But..But... Its HARDCORE!!!
Perhaps I just get tired of chicken? Perhaps I have seen too many people ask this? Perhaps I have 'killed' a few pkers (read 'killed' as 'knocked their hp down to the point that chicken kicks in') only to have them come back over and over and call ME a noob? Not asking for justification - I believe I am justified by the fact that softcore is WHERE YOU DONT DIE, and hardcore is WHERE YOU CAN DIE. If you dont like the fact that when you screw up, you die for good, go back to softcore. It will make my gaming experience much more pleasurable.
I have screwed up numerous times, and I have lost characters quite a few times, but you don't see me going (and I'm not saying this guy did it, but now I'm reaching out to the broader group of softcore players that are in hardcore that shouldnt be there) hey, I died, WAAWAA, how can I get my guy back? Instead you will see me say something like 'wow Im an idiot' and then smack myself in the head with my keyboard, delete my character, and remake them.
In summary:
I am tired of chickenhack and people who want to find a way around dying in hardcore - other than better skill in the game or better equipment.
And det is correct, I just said that to be nice.