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Original post August 26, 2016
I just Pat-ted the last character in the 7 x 7 project that I started a few years ago. I opened this thread to motivate myself to write up the journey.
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A little background: I started playing in 2005/2006. My first character was pretty sad – a barb with leap attack and concentrate as main skills. I didn’t know you could rerun areas at that point, so he was played single pass. Poor fellow – he died a lot.
Anyhow, I found this forum, learned a lot, and have played regularly since then, with a couple extended breaks along the way. I largely built area runners and focused on magic finding. So I mostly did cookie cutters, with little experimentation or odd ball characters, and never ran targets like LK for runes. I’ve done three restarts since then, two by choice and one because I couldn’t find stashes after a several month break.
I did my most recent restart in late 2012. I wanted to use different skills, try out runewords, and use some different equipment, including sets. I also wanted the excitement of finding the first Nagelring for building up a stash. My approach to playing was influenced a lot by the legendary Nightfish, and I obviously drew inspiration for this project from his Sept Sept (although this is obviously SC rather than HC). The SPF's Mat/Pat thread was also a huge source of inspiration.
So I picked a couple cookie cutters to start building up a stash and then went from there. I actually hadn’t planned at the time on playing this many characters or for this long. But there is so much variation and re-playability in the game, that I kept seeing other things to try. I started thinking of this as a 7 x 7 at character #10.
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By the time I finish writing up the 7 x 7, I hopefully will finish the last two characters (50 and 51). They are an Assassin and Barbarian with the two class-specific sets that I didn’t use during the 7 x 7 because I hadn’t completed the set before finishing the 7th character in that class. They are both in Hell, in Act 1 (Sin) and Act 3 (Barb), so that should be doable.
My goal is to post updates with summaries of seven characters at a time, one per week until I finish. Hopefully that makes it interesting to follow. I don’t plan characters or optimize the way others do, so I doubt my write ups will offer any major insights. But questions about gear, etc. and pointers from other forum members may make this educational for all.
First batch of character write ups will come soon. I lost screenshots and notes on my characters prior to November 2013 to the Vista virtual memory maze and switching computers. So the first set of write ups will be brief and non-specific.
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A quick preview of the characters and progress is in the table below. I created this table to track my progress shortly after I started thinking about a 7 x7. The columns are pretty self-explanatory, although I included notes right after character name whenever a character did extensive LK runs or leveling at Trav. I also saved socket quests for a lot of characters, in particular, to use for future characters, and re-specs for completed characters as a way to test certain skill and gear combos before building a new character.
I just Pat-ted the last character in the 7 x 7 project that I started a few years ago. I opened this thread to motivate myself to write up the journey.
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A little background: I started playing in 2005/2006. My first character was pretty sad – a barb with leap attack and concentrate as main skills. I didn’t know you could rerun areas at that point, so he was played single pass. Poor fellow – he died a lot.
Anyhow, I found this forum, learned a lot, and have played regularly since then, with a couple extended breaks along the way. I largely built area runners and focused on magic finding. So I mostly did cookie cutters, with little experimentation or odd ball characters, and never ran targets like LK for runes. I’ve done three restarts since then, two by choice and one because I couldn’t find stashes after a several month break.
I did my most recent restart in late 2012. I wanted to use different skills, try out runewords, and use some different equipment, including sets. I also wanted the excitement of finding the first Nagelring for building up a stash. My approach to playing was influenced a lot by the legendary Nightfish, and I obviously drew inspiration for this project from his Sept Sept (although this is obviously SC rather than HC). The SPF's Mat/Pat thread was also a huge source of inspiration.
So I picked a couple cookie cutters to start building up a stash and then went from there. I actually hadn’t planned at the time on playing this many characters or for this long. But there is so much variation and re-playability in the game, that I kept seeing other things to try. I started thinking of this as a 7 x 7 at character #10.
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By the time I finish writing up the 7 x 7, I hopefully will finish the last two characters (50 and 51). They are an Assassin and Barbarian with the two class-specific sets that I didn’t use during the 7 x 7 because I hadn’t completed the set before finishing the 7th character in that class. They are both in Hell, in Act 1 (Sin) and Act 3 (Barb), so that should be doable.
My goal is to post updates with summaries of seven characters at a time, one per week until I finish. Hopefully that makes it interesting to follow. I don’t plan characters or optimize the way others do, so I doubt my write ups will offer any major insights. But questions about gear, etc. and pointers from other forum members may make this educational for all.
