Question on Charge


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Question on Charge

How does IAS (or weapon speed for that matter) affect Charge? For example, what difference would there be if I used a Great Maul vs. a Maul on a Paladin using charge as an attack (other than damage)?

nope, weapon speed doesnt effect charge. Range does though. You want the shortest range possible. A maul or great maul would be your best bet
shermo said:
You want the shortest range possible. A maul or great maul would be your best bet
Umm...that depends on what type of charger you are. If you have a range 1 (phase blade,for instance), then if you charge at someone running away from you, you will stop you charge, and by the time you swing, they'll be out of range. Go with the longest range possible for your situation (i.e. 3 with shields, 5 for no shields (unless you are a crazy Martel'd Steeldriver pally charger)).

Crazy Runner Guy said:
Umm...that depends on what type of charger you are. If you have a range 1 (phase blade,for instance), then if you charge at someone running away from you, you will stop you charge, and by the time you swing, they'll be out of range. Go with the longest range possible for your situation (i.e. 3 with shields, 5 for no shields (unless you are a crazy Martel'd Steeldriver pally charger)).


The problem with a range 5 weapon is that your target often won't be knocked far enough away that you can charge them again.
What if you have knockback?

I haven't seen a lot of chargers being played. Is it just too limited of an attack?

Malachi said:
Charge seems more a PvP skill since playing a charger PvM is very, very tedious.

I use it in PvM not for all of my attacks, but as a mobility tool. Shift-charging gets you around very fast, and it's great for getting the first hit in any battle.

I agree. All my pallys always have a pt into charge. For zealers, it helps with archers etc.

PvM chargers are very tedious more because of the funny bugs, one of which basically just leaves you walking there and doing nothing. Otherwise, I thnk its pretty viable.
I dont think the Charge bugs matter as much for PvM, compared to PvP where they are often the reason for losing a duel. Chargelock (when you get stuck in one place mid-charge) can be fixed by pressing 'w' or what ever shortcut you use for weapon switch and the bug that means you can't charge any more (when you die mid-charge) wont be much of an issue in PvM because you wont be dying as often anyway. But yes, Chargers are slow killers and aren't fun PvMers. However, Zeal/Chargers are good for PvM and can be quite the PvPer aswell (although Ice's Pally was pwning mine today).
shermo said:
The problem with a range 5 weapon is that your target often won't be knocked far enough away that you can charge them again.
I haven't had too much of an issue with that, i'm currently using a spire of honor lance on a zealot, and charge has done pretty well with knock back (slvl4 with +skills). I find it's a very usefull skill for tracking down and killing annoying things like ranged flayers, imps and spearcats. Big monsters like bigD don't move, but then again, the slvl is pretty low (never made a charger- I don't know if they'd move anyway).

I don't know if I'd use it as a main skill, but as a utility, I like it.
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