Perfect Gem...what does it do?


New member
Dec 9, 2006
Perfect Gem...what does it do?

You know in the Diablo 2 chatroom and you can click on the gem icon..yeah well i was clicking on it a bunch of times and i got the "perfect gem activated" thing to appear...

Does this do anything special to your game??
I'm suprised no one ever asks about that little jumping barb on the summit page.
At least you get a sound file if you click him.
I'm suprised no one ever asks about that little jumping barb on the summit page.
At least you get a sound file if you click him.

I never noticed that...

yeah and no one never noticed that the heads of the staues near the river of flame wp move their heads as you walk
This is my friend's topic, i was at his house when he made this. So i will just clarify for him. You DO know that if you click the gem button enough times it will say "Perfect Gem Activated", right? Has anyone actually landed on it and joined a game?
You DO know that if you click the gem button enough times it will say "Perfect Gem Activated", right? Has anyone actually landed on it and joined a game?

Believe what you want to believe. In actual fact it has no bearing on anything related to the playing of the game. It is useful to mark spots in the chat stream. Beyond that it's just a button.
Blizzard has said the following:

"The chat gem is fuctioning perfectly and exceeding all our expectations."

Remember this, while you're furiously clicking away on that button, you're NOT questing, mf-ing, dueling, trading, or anything useful in or out of the game of Diablo 2.

Now go start a thread about the Standard of Heros.:laughing:

Yes, we know this. This has been discussed to death.

The living stain glass windows in Act IV are pretty cool though.
I love those things, when I roll that map I go around it smashing them all.
Click on the gem some more... You might get a message saying "Moo moo" or something like that IIRC... What does it do? NOTHING as far as the client side is concerned... Perhaps it does something server side... No one knows but Blizzard...

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