Official Druid OT Thread: Welcome to a brave new world ifr

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you might as well adopt the name and # for the OT thread, we arnt the trad forum, we've had at last 50 of these threads, might as well keep track
Nature's Brownies, Pink Beavers, Roasted Emus, Powdered Snow, Flying Camels and now Official Druid OT Thread?

Yeah man, it totally works!!
As sad as it is, I dunno if we're ALLOWED to create OT threads...

I mean I would create a NGAC but Shaperla might take offense.
But it would feel alot more better/right if NGAC was back..
alainpp66 said:
I'd like to say officially and openly, if Shaperla modding is just a temp solution until someone else is found (Which seems is the case).

I'd be available for Modding if that's the direction Elly and the others would choose to go.

I know my posting has been limited of late, But even in the last few months I've been consistently reading the forums including the Druid OT threads. I agree things have definitely gotten hand with certain posts and certain comments and I'm glad steps were taken to rectify that.

I also understand Shaperla took the bullet on this one, so the Druids could keep their OT. Let me say, all the guys here appreciate having the OT thread back. Most just don't like the way things were done.

All this to say, I'd like to devote myself to insure the Druid forum has a proper balance of leisure and courtesy while not putting an extra load on an already busy Mod.

I miss you! Post more or ill have to trout you. That sounds about right doesnt it?

Anyways, Grats to shap, im sure they will be tame, and hope that this works out quite well. However the druid in me says: Change Teh Title! :D
its teh new ot grove for drooid. seemed weird that it was stickied.. thought i was in the necro forum...then i saw shaperla.. so then i thought i was in the trade forum... then again its weird that i post in this thread too. :O

change the title... looks funkie. not druooid enough.

NGAC seems to have been moved and at least I can't access it anymore, I guess it was sent where the sun won't shine.
Garbad still posts but he has resigned modship.

Been playing Half-life 2 and it's been fun so far. The vehicles are excellent. :clap:
You've answered your own question Ash.

I gave some suggestions to Shaperla on how to handle this OT but I don't think my opinion matters. I basically asked him to change the name and unsticky the thread and be our friend before being our moderator.

I recall him telling me something along the lines of wanting to control and manage this Forum his way and not someone else's.

We'll see how he handles this place...I mean it is HIS Forum now and no longer the community's.
Let's try to keep our noses clean again, the earlier "shaping up" period didn't result in many casualties so this one shouldn't prove a problem, right?

The inpersonal and objective modship approach might not fit our close knit community ideals, but realistically there isn't any other option unless there has been enough time to get aquinted(sp) with the community. I hope we can form as warm relationship with our current mod as we did with our previous one(Garbad).

If this is a temporary solution, I will support either of the current openly seeking this position.

I got nothing, cause anything I say is either ignored or I would get yelled at by someone...

TheUnchosen said:
You've answered your own question Ash.

I gave some suggestions to Shaperla on how to handle this OT but I don't think my opinion matters. I basically asked him to change the name and unsticky the thread and be our friend before being our moderator.

I recall him telling me something along the lines of wanting to control and manage this Forum his way and not someone else's.

We'll see how he handles this place...I mean it is HIS Forum now and no longer the community's.

Frankly Unchosen, like or don't, it is how it is going to happen. If you don't like it, leave. I don't really want to hear about it. I told you, but perhaps it has not sunk in yet, I am going to leave you guys for the most part alone. The only time I intend to do anything special in here is if someone violates the rules of this site.

If the name on the OT thread isn't "creative" enough for you, I am happy to get rid of it. Permanently. Doesn't bother me a bit. I have taken away OT completely on west in the past, it won't hurt me to lose it here. One less thing I have to read.

This is a new scene for you guys. There is no history. I will be glad to send you the number of some doctors who will help you cope. I deleted and moved all the NGAC threads that were on the first page. I am letting everyone start over. I am going to give everyone a chance. Frankly, I am not your leader. You guys still have the same leaders you had previously, the only difference is who is enforcing. Before, it was enforcement by commitee, and now there is only one person dealing with things here.

You need a thread stickied? Tell me. You want someone's flame dealt with before you get stupid and respond? Send an alert. You want help with editing a thread? Pm, email, ICQ, AOL, Yahoo, etc. If I am home, I am open for business. I may not respond, or I may not deal with your issue in ten minutes, but I will deal with the issue.

Now, can we get on with things? Or are y'all just going to complain? Doesn't bother me either way. But it will probably be far more pleasant if you get over it and move on.
Shaperla said:
Like or don't, it is how its going to be. If you don't like it, leave. I don't really want to hear about it. I am happy to get rid of OT. Permanently. One less thing I have to read.

I will send you the number of some doctors to help you cope. I am not your leader. Now, can we get on with things? Or are y'all just going to complain?
My god....

I suppose the law has spoken.

After receiving a PM from Xircon I have decide to stay aboard and give things a chance. Maybe a good relationship can be forged with out new mod for his duration here. I am going to be opened minded about the whole thing and let things unfold as they will. I hope other people will do the same.

Anywhow on to the off-topic....has anyone seen the Alexander movie? Debating still but before anything I have to get the new Matrix box set next Tuesday (I have a final that morning so it will be a present to myself for completing the final :lol: ) and then next week Return of King extended edition. Should be good!!!
Shaperla said:
If the name on the OT thread isn't "creative" enough for you, I am happy to get rid of it. Permanently. Doesn't bother me a bit. I have taken away OT completely on west in the past, it won't hurt me to lose it here. One less thing I have to read.
Then a little further...

Shaperla said:
You want help with editing a thread? Pm, email, ICQ, AOL, Yahoo, etc. If I am home, I am open for business. I may not respond, or I may not deal with your issue in ten minutes, but I will deal with the issue.
I got the impression Unchosen did just that, pm you for a thread editing. A funny, ironic or interesting thread title spurs conversation when topics are scarce, in my opinion.

Garbad_the_Weak said:
I suppose the law has spoken.
In my opinion, it's a shame Doc got the OTF and not druid forum. :hanky:
Feedback, enough. This isn't the first time we've been put under a new er "enforcer" with frygia not too long ago and we turned out just fine. Nothing has been done yet to make us complain other than a thread title. Pick yer battles.

@Beo I refuse to see alexander. Mostly because I am broke.

*grumbles about not having a job*
Alright guys,
I've just come out of chatting with Shaperla and after a much heated debate, that stubborn mule won't change a thing.

But meh, like Zabo says, pick your battles.

Basically Shaperla has said we're proving our worth in this thread here.
No title change (Shaperla is teh creative), no un-stickying..until the next thread. So guys, it sucks alot but we can make it work.

So back to business:

I haven't seen Alexander and I haven't heard any good reviews.

Don't be sad Garbad, we still love you.
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