, each known to but a few chosen and highly trained humans … that you could steal and utilize yourself …

All mods that let a class use a skill, that he/she does not have in any of his/her skill trees. However only those found on unique, runewords or set items. For rare and magic items there are already tables at the arreat summit (Link) and at d2data (Link). Mods found on crafted items are also excluded in this since the can easily be checked using the afflixcalc found on

Note1: Updated for patch 1.11b
Note2: Ladder and realm only items are included.

New compared to version 2.0: Fixed some spelling mistakes and corrected trang meteor oskill "number of parts" requirement. Added "Piercing Attack" tables and explanation, and also aura priority laws. Partly rewrote the "Aura When Equipped" explanation to fit in with the aura priority laws.

What are oskills and charges? How do they work with synergies? Is there a difference between chance to cast on striking and on attack? This section of the guide is meant to answer most questions of this kind. I'll try to give a brief explanation of each mod and how they will act in conjunction with other skills, be them natural or item granted.

Active skills: Skills that must be used by selecting and casting/using them.
Passive skills: Skills that cannot be selected for usage but give their bonuses passively.

Oskills: Gives the passive or active skill in the same way as if you would place a point in it, apart from not giving any synergy bonuses to other skills. All oskills are capped at +3 for classes who “own” the skill, this cap was made to help balance the game. +All skills will increase the level of oskills.

Aura When Equipped: Gives you, or your mercenary, an active aura of a certain level by just wearing the item. When carrying two items that give you the same kind of aura, they will stack and give you one higher level aura, instead of two lower ones. They do not stack with auras granted in any other way; instead you will only receive the highest level aura, how two auras of the same level act is explained at the end of this post. A feature you might want to take notice of is that the act 2 mercenary who uses a “prayer” aura will give you double healing when equipped with an insight polearm. The explanation is that the prayer aura will act as a synergy to the meditation aura from insight, baking the healing rate into that aura too wile still having prayer active.

Charges: Gives you a set number of times to cast/use a skill before you must recharge the item once again. Seeing as “recharging” an item basically means “repairing” it, ethereal items cannot be recharged. As for gaining synergy bonuses, charges will work in the same manner as the “chance to casts” skills described further down in this section.

Fires Explosive arrows or bolts: Fires explosive arrows while, and only while using normal attack. Will not work when equipped on an act 1 mercenary, where it will display but not give any extra fire damage.
Fires Magic arrows or bolts: Fires magic arrows while, and only while using normal attack. Will not work, apart from giving an attack rating bonus, when equipped on an act 1 mercenary, where it will display but not convert any physical damage to magic damage.
Piercing Attack: Allows projectiles, such as arrows, bolts and also throwing weapons, to travel straight through a targeted monster, letting them have a chance to hit whatever is behind. This mod on items does not affect spells or the assassin blade fury skill. Scales directly with the amazon pierce skill.
Reanimate As Returned: Raises a skeleton-type minion, who is independent from your party, but still fights for your cause. Will not die when you die and the corpse after raising something with this cannot be used again for anything. Will gain bonuses from party auras, and its life and damage is based on the area level where it was raised.

All “Chance to cast” (From now on know as “ctc”) classes have two things in common. Firstly, they will all gain synergies from skill-points in any of the synergies of the skill in question. Secondly, the ctc, measured in percent, will stack when using two items that give the same level spell/curse/whatever, in the same ctc class. If they are in separate classes (like “on attack” and “on striking”), or if they are of different level, then they will never stack, but instead be rolled independently from each other. Curses will work just as if casted by a necromancer, meaning they will override each other, possibly canceling the effect you wanted if you have two ctc curses.

Ctc on Attack: Rolled when attacking, but does not work with whirlwind or ranged attacks such as strafe, throw or blade fury. If the skill is meant to be cast in a direction, then it will be cast in the direction you swing your weapon. These effects do also work with blade shield, but here they will only work in the same manner as “on striking” effects, meaning that the blade shield skill has to make a successful hit for a chance to trigger them.
Ctc on Striking: Rolled when you hit your enemy with a non-spell attack. Does not work with whirlwind but will work with other melee attacks and ranged attacks, including blade fury. Take notice of that multiple shot only receives the ctc on the center two arrows in each “wave”.
Ctc on Kill: Is rolled when you kill an enemy with a non-spell attack. Does not work with whirlwind or blade shield, but works with ranged attacks including blade fury. Note that the “enchant” from Obedience runeword will always be cast on the wielder.
Ctc when Struck: Is rolled when something hits you with a non-spell attack. These skills do not work while in whirlwind-animation.
Ctc on Death: Casts a spell, on the place of your corpse, when something kills you. Chain Lightning, in this case, will be cast in the direction of whatever killed you. Remember that all on death chances are already 100 percent, meaning that stacking is useless since having 100% or 200% of a ctc makes no difference.
Ctc on Level: Casts a spell when you gain a level on your position/yourself. As stated on ctc on Death, having 100% or 200% of this kind of effect is irrelevant.

