Newbie. Intro to SP community


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Newbie. Intro to SP community

Hi everybody,

I'm Kerim i'm a d2 player for a year or so. I really like the game, actually i was playing it when it was first released but in that time i did not know english so the game was a pain for me. And i came back to d2 one year ago.

This week, finally i get an access to network and i found this community. decided to join.

My favourite character... frankly, i dont know, i dont have that much exp with each character but what i know is i hate druids. Can anyone kill something with that useless things :D

I play selffound and softcore so far. I was thinking to play hardcore but due to my massive carelessness ratio i decided to stay in softcore.

It seems thats all.

Thank you all for reading :)

and if any of you see my zod. please tell me. i'm looking for it. i lost it a year ago :p
Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Welcome to the community! It is possible to make kills with druids - in my quest for one guardian in each class I've been successful with all but the amazon and barbarian thus far. That said, the last two hours of my guardian druid were only survived due to luck and perseverence. Mostly the former.

So what characters are you working on at the moment? Any particular goals in terms of magic find or builds?
Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Welcome to the community! It is possible to make kills with druids - in my quest for one guardian in each class I've been successful with all but the amazon and barbarian thus far. That said, the last two hours of my guardian druid were only survived due to luck and perseverence. Mostly the former.

So what characters are you working on at the moment? Any particular goals in terms of magic find or builds?


since i dont have an enigma(wondering if i could ever have) my only mfing source is sorc. i have blizz and she runs to AT and Pindle.

i also have hammerdin, poison necro, frenzy barb and strafer. I like the poison necro and hammerdin but barb and amazon dont make me feel good enough when playing. So they are parked after finish the hell.

today after i read some texts about 1.13 i decided to do travincal runner it is my goal for know. WW barb's are the best for this runs as i read.

Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Welcome to the SP community here! :D

It seems you have gotten yourself off to a good start in getting your items. I still only have my crap-geared Meteorb sorc and Fishymancer, although the fact I've been hanging on the PTR and in 1.09 SP probably has something to do with that...

You don't really need an Enigma to do some Mfing with your other chars. It sure as hell helps, but you should survive without it (and get some characters going in cold-immune areas).

Also, what do you mean by Travincal running? Are you going for gold or a certain item that drops there?
Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Welcome to the forums!

Just run AT and Meph with your Blizz sorc, and you will have a good start! And read the stickies, check the tournaments. They are loads of fun if you burned out in LK.

And hide your wallet somewhere. People are a bit kleptomanic here :shhh:
Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

but what i know is i hate druids. Can anyone kill something with that useless things :D

Worst. Introduction. Ever.

*equips boots and kicks crotch*

No, but really, welcome to the forums and I hope you have a pleasant stay. I hope in due time, your opinion of Druids will change. :)

You better hope Liq doesn't see your post, or I suppose you'll get a second round of groin bashing.

Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

't see your post, or I suppose you'll get a second round of groin bashing.

I was thinking the same thing lol.

Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay! Your blizz sorc can definitely find some tasty gear for you, and it seems like you've already got a feel for most of the classes. Hope to see some more posts in the future!

Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

My favourite character... frankly, i dont know, i dont have that much exp with each character but what i know is i hate druids. Can anyone kill something with that useless things :D
I used to be able to kill things with my werewolf, but then he reached Act 4 in Hell difficulty, and I think a gaggle of Burning Souls wore me down. Been trying to find a reliable build ever since, but they've all ended up with glaring weaknesses. Then again, there's always Open Wounds. (No. Who am I kidding? While it's fun to get some use out of a Skull Splitter before adding it to my collection of useless uniques, it just doesn't cut it in the long run.)

Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Btw, I'm just bumpin this incase Liq missed your intro. :whistling:

Oh hey, look at this wallet I just found!
Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Who is Liq. :) Probably a guy who loves druids. I hope s/he could teach me how to play with druids :D

Welcome to the SP community here! :D

It seems you have gotten yourself off to a good start in getting your items. I still only have my crap-geared Meteorb sorc and Fishymancer, although the fact I've been hanging on the PTR and in 1.09 SP probably has something to do with that...

You don't really need an Enigma to do some Mfing with your other chars. It sure as hell helps, but you should survive without it (and get some characters going in cold-immune areas).

Also, what do you mean by Travincal running? Are you going for gold or a certain item that drops there?


Probably just for runes maybe for some gold. :) I read about the calculations and people keep saying travincal is best way to get runes in 1.13 I like playing the way i have fun. So hf rush and lk run really not my thing. Maybe travincal will be. I hope so :)

Welcome to the forums!

Just run AT and Meph with your Blizz sorc, and you will have a good start! And read the stickies, check the tournaments. They are loads of fun if you burned out in LK.

And hide your wallet somewhere. People are a bit kleptomanic here :shhh:

Tournaments. Hmm seems interesting. Thanks for advices and nice welcome. :)

I lost my zod so my wallet is empty :p no need to hide it.

Worst. Introduction. Ever.

*equips boots and kicks crotch*

No, but really, welcome to the forums and I hope you have a pleasant stay. I hope in due time, your opinion of Druids will change. :)

You better hope Liq doesn't see your post, or I suppose you'll get a second round of groin bashing.

Ouchh. It hurts. Worst. Welcome. Ever. :)

I was thinking the same thing lol.

Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay! Your blizz sorc can definitely find some tasty gear for you, and it seems like you've already got a feel for most of the classes. Hope to see some more posts in the future!

I think Liq did not see your post either. :p

Assasin is the only class that i havent tried. In near future, probably i will :)

I used to be able to kill things with my werewolf, but then he reached Act 4 in Hell difficulty, and I think a gaggle of Burning Souls wore me down. Been trying to find a reliable build ever since, but they've all ended up with glaring weaknesses. Then again, there's always Open Wounds. (No. Who am I kidding? While it's fun to get some use out of a Skull Splitter before adding it to my collection of useless uniques, it just doesn't cut it in the long run.)

How could you manage to go until Act 4 Hell :D I think druids must be Pat after finishing NM :D

Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Btw, I'm just bumpin this incase Liq missed your intro. :whistling:

Oh hey, look at this wallet I just found!


Not my wallet. :p

Re: Newbie. Intro to SP community

Druids are very playable. The easiest build is probably the Wind Druid, which basically means 80 points in Cyclone Armour, Twister, Tornado, and Hurricane (which all synergise eahc other), make sure you have a fair amount of Faster Cast Rate (FCR) and +skills, and et voila, a very playable Druid. Fury Werewolves are also decent (and fast, especially if you find a weapon with a decent amount of Increase Attack Speed (IAS)), and there's always Stompin' Maulin' Werebear. Basically use Shockwave to stun everything and then Maul them to death. A very sturdy character which packs quite a punch. Don't forget whatever Druid you're using to chuck a few points in the summon tree for a Grizzly. Even a level 1 Grizzly is a useful tank, and when you add in +skills, you're looking at a very useful, recastable tank. Won't kill anything, but will stop a lot of things from killing you. Vines and Spirits can also be useful 1-point wonders, although plenty of recasting will be involved. If you have the points to spare, a 20-point Spirit (either Oak Sage for life or Heart of Wolverine for damage and attack rating (AR)) can prove very useful indeed.

Anyhoo, welcome to the forum, and if I may steal a phrase from another forum I used to frequent, the beer's in the fridge, and the nuts are all over the board. :p
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