[really OT] SAT HELP!!!


New member
Nov 18, 2003
[really OT] SAT HELP!!!

So anyways I got my SAT scores back and :gasp: a 800 in math, but then a 620 in Verbal T.T. So anyways, do you guys have any recommendations for me, should I try again? Or should I just realize that I cannootzz und3rst4nd Englaisss? And if any of you have gotten good Verbal scores, could you please tell me how you did it, I have tried looking at the vocab flashcards, but I might start looking up latin roots. I need help since the old SAT only goes until Dec 20 (sign-up deadlines).
Well let's see:

800 in Math : Perfect

620 in Verbal : Decent

So that gives you a total of 1420... which is a very nice overall score.

No need to retake unless you want to reach the perfect 1600... which several have done... but not necessary.
Not worth retaking. Use the money you could've spent retaking it and buy some useful, like Crack/cocaine!
Phantom_Man said:
Not worth retaking. Use the money you could've spent retaking it and buy some useful, like Crack/cocaine!
I will consider this idea :evil:
I had three years of Latin before I took the SATs and it didn't help much. 1420 is fine unless you need a really good score to balance a less-than-exceptional GPA to get into some Ivy League school.
Im in Iowa so I took the ACT's, so im not sure what the SAT all entails. But if it's stories w/ reading comprehension and questions I just read the questions pertaining to that essay first, then while Im reading I pick out the answers as I go. It saves me a lot of time. A lot of people complain about not being able to get that part of the test done, but I had no problems getting it done quickly and accurately.
You did fine, dont worry about it. Just go for engineering or something where math is good, but you dont even have to be literate, then they wont care if you get a 30 on the verbal, because you aced the math.


I had the same problem like you. 780 in math. 620 in english.

I'm guessing you're asian and english is your second language? ...or not.

Don't worry. 1420 is a good score. That and your GPA (hopefully its good also) should get you into interviews. Good luck with your interviews. :thumbsup:

man, its been a really long time since the SATs. The only advice I can give you is the Kaplan review and the hit parade words (not sure if thats what they call 'em anymore). Memorize those words since they show up a lot. Also, topical exams for the reading comprehension should help.
If you don't have a lot of time. Buy some review books with sample tests and take them over and over again. Perfection by repetition. Seeing the same type of questions over and over again really helps.
HAH, I r the stooped enlesh peerson! My sat scores were like 750 math 500 verbal (which is like national average, average i tell you :(). Anyways depending what you wanna do and what school you want to go to should depend if you want to retake it.
I had an odd experience with the SATs. First I took the PSAT and got 800 math, 600 verbal. The next year I took the SAT for the first time and got 790 math, 650 verbal. I figured if I aced math once I could easily do it again, so throughout the week-long roadtrip my parents and I took visiting potential colleges I studied for the verbal test non-stop (Kaplan, hit parade... what kenshinlod mentioned). Came back the next month and got 770 math, 690 verbal.

So I worked my ballz off to improve my verbal score, wasted all that money on programs and re-taking the test, and just by luck of the draw I ended up with only a 20 point improvement. Not worth it in my opinion.
English is actually my 3rd language lmao, and yes I am chinese, my parents moved to Belgium after than US!!! So pretty much it doesn't really matter too much, so I should just let it go?
Matt said:
Just go for engineering or something where math is good, but you dont even have to be literate.

Bah. I are engineer and me speak english grate!
Yeah, last year in 10th I took the SAT. I got 800 Math, 640 Verbal. 60 more points and I wouldn't take it again... but here I am, signing up for it.

I'll take it in January, and then 2 months later, take the new one. Joy.
PhatTrumpet said:
I had an odd experience with the SATs. First I took the PSAT and got 800 math, 600 verbal. The next year I took the SAT for the first time and got 790 math, 650 verbal. I figured if I aced math once I could easily do it again, so throughout the week-long roadtrip my parents and I took visiting potential colleges I studied for the verbal test non-stop (Kaplan, hit parade... what kenshinlod mentioned). Came back the next month and got 770 math, 690 verbal.

So I worked my ballz off to improve my verbal score, wasted all that money on programs and re-taking the test, and just by luck of the draw I ended up with only a 20 point improvement. Not worth it in my opinion.

They(most colleges) take the best math and the best verbal- so you got a 40 point improvement. I got 800(verbal)/750 (math) on my psats... and the first time I took my sats I got 760 verbal 650 math, so i decided to take them again... absolutely no study for them at all, and i took the test still a bit tipsy from the night before and got a 720/670, leaving me with an overall score of 1430, that I am quite satisfied with, although I know I could get perfect on the verbal section.

Edit: the main reason for my verbal score is that I have a huge latent vocabulary and a good grasp of grammar from reading far too much in my life... So basically I can't help you there.
Simple, all the people posting are just guys who like to brag about their SAT scores (me included). Eventually some normal people will come and give their $0.02.

1290. Mehat3zors English. I take tests too fast anyway (I did all of the sections in an hour and 17 minutes.)
PhatTrumpet said:
Simple, all the people posting are just guys who like to brag about their SAT scores (me included). Eventually some normal people will come and give their $0.02.

I actually need help, and I am also a chink so ya, most asian gamers are l33t students too. :)
In my opinion standardized tests aren't too accurate... they just need more classification of students so that the application process is easier. Might as well have a good 'ol Spellin' B too.

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