Re: PvP Week 4 - Christmas 2009: Discussion & Sign up
Monday is over so I should write somethink from first day
First I must say that it was very nice to see sometime full game there, unique mistake was colonys inability to play caused by condition in Manchester
On start I choosed wwsin, beacuse it is char I invested lot of effort to make it with quite nice gear and I really enjoy to play with that. As you can see from video 1 and 2 , just enough players were around.
As you can see from video game was very well ballanced beacuse there were some nice triangle of chars which can kill only some of them, everyone had kills and noone was too dominating so all players enjoyed that (at least I hope). We did enough of FFAs. FFA was quite as symbol of monday as I remember.
After that I brought windy, char which shoul be potencially very powerfull to try some enemies, another players changed chars too so there was totally different mixture of chars. I thought it will be OK for me but my resists are very poor and there were some elementar characters which pwned me by few hits, I was quite angry with that and enough lazy to take resist so I suffered and was even more angry.
We did some 3v3 and 4v3 games. One team was made from colony bonenecro jae firesorc and faithazon from nagisa and another was my windy wwbarb from tanks frozzen lightsorc and trapsin from judge. I thought that should not be problem win for us beacuse our chars should be superior but they totally pwned us beacuse they playerd impressive team game based on nagi bowazon , which was quite impossible to kill. Even when I played only vs bowazon, my windy had problem. (I should try to challenge that bowa in duel beacuse I am interested how hard will be win).
Then came to my head my best idea of last months to offer players which char I should bring. They said me that they like to see my smiter as enemy.
So I came with smiter and I was very happy from that. You can see some games on video 3 and 4. Beacuse he have nice resists and he was very powerfull there. In FFA I had some sorc to hunting there and sometime I did even some kills as windy or bonenecro and I am happy from that. Some players started to be sorry from decision to bring my smiter there
Last char I brought for end was poison necro, I did only few duels with beeacuse we did only some FFA´s, corrupted came late for some fun with his old PvM blizzy. My lower resist allowed to my enemies sorcs and trapsin kill each other so I had no work
I want ot thanks to all players present on moor on monday and I hope we all will see today evening
here is list of chars present in moor on monday, I forgot osme names but you can help me to complete that (if I forgot someone char let me know)
Priaprism - Bone Necro
Shadow_Master - wwsin
WInd_Spirit - windy
Ambin - Smiter
Fluor - poison necro
Vivien - Light Sorc
Stratos - Windy
Tifa - WW/Trap
Amber - Javazon
FluffyKitten - BvC
Kricket - Smiter
Boner-M - Bone Necro
Puke_Feast - Trapper
Smiter ( I do not remember that name so if someone can remind me it)
Erazim_Kohak - Fire Sorc
Zippy - ES/Fire Sorc
whirling_nublar - wwbarb
Savate - Blizzy
Isumin - Kick/WW/Trap
NanoFeitality - Bowazon
Vivio - Plaguezon
edit: all videos are available now