Safety Crafted Shield PVP


New member
Aug 2, 2005
Safety Crafted Shield PVP


For a 1v1 PvP against hammers or boners, it's possible that the crafted safety shield :

+ (10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resistance +(5-10)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)

spamed wwith best possible mods (mainly 10% magic resistance) could be the best option?
Re: Safety Crafted Shield PVP

Here's what you use so you die from 3 hammers instead of 2...

10% crafted safety shield with a Mal Rune (Mal is Magic reduced by 7)
2 Mal COA or Vamp Gaze (Mal)
String of Ears belt with 15 Magic Damage Reduction
2 x Dwarf star rings with 15 MDR each
Safety boots, gloves, and ammys have some MDR
Oath runeword has magic absorb as does Spirit sword and shield
You can get magic reduction from armors like Gladiator's Bane or Vipermagi but a Necro will bone prison you, just use Enigma for the teleport...

I sometimes use a pvp setup with about 80 MDR, 10 magic aborb, and 10% magic resist (for Hammer and Boner killing) on my Savior Charger/Smiter... They are tough opponents but I have better outcomes when I put this gear on...
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