Aura Priority Laws - for auras of the same level and same type (example: two fanatism auras)
1. Merc vs Player: The merc will override player
2. Player vs Player: The player who activated his/her aura last will override a previously activated aura.
3. Merc vs Merc: None overrides the other; instead they will keep their own aura.

These laws apply to every situation, regardless of whether the aura was granted by an item or skill points. Likewise it doesn't matter if you activate your aura outside of reach from the other source, once you get close to each other these laws will apply.
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Skill           Level Found On              Class  Type
-----           ----- --------              -----  ----
Arctic Blast    7-14  Frostwind             Unique Cryptic sword
Battle Command  2-6   Call to Arms          RW     5 Socket Weapons
Battle Cry      1-4   Call to Arms          RW     5 Socket Weapons
Battle Orders   1-6   Call to Arms          RW     5 Socket Weapons
Berserk         1     Passion               RW     4 Socket Weapons
Critical Strike 2     Peace                 RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Critical Strike 1-6   Insight               RW     4 Socket Polearms/Staves
Feral Rage      3-6   Wolfhowl              Unique Fury Visor
Fire Mastery    3     Trang-Oul's (Full)    Set    -
Fire Wall       13    Trang-Oul's (3 Parts) Set    -
Fire Ball       18    Trang-Oul's (2 Parts) Set    -
Guided Arrow    3-5   Widowmaker            Unique Ward Bow
Hydra           10    Dragonscale           Unique Zakarum Shield
Inferno         12-18 Flamebellow           Unique Balrog Blade
Lycanthropy     3     Beast                 RW     5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers
Lycanthropy     3-6   Wolfhowl              Unique Fury Visor
Meteor          10    Trang-Oul's (4 Parts) Set    -
Teleport        1     Enigma                RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Valkyrie        2-6   Harmony               RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Warmth          1     Enlightenment         RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Vengeance       1     Kingslayer            RW     4 Socket Swords/Axes
Werebear        3     Beast                 RW     5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers
Werewolf        3-6   Wolfhowl              Unique Fury Visor
Whirlwind       1     Chaos                 RW     3 Socket Claws
Zeal            1     Passion               RW     4 Socket Weapons

Auras When Equipped
Skill           Level Found On              Class  Type
-----           ----- --------              -----  ----
Concentration   16-20 Pride           RW     4 Socket Polearms
Conviction      12    Infinity        RW     4 Socket Polearms
Defiance        13-16 Exile           RW     4 Socket Paladin Shields (only)
Fanaticism      9     Beast           RW     5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers
Fanaticism      12-15 Faith           RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Holy Fire       16    Hand of Justice RW     4 Socket Weapons
Holy Fire       14    Dragon          RW     3 Socket Body Armor/Shields
Holy Freeze     12    Doom            RW     5 Socket Axes/Polearms/Hammers
Holy Freeze     18    Ice             RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Holy Shock      15    Dream           RW     3 Socket Helms/Shields
Meditation      10-17 Insight         RW     4 Socket Polearms/Staves
Might           17    Last Wish       RW     6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes
Redemption      10-15 Phoenix         RW     4 Socket Weapons/Shields
Sanctuary       6-18  Lawbringer      RW     3 Socket Swords/Hammers/Scepters
Sanctuary       10-13 Azurewrath      Unique Phase Blade
Thorns          15-21 Bramble         RW     4 Socket Body Armor
Thorns          15    Edge            RW     3 Socket Missile Weapons
Vigor           10    Harmony         RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons

Mercenary Skills
Skill      Act Class
-----      --- -----
Bash          5   All
Blessed Aim   2   Normal and Hell Offensive
Charged Bolt  3   Lightning
Cold Arrow    1   Cold
Defiance      2   Normal and Hell Defensive
Fire Arrow    1   Fire
Fireball      3   Fire
Frozen Armor  3   Cold
Glacial Spike 3   Cold
Holy Freeze   2   Nightmare Defensive
Ice Blast     3   Cold
Inferno       3   Fire
Inner Sight   1   All
Jab           2   All
Lightning     3   Lightning
Might         2   Nightmare Offensive
Prayer        2   Normal and Hell Combat
Stun          5   All
Thorns        2   Nightmare Combat

Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts
Lvl Found On         Class  Type
--- --------         -----  ----
15  Brand                RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
13  Blood Raven's Charge Unique Matriarchal Bow
7   Kuko Shakaku         Unique Cedar Bow
6   Demon Machine        Unique Chu-Ko-Nu
5   Hellcast             Unique Heavy Crossbow
3   Raven Claw           Unique Long Bow

Fires Magic Arrows or Bolts
Lvl Found On         Class  Type
--- --------         -----  ----
20  Witchwild String Unique Short Siege Bow
11  Widowmaker       Unique Ward Bow
5   Wizendraw        Unique Long Battle Bow
3   Witherstring     Unique Hunter's Bow
1   M'avina's Bow    Set    Grand Matron Bow

Piercing Attack
Chance Found On            Class  Type
------ --------            -----  ----
100%   Buriza-Do Kyanon    Unique Ballista
66%    Demon Machine       Unique Chu-Ko-Nu
50%    Kuko Shakaku        Unique Cedar Bow
50%    Ichorsting          Unique Crossbow
50%    Warshrike           Unique Winged Knife
50%    Vidala's Rig (Full) Set    -
35%    Doomslinger         Unique Repeating Crossbow
33%    Razortail           Unique Sharkskin Belt
33%    Gut Siphon          Unique Demon Crossbow
25%    Stormstrike         Unique Short Battle Bow

Reanimate As Returned
Chance Found On            Class  Type
------ --------            -----  ----
10%    Faith               RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
10%    Tomb Reaver         Unique Cryptic Axe
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Chance to Cast on Attack
Skill              Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Chain Lightning 14-20 5%     Lightsabre          Unique  Phase Blade
Charged Bolt   20    20%    Last Wish           RW      6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes
Fireball       6     10%    Todesfaelle Flamme  Unique  Zweihander
Fireball       16-20 10%    Hellslayer          Unique  Decapitator
Frozen Orb     21    16%    Rift                RW      4 Socket Polearms/Scepters
Glacial Spike  18    25%    Death               RW      5 Socket Swords/Axes
Nova           22    15%    Destruction         RW      5 Socket Polearms/Swords

