OT Thread Naming Contest, all welcome

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TheUnchosen said:
Well how about:

OT: No Shaperlas Allowed Club: Obaz is L33b.
Sure why not.....problem with naming the thread after a mod is they tend to post in it a lot....look at Garbald last month.
That never worked with No Girls Allowed in getting females here...

... Zabo still came quite alot thought... :scratch:

TheKbob said:
That never worked with No Girls Allowed in getting females here...

... Zabo still came quite alot thought... :scratch:

Isn't Obaz, Zabo's female alterego? Beowulf is not sure of this....
Beowulf said:
Isn't Obaz, Zabo's female alterego? Beowulf is not sure of this....

that would be implying he has a male alter ego... oh well.

And since when does Beowolf refer to himself in the 3rd person?

TheKbob said:
that would be implying he has a male alter ego... oh well.

And since when does Beowolf refer to himself in the 3rd person?

Something new Beowulf wants to try but he is not sure he wants to keep doing it as it is getting old and he is bored.
Tor said:
i poured laxatives in his coffee

*looks into cup*

Well... huh... .... I guess im lucky I can post and poo at the same time with my handy, dandy, notebook! (computer)

*runs to the bathroom*

Wow you should all be honored that Patsy of all people has graced your presense...

and he hasnt even stopped by home!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Mexican Whooping Llamas all the way!If you dont know where its from i question your right to live. also open to The knights who say Nee!! oops on 2nd thought that would fit more with pallies my bad.
Mep musta just gotten laid or something...

OT: No Shaperlas Allowed Club: Clit this link. Meppy finaly got laid.
OT: Something's Different

Shaperla, we need your first name so we can feel familiar with you. Like how we always tease(d) Wil because we can.
Still no first name, I say we call you Chuck.
I concur.

Shaperla = Chuck.

Then it should be:

OT: No Chucks Allowed Club: Clit this link.

Not so offensive and obvious.
I like it.
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