Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report)


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report)

Greetings on the fourth Advent, good people. :)


When I made this goal of running LK for 83+ days straight, 150 runs a day, at the back of my mind I knew the 1.13 patch could be somewhere on the horizon, lurking there to possibly change the way of things working in Lower Kurast also. And - ding - there they came: new HR drop rates, searching the new LK patterns, Council becoming an even more interesting "milking" place.

So I began thinking and reorganized myself to end half of the planned 84 LK (rounded up) days, so 42 days x 150 runs = 6300 runs, which I finished on 18th of December 2009. I remember reading Aconite (IIRC) doing HF rushing a lot and then having lost the joy for the game after that, so I decided to put my runs on pause now and resume later possibly, while I still don't feel burnt out myself. "Let's do something refreshing now!" :)

And that something refreshing was planning, building a dual axe wielding whirlwind barbarian, a melee powerhouse after my somewhat extensive stay with sorceress's. Those Lo's were crying to get used, not cubed up + I have loved whirlwind a lot + wanted an AXE barbarian for the feel for a long time + investing into a Council horker for 1.13+ seemed like a very good idea too. ;)

So here he is, finished hell today:

Patriarch Pagan
- some unspent points :p

The one, who sees demonic corruption in false churches like that of Zakarum. The pagan, who remains untouched by the influence of the Three and their manipulations and fake powers and has set to clean the lands of the remaining demonic offspring whenever they show up again.

My questing equipment:
Armor   : Fortitude Archon Plate
Weapon1 : Grief Berserker Axe (37% ias)
Weapon2 : Grief Berserker Axe (31% ias)
Helm    : Arreats Face
Gloves  : LoH 1.12a
Boots   : Gore Riders
Belt    : String of Ears
Amulet  : Highlord's Wrath
Ring1   : rare 5% mana leech +
Ring2   : Raven Frost (changable for Council)

Switch  : 2x Ali Baba's Blades (unsocketed)
Stash   : Demon Limb (took for Ancients and Baal)

Might Mercenary:

Weapon  : The Reaper's Toll
Armor   : Duriel's Shell
Helm    : Vampire Gaze

Yes, one of the Griefs is failed, but for now it fits. 10 attacks per second, while if both were good it would be 12,5, according to the German WIAS calculator. My charms aren't spectacular, I will see what to look for equipment-upgrade wise later.

Oh, the damage vs demons is additive, not multiplicative to the skills, equipment enhanced damage, right? Meaning, each Grief receives +350%ed from LoH +161%ed based on lvl against demons? If so, I have a modifier of 10,31 to non-demon monsters and a modifier 15,42 to demons for the weapon min/max + Grief + charms bases.

Full ATMA text file:
Character name  : Pagan
Character type  : Barbarian
Character level : 86
Character exp   : 1240320319

Strength        : 115
Energy          : 10
Dexterity       : 20
Vitality        : 100
Stat Points Rem : 280
Skill Points Rem: 18

Life            : 877 / 585
Mana            : 135 / 95
Stamina         : 476 / 252

Gold (Inventory): 0
Gold (Stash)    : 2134702

Number of Items : 49

1: Fine Small Charm of Life
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x5e1ffda0
+10 to Life
+20 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

2: Fine Small Charm of Life
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x9e994d6b
+9 to Life
+12 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

3: Fine Small Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x1734e0af
+2 to Strength
+18 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

4: Fine Small Charm of Strength
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0x7a4d85bf
+1 to Strength
+16 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

5: Fine Small Charm of Inertia
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 27
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0xaf29ff4b
+15 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage
3% Faster Run/Walk

6: Fine Small Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xd5e51c91
+19 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

7: Sharp Large Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 34
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 63
Fingerprint: 0x2fee9429
+25 to Life
+44 to Attack Rating
+5 to Maximum Damage

8: Sharp Large Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 34
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x70b57538
+21 to Life
+47 to Attack Rating
+5 to Maximum Damage

9: Fine Small Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 39
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x4c3faa3
+20 to Life
+20 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

10: Fine Small Charm of Storms
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 37
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x508b1208
+20 to Attack Rating
+2 to Maximum Damage
Adds 1-19 lightning damage

11: Fine Small Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 39
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x5114adcf
+16 to Life
+17 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

12: Key
Quantity: 12

13: Tome of Identify
Quantity: 20

14: Sharp Grand Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x607bff9b
+61 to Attack Rating
+9 to Maximum Damage

