Saturdaily and a life saver
Seeing as how there wasn't a Fridaily, and I'm probably never gonna get another chance to beat out the Aussies and the Europeans to start a daily thread, I figured today was a good day to post my first daily, and tell everyone how my Diablo addiction just might have saved my life.
RL: So on Friday's my co-workers usually have a game night or movie night. Last night we played Settler's of Catan until about midnight, and I likely would have just left afterwards. But checking my email, I saw that I received my new SUTC character and couldn't pass up the fun of checking him out and optimizing his gear. So I played with him for about and hour or two and biked home. On my way home there was a car that had jumped up onto the sidewalk and crashed through a storefront on my route home. It turns out that the accident happened around the time that I would have been traveling home had I left right away. I know the odds are small that I would have been in the exact spot, but at least it gives me a good reason to stay at work late putting in some D2 time.
D2: Probably play Tennyson through some of act 2, and work on my untwinked MLD character.
Seeing as how there wasn't a Fridaily, and I'm probably never gonna get another chance to beat out the Aussies and the Europeans to start a daily thread, I figured today was a good day to post my first daily, and tell everyone how my Diablo addiction just might have saved my life.
RL: So on Friday's my co-workers usually have a game night or movie night. Last night we played Settler's of Catan until about midnight, and I likely would have just left afterwards. But checking my email, I saw that I received my new SUTC character and couldn't pass up the fun of checking him out and optimizing his gear. So I played with him for about and hour or two and biked home. On my way home there was a car that had jumped up onto the sidewalk and crashed through a storefront on my route home. It turns out that the accident happened around the time that I would have been traveling home had I left right away. I know the odds are small that I would have been in the exact spot, but at least it gives me a good reason to stay at work late putting in some D2 time.
D2: Probably play Tennyson through some of act 2, and work on my untwinked MLD character.