Official Druid OT Thread: Welcome to a brave new world ifr

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I like how sometimes when I surf the forums I get a popup window that says "This document contains no data"

Usually I browsing the OTF or Comm forums or some OTthread... it should really say this Document contains no coherent thought...

:xflash: :xflash: :xflash: :xmad:

proudfoot said:
My Garbad made me the top student in my class, and all for the low, low rate of one age-related compliment a day for two weeks! Thank you, Goat Industries! :)
No, your compliments are because you have a crush on me. I work for money only. Sorry second-to-ash love.

Strid said:
Nothing beats the supreme comfort of walking around in your boxers all day. Beats the crap out of wearing khakis.
I never said anything about what I wear underneath....

grrrrr.... i had all my x-mas shopping planned out at the end of November... then my work "forgot" to pay me, so IO've still not started buying stuff cause I've still not been paid yet. Monthly pay almost two weeks late is not good...
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