New SPF HC/SC Ladder Website. Questions?
Ok. I've been studying the code for the old website for the last few days now and I'm pretty sure that what would be best is a complete rewrite.
The original site is very good, but it's all written with Frontpage and utilises frontpage extensions. I don't have frontpage nor does my ISP offer frontpage extensions so I will need to do a complete rebuild to host it on my ISP.
What I wanted to know is will people be very upset if the design and layout of the site changes?
- If so please offer comments as to what you like about the current site and why.
- If not, please offer some ideas that you might like to see in a new site.
Also - my graphic design skills are not award winning. If there is anyone out there in the SPF that would like to contribute some graphics for the replacement site I would be most appreciative - otherwise I'm just going to leech the existing graphics off the site as it stands.
Replacement Site Comments:
* Database replaced with MySQL back end instead of text files. Users have all current functionality available.
* Site code rewritten with Dynamic code and CSS.
* User login added allowing dynamic menu options.
* Users can add their own new characters. This will be on a trust basis initially but may be moderated if required.
* Suggestions and comments page added for contact with site maintainer.
Possible additions to site:
* Avatars allowed for chars.
* Ability to add Giveaway lists for registered users with mailto: links if required (links will be held in the database and custom email form used within site to avoid bot's trawling user email addresses).
* "Their Deeds of Valour Shall Be Remembered" Memorial page to fallen comrades.
If anyone has any extra comments, etc please either post here, pm me or email me
[email protected]
(ps Moderators: do you want to sticky this thread while the new site is being developed or link it to the faq?)
Ok. I've been studying the code for the old website for the last few days now and I'm pretty sure that what would be best is a complete rewrite.
The original site is very good, but it's all written with Frontpage and utilises frontpage extensions. I don't have frontpage nor does my ISP offer frontpage extensions so I will need to do a complete rebuild to host it on my ISP.
What I wanted to know is will people be very upset if the design and layout of the site changes?
- If so please offer comments as to what you like about the current site and why.
- If not, please offer some ideas that you might like to see in a new site.
Also - my graphic design skills are not award winning. If there is anyone out there in the SPF that would like to contribute some graphics for the replacement site I would be most appreciative - otherwise I'm just going to leech the existing graphics off the site as it stands.
Replacement Site Comments:
* Database replaced with MySQL back end instead of text files. Users have all current functionality available.
* Site code rewritten with Dynamic code and CSS.
* User login added allowing dynamic menu options.
* Users can add their own new characters. This will be on a trust basis initially but may be moderated if required.
* Suggestions and comments page added for contact with site maintainer.
Possible additions to site:
* Avatars allowed for chars.
* Ability to add Giveaway lists for registered users with mailto: links if required (links will be held in the database and custom email form used within site to avoid bot's trawling user email addresses).
* "Their Deeds of Valour Shall Be Remembered" Memorial page to fallen comrades.
If anyone has any extra comments, etc please either post here, pm me or email me
[email protected]
(ps Moderators: do you want to sticky this thread while the new site is being developed or link it to the faq?)