question on cold mastery


New member
Dec 29, 2007
question on cold mastery

Hello. ive been wondering how cold mastery works, i have now lvl 24 Cm which reduces 135 percent of monsters CR but it dosnt break cold immunities so it leaves them at 100 CR? so if add one -5 cold facet does it break those immunities?

Re: question on cold mastery

i cant find in depth threat for it, which explains everything in detail, but from what i recall, CM applies after immunity has been broken. to break immunity you can use: Conviction aura, from infinity, but alone it doesnt have enough -CR to break immunity, you should use Lower Resistance as well, to break immunity. when both of this methods should be applied, some of Cold Immune monsters, immunity would be broken down, and they'd have 95% CR, this is where CM kicks in, and lowers it to negative resistance.

But 1st, you have to break immunity, before minus enemy resistance gear/skills/mods could be applied.
Re: question on cold mastery

most CI monster have much higher CR, in the 250-280 range, unlike LI , most in 120.
so I don't think there is a way can break most CI on even normal monsters.
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