First batch of character write ups will come soon. I lost screenshots and notes on my characters prior to November 2013 to the Vista virtual memory maze and switching computers. So the first set of write ups will be brief and non-specific.
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A quick preview of the characters and progress is in the table below. I created this table to track my progress shortly after I started thinking about a 7 x7. The columns are pretty self-explanatory, although I included notes right after character name whenever a character did extensive LK runs or leveling at Trav. I also saved socket quests for a lot of characters, in particular, to use for future characters, and re-specs for completed characters as a way to test certain skill and gear combos before building a new character.
1. Rowena (Blizz Sorc)--2500 LK Sorc 1 (2012)
2. Thanatos (Fishymancer) Necro 1 (2012)
3. Vortex (Hammerdin) Paladin 1 (2012)
4. Sepulchra (Fishyzon) Zon 1 (2012)
5. Obi Wan (Themed WW barb)--Trav to 92 Barb 1 (2012)
6. Josie (Lighting FO Sorc)--1500 LK Sorc 2 (2013)
7. Karma (Trapsin) Sin 1 (11/16/13)
8. Adrian (Poisonmancer) Necro 2 (12/14/13)
9. Lemorlier (Fury Rabies Wolf) Druid 1 (12/14/13)
10. Frodo (Iron Golemancer) Necro 3 (12/22/13)
11. Esfera (FO Nova Sorc)--1000 LK Sorc 3 (1/1/14)
12. Francis (Frenzybarb) Barb 2 (1/5/14)
13. Ranger (Tesladin) Paladin 2 (1/11/14)
14. Horace (Feral Rage Wolf) Druid 2 (1/19/14)
15. Orphan (Blade Furysin) Sin 2 (1/19/14)
16. Silence (Warrior Monk) Sin 3 (1/24/14)
17. Jolene (Fendazon w LS backup) Zon 2 (2/16/14)
18. Kiran (FB CB Sorc)--1000 LK Sorc 4 (2/19/14)
19. Trang (Poison Fire Mage) Necro 4 (3/1/14)
20. Striker (Strafe MA zon) Zon 3 (3/15/14)
21. Plague (PJ LF zon) Zon 4 (3/29/14)
22. Midrian (Telezerker) Barb 3 (4/6/14)
23. Foulflame (FC Rabies Wolf) Druid 3 (5/15/14)
24. Zapata (Rift Kicker w DS) Sin 4 (5/18/14)
25. Brinda (Mavina FA zon) Zon 5 (7/8/14)
26. Deos (IK WW Barb)--Trav to 91 Barb 4 (7/12/14)
27. Phineas (2H Fanazealot)--Trav to 94 Paladin 3 (8/2/14)
28. Azazello (Bonemancer) Necro 5 (8/2/14)
29. Zenith (Meteorb)--2000 LK Sorc 5 (8/16/14)
30. Chaos (WWsin) Sin 5 (8/20/14)
31. Aryana (Passive daggerzon) Zon 6 (10/25/14)
32. Sazabi (Frost zealot) Paladin 4 (11/15/14)
33. Hunter (Bow Summons) Druid 4 (11/19/14)
34. Graffin (Singer --> Wulf) Barb 5 (1/11/15)
35. Morgan (Windy) Druid 5 (1/16/15)
36. Molasses (Strafe w slow) Zon 7 (1/31/15)
37. Oathkeeper (Meleemancer) Necro 6 (2/28/15)
38. Sol (Enchantress) Sorc 6 (3/7/15)
39. Crevace (Rift-a-din) Paladin 5 (3/14/15)
40. LeapFrog (Leaping Zeal Barb) Barb 6 (5/23/15)
41. Tiger (TS 2H Assassin) Sin 6 (6/17/15)
42. Dos (Aggressin--untwinked to A4 H) Sin 7 (6/27/15)
43. Ursa (Bear-din) Paladin 6 (7/3/15)
44. Sophie (FB Nova) Sorc 7 (7/12/15)
45. Bul-Kathos (Frenzy Set - not found) Barb 7 (8/30/15)
46. Griswold (Justiciar) Paladin 7 (9/13/15)
47. Ember (Fire Druid) Druid 6 (12/26/15)
48. Monster (Fury w Summons) Druid 7 (1/30/16)
49. Stinger (Pdagger physical) Necro 7 (8/27/16)
50. Phoenix (PS Untwinked to H) Sin 8 (11/5/16)
51. Bul Kathos 2 (Frenzy Set) Barb 8 (3/31/17)