Pijus reaches his goal!


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Pijus reaches his goal!

Well, my dear forumites.The day is here. The day when I reach my goal in D2. For some people thats the grail, for others a level 99 character.

For me it was a legit, high-end runeword. I actually joined the SPF, and moved from b.net to single player(and HC to SC), so that I could do LK runs. There were some other reasons too, ofcourse, like the fact that I was playing by myself most of the time, even in b.net.

When I just started playing singleplayer, it was hard to imagine that I could actually do 10 or 15k LK runs. The number of runs was still too unbelievable.

At this point, I have to say: Very Special Thanks to Megalomania, who motivated me to do at least 100 LK runs a day with his constant praise of LK, and his own LK running.

Special Thanks also go to my cousin, with whom I've had a few LAN games, which got me back into playing from a few month break. Who knows If I'd be playing now if she hadn't gotten interested in Diablo back then, even if for only a couple of days.

Anyway, the legit, high-end runeword is Infinity.

Two Hand Damage: 44 - 517 
Durability: 45 of 65 
Required Level: 63 
Required Strength: 152 
Required Dexterity: 118 
Fingerprint: 0x37925dd7 
Item Level: 79 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
50% Chance to cast level 20 Chain Lightning when you Kill an Enemy 
Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped 
+35% Faster Run/Walk 
267% Enhanced Damage 
-46% to Enemy Lightning Resistance 
40% Chance of Crushing Blow 
Prevent Monster Heal 
+31 to Vitality (Based on Character Level) 
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 
Level 21 Cyclone Armor (30/30 Charges) 4 Sockets (4 used)


So am I done with D2 now, that I reached my goal? No, I'm not done. I want to see how much pwnzorness it will add to my characters.

I was also considering making 7 somewhat quirky characters who would benefit from Infinity. I think I came up with that idea when I saw our dearest moderator Thyiad try something like that. She's really the best moderator of all, you know:wink:

Oh, I almost forgot. This took 8778 LK runs. Some were p8, some were p3. I found 4 Surs, 3 on p8, 1 on p3(IIRC). I also found 1 Vex on p8. It took 128 hours 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Approximately. Average run time 50.132 seconds.

This post isn't as well structured and coherent as I had hoped. Still, I hope it gets the point across. The point? Oh, well, it's that making Infinity is a really big thing for me, D2 wise.

I suppose all of you will want to congratulate me (again), so feel free to do so in the replies.:wink:
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Congratulations. I was expecting something more along the lines of:

"This thing right here, this wonderful LK running machine, it doesn't run on air people. It runs on props. So lets hear them!"

*chanting* Pijus! Pijus! Pijus! Pijus!
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Enjoy your sweet reward! There really is only just two sides of PvM - before Infinity and after Infinity ;) Good news for the mana pots, becouse such a Thresher is really the only reason why to dump Insight :D

Also, big big huge massive congrats from keeping at least a handful of sanity.

Btw, any godlike charms/jools/tools along the way? I know I found some true goodies ;)
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Yeah, some. Some Ist runes, some Um's several Puls(that I cubed up to make a Mal and Ist). An allres/ias jewel was probably the best non-rune find. Also I found most of my skillers.

Ah, mana pots. I had SoJ as my number 2 most wanted item(after infinity), since my Fishyzon would have to drop the insight. I found a SoJ while running LK, maybe around run 6-7k. From the corpse that's allways near the campfire.
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Wow, well done! That is an impressive weapon and I'm glad the LK running paid off! I do hope you'll try some builds with it- it does open up some interesting build possibilities, so well done making it in a non-ethereal elite weapon!
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Congratulations Pijus, a nice stick indeed after all that LK running, now it's time to put it to good use :)
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Great man!

Why don´t we start for lvl99 together? (some friendly compition is always nice :) )
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Why did you choose thresher?

It has a good balance between dex and str req, makes merc able to use it earlier than Cryptic Axe for example

also with a Duriel´s Shell (+15 Str) as armor Merc can start use it on level 64, 65 or something like that, very nice if you Quest chars!

Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

I wanted a fast base weapon, and a thresher has much lower requirements than a giant thresher. Mostly for speed though.
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Congrats pijus! I only have two more runewords I'm aiming for too, and 'Infinity' is one of them. Maybe you can pass your good luck to me next!

By the way - what plans do you have with it that involves it to be non-eth? ;)
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Only one real idea I'd like to try, but it's super-awesome secret. Because I might want to use that to someday own Dune in PvP.

However, you can never know what your brain will come up with, and if it's a great idea that requires your char to swing the Infinity...

What's the other runeword that you want to make?
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Only one real idea I'd like to try, but it's super-awesome secret. Because I might want to use that to someday own Dune in PvP.

However, you can never know what your brain will come up with, and if it's a great idea that requires your char to swing the Infinity...

What's the other runeword that you want to make?

Is it a Infinity-weilding Tesladincharger?

Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Am I that transparent? Just don't tell anyone, this is supposed to take Dune by surprise.
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

A BIG congrats man, i'd also use a non-eth Tresher as base i think, certainly on SP as i would want to also use it on every character at least once.
There's one thing about Infinity that i'm sad about, and that's the 50% chance to cast chain lightning on kill not working when you don't use melee attacks to kill enemies. At least, i remember it not working way way back when i had one on B-net.
Re: Pijus reaches his goal!

Congrats on the l33ty weapon. I could almost chew the awesome off it. GG.
Estimated market value