OT Thread Naming Contest, all welcome

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OT: the Santabunny: Never look both ways before crossing the street
OT: the Santabunny2 easterbunny: taking candy from a stranger
OT: the Santabunny reloaded: Playing with matches.
Victus has disappeared from the face of the earth.

Havent been in contact with him in ages.

Lets not be voting for people that rarely post here anymore.

Come to think of it, didnt we already have an OT thread voting for the next mod?
I wonder who won that one... by a lot.
~Kazama Fury~ said:
Victus has disappeared from the face of the earth.

Havent been in contact with him in ages.

Lets not be voting for people that rarely post here anymore.

Come to think of it, didnt we already have an OT thread voting for the next mod?
I wonder who won that one... by a lot.

some jerk that hardly ever posts here IIRC
OK guys, I have had to bring up appropriate language and conversation to some of the posters here. Remember I mentioned keeping it from being offensive? Some of you have crossed tha plain. Get yourselves back under control, or the thread title will be forced to be OT: Life Under Shaperla's police state.

And my first name is frankly nobody on here's busines. To the best of my knowledge 5 people on these forums know my name. I intend to keep it that way.
Just out of curiousity, but are you one of those five people that know it?

OT: Never saw that coming
OT: Bunnies with chainsaws
OT: fuzzy reptiles
Note to all:

I recieved a warning PM from Shaperla.

Cross off "No Shaperlas Allowed Club: Clit this link".
Shaperla said:
And my first name is frankly nobody on here's busines. To the best of my knowledge 5 people on these forums know my name. I intend to keep it that way.
Chuck it is.

Unchosen, I had already crossed it off because my mental filter blocked it out. Who needs technology?
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