Chance to Cast on Striking
Skill              Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Amplify Damage      2     5%     Atma's Scarab         Unique Amulet
Amplify Damage      5     2%     Witchwild String      Unique Short Siege Bow
Amplify Damage      1     5%     The Gavel Of Pain     Unique Martel de Fer
Amplify Damage      1     6%     The Vile Husk         Unique Tusk Sword
Amplify Damage      1     4%     The Cranium Basher    Unique Thunder Maul
Amplify Damage      3     33%    Lacerator             Unique Winged Axe
Blizzard            5     6%     Zakarum's Hand        Unique Rune Scepter
Bone Spear          18    100%   Brand                 RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Bone Spear          10    15%    Bone                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Bone Spear          16    15%    Bonehew               Unique Ogre Axe
Bone Spirit         20    30%    Oath                  RW     4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces
Chain Lightning     17    10%    Crescent Moon         RW     3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms
Chain Lightning     10    5%     Stormrider            Unique Tabar
Charged Bolt        9     11%    Chaos                 RW     3 Socket Claws
Charged Bolt        13-20 10%    Stormrider            Unique Tabar
Confuse             18    11%    Delirium              RW     3 Socket Helms
Confuse             1     10%    The Fetid Sprinkler   Unique Holy Water Sprinkler
Decrepify           15    20%    Lawbringer            RW     3 Socket Swords/Hammers/Scepters
Decrepify           1     30%    Wrath                 RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Decrepify           1     5%     The Fetid Sprinkler   Unique Holy Water Sprinkler
Decrepify           1     33%    The Reaper's Toll     Unique Thresher
Enchant             10    2%     Lava Gout             Unique Battle Gauntlets
Fireball            15    5%     Enlightenment         RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Firestorm           22    40%    Phoenix               RW     4 Socket Weapons/Shields
Firestorm           10    25%    Hellfire Torch        Unique Large Charm
Firestorm           12    4%     Hellmouth             Unique War Gauntlets
Firestorm           16    12%    Flamebellow           Unique Balrog Blade
Fissure             7     5%     Earthshaker           Unique Battle Hammer
Fissure             14    25%    Earth Shifter         Unique Thunder Maul
Fist of the Heavens 7     5%     Goldstrike Arch       Unique Gothic Bow
Fist of the Heavens 4     5%     Hand Of Blessed Light Unique Divine Scepter
Fist of the Heavens 7     6%     Cloudcrack            Unique Gothic Sword
Frost Nova          22    25%    Ice                   RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Frost Nova          8     33%    Shadow Killer         Unique Battle Cestus
Frost Nova          3     10%    Heaven's Mace         Set    Reinforced Mace
Frozen Orb          11    9%     Chaos                 RW     3 Socket Claws
Frozen Orb          13    15%    Voice of Reason       RW     4 Socket Swords/Maces
Frozen Orb          3     5%     Bing Sz Wang          Unique Dacian Falx
Holy Bolt           5     100%   Principle             RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Holy Bolt           3     10%    Disciple Gloves       Set    Bramble Mitts
Hydra               15    12%    Dragon                RW     3 Socket Body Armor/Shields
Ice Blast           20    18%    Voice of Reason       RW     4 Socket Swords/Maces
Ice Blast           3     10%    Hwanins Polearm       Set    Bill
Ice Blast           20    18%    Coldkill              Unique Hatchet
Life Tap            5     15%    Exile                 RW     4 Socket Paladin Shields only
Life Tap            18    10%    Last Wish             RW     6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes
Life Tap            10    5%     Dracul's Grasp        Unique Vampirebone Gloves
Life Tap            10    5%     Wrath                 RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Lightning           16    10%    Wisp Projector        Unique Ring
Lower Resist        1     4%     Pus Spitter           Unique Siege Crossbow
Meteor              4     2%     Hellmouth             Unique War Gauntlets
Meteor              6     2%     Skystrike             Unique Edge Bow
Meteor              6     5%     Moonfall              Unique Jagged Star
Molten Boulder      23    5%     Destruction           RW     5 Socket Polearms/Swords
Nova                15    10%    M'avina's Bow (3part) Set    Grand Matron Bow
Nova                8     5%     Baezil's Vortex       Unique Knout
Nova                9     25%    Warshrike             Unique Winged Knife
Poison Explosion    9     15%    Viperfork             Unique Mancatcher
Poison Nova         8     5%     Guardian Naga         Unique Naga
Poison Nova         4     5%     Plague Bearer         Unique Rune Sword
Static Field        13    7%     Crescent Moon         RW     3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms
Static Field        10    15%    Stormlash             Unique Scourge
Static Field        10    20%    Schaefer's Hammer     Unique Legendary Mallet
Taunt               1     10%    Myth                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Tornado             9     10%    Wind                  RW     2 Socket Melee Weapons
Tornado             16    20%    Rift                  RW     4 Socket Polearms/Scepters
Tornado             15    20%    Horizon's Tornado     Unique Scourge
Tornado             18    20%    Stormlash             Unique Scourge
Twister             15    5%     Rain                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Twister             13    8%     Carrion Wind          Unique Ring
Twister             22    33%    Windhammer            Unique Ogre Maul
Valkyrie            15    2%     Peace                 RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Weaken              5     5%     Blackleach Blade      Unique Bill
Weaken              3     8%     Soul Drainer          Unique Vambraces
Weaken              3     8%     Doombringer           Unique Champion Sword
Weaken              3     10%    Heaven's Helm         Set    Spired Helm
Venom               15    35%    Grief                 RW     5 Socket Swords/Axes
Venom               15    25%    Treachery             RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Volcano             18    5%     Doom                  RW     5 Socket Axes/Polearms/Hammers
Volcano             12    23%    Destruction           RW     5 Socket Polearms/Swords

