Ridiculously rare staffmods


New member
Jul 17, 2004
Ridiculously rare staffmods

This is pretty rare in 1.10+ right?

Gemmed Lion Helm
Defense: 63
Durability: 21 of 35
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 73
Required Level: 30
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 41
Fingerprint: 0x79676de8
+30 to Strength
+3 to War Cry (Barbarian Only)
+2 to Whirlwind (Barbarian Only)
+1 to Increased Stamina (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (3: 3 used)

(Found from the armor rack in tower cellar lvl 5)

Then I find this:

Carnage Helm
Defense: 137
Durability: 14 of 25
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 106
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0x43a7da14
+2 to Whirlwind (Barbarian Only)
+2 to Increased Stamina (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (3: 0 used)

From an armor rack in Tower Cellar lvl 3... It might be a coincidence, but IIRC racks are known to act strange already. Anyone ever did rack runs in 1.10+ and found similar oddities?
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

I remember reading that racks will always drop the same weapon, or armor types depending on where they are and ¿how many steps it takes to get to them?. I don't see any similarities in the racks, so I would assume that those are just luck. Nice finds BTW, congrats. I've been searching for one of those all ladder.
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

Racks won't "always" drop the same item types - the monster spawn affects them to some extent (if monster-typeX spawns it may be different than if monster-typeY spawns). The path you take to reach the rack has an effect too. I think there are also a couple of other factors, but it's difficult to nail them all down just from observation.

But in SP (with static maps) you can occasionally get a good item-type very consistently off of a certain rack. I'd guess finding one item-type is probably about 80-90% reliable on the most consistent racks, but more often the reliability will be nearer 70-80%. I'm still hoping to get a consistent Runic Talons rack someday so I can make a nice 'Chaos' (never really tried to find the right map yet though).

As far as I know the staffmods aren't consistent at all... but then again... I did have a Sacred Targe rack that I ran in SP for a long, long time. I didn't track it, but it did seem like that rack would spawn a shield with a 9% @resists automod a lot more often than any other automod (iirc, 29% @resists automod was pretty common too). Eventually I managed to get some nice bases for 'Exile' though.

Considering your different base-types, even if those both dropped from the same rack in SP I'd still lean the towards having +Whirlwind on both as a pure coincidence though.

And as an offhand observation, it's often seemed like racks favour class-specific items to me. As far as I know, there's no evidence to back up this opinion, but I often trigger random racks hoping for a nice base item.

Congrats on some nice utility helms; Very useful for if you want to build a Wolfbarb or something like that. As far as I know, they are indeed very rare.
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

Seeing as I can respec now... Tell me more about wolfbarbs, and how these are good for building them. There's a very annoying bug with WW that causes it to lock in animation unable to move if you gain a level while in WW if you don't have hard points in the skill.
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

Oh yeah, respec. I haven't upgraded yet, and forgot about that. That should make it much easier to get to 79. :p

Otherwise: Single Player (read: no rush) + Level79 required for Wolfhowl + little/no investment into the combat tree = it takes a while to become a wolfbarb (instead of just a crappy barb). Having a Whirlwind helm allows you to skip Combat Tree points and use nice weapon(s) too. ;)

I'm familiar with the bug Helvete mentioned.

As far as I could tell when I was leveling my own Wolfbarb once upon a time (with Bloodletters providing Whirlwind), if you actually have +Whirlwind on the weapon that scores the kill, it doesn't trigger the bug.

As my proof, I went from level30 to ~55 without encountering the bug once with that build. But at level ~55 dual Bloodletters were slowing down a little too much, so I swapped one Bloodletter for an Oath. After that point the bug started occurring every levelup (since the Oath had a lot higher damage than the remaining Bloodletter, the Oath got the vast majority of my kills).
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

Got ANOTHER one, from the rack in lvl 5:

Carnage Helm
Defense: 102
Durability: 12 of 25
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 106
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 78
Fingerprint: 0x994380b6
+1 to Whirlwind (Barbarian Only)
+1 to Increased Stamina (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (2: 0 used)

This could be a coincidence, but if I continue to find more, someone should look into it. This could potentially make +3HS CtAs much more common in SP ;)
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

Aaaand notice how each of these helms also have +x to Increased Stamina... and they all spawned with sockets.

Coincidences are literally piling up
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

You should ground yourself electrically before touching your computer, else it might be considered cheating.
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

Are you finding these while you run hell countess? What is your players set to? Or are you bnet?
Re: Ridiculously rare staffmods

And did you, by chance, use the -seed command? (and if so, did you remove it?)
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