15: Sharp Grand Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 37
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 51
Fingerprint: 0xa1b1c0f1
+30 to Life
+66 to Attack Rating
+7 to Maximum Damage

16: Gheed's Fortune
Grand Charm
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 62
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 83
Fingerprint: 0x928326ed
143% Extra Gold from Monsters
37% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Reduces All Vendor Prices 15%

17: Tome of Town Portal
Quantity: 20

18: Sharp Large Charm of Dexterity
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x3bb9d675
+5 to Dexterity
+46 to Attack Rating
+6 to Maximum Damage

19: Horadric Cube

20: Highlord's Wrath
Required Level: 65
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x8e6d7090
Lightning Resist +35%
Adds 1-30 lightning damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
+1 to All Skill Levels
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15
32% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)

21: Fortitude
Archon Plate
Defense: 1581
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Strength: 103
Required Level: 63
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x8458af3a
+200% Enhanced Defense
+300% Enhanced Damage
+15 Defense
Damage Reduced by 7
Fire Resist +27%
Lightning Resist +27%
+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Cold Resist +27%
Poison Resist +27%
Replenish Life +7
+1 to Light Radius
25% Faster Cast Rate
12% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
20% Chance to cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when struck
+96 to Life (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (4: 4 used)

El Rune
Inserted into a Archon Plate

+15 Defense
+1 to Light Radius

Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Sol Rune
Inserted into a Archon Plate

Damage Reduced by 7

Required Level: 27
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Dol Rune
Inserted into a Archon Plate

Replenish Life +7

Required Level: 31
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Lo Rune
Inserted into a Archon Plate

+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

Required Level: 59
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

22: Raven Touch
Required Level: 60
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xf3363605
+36 to Life
+105 to Attack Rating
Lightning Resist +15%
5% Mana stolen per hit
10% Faster Cast Rate

23: Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x92fa8eb4
+17 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
+246 to Attack Rating
Adds 15-45 cold damage over 4 seconds
20% Cold Absorb
Cannot Be Frozen

24: String of Ears
Demonhide Sash
Defense: 107
Durability: 22 of 22
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 74
Fingerprint: 0xb1387d83
+164% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 14
Damage Reduced by 15%
8% Life stolen per hit
+10 Maximum Durability

25: Gore Rider
War Boots
Defense: 162
Durability: 34 of 34
Required Strength: 94
Required Level: 47
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0xcf37df64
+20 to Maximum Stamina
+200% Enhanced Defense
+10 Maximum Durability
Requirements -25%
30% Faster Run/Walk
10% Chance of Open Wounds
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
15% Deadly Strike

26: Laying of Hands
Bramble Mitts
Defense: 86
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 63
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 83
Fingerprint: 0xfd294fb6
+25 Defense
Fire Resist +50%
20% Increased Attack Speed
350% Damage to Demons
10% Chance to cast Level 3 Holy Bolt on striking

27: Sharp Grand Charm of Sustenance
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 37
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 99
Fingerprint: 0xee5ad26b
+29 to Life
+61 to Attack Rating
+9 to Maximum Damage

28: Arreat's Face
Slayer Guard
Defense: 332
Durability: 55 of 55
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 118
Required Level: 42
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x89290564
+20 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
+175% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +30
5% Life stolen per hit
+2 to Barbarian Skill Levels
30% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+2 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)

29: Full Rejuvenation Potion
Heals 100% Life and Mana

30: Full Rejuvenation Potion
Heals 100% Life and Mana

31: Full Rejuvenation Potion
Heals 100% Life and Mana

32: Full Rejuvenation Potion
Heals 100% Life and Mana

33: Antidote Potion

34: Antidote Potion

35: Antidote Potion

36: Super Mana Potion
Points: 100

37: Super Mana Potion
Points: 100

38: Greater Mana Potion
Points: 80

39: Super Healing Potion
Points: 400

40: Super Healing Potion
Points: 400

41: Super Healing Potion
Points: 400

42: Super Healing Potion
Points: 400

43: Super Mana Potion
Points: 100

44: Antidote Potion

45: Demon Limb
Tyrant Club
One-Hand Damage: 93 to 169
Durability: 65 of 65
Required Strength: 133
Required Level: 63
Mace Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x6d6cd797
+193% Enhanced Damage
Fire Resist +20%
Adds 222-333 fire damage
10% Life stolen per hit
123% Damage to Demons
150% Damage to Undead
Level 23 Enchant (20/20 Charges)
Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds

46: Blade of Ali Baba
One-Hand Damage: 33 to 73
Durability: 32 of 32
Required Dexterity: 42
Required Strength: 70
Required Level: 35
Sword Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xe43b67bd
+10 to Dexterity
+15 to Mana
+111% Enhanced Damage
215% Extra Gold (Based on Character Level)
86% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (2: 0 used)

47: Blade of Ali Baba
One-Hand Damage: 33 to 73
Durability: 32 of 32
Required Dexterity: 42
Required Strength: 70
Required Level: 35
Sword Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0xa1f620f7
+11 to Dexterity
+15 to Mana
+111% Enhanced Damage
215% Extra Gold (Based on Character Level)
86% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)
Socketed (2: 0 used)

48: Grief
Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: 24 to 71
Durability: 26 of 26
Required Dexterity: 59
Required Strength: 138
Required Level: 64
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x84a8efee
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+10 Life after each Kill
37% Increased Attack Speed
Adds +366 Damage
Ignore Target Defense
-25% Target Defense
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
20% Deadly Strike
35% Chance to cast Level 15 Venom on striking
161% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
-23% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Socketed (5: 5 used)

Eth Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

-25% Target Defense

Required Level: 15
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Tir Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

+2 to Mana After Each Kill

Required Level: 13
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Lo Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

20% Deadly Strike

Required Level: 59
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Mal Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

Prevent Monster Heal

Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Ral Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

Adds 5-30 fire damage

Required Level: 19
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

49: Grief
Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: 24 to 71
Durability: 26 of 26
Required Dexterity: 59
Required Strength: 138
Required Level: 64
Axe Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0xc9c723fe
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+14 Life after each Kill
31% Increased Attack Speed
Adds +364 Damage
Ignore Target Defense
-25% Target Defense
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
20% Deadly Strike
35% Chance to cast Level 15 Venom on striking
161% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
-21% to Enemy Poison Resistance
Socketed (5: 5 used)

Eth Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

-25% Target Defense

Required Level: 15
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Tir Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

+2 to Mana After Each Kill

Required Level: 13
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Lo Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

20% Deadly Strike

Required Level: 59
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Mal Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

Prevent Monster Heal

Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Ral Rune
Inserted into a Berserker Axe

Adds 5-30 fire damage

Required Level: 19
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Mercenary Items : 

1: Vampire Gaze
Grim Helm
Defense: 252
Durability: 40 of 40
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 41
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 68
Fingerprint: 0xce14a2a8
+100% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 14
Damage Reduced by 15%
Adds 6-22 cold damage over 4 seconds
6% Life stolen per hit
7% Mana stolen per hit
15% Slower Stamina Drain

2: Duriel's Shell
Defense: 687
Durability: 150 of 150
Required Strength: 65
Required Level: 41
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x542ba7a0
+15 to Strength
+186% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Poison Resist +20%
+100 Maximum Durability
Cannot Be Frozen
+107 to Defense (Based on Character Level)
+86 to Life (Based on Character Level)

3: The Reaper's Toll
Two-Hand Damage: 40 to 475
Durability: 65 of 65
Required Dexterity: 89
Required Strength: 114
Required Level: 75
Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 87
Fingerprint: 0x93f6bad1
+237% Enhanced Damage
Adds 4-44 cold damage over 1 seconds
15% Life stolen per hit
Requirements -25%
Ignore Target Defense
33% Deadly Strike
33% Chance to cast Level 1 Decrepify on striking


Maxed Whirlwind, Axe Mastery, Battle Orders, all others are 1 point for now, except Find item - 5 hard points. My 18 unspent points will go to maxing Find Item (slvl 24, 53%), but for questing I didn't bother to increase it's level past 9 with Battle Command (gives 41%). The remaining points I haven't decided - passives or something, because Shout doesn't intrigue me that much anymore.
Combat Masteries
Combat Skills


In short: it took me more time thinking a somewhat decent name, than actually leveling him and finishing hell. :p

Played untwinked /p1 until Frigid Highlands normal and ~ lvl 26. (for the feel) Then started to scrap something up for him (+ melee charms what I had), leveled till 39 and equipped two Butchers Pupil Cleaver's. After that it was quite fast, /p1 nightmare till A5 and then got to levels 63 ; 64 ; 65 to get the end game equipment on... whoa! That's a blast, hadn't felt a melee build so strong and fast before. Some /p8 NM Baal runs, lvl 70. Then "Entrada Inferno". Started /p1 but when I got to Cold Plains waypoint, a thought became a decision: "Lets do it! Players 8 all hell!" While questing, I hadn't done it before, so I was anxious to see how this beast would work it through. It was faster than I expected. It took me one day (yesterday) to get from lvl 51 and entering A4 Nightmare to lvl 84 and downing Hell Nihlathak. For me it's fast at least. The last stretch, /p8 Ancients (maybe a lucky roll on them, but still fast and easy, my first time /p8 them while questing), waves and Baal himself were done this morning.