Chance to Cast on Kill
Skill              Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Chain Lightning 20    50%    Infinity              RW     4 Socket Polearms
Decrepify      6     50%    Executioner's Justice Unique Glorious Axe
Enchant        21    30%    Obedience             RW     5 Socket Polearms
Poison Nova    20    50%    Breath of The Dying   RW     6 Socket Weapons
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Chance to Cast on Attack
Skill           Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Chain Lightning 14-20 5%     Lightsabre          Unique  Phase Blade
Charged Bolt   20    20%    Last Wish           RW      6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes
Fireball       6     10%    Todesfaelle Flamme  Unique  Zweihander
Fireball       16-20 10%    Hellslayer          Unique  Decapitator
Frozen Orb     21    16%    Rift                RW      4 Socket Polearms/Scepters
Glacial Spike  18    25%    Death               RW      5 Socket Swords/Axes
Nova           22    15%    Destruction         RW      5 Socket Polearms/Swords

Chance to Cast on Striking
Skill           Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Amplify Damage      2     5%     Atma's Scarab         Unique Amulet
Amplify Damage      5     2%     Witchwild String      Unique Short Siege Bow
Amplify Damage      1     5%     The Gavel Of Pain     Unique Martel de Fer
Amplify Damage      1     6%     The Vile Husk         Unique Tusk Sword
Amplify Damage      1     4%     The Cranium Basher    Unique Thunder Maul
Amplify Damage      3     33%    Lacerator             Unique Winged Axe
Blizzard            5     6%     Zakarum's Hand        Unique Rune Scepter
Bone Spear          18    100%   Brand                 RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Bone Spear          10    15%    Bone                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Bone Spear          16    15%    Bonehew               Unique Ogre Axe
Bone Spirit         20    30%    Oath                  RW     4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces
Chain Lightning     17    10%    Crescent Moon         RW     3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms
Chain Lightning     10    5%     Stormrider            Unique Tabar
Charged Bolt        9     11%    Chaos                 RW     3 Socket Claws
Charged Bolt        13-20 10%    Stormrider            Unique Tabar
Confuse             18    11%    Delirium              RW     3 Socket Helms
Confuse             1     10%    The Fetid Sprinkler   Unique Holy Water Sprinkler
Decrepify           15    20%    Lawbringer            RW     3 Socket Swords/Hammers/Scepters
Decrepify           1     30%    Wrath                 RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Decrepify           1     5%     The Fetid Sprinkler   Unique Holy Water Sprinkler
Decrepify           1     33%    The Reaper's Toll     Unique Thresher
Enchant             10    2%     Lava Gout             Unique Battle Gauntlets
Fireball            15    5%     Enlightenment         RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Firestorm           22    40%    Phoenix               RW     4 Socket Weapons/Shields
Firestorm           10    25%    Hellfire Torch        Unique Large Charm
Firestorm           12    4%     Hellmouth             Unique War Gauntlets
Firestorm           16    12%    Flamebellow           Unique Balrog Blade
Fissure             7     5%     Earthshaker           Unique Battle Hammer
Fissure             14    25%    Earth Shifter         Unique Thunder Maul
Fist of the Heavens 7     5%     Goldstrike Arch       Unique Gothic Bow
Fist of the Heavens 4     5%     Hand Of Blessed Light Unique Divine Scepter
Fist of the Heavens 7     6%     Cloudcrack            Unique Gothic Sword
