Patch v1.13 Undocumented Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden ifr


New member
May 23, 2004
Patch v1.13 Undocumented Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

I think it's a good idea to keep track of the changes in 1.13 that can be confirmed by the community. I've spoilered the ones I found in the data files incase you want to find them yourself. Likewise, if you have other stuff to add, let me know.

New misc items after Meph's brain/Diablo horn/etc:

Token of Absolution - rarity 999, cost 99999, code: toa
Twisted Essence of Suffering - Rarity 1, cost 10000, code: tes
Charged Essense of Hatred - Rarity 1, cost 10000, code: ceh
Burning Essence of Terror - Rarity 1, cost 10000, code: bet
Festering Essence of Destruction - Rarity 1, cost 10000, code: fed

Andariel Hell and Duriel Hell drops Twisted Essence of Suffering - 1/11 chance
Mephisto Hell drops Charged Essense of Hatred - 1/13 chance
Diablo Hell drops Burning Essence of Terror - 1/13 chance
Ball Hell drops Festering Essence of Destruction - 1/13 chance

Cube recipe:

Token of Absolution - 4 inputs: all of the above, results in Token of Absolution

Unsure what this does at the moment, but it's marked as a quest item.

Edit: I heard it allows respecs

By the way, the lower the rarity, the harder it is to find it

Nothing new that I could find in the data files.

[highlight]Drop change[/highlight]
As mentioned above, New Misc Items:
Andariel Hell and Duriel Hell drops Twisted Essence of Suffering - 1/11 chance
Mephisto Hell drops Charged Essense of Hatred - 1/13 chance
Diablo Hell drops Burning Essence of Terror - 1/13 chance
Ball Hell drops Festering Essence of Destruction - 1/13 chance

Quest drops have a better chance. For example, Hell Andy has a 1/7 chance of dropping a Twisted Essence of Suffering on players 1 on the quest drop.

Increased HR drops
A sample of the increased drop chance:

Pre 1.13, Hell Mephisto had a 1:975,392 chance of dropping Cham.
Post 1.13, Hell Mephisto has a 1:332,321 chance of dropping Cham

So about 3x better. Haven't ran through all the monsters though. Only TC's Runes 12 and up have been affected (or runes starting from Um upwards)

Additional drop information linked by SnickerSnack in the Single Player forum. Interesting read.

Fangskin hell drop TC has not been fixed...

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Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes

@ omg - I thought the leveling cheat was only available on the test realms...unless you already have a level 99...

So it clears out all your stuff when you do the re-spec thing? Even your gear? If that's the thanks to re-spec!
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes

I am playing on the test realms. My 99 couldn't run Baal, so I booted up SP to collect the parts.

And no, it just gives you back all your stat points and skill points. Doesn't affect anything else. You already get 3 respec opportunities after clearing Den of Evil, and if that isn't enough, the Token of Whatever lets you do it more.
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

This was already the case in previous versions (except with a 100% chance for dropping uniques); not that it will matter until he's implemented in those difficulties, of course :)

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Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

I am playing on the test realms. My 99 couldn't run Baal, so I booted up SP to collect the parts.

And no, it just gives you back all your stat points and skill points. Doesn't affect anything else. You already get 3 respec opportunities after clearing Den of Evil, and if that isn't enough, the Token of Whatever lets you do it more.

Can you confirm whether the token is unlimited use, or a once off and you need to build it again?

This was already the case in previous versions (except with a 100% chance for dropping uniques); not that it will matter until he's implemented in those difficulties, of course :)

Thanks for the confirmation, I'll modify the original post.

I'll also modify the original post with other information added and provide credit.

I was hoping there would be new uniques/runewords, even if they weren't listed in the data files, but it appears to not be the case.

Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

How exactly is the Token of Absolution used? Do you just right-click it and get your stat/skill points back?
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

They screwed up Duriel's drop rate. Looks like a bug....


Treasure Class		Picks	

Duriel			-2	0	tsc	1	Duriel - Base		2
Duriel (N)		-2	0	tsc	1	Duriel (N) - Base	2
Duriel (H)		-2	0	tsc	1	Duriel (H) - Base	2

Treasure Class		Picks	

Duriel			5	0	tsc	1	Duriel - Base		2
Duriel (N)		5	0	tsc	1	Duriel (N) - Base	2
Duriel (H)		5	0	tsc	1	Duriel (H) - Base	2

...which is interesting. So in 1.12 Duriel would one scroll and one from his Duriel-Base TC. However, now in 1.13, there's no guarantee that he'll drop from his Base TC at all! In fact, you could just get a stack of TP scrolls of him.

Thanks to RTB for pointing this out to me :)
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Trying to figure out where to collect my respec award after clearing den of evil. I don't see any option for it, even though the quest is flagged as cleared. No mention from Akara about letting me re-train either. Thoughts? Using lvl 99 sorc, all skill points used.

