Saturdaily and a life saver


New member
Aug 19, 2006
Saturdaily and a life saver

Seeing as how there wasn't a Fridaily, and I'm probably never gonna get another chance to beat out the Aussies and the Europeans to start a daily thread, I figured today was a good day to post my first daily, and tell everyone how my Diablo addiction just might have saved my life.

RL: So on Friday's my co-workers usually have a game night or movie night. Last night we played Settler's of Catan until about midnight, and I likely would have just left afterwards. But checking my email, I saw that I received my new SUTC character and couldn't pass up the fun of checking him out and optimizing his gear. So I played with him for about and hour or two and biked home. On my way home there was a car that had jumped up onto the sidewalk and crashed through a storefront on my route home. It turns out that the accident happened around the time that I would have been traveling home had I left right away. I know the odds are small that I would have been in the exact spot, but at least it gives me a good reason to stay at work late putting in some D2 time.

D2: Probably play Tennyson through some of act 2, and work on my untwinked MLD character.
RL- Last night I had a basketball game. We were losing 17-34 at halftime to our biggest rival and ended up coming back to win on a last second buzzer beater 53-51. All of my friends stormed the court and congratulated us for like 15 minutes, it was so crazy and satisfying.

D2- Just been doing pindle runs when I get the chance, I still only have one character through hell so its about all I can do. :grin:
D2- i begin my home-made summoner. He's at the inner cloister having a great time with my skellies and Gumby. I found a soj this morning while mfing, from hell andy's quest drop. Of course, i bugged her :grin:
RL - nothing worth telling about
D2 - played my magezon through most of act 1 nightmare. Still cant find that damn sol rune to make lore helm.
Rl- Watching my essay on side is depressing me, just cant get the will to do it.

D2- My Dragon strike/trap hybrid got to act4 and found my ever sp unique :azn:
RL: Spent some time Christmas shopping today, when I wasn't doing that I was reading about this after listening to this, you can also read about it here. It's quite humors really, and quite scary at the same time. I hope Verizon gets torn a new one personally.

Also, I started watching Heroes. Seems like this ones going to be good!

D2: I've been playing more CS:S then D2 lately, but I'm going to finish up my Act 1 NM character for Skunks tourny tonight as it's time to pass him along.

RL: So on Friday's my co-workers usually have a game night or movie night. Last night we played Settler's of Catan until about midnight, and I likely would have just left afterwards. But checking my email, I saw that I received my new SUTC character and couldn't pass up the fun of checking him out and optimizing his gear. So I played with him for about and hour or two and biked home. On my way home there was a car that had jumped up onto the sidewalk and crashed through a storefront on my route home. It turns out that the accident happened around the time that I would have been traveling home had I left right away. I know the odds are small that I would have been in the exact spot, but at least it gives me a good reason to stay at work late putting in some D2 time.

I had something similar when I was ~15, only my miss was by about 200 feet/30 seconds. It was mid-winter back home in Nova Scotia, very cold, and the roads are typically quite empty (i.e. rural Canada). A lot of afternoons I'd hop off at my best friends bus stop and hang out for a couple of hours before walking home for supper. So, one afternoon I was walking back home from Trav's house, and there was a lady coming the other way in her car. I remember that when she drove by I was thinking "she's going pretty fast for these roads," which was followed in about 3 seconds by the sounds of tires squeeling. I turned my head to look, and she's doing 'donuts' down the edge of the road - the same edge I just walked along 30 seconds ago. Somehow she managed to stay out of the ditch, and when she came to a stop she took about 20 seconds to 'compose herself', and then she drove away and I walked home thinking if I was a cat, that put me at "8-to-go." Fortunately I held my bladder, as it was too cold to walk home in wet pants. :wink:

RL: Lazy Saturday. I should be skiing, but I tried last weekend and my foot's not ready for most of my favorite terrain yet. I'm aiming for an easy day in the next week or two, and then to be able to ski hard on Christmas day.

D2: maybe a little. maybe not.

have fun

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