Frost Nova          22    25%    Ice                   RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Frost Nova          8     33%    Shadow Killer         Unique Battle Cestus
Frost Nova          3     10%    Heaven's Mace         Set    Reinforced Mace
Frozen Orb          11    9%     Chaos                 RW     3 Socket Claws
Frozen Orb          13    15%    Voice of Reason       RW     4 Socket Swords/Maces
Frozen Orb          3     5%     Bing Sz Wang          Unique Dacian Falx
Holy Bolt           5     100%   Principle             RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Holy Bolt           3     10%    Disciple Gloves       Set    Bramble Mitts
Hydra               15    12%    Dragon                RW     3 Socket Body Armor/Shields
Ice Blast           20    18%    Voice of Reason       RW     4 Socket Swords/Maces
Ice Blast           3     10%    Hwanins Polearm       Set    Bill
Ice Blast           20    18%    Coldkill              Unique Hatchet
Life Tap            5     15%    Exile                 RW     4 Socket Paladin Shields only
Life Tap            18    10%    Last Wish             RW     6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes
Life Tap            10    5%     Dracul's Grasp        Unique Vampirebone Gloves
Life Tap            10    5%     Wrath                 RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Lightning           16    10%    Wisp Projector        Unique Ring
Lower Resist        1     4%     Pus Spitter           Unique Siege Crossbow
Meteor              4     2%     Hellmouth             Unique War Gauntlets
Meteor              6     2%     Skystrike             Unique Edge Bow
Meteor              6     5%     Moonfall              Unique Jagged Star
Molten Boulder      23    5%     Destruction           RW     5 Socket Polearms/Swords
Nova                15    10%    M'avina's Bow (3part) Set    Grand Matron Bow
Nova                8     5%     Baezil's Vortex       Unique Knout
Nova                9     25%    Warshrike             Unique Winged Knife
Poison Explosion    9     15%    Viperfork             Unique Mancatcher
Poison Nova         8     5%     Guardian Naga         Unique Naga
Poison Nova         4     5%     Plague Bearer         Unique Rune Sword
Static Field        13    7%     Crescent Moon         RW     3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms
Static Field        10    15%    Stormlash             Unique Scourge
Static Field        10    20%    Schaefer's Hammer     Unique Legendary Mallet
Taunt               1     10%    Myth                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Tornado             9     10%    Wind                  RW     2 Socket Melee Weapons
Tornado             16    20%    Rift                  RW     4 Socket Polearms/Scepters
Tornado             15    20%    Horizon's Tornado     Unique Scourge
Tornado             18    20%    Stormlash             Unique Scourge
Twister             15    5%     Rain                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Twister             13    8%     Carrion Wind          Unique Ring
Twister             22    33%    Windhammer            Unique Ogre Maul
Valkyrie            15    2%     Peace                 RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Weaken              5     5%     Blackleach Blade      Unique Bill
Weaken              3     8%     Soul Drainer          Unique Vambraces
Weaken              3     8%     Doombringer           Unique Champion Sword
Weaken              3     10%    Heaven's Helm         Set    Spired Helm
Venom               15    35%    Grief                 RW     5 Socket Swords/Axes
Venom               15    25%    Treachery             RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Volcano             18    5%     Doom                  RW     5 Socket Axes/Polearms/Hammers
Volcano             12    23%    Destruction           RW     5 Socket Polearms/Swords

