Showoff Thread - Magic/Rare/Crafted screenshots!


New member
Feb 28, 2005
Showoff Thread - Magic/Rare/Crafted screenshots!

Just as previous threads of this type, this is a place to let us drool over each others great magic, rare and crafted acquisitions. This thread is specifically targeted at items found during the period of ladder season 8 (2011-03-28 to present), but we also welcome older items of course.

[SIZE=+1][highlight]Posting Advice[/highlight][/SIZE]
If you have your images already uploaded on imageshack or similar, then feel free to use those links. Otherwise consider using the folders Flux has provided for us in the gallery section. This should be more reliable then having the images hosted on external sites and also allows for easier browsing by item quality:

Magic Items
Rare Items
Crafted Items

To crop your images you can for example use InfraView which is a free image viewing/editing application that supports most image formats. In that program simply open your image, select the region of interest using you mouse, and click “Edit” then “Crop Selection” in the menu.

To combine multiple images into one you can in InfraView use the menu “Image” followed by “Create Panorama image”. This opens a dialog window on which you can drag and drop images you wish to combine into one panorama image.

Other options include Photoshop, Gimp or whichever other image editor you prefer. You are not required to crop your images, but it does help the page loading speed if you choice to do so.

Here is a list of the previous ladder specific threads as well as the original showoff threads.

Previous Ladders:
- NA -

Original Threads:
Magic Items "Blue's Only" Showoff Thread
Rare Items Showoff Thread
Crafted Items Showoff Thread [Oranges Only]
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

Found these 2011: March ~ April :smug: Items/01 Magic Items/01 Helms/IMH004.jpg
Able to Sol + Sol it :thumbup: Items/01 Magic Items/02 Amulets/IMA001.jpg
For my Dual Dream B.H-Paladin Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC012.jpg
For my Titan G.F-Barbarian :thumbup:

My collection since N-L 2009 & L - IV Up : Some good & bad!

Merchants items Merchants/01 Trade/03 Weapons/MTW002.jpg Merchants/01 Trade/03 Weapons/MTW003.jpg Merchants/01 Trade/04 Armors/MTA001.jpg :thumbup: Merchants/01 Trade/05 Gloves/MTG001.jpg Merchants/01 Trade/05 Gloves/MTG002.jpg :thumbup: Merchants/01 Trade/05 Gloves/MTG003.jpg Korean :p

Gambled items Merchants/02 Gamble/02 Amulets/MGA001.jpg :thumbup: Merchants/02 Gamble/02 Amulets/MGA002.jpg :thumbup: Merchants/02 Gamble/02 Amulets/MGA003.jpg :thumbup: Merchants/02 Gamble/02 Amulets/MGA004.jpg Merchants/02 Gamble/04 Rings/MGR001.jpg :thumbup:

Magic items Items/01 Magic Items/01 Helms/IMH001.jpg :steam: Items/01 Magic Items/01 Helms/IMH002.jpg :weep: Items/01 Magic Items/01 Helms/IMH003.jpg :steam: Items/01 Magic Items/04 Weapons/IMW001.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/04 Weapons/IMW002.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/04 Weapons/IMW003.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC001.jpg :thumbup: Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC002.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC003.jpg :thumbup: Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC004.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC005.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC006.jpg :thumbup: Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC007.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC008.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC009.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC010.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC011.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC013.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/08 Charms/IMC014.jpg Items/01 Magic Items/09 Jewels/IMJ001.jpg

Rare items Items/02 Rare Items/01 Helms/IRH001.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/01 Helms/IRH002.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/01 Helms/IRH003.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/01 Helms/IRH004.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/01 Helms/IRH005.jpg :thumbup: Items/02 Rare Items/03 Weapons/IRW001.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/03 Weapons/IRW002.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/07 Boots/IRB001.jpg Items/02 Rare Items/08 Jewels/IRJ001.jpg :p

Craft items

Special thanks to: Jaikong's Sorceress, Damric's Barbarian & Rooz's Sorceress :grouphug:
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Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

New ladder and I land the best lld item I've ever found:


Now I need to decide if I start working on a lld druid or find someone deserving to give it away to :scratchchin:.
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

@MakeLoveNotDupe: Not sure why that tiara caught your eye, replenish life isn't really much of an add so it's pretty much a plain +2 pala in my eyes. The small charm on the other hand is something I'd make sure to put to use on a goldfinder.

@Noammr: Not into druids too much myself, let alone lld ones, but even I can see why that amu would be great in such a role. :thumbsup:
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

2 belts from europe SC ladder, kinda selfuse but still good stats

Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

Rare items

Classic USWest Ladder VIII
MF it today @ Hell Chaos *Will be a temp. helm for the WWBo-Barb. Items/02 Rare Items/04 Weapons/IRW001.jpg
MF it today @ Hell Trav.

*Old* From Classic USWest Ladder V Items/02 Rare Items/03 Shields/IRS001.jpg
Rooz MF it @ NM Chaos :thumbup:
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Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

Sorry about this nonsence.
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Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

I have not done all that much crafting, but just a few hours ago I crafted some gloves.

Do not usually see two skill tree with ias, let alone javelin skills o_O.

I will be keeping them forever :cloud9:. Now, if only I had a zon :scratchchin:...
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

I have not done all that much crafting, but just a few hours ago I crafted some gloves.
Those gloves would be awesome for a gunslinger, you should try making one. :wink:

Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

brrr that is such a nice ring!
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

Bloody hell, that ring is
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

lolhax :badteeth:
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

I didnt got any feedback at tradevalues section, but guite high tri-res and 10 FHR makes these the best rare boots I ever found :) End game-gear @ lvl 18 :D
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

I didnt got any feedback at tradevalues section, but guite high tri-res and 10 FHR makes these the best rare boots I ever found :) End game-gear @ lvl 18 :D
Wow, this pair is amazing! Probably the best goldfinder boots :thumbup:

Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

Bad luck its only 1 skills, but still ok for own use :p
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

since the regular show off threads are no longer stickied and they're out of eveyone's mind, it's almost like this thread is excluding those of us who arent on any ladder. nor most likely ever will be again.

pretty much why i quit looking at these threads.
Re: [L8] Showoff Thread – Magic/Rare/Crafted item screenshots here!

since the regular show off threads are no longer stickied and they're out of eveyone's mind, it's almost like this thread is excluding those of us who arent on any ladder. nor most likely ever will be again.

pretty much why i quit looking at these threads.
My intention was not to make a ladder exclusive showoff thread as such, it's more a time period thing. Even the time period thing shouldn't be that strict, as older items are also welcomed just as stated in the first post.
That said I do see your point, I acted a bit to soon in making these changes without thinking it all through enough.

Nevertheless, rather then giving up on them feel free to come with suggestions. The "problem" I had was that there where 4 sticky threads dedicated towards screenshots. Assuming that I'm going to aim for 2-3 permanent info stickies and 1-2 temporary highlighted guides/threads, then I was hoping to cut down on the number of screenshot threads somehow ...

Estimated market value