Deaths and Chaos Sanctum. :)

I died once in Nightmare CS, was slowly Berserking through it, but recklessness popped in and the lovely classic in return - starting whirlwind > Iron Maiden > empty bulb > finishes whirlwind and lays dead. :cloud9: Something to be remembered as the "good ol' days" after 1.13 for some.

And once in Hell CS /p8, slow and clean Berserking, but Lord de Seis (something enchanted, cold?) hits melee quite strong while I am decrepified and ding, I am dead. :) Still - learn not to underestimate enemies.

No more deaths so far, though the vipers in Nihlathak's Temple needed some caution.

What now.

I think I will whirl some more /p8 Hell Baal waves, maybe Pits horking a bit, leveling and then I will plan how to optimize him for the Council. He won't be a GF specialist, but rather a Lo, Ber, Jah digger, hopefully. ;) I like him overall, a strong melee character in my collection. :)

Shortly about the 6300+ LK runs.

When I started to use savecounter, I also made a "diary notepad", but I only checked Lem+ runes there (could have also checked some good charms), so here it is:

Lem - 4x
Um - 3x
Lo - 1x

This Lo was the fourth, also mentioned in the "milking LK" thread.

About the average feel of gems, charms. It felt like I got roughly a skiller a day (not counting rerolls), and some 20-30 pgems, by my 150 runs a day.

The stashes containing jewels and charms need cleaning, but here are some highlights of them, though some are before I started counting the runs:
Ruby Jewel of Fervor
Required Level: 58
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xc5dcb2a7
+35% Enhanced Damage
15% Increased Attack Speed

Ruby Jewel of Fervor
Required Level: 58
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x2a53233d
+38% Enhanced Damage
15% Increased Attack Speed

Vermilion Jewel of Carnage
Required Level: 50
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xd4919787
+29 to Maximum Damage

Lion Branded Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xa01098d3
+38 to Life
+1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)

Graverobber's Grand Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0xebc9c5b3
+38 to Life
+1 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)

Fine Small Charm of Vita
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 39
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x4c3faa3
+20 to Life
+20 to Attack Rating
+3 to Maximum Damage

Well, thanks for reading. :)
And wishing you all a merry Christmas waiting time,

Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Congrats on a powerful melee character! Two Grief BAs? Niiiice! ;-) A pity about the 31% IAS though.

Given your rune wealth, you didn't consider ethereal/indestructible BAs via Death/unsocketing? How's the repair time on those two at the moment? I was dreaming up something similar, but with Grief and Death BAs (I lack the runes at the moment though, my Grief is sitting in a PB).

Good luck running the Council - I hope the drops are kind to you!

You did remember correctly, it was me who burnt out on HF rushes. I've learnt to do things in moderation these days though...
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Very nice jewels/charms. A 3/20/20 is very stylish indeed, not to mention two RJoF's.

As for skills, I've been pondering the same thing, as my council whirler leveled yesterday and I started thinking about respecing. After maxing the four obvious skills, the only things that intrigue me are Natural Resist and Increased Speed. Not quite sure yet what to do, but I don't see anything else which would be useful. Iron Skin?
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

The damage against demons is aditive with each other as well as ED from grief, stats and skills. It's grief damage*(1+stat bonus ED+skill bonus ED+auras ED+Fortitude ED+against demons ED)
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

@ Aconite:

:) Thanks. Yes, I was informed of the ethereal-indestructible possibility (thanks to Fabian :thumbup: ), but I discarded it. Why? Because I came to playing the game basically from version 1.10+ on, hadn't been there in "the 1.07 era" and the like, and rewriting the past isn't for me. And plugging in the numbers, my current Grief (+max dmg charms) has an average damage of 447, while if it was the ethereal-idestructible it would be 497. Difference of 50, or 11,11% between the averages. It isn't THAT huge by my thoughts (for the %ed runewords it would be a different story), and I am ok with repairing it and happy about having un-cheesey Griefs. ;) And I am also happy for those who use and enjoy the other ones. The cost is exactly (without Gheeds and such) 473 gold per durability repaired (would be ~8000 for superior bases), they call for somewhat regular maintenance (like Maareek said, once a Baalrun), but I had that habit already.
I hope you enjoy the game now and wish you some lucky surprises too. :nod:

