Non-trapper with this gear?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Non-trapper with this gear?

Hey all,

Played a trapper through mat, want to play a kicker/MA. Having never played one, I'm not sure of the differences and don't want to waste skill points finding out.

I play PVM SP, don't use the RWM (just my own thing, no reason), and don't trade. But I Atma freely among my toons. I don't mind some hotkeying.

Here would be my projected end game gear. I don't have a lot of expensive stuff and don't plan to MF for more. Is there a build that will get through Hell with this:

Treachery Armor (or smoke, if needed)
Jade Claw
Moser's or +3 MA claw (I will shop a little)
String of Ears/IK belt
+3 MA skills ammy
dual leach rare ring
IK gloves for strength along with belt to reach 105 for Jade Claw

Not sure about boots. I have IK boots, goblin toes, gorefoots, war travs. No boots to write home about, and I have a feeling I need some good ones to kick.

Look to have around +10 to MA skills all said and done, with some leach and CBF. Goblin toes would get me some CD, treachery some IAS and Fade/Venom so I could keep BoS up.

Re: Non-trapper with this gear?

IMO, go with a K/T.

Use the gear you listed and wear double upp'ed Toes (single upp'ed if you wanna keep the runes, upping is only for leeching). A Guillaume's Face instead of Shako would be nice, but if you don't have one Shako's plenty fine.

You can't use BoS and Fade at the same time, so if you go with Treachery you're stuck with Fade. Add that to no FRW from Toes, you're looking at some slow run speeds. If it bothers you, you shall opt for the Smoke. (If you have Guillaume's, wear some boots with FRW, IK would be pretty neat)

If you're adamant on making a pure MA sin with only DS support, going pure DTalon and stacking CB is an option. Phoenix Strikers are more hotkey-intensive (and imo, fun), but will have a harder time on a semi-budget.
Estimated market value