Chance to Cast on Kill
Skill           Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Chain Lightning 20    50%    Infinity              RW     4 Socket Polearms
Decrepify      6     50%    Executioner's Justice Unique Glorious Axe
Enchant        21    30%    Obedience             RW     5 Socket Polearms
Poison Nova    20    50%    Breath of The Dying   RW     6 Socket Weapons
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Chance to Cast when Struck
Skill              Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Amplify Damage      14    35%    Brand                  RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Blaze               15    5%     Enlightenment          RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Blaze               8     5%     Infernostride          Unique Demonhide Boots
Blizzard            6     4%     Stormchaser            Unique Scutum
Blizzard            7-20  5%     Snowclash              Unique Battle Belt
Bone Armor          10    15%    Bone                   RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Bone Prison         2     10%    Arm Of King Leoric     Unique Tomb Wand
Bone Spirit         10    5%     Arm Of King Leoric     Unique Tomb Wand
Chain Lightning     5     18%    Cow Kings Armor        Set    Studded Leather
Chain Lightning     5     12%    Naj's Circlet          Set    Circlet
Chain Lightning     5     5%     Stormspire             Unique Giant Thresher
Charged Bolt        4     12%    Immortal King's Gloves Set    War Gauntlets
Charged Bolt        5     15%    Stormrider             Unique Tabar
Charged Bolt        3     25%    Stormspike             Unique Stiletto
Charged Bolt        20    2%     Stormspire             Unique Stiletto
Chilling Armor      15    20%    Fortitude              RW     4 Socket Weapons/Body Armor
Confuse             15    10%    Dream                  RW     3 Socket Helms/Shields
Cyclone Armor       15    5%     Rain                   RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Delirium            50    1%     Delirium               RW     3 Socket Helms
Dim Vision          3     15%    Gloom                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Dim Vision          3     6%     Darksight Helm         Unique Basinet
Fade                11    6%     Last Wish              RW     6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes
Fade                15    5%     Treachery              RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Fade                8     5%     Spirit Ward            Unique Ward
Fire Wall           17    25%    Pride                  RW     4 Socket Polearms
Fist of the Heavens 7     5%     Thundergod's Vigor     Unique War Belt
Frost Nova          9     5%     Tiamat's Rebuke        Unique Dragon Shield
Frost Nova          5     10%    Coldkill               Unique Hatchet
Glacial Spike       3     10%    M'avina's Armor        Set    Kraken Shell
Holy Bolt           12-28 50%    Boneslayer Blade       Unique Gothic Axe
Howl                1     3%     Myth                   RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Hydra               6     3%     Tiamat's Rebuke        Unique Dragon Shield
Iron Maiden         2     10%    Saracen's Chance       Unique Amulet
Iron Maiden         2     6%     Corpsemourn            Unique Ornate Plate
Iron Maiden         1     5%     The Gavel Of Pain      Unique Martel de Fer
Iron Maiden         6     8%     Steel Carapace         Unique Shadow Plate
Lower Resist        7     10%    Medusa's Gaze          Unique Aegis
Meteor              13-19 2%     The Rising Sun         Unique Amulet
Mind Blast          14    6%     Delirium               RW     3 Socket Helms
Nova                3     25%    Disciple Armor         Set    Dusk Shroud
Nova                7     5%     Tiamat's Rebuke        Unique Dragon Shield
Poison Nova         10    10%    Carrion Wind           Unique Ring
Poison Nova         5     5%     Radament's Sphere      Unique Ancient Shield
Poison Nova         6     9%     Pus Spitter            Unique Siege Crossbow
Poison Nova         15    15%    Andariels Visage       Unique Demonhead
Slow Missiles       5     4%     Peace                  RW     3 Socket Body Armor
Static Field        5     25%    Cow Kings (full)       Set    -
Static Field        3     10%    Hwanins Armour         Set    Tigulated Mail
Teleport            1     25%    The Oculus             Unique Swirling Crystal
Terror              13    14%    Delirium               RW     3 Socket Helms
Terror              3     15%    Boneflame              Unique Succubus Skull
Tornado             5     4%     Stormchaser            Unique Scutum
Twister             1     7%     Zephyr                 RW     2 Socket Missile Weapons     
Weaken              5     4%     Blackoak Shield        Unique Luna
Venom               18    20%    Dragon                 RW     3 Socket Body Armor/Shields

