TheUnchosen said:
You've answered your own question Ash.
I gave some suggestions to Shaperla on how to handle this OT but I don't think my opinion matters. I basically asked him to change the name and unsticky the thread and be our friend before being our moderator.
I recall him telling me something along the lines of wanting to control and manage this Forum his way and not someone else's.
We'll see how he handles this place...I mean it is HIS Forum now and no longer the community's.
Frankly Unchosen, like or don't, it is how it is going to happen. If you don't like it, leave. I don't really want to hear about it. I told you, but perhaps it has not sunk in yet, I am going to leave you guys for the most part alone. The only time I intend to do anything special in here is if someone violates the rules of this site.
If the name on the OT thread isn't "creative" enough for you, I am happy to get rid of it. Permanently. Doesn't bother me a bit. I have taken away OT completely on west in the past, it won't hurt me to lose it here. One less thing I have to read.
This is a new scene for you guys. There is no history. I will be glad to send you the number of some doctors who will help you cope. I deleted and moved all the NGAC threads that were on the first page. I am letting everyone start over. I am going to give everyone a chance. Frankly, I am not your leader. You guys still have the same leaders you had previously, the only difference is who is enforcing. Before, it was enforcement by commitee, and now there is only one person dealing with things here.
You need a thread stickied? Tell me. You want someone's flame dealt with before you get stupid and respond? Send an alert. You want help with editing a thread? Pm, email, ICQ, AOL, Yahoo, etc. If I am home, I am open for business. I may not respond, or I may not deal with your issue in ten minutes, but I will deal with the issue.
Now, can we get on with things? Or are y'all just going to complain? Doesn't bother me either way. But it will probably be far more pleasant if you get over it and move on.