@ Fabian:

Hey mate! :wave: Hope you are doing fine.
Yep, that 3/20/20 made my eyes go BIG when I identified it, it was before the counted runs, around the same time the 35ed/15ias dropped. 38ed/15 is somewhat recent though.
I guess some empirical testing over time will show, what skills would be most benefiting.
One thing about equipment - I need to get rid of that Raven Frost and the cold damage, but that means pumping dexterity or looking for rare stuff to meat the BA's req 59... And maybe you have some thoughts about the attack rating against those, against which the ITD doesn't work? Skip that issue and leave as is? It's just that I was used to having high attack rating on my IK barb with 170 hard dexterity points... :p

@ Hrus:

Thanks, it's the confirmation on me using the formula correctly. :)
One last thing: I hope I am right, that each Grief receives only the ed vs demons/lvl that is listed on itself + that from LoH, not from the other Grief too?

Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Yeah AR is tough. Being the perfectionist that I am, I'd really like to find a way to raise that chance to hit without sacrificing too much in other departments. For me and my character, I think hard dex points might be the best way to do that, and compensate the lower life pool with more points in Natural Resistance. Another possibility would be to find super godly rares (mana/life leech, teleport, GF, 2os, AR% circlet please?), , but as usual I'm not exactly counting on that :) Your situation might be different though, especially since we focus on different things.

Good Steel/Sharp (preferrably Steel probably) charms are definitely important, I feel. I think pumping dex enough to equip the BA's can't be too bad, at the very least.
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

That comment about the super godly circlet made me giggle. :wink: Such combinations sound like the rarity of RJoF^3. :p

Your plan for putting points into dexterity and Natural Resistance sounds reasonable. And for myself - I will continue planning for what I want and what I have. (swapping sharp GC's for Steel's, hm...)

Btw, your AxeGoldie is one of the bases, that got me thinking about making such a character, so thanks for that work and thread. ;)
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Congratulations! Whirlers rock. A dual Grief whirler must be pretty nasty ;)

I don't know what I like best though, the LK drops or the character, because that's some very nice jewels and charms you got there.
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

@ Omgwtfbbqpwned:

Thanks :)
Well, I made some calculation for my first Grief and current setup, level 88 for example:

Min base = 24 + 366 (BA + Grief) = 390
Max base = 71 + 366 + 67 (BA + Grief + charms) = 504

Multiplier = 1 + 1,38 + 1,5 + 1,43 + 2,1 + 3 (base + str bonus + ww + mastery + might merc + fortitude) = 10,41
Multiplier vs demons = 10,41 + 3,5 + 1,65 (from above + LoH + Grief's dmg vs demons/lvl) = 15,56

That totals:

(390 x 10,41) - (504 x 10,41) = [B]4059,9 - 5246,64[/B]

and vs demons
(390 x 15,56) - (504 x 15,56) = [B]6068,4 - 7842,24[/B]

Would be nice to see those first numbers on the LCS. ;)

But... Adding that I have some nice double damage chance: 22 + 20 + 33 + 15 (mastery + Grief + Highlords + Gores) = 90%, basically multiplying average damage by 1,9.

The real average damage dealt:
(4059,9 x 1,9) - (5246,64 x 1,9) = [B]7713,81 - 9968,61[/B]

and vs demons
(6068,4 x 1,9) - (7842,24 x 1,9) = [B]11529,96 - 14900,25[/B]

I hope I am right on the math for what matters, but may not be precise in rounding them as the game does, but anyway, those are some mean numbers. :crazyeyes:

@ Nubikoen:

:nod: Whirlers rock! Non-unique demons with Grief's ITD, the damege, Reapers decrepify, leech is his favorite meal. See above for the exact "nastiness".
And for the charms and jewels - for 6300+ runs there should have been something nice, I suppose. :)

Cheers, people!
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Congratulations! That's some amazing gear!
Now I know what I want for Christmas...
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Well, your LK results in terms of runes aren't spectacular but you certainly can't complain after seeing those sweet jewels and charms, congrats :)
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Gratz on the Pat! Definitly some nice gear you have there.
Have you though about where you're going to place all those extra stat points?
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Just a small thing, Deadly Strike (Grief/Gore Rider/Highlord's) doesn't stack with Critical Strike (Mastery). I'm not sure if this is accurate, but I think it's something like if Deadly Strike doesn't happen, there's an x% chance of Critical Strike happening, so in your case it would be 0.68 + (0.32 * 0.22) = 75.04% chance of double damage. Again, this might not be the exact method, but it's something along those lines.
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

@ Raskah:

Glad you liked it. Look for some Lo's below the Christmas Tree. ;)


I shouldn't be complaining about High Runes overall, as you remember probably, how was my start in LK like before savecounter. ;) These 6300 runs are just averaging that spike out, as you predicted. :p

... I am afraid to summarize it even...

16 Sep 2009 - Lo - yaay! My first high rune here and so fast! By Mantra
19 Sep 2009 - Lo - no ****? I never thought to be lucky. By Bloodfire
21 Sep 2009 - Lo - this is ridiculous... Another one? Chest behind Mephisto. By Mantra
22 Sep 2009 - Ber - if I were asthmatic, I would have needed to inhale. A lot. By BloodFire

The first week of me running LK superchests and four high runes?! ... And I was not playing extensively at all. I didn't use savecounter then, but I doubt I even reached 1500 - 2000 runs...

@ Ziggyzug:

Thanks. :) I am not making him "titanic", those unspent stat points were just for fun. :jig: I have put 100 additional points in vitality (200 vitality total), 2500+ health now and testing what are the real death factors. My level 89 Pagan has still 195 unspent points, so I will probably put vita to 300 and something in in str/dex according to how my gear optimizes for Travincal. But I will do it slowly, I am predicting that I will have unspent points for quite some time.

@ Fabian:

Oops, I had assumed incorrectly them working so simple as I did. :p Thanks for pointing out, I checked it and your math is exact. Critical is checked first (and rules our Deadly if it succeeds), Deadly is the last thing to check. And Critical works only on physical damage, while Deadly works with more stuff, which I will study more on later.
Chance to do double damge = CS + (DS/100)*(100-CS)
So instead of my assumed 90% it's actually 75,04%. I would need additional 19,18% DS on gear to maintain the 90% - not that I plan to, just playing with numbers.

Once again, appreciated the note, Fabian! :)

Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Theolog said:
And Critical works only on physical damage, while Deadly works with more stuff, which I will study more on later.
Actually, critical hit from barbarian/assassin masteries, the Critical Strike amazon skill, and the deadly strike mod on items only work on physical damage. They also all apply after other skill damage. Since multiplication is commutative, this normally doesn't matter. It does matter for things that convert physical damage to elemental (Berserk, amazon arrow skills, etc) and for Vengeance, which adds elemental damage based on physical damage done. These will not benefit from DS and kin. Since you're running a barb, you're only going to care because DS won't help you take out a PI council member with Berserk.

On another note, I believe they are raising the mastery critical hit rates in v1.13. You'll need to take this into account when running numbers, as it will marginally improve your damage over time.
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Pharaoh - it's the benefit of having experts around here to learn from, thanks. :)

My knowledge about the exact melee mechanics was somewhat shallow it seems, it's got more to it than I thought. When I quickly searched for the "DS+CS" formula after Fabian's note, I saw some sentences with "vengeance, elemental etc" but didn't delve into the exact details then. Berserk's magic damage and DS aren't friends with each other... Not that it's crucial, it's not my main skill anyway and it works quite nicely already on those occasions you mentioned. :)

On a side thought - I remember someone from Blizzard saying about design philosophy: "Easy to learn, difficult to master." Attracting lots and pleasing experts.

And yes, the 1.13 predicts "Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35", I had noticed that, and I am guessing I will get from 22% to 31%.
Re: Patriarch Pagan - axe whirler, omen of doom for the Council (+6300 LK runs report

Oh, I'm far from an expert. I'm not big on the formulas and numbers and stuff, but if something seems relevant to my build, I'll look it up. For example, if I want to know whether a Shael rune in my weapon will let me attack a frame faster, I'll use the German weapon speed calculator (which we can't link to here).

Basically, CS/DS work like this: if there is any physical damage dealt by your attack, and either CS or DS triggers, then that physical damage component is doubled. Thus, attacks lacking a significant physical damage component benefit little, if at all.

I believe in the bad old days (v1.07 and earlier) it did apply to all damage. It would also apply on an amazon's Lightning Strike and (I believe) Lightning Fury attacks, along with all sorts of powerful mods. Crushing blow on the bouncing lightning from LS? Yes please! :)
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