Chance to Cast on Death
Skill Lvl Charges Found On Class Type
----- --- ------- -------- ----- ----
Blizzard 37 100% Rainbow Facet Unique Jewel
Chain Lightning 47 100% Rainbow Facet Unique Jewel
Chain Lightning 44 100% Death RW 5 Socket Swords/Axes
Meteor 31 100% Rainbow Facet Unique Jewel
Meteor 45 100% Destruction RW 5 Socket Polearms/Swords
Meteor 48 100% Hand of Justice RW 4 Socket Weapons
Nova 44 100% Medusa's Gaze Unique Aegis
Poison Nova 51 100% Rainbow Facet Unique Jewel[/code]
Chance to Cast on Level-Up
[B]Skill      Lvl Chance Found On        Class  Type[/B]
Blaze      29  100%   Rainbow Facet   Unique Jewel
Blaze      36  100%   Hand of Justice RW     4 Socket Weapons
Blaze      40  100%   Phoenix         RW     4 Socket Weapons/Shields
Blizzard   40  100%   Ice             RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Frost Nova 43  100%   Rainbow Facet   Unique Jewel
Nova       41  100%   Rainbow Facet   Unique Jewel
Venom      23  100%   Rainbow Facet   Unique Jewel

Skill              Lvl Charges Found On             Class  Type
-----           --- ------- --------             -----  ----
Amplify Damage     8   3       The Gavel Of Pain    Unique Martel de Fer
Attract            17  30      Delirium             RW     3 Socket Helms
Blizzard           16  12      Nord's Tenderizer    Unique Truncheon
Blood Golem        15  9       Bloodmoon            Unique Elegant Blade
Blood Golem        22  15      Death                RW     5 Socket Swords/Axes
Bone Prison        33  13      Marrowwalk           Unique Boneweave Boots
Chain Lightning    7   60      Holy Thunder         RW     4 Socket Scepters
Clay Golem         16  16      Stone                RW     4 Socket Body Armor
Cloak of Shadows   13  9       Nadir                RW     2 Socket Helms
Cloak of Shadows   5   30      Darksight Helm       Unique Basinet
Corpse Explosion   14  30      Bonehew              Unique Ogre Axe
Corpse Explosion   4   12      Black                RW     3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/Maces
Corpse Explosion   5   40      Corpsemourn          Unique Ornate Plate
Cyclone Armor      21  30      Infinity             RW     4 Socket Polearms
Decrepify          3   30      Spellsteel           Unique Bearded Axe
Enchant            10  45      Todesfaelle Flamme   Unique Zweihander
Enchant            23  20      Demon Limb           Unique Tyrant Club
Fire Wall          10  20      Todesfaelle Flamme   Unique Zweihander
Firestorm          12  60      Spellsteel           Unique Bearded Axe
Frozen Orb         9   50      Sureshrill Frost     Unique Flanged Mace
Grim Ward          13  30      Blackhand Key        Unique Grave Wand
Heart of Wolverine 16  20      Oath                 RW     4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces
Heart of Wolverine 3   12      Passion              RW     4 Socket Weapons
Heart of Wolverine 5   13      Wisp Projector       Unique Ring
Holy Bolt          10  100     Spellsteel           Unique Bearded Axe
Holy Bolt          20  200     Boneslayer Blade     Unique Gothic Axe
Hydra              6   36      Hexfire              Unique Shamshir
Hydra              30  10      Hellfire Torch       Unique Large Charm
Immolation Arrow   18  150     Hellrack             Unique Colossus Crossbow
Irom Maiden        15  40      Rift                 RW     4 Socket Polearms/Scepters
Iron Golem         17  14      Oath                 RW     4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces
Iron Golem         22  11      Metalgrid            Unique Amulet
Iron Maiden        12  20      Metalgrid            Unique Amulet
Life Tap           12  10      Marrowwalk           Unique Boneweave Boots
Meteor             11  60      Moonfall             Unique Jagged Star
Molten Boulder     16  80      Stone                RW     4 Socket Body Armor
Nova               15  80      Baezil's Vortex      Unique Knout
Oak Sage           2   15      Wisp Projector       Unique Ring
Oak Sage           4   25      Heart of the Oak     RW     4 Socket Staves/Maces
Oak Sage           5   27      Nature's Peace       Unique Ring
Plague Javelin     11  60      Gargoyle's Bite      Unique Winged Harpoon
Poison Creeper     21  15      Carrion Wind         Unique Ring
Poison Explosion   15  27      Venom                RW     3 Socket Weapons
Poison Explosion   6   40      Radament's Sphere    Unique Ancient Shield
Poison Nova        13  11      Venom                RW     3 Socket Weapons
Raven              14  60      Heart of the Oak     RW     4 Socket Staves/Maces
Raven              8   15      Cranebeak            Unique War Spike
Revive             20  25      Harmony              RW     4 Socket Missile Weapons
Revive             5   30      Blood Raven's Charge Unique Matriarchal Bow
Revive             8   88      Eternity             RW     5 Socket Melee Weapons
Slow Missiles      12  60      Sanctuary            RW     3 Socket Shields
Spirit of Barbs    13  33      Bramble              RW     4 Socket Body Armor
Spirit of Barbs    7   11      Wisp Projector       Unique Ring
Summon Dire Wolf   15  18      Wolfhowl             Unique Fury Visor
Summon Grizzly     13  5       Beast                RW     5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers
Summon Spirit Wolf 18  30      Crescent Moon        RW     3 Socket Axes/Swords/Polearms
Teleport           1   20      Spellsteel           Unique Bearded Axe
Teleport           11  69      Naj's Staff          Set    Elder Staff
Twister            13  127     Wind                 RW     2 Socket Melee Weapons
Weaken             6   18      Smoke                RW     2 Socket Body Armor
Venom              3   11      Arachnid Mesh        Unique Spiderweb Sash
Venom              3   20      Andariel's Visage    Unique Demonhead
Volcano            14  30      Earth Shifter        Unique Thunder Maul

Sources and Thanks
Thanks to the Arreat Summit and for providing the basic information. Also thanks to everyone at for giving me enough inspiration and motivation to write this guide/table collection.

Special thanks to: usbserial, thulsa, jgreg7, thegiantturtle, RTB, Baffle, nickedoff, Quietus, SSoG and helvete, for giving feedback, tips and corrections in the three threads which lead to this guide.

If you find any incorrect information please notify me in a PM or post here.
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Estimated market value