EDIT: nvm, seems you have to talk to akara again in order to get the respec option. Strange, either I missed it the first time or it wasn't there right after I completed the quest; checking again....

Double EDIT: disregard this post >.>; it was there from the beginning.
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

They screwed up Duriel's drop rate. Looks like a bug....


Treasure Class        Picks    

Duriel            -2    0    tsc    1    Duriel - Base        2
Duriel (N)        -2    0    tsc    1    Duriel (N) - Base    2
Duriel (H)        -2    0    tsc    1    Duriel (H) - Base    2
Treasure Class        Picks    

Duriel            5    0    tsc    1    Duriel - Base        2
Duriel (N)        5    0    tsc    1    Duriel (N) - Base    2
Duriel (H)        5    0    tsc    1    Duriel (H) - Base    2
...which is interesting. So in 1.12 Duriel would one scroll and one from his Duriel-Base TC. However, now in 1.13, there's no guarantee that he'll drop from his Base TC at all! In fact, you could just get a stack of TP scrolls of him.

Thanks to RTB for pointing this out to me :)
I have had quite a lot (like, I don't know - 25% of the time maybe )of 3 TP scroll drops from the fat bug. So I can confirm that.

Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

I investigated 1.13 text files associated with the drop system and compared them symbol by symbol to 1.12 equivalents. No changes there except listed High Rune drop enhancement and essences drops addition.

So I assume that any changes in drop chances of other items are the result of altering high runes rarity.
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Can anyone with the patch files handy post the updated list of act 5 merc names? There's speculation in the d3 forum that the 2 new names will be tied to d3 barb npcs. And I'm wondering if they're 2 added Klar and Tryneus names, or if they changed 2 current names.

Not that that really matters in terms of d3 plot stuff, but I'm curious, and it would go for an update to the wiki page. Here's the v1.12 and earlier barb merc names.
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Hey Flux,

Looking at the files, I believe they changed the tbl file strings.

In 1.13, MercX136 is called 'Klar', in 1.12 it was 'Weohstan'.
In 1.13, MercX135 is called 'Tryneus', in 1.12 it was 'Erfor'.

In 1.12, Hirelings.txt defined the names to be from MercX101 to MercX167.
In 1.13, Hirelings.txt defines the names to be from MercX101 to MercX167.

So it looks like they just replaced the name strings, the didn't actually add any new Mercs :)
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Say, I think I found two differences in 1.13:

  • I found a Short Bow with 3 sockets in Normal Stony Field. I thought that's not possible that early?
  • Also, Lightning Enchanted monsters seem to release their bolts with a slight delay. Might be just me, though.

EDIT: I'm also able to shop for a Short Bow of Slaying (+7 to maximum damage) at character level 6. Don't remember that happening before.
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Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

^In 1.12 I know you can easily buy a 3os short bow and longbow from Gheed extremely early in the game, even before stoney field. So I think those are regular drops. In fact, I always find the best way to start a bowazon off is to just shop for a 3os longbow (for the 1-10 dam) and put your first three primary colored chipped gems into it. Best bow in the game! [Very early, anyway]
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Yeah, my mistake. I just had not found that many, I guess.

Any word on the Lightning Enchanted bosses? It also seems they don't always shoot the bolts. Or was that already the case?
Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes

I am playing on the test realms. My 99 couldn't run Baal, so I booted up SP to collect the parts.

And no, it just gives you back all your stat points and skill points. Doesn't affect anything else. You already get 3 respec opportunities after clearing Den of Evil, and if that isn't enough, the Token of Whatever lets you do it more.

so characters that have already completed the quests pre-1.13 will have no chance at respec?

Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Magic find percentages seem to have changed also, at least in ammys. I gambled a blue ammy with 45% mf on it, the limit used to be 35%.

Edit. i guess you're right, but i never gambled any over 35% in 1.12, and on the first round gambling them in the patch i got two over that right away. Just seemed out of place at the time
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Re: Patch v1.13 Unofficial Patch Notes *spoilers* hidden

Can you confirm whether the token is unlimited use, or a once off and you need to build it again?

It's not unlimited use - it's a consumable. But there's no limit to how many you can consume.

so characters that have already completed the quests pre-1.13 will have no chance at respec?

Upgrading a pre-1.13 character to 1.13 allows them to get respec quests from Akara as long as they've done Den of Evil.

Magic find percentages seem to have changed also, at least in ammys. I gambled a blue ammy with 45% mf on it, the limit used to be 35%.

45%? Does it have a prefix and suffix? Because that was possible before too.

Also, it would be good to note here that Hydra projectile speed has decreased by 14.3%, not increased, and that Gloams are still as dangerous as ever.

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