Polar Bear aka Chilly Willy Build


New member
Jul 17, 2003
Polar Bear aka Chilly Willy Build

This may seem strange, and tedious as the gear shifting is a pain...but BEAR with me.

I have a lvl 91 Frost Zealot. He is geared up as follows:

-CoH Archon
-3/2 Heaven's Light/CTA Flail
-Up'd Zak/Lidless
-BK Band
-Arachnid Mesh
-Up'd Gore
-10 Offensive Aura GC's

In Stash:
-Stone Archon
-Beast Caddy
-Exile Vortex
-CoA 1/30/15 (CHAM)
-31/10 Verdungo
-6 SHAEL Phase Blade
-15% Nightwing (BER)
-Angelic Rings and Ammy

OK. The stuff in the stash is situational...and I plan on aquiring other gear to place in the "situational" category. But this is something that I had great fun with last night while goofing off. I know it sounds like a pain in the butt...but it's quite fun, and I think would be a good challenge to a Fireclaws Druid.

Step 1: Go out of town, BC twice, BO
Step 2: Switch to primary weapon set and cast Holy Shield
Step 3: Com back to town swap primary weapon for Demonlimb and Enchant
Step 4: Leaving as much +skill items on equip BEAST and shift to BEAR
Step 5: Equip the Verdungo, Nightwing, Exile, and Phase Blade
Step 6: Equip the Angelic Rings and Amulet
Step 7: Go outside and swing away!

I know this is an awful lot of pre-buff/gear switch...but it is fun and it at least gets points for creativity. Incidentally...that will leave you with a good amount of life, a good amount of defense, high fire and cold resist, good cold damage, the fastest possible attack (4fpa), good hit recovery...but not too high AR (13K).

I had a good time and found it possible to smack up a barb last night without the cold aura (to test swing rate). Tried it with the cold aura and found it possible to take two WW-sins. It was fun to swing that fast...its more of a novelty, and more for Fireclaws Druids...anyway, off to goof around more.
props for figuring that out. lord knows i wouldn't ever do something like that. but then i dont really do pvp stuff. still cool idea you should try to figure more stuff like that see if we can't get a few new ideas floating around.
Vesio said:
props for figuring that out. lord knows i wouldn't ever do something like that. but then i dont really do pvp stuff. still cool idea you should try to figure more stuff like that see if we can't get a few new ideas floating around.

Thanks...I kind of like this "Polar Bear" idea. It's quite fun...people don't think to use the Werebear skill granted by Beast and then equipping a different weapon. While the Fanaticism is great, it doesn't help when in Bear form because you are only using a NORMAL attack and cannot ZEAL. This is why I grabbed a 6-SHAEL PB...since I remembered that many PvP Fireclaws Druids use this.

I wonder how a Polar Bear would stack up against a PvP Fireclaws Bear equipped with the same weapon....especially if your gear set-up left you with 80/85/75/75 resists. I think the only issue would be AR...as usual...still fun though!

I think I will take it into some PvP games tonight and try my luck against some Werebear Druids and their comments suggesting that I go "F my cold S".

If you are on USWEST Non-Ladder, give me a ring: jar-jar-binks
while tempting i play on east. i would love to see you get taunted and then proceed to kick the crap out of the guys who just taunted you. call it irony. its just funny when people who think they are all that get the backsides handed to them.
Vesio said:
while tempting i play on east. i would love to see you get taunted and then proceed to kick the crap out of the guys who just taunted you. call it irony. its just funny when people who think they are all that get the backsides handed to them.

Indeed. If beaten, I don't really care....it is just cool seeing another character class being able to shift to a Werebear, using an Elemental Skill in the same way a Fireclaws Werebear would and using the SAME weapon they use to inflict damage upon their foes.

It was interesting to see the two WW-sins that I beat (for some reason I was able to hit them through their WW) say "WTF". Also, it was interesting to see the Barbarian I asked to help me test the swing rate (I asked a Barb because I thought he would have a lot of HP) take a big hurt WITHOUT the Holy Freeze Aura active.

I find I have many options in the world of PvP now...I have collected some gear for Zealot duels, other gear for duels against enemies with LOW cold resists, and gear to take on Fireclaws Bears. One question I have is this:

Is a Werebear attacking at 4fpa faster than a Zealot attacking at 4fpa? They are attacking at the same rate, yet for some reason it looks/feels/sounds different....is this weird?

A botd phase blade would be better. The attack speed for a pally is much nicer than that of a druid. I would go re~read the were-templar thread that was posted not too long ago for speed, but i'm pretty sure that a botd phase itself can hit at 4 frames without any other gear.
Don't know to the truth of it but in 09, 3fpa was the fastest. :scratch: Don't hold me to that. If you had the 120 ias a Bear has crazy attack speed. You could sheild lock someone in no time with a 6 sheal pb.
plottski said:
Don't know to the truth of it but in 09, 3fpa was the fastest. :scratch: Don't hold me to that. If you had the 120 ias a Bear has crazy attack speed. You could sheild lock someone in no time with a 6 sheal pb.

That's what I noticed...True a BOTD PB might be nice...and it would indeed provide a sexy boost to PHYSICAL damage...but recall that as a Frost Zealot most of your damage is cold...I like the 6 SHAEL PB as it is wicked fast...you should check it out.
Name stealer! Anyways I've experimented with something like this. If you were to have maxed Cold Resist aura and Salvation along with the Doom runeword the bonus will still apply. At the same time you can use the Conviction aura to make the cold damage even greater, now about the speeds generall yes 4 FPA is faster than a Paladins Zeal becuase he must first swing with the 8 frame then 4/4/4/4 and repeat where as we attack one speed all the way. This idea can also work for any of the Holy Shock or even Holy Fire. I find it kind o a waste to use Battle Orders on Druids and Wereshifters (Except the Barbarians.) because you have such a short time duration to keep it.
Euro-Crash said:
That's what I noticed...True a BOTD PB might be nice...and it would indeed provide a sexy boost to PHYSICAL damage...but recall that as a Frost Zealot most of your damage is cold...I like the 6 SHAEL PB as it is wicked fast...you should check it out.

in my experience with wolfbarbs, every bit of life counts, and the 30 to all stats is massive from the botd weap

if you can get 4 fps with it, that's the clear winner

Zero-unit said:
If you were to have maxed Cold Resist aura and Salvation along with the Doom runeword the bonus will still apply. At the same time you can use the Conviction aura to make the cold damage even greater,,,


Bad bad bad boy! I've gone threw the statistics of this half a dozen times for doom & hands of justice, and its such a horrible idea!

Lets see the numbers to clear that evil thought out of your mind;

Average {easy to get level} holy freeze & holy fire will be set to 35, along with maxed salvation & resistance aura.

Holy fire damage 2122-2192 to weapon damage, along with 353.7 to 365.3 pulse.

Holy freeze damage 2753-2780 to weapon damage, along with 550 to 556 pulse and slowing 57%.

Now level 16 holy fire from hands of justice, along with salvation & res. fire's damage is 435-504, along with 72.5 to 84 pulse.

Level 25 conviction would add -150 res, or to find the output damage to something with zero resistance/absorb, 150% damage. This would mean that the convicted would take 1087.5 to 1260 fire damage, along with {if they are in radious of the pulse}, 181.25 to 210 damage... :yawn:

Level 12 holy freeze from doom with salvation & res. cold's damage will be 458 to 485 damage to weapon, with 91 to 97 pulse and slowing 50%.

With level 25 conviction using the same idea as with HoJ above, the net damage to your weapon would be 1145 to 1212.5, and if the convicted are in your horribly small radius of pulse, 227.5 to 242.5 :sleep:

It is true that the conviction might remove immunities, and it might help hitting things in pvm a bit easier...but would you really want to use a runeword such as doom or hoj in pvm anyways? {the price is one issue, the repair cost even with the runes + h~cube is another}

I'm sure i can get everyone to aggree that the massive {compared to the possible buggy runeword + synergy} damage output from a pure holy fire or holy freeze is much better.

{i almost made a HoJ holyfire pally like this...its a horrible idea, only reason why i'm trying to stop this horrible idea from spreading :cheesy: }
Goth...thank you.

Everyone gets hot onto DOOM with HF synergies...and it is silly. Since I have a Frosty, I know what the cold dmg can do, and know that using doom is not doing to give the dmg you'd desire.

Also, a 6-Shael PB is much easier to get to the break point since it already there. Recall that in Bear form you cannot Zeal. Also, recall that in Bear form if you reach the 4fpa break point, you will be faster than a 4fpa Zeal, since the first attack in the sequence of strikes in a single Zeal begins at 8 and then progresses into 4. Attacking with a Bear at 4fpa you will always swing at that rate/

I realize using BoTD is going to give you the PHYSICAL damage, but it deviates away from what this build is striving to accomplish. This is a build that focuses on COLD. BoTD PB would require an additional 60% IAS. This is achievable...but not without sacrifices...

Incidentally, I am a newb since I use Holy Freeze and its synergies + BEAST, rather than using DOOM and the synergies for this aura +Fanaticism...why do some people let their children even get on the computer?
paladins only need 60% with phase blade
dragoons calculator is incorrect, its 1 frame slower breakpoints for all chars
if for pvp, a 3 shael 3 um phase blade is the best i can see
take a look at nighwings, its pretty nice
a side note while fighting smiters, take all your defense gear off and try to do as much damage as possible

short and sweet phase blade 3 shaels and 3 eths, takes away ar problem when in bear form :)

It is ture that the pb only needs 60% ias to be effectve. But if i'm labeling euro-crash as i typicaly see him, he is wanting something that is semi~pvp viable too. The 3 shael runes & um runes might be ideal for pvm, but it wont work very nicely in a duel. Thus, 4xias jewels with very high +ar {complimented by points in blessed aim / demon limb / ect}, along with two other sockets would beat 3x eths or um's.

Since you are leaning towards cold instead of factoring in other damage {physical}, i would suggest facets. -10% cold res, +10% cold damage, and {24-38 cold damage, 0.12 sec Duration (Normal)}x2 would be nice {i'm not 100% sure how the duration would multiply here...}
jumbo_SHRIMP said:
paladins only need 60% with phase blade
dragoons calculator is incorrect, its 1 frame slower breakpoints for all chars
if for pvp, a 3 shael 3 um phase blade is the best i can see
take a look at nighwings, its pretty nice
a side note while fighting smiters, take all your defense gear off and try to do as much damage as possible


MrGoth said:
It is ture that the pb only needs 60% ias to be effectve. But if i'm labeling euro-crash as i typicaly see him, he is wanting something that is semi~pvp viable too. The 3 shael runes & um runes might be ideal for pvm, but it wont work very nicely in a duel. Thus, 4xias jewels with very high +ar {complimented by points in blessed aim / demon limb / ect}, along with two other sockets would beat 3x eths or um's.

Since you are leaning towards cold instead of factoring in other damage {physical}, i would suggest facets. -10% cold res, +10% cold damage, and {24-38 cold damage, 0.12 sec Duration (Normal)}x2 would be nice {i'm not 100% sure how the duration would multiply here...}

I am not in want of anything. I already have it. It is not meant to be PvP viable. The AR is far too low. It is more a novelty to beat on people who talk to much...
Euro-Crash said:
Goth...thank you.

Everyone gets hot onto DOOM with HF synergies...and it is silly. Since I have a Frosty, I know what the cold dmg can do, and know that using doom is not doing to give the dmg you'd desire.

Also, a 6-Shael PB is much easier to get to the break point since it already there. Recall that in Bear form you cannot Zeal. Also, recall that in Bear form if you reach the 4fpa break point, you will be faster than a 4fpa Zeal, since the first attack in the sequence of strikes in a single Zeal begins at 8 and then progresses into 4. Attacking with a Bear at 4fpa you will always swing at that rate/

I realize using BoTD is going to give you the PHYSICAL damage, but it deviates away from what this build is striving to accomplish. This is a build that focuses on COLD. BoTD PB would require an additional 60% IAS. This is achievable...but not without sacrifices...

Incidentally, I am a newb since I use Holy Freeze and its synergies + BEAST, rather than using DOOM and the synergies for this aura +Fanaticism...why do some people let their children even get on the computer?

Well your right about doom as a frosty's weapon but in the hands of an advenger the extra damage from setting up correctly can be massive, probably better than a frosty's.

Vengence 20
Cold Resist 20
Salvation 20
Conviction 20

With +skills and other skill points placed where you choose.

you would be dealing this:

fire, lightning and cold damage are added
to each successful attack

Current Skill Level: 25
Cold Length: 15.6 seconds
Fire Damage: +254 percent
Cold Damage: +454 percent
Lightning Damage: +254 percent
Attack: +260 percent
Mana Cost: 10

Remember conviction is working here as well add 100% if the enemies are at 0% resistances.

With the extra damage from the cold aura as calculated earlier.
1145 to 1212.5,
pulse, 227.5 to 242.5

you would need to have a base weapon damage of:

2753 - 1145 = 1608 -> 1608/2 = 804 -> 804/(1+4.54) = 145 minimum
2780 - 1212 = 1568 -> 1568/2 = 784 -> 784/(1+4.54) = 141 maximum

So anything in the 140+ range will deal more cold damage with Doom than the frosty build at slvl 35, oh and thats at +5 skills not +15 skills for the doom setup.

Humph Doom runeword:
5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking
Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+2 To All Skills
+45 Increased Attack Speed
[highlight]+280-320% Enhanced Damage (varies)[/highlight]
-57% To Enemy Cold Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Freezes Target
Requirements -20%

At 280 the min %ED on doom you would need:
140/(1+2.80) = ~37 so any base weapon able to make doom with a average damage of 37 will be better than a frosty with the advenger setup.

that's what any elite weapon. :scratch:

euro-crash said:
Everyone gets hot onto DOOM with HF synergies...and it is silly

I don't see where this thinking is crazy.
Uzziah said:
I don't see where this thinking is crazy.

Then perhaphs you should join some pubby games and watch the endless chatter eminating from the Zealots I have encounterd. Most of which goes as follows:

"G** A** Pally...uses Freeze..."
"Nice Beast Newb..."
"If you want Holy Freeze and cold damage, use DOOM newb..."

Yeah...that's about how it goes. The point is I do not wish to be a Fanatic Zealot with a DOOM Runeword and synergies for cold to make it more damaging. I would rather work the other way...Max HF, all synergies, all synergies for Physical Zealot and a Beast Caddy (lvl 9 Fana).

Now...what is newb about that? Is it the fact that I don't wish to be like everyone else and do what they do? Or is it the fact that I have a PvM Zealot with which I test the waters of PvP with?

I think I am getting sick of this game and the children who play it....if I decide to quit I will let you know. Rest assured I will have some NON-mediocre gear to be donated.
Well MrGoth thanks for stating soem things and I do know I haven't been in the Paladin forums the most. However what you say about the entire thing, have you come to notice that the aura alone is resistable and take into account that the Conviction aura can make the user sacrifice alot of his gear just to resist your attacks. Not only that if he does however manage to resist your damage you still have physical side.

I'm not a fan of the whole synergie thing either, but it's there. I can see where Euro-Crash is comming from about the whole idea of using weapons that don't comply to others. You should not be obliged to their standards if you dont want to, all about how you duel